Tij laug kj neej thiab kv ma zoo ib yam kawg li kv tu txiv los twb nrog nws tu poj niam tag lawm los nws yeej tseem rov qab mu sib aim thiab nyob g ua ke thiab muab nrauj lawm os
Kam ua txiv hlob txiv yau kiag mas tus brother aws. Ib qho zoo2 uas yuav ua tau rau nej nrov thiab nto moo lug thiab yuav ua rau Luag tej ntshaws yus lub neej rau tiam 21 no mas
Eb me n ntsuab teev cas cov niag neej txhua zaj uas muab tuaj rau koj tham mas kuv yeej khaws tsis tau ib lo lus thiab ib yam cov neej ntawd zoo los kho kub lub neej li. Puas muaj tej zaj es yog .mloog qgia kom txawj sib hlub thiab paub txhim kho yus lub neej ne yuam.
Hahaha tus pojniam no xav siv txhua tus txiv neej txawm yuav 100 tus los lub siab yeej pauv tsis tau. Hais rau tus txiv 2. Koj los yeej zoo tib yam tus pojniam no thiab vim koj siv deev thaum tus pojniam no tseem muaj tus txiv hlob.
Tsis tau txaus thiab, muaj 1 hom txiv Neej zoo li koj yeej nyiam hom maum dev zoo li no. Tus txim txiaj ces nej tib tias nws muab Hlob, npab-Nauj, Rog dhau lawm thiab tsis txawj tu nws kheej es nej xav tau cov txawj tuaj sab sauv ces kawg thaj no mas!!!
Koj tej Niag npaj ham no . Thuam Niag Tom ntej Tom qab yus dev luag thaum hluas2 ho tsis yuav. Luag twb muab aim2 qhov twb koob tag. Tug tej Niag pab me Nyuam lawm ho rov qab mus yuav. Tsis yog Txiv neej , yog dev noj quav txhiaj yuav
Thaub Aw thaum luag tseem yuav luag tus txiv koj twb tham ces yog luag tug poj niam luag kuj tham thiab ua ke vim koj yog ib niag neeg Tsi tab cuab koj twb muab koj poj niam tub se Tso pov tseg los nrhiav koj niag qub kiav roj ko xwb ces neb zoo ib yam nkaus, koj los av tsis lim ces Tsi tau lav thiab nawv
Tos nws pheej ua li ko los neb yeej nyiam thiab ne. Mus los los koj yeej hlub yeej nco tus tov yeej hlub yeej nco ne. Yog neb tsis nyiam li mam nws twb tsis ua li os.
Tus txiv tsev aws koj niag poj niam dev ko ces yees loj dhau lawm xwb vim koj los nws xav tau hos nws niag qub txiv los nws xav tau vim xav tau ntau xwb.
Zaj dag neeg no ji jim nyog coj tuaj piav lawm, neb 2 leeg aim nws es koj jeem chim ua d g naw? Leeg jiag qaus tuag leeg faus hlaus ces zaj no tiag yawm aw
The gods were trying to protect you from her and made her marry someone else, but you allowed her to come back to your life. She's no good. A woman going back and forth like that is not worth your time. You're better off without her.
Koj yeej paub hais tias nws muaj ib lub neej dhau los lawm. Nws los nws tseem tso tsis tau nws tus txiv. I think sometime u khib nws the wrong reason. I’m not side with either of u.
Thaub ruam aw! Hom poj niam li koj niag qub hluas nkauj ko ces yees loj xav tau ob peb rab xwb os. Mus mus los los li nws ces koj txawm yuav tau los nws yeej rov nyiag mus deev nws niag txiv ib yam nws nyiag deev koj los mas. Tsuas yog neb ob niag thaub ruam2 li npuas ko thiaj tseem aim nws xwb os. Yog tseem txiv neej yawg tiag tsis aus tus poj niam ko li os.koj los hlwb tsawg nws niag txiv los hlwb tsawg. Tej zaum neb tahuav nws nqi tiam tag los yog nws paum tuaj kaus hniav pob. Tus poj niam mus mus los los li ntawv yog poj niam xyob txhiaj xwb los tsis paub li. Ruam tiag2.yog tseem xav ua yawg nrauj tom 3 thiab ces tsum kiag txoj kev pheej tseem nrog nwd tham nawb thaub ruam.
What the fuck? Txiv hlob txiv yau los lawv? You should never have married her in the 1st place idiot! Ruam dhau koj na thaub. Nws lub neej loj loj ua cas ho nrauj nws niag txiv los yuav koj na.
Tij laug kj neej thiab kv ma zoo ib yam kawg li kv tu txiv los twb nrog nws tu poj niam tag lawm los nws yeej tseem rov qab mu sib aim thiab nyob g ua ke thiab muab nrauj lawm os
Ntuj aws ua ca nej cov niag niam txiv kos mas zoo sib phim kawg nkaus li os koj los zoo li kuv kuv los zoo li koj naj hmoob aws
Cas yuav nkim sib hawm mloog ua luaj li lau. Tus pog ko los cas yuav txawv ua luaj.
Tus neeg ua qhib mus mus los los nrog Koj ces nws yeej ua tau nrog lawv thiab
Hmoob lub neej nyob ib dhau ib hmo thiaj xam tau tsis yog txhua tus yuam some!!!!
Kv nyiam kj cov dab neeg heev li o
Kam ua txiv hlob txiv yau kiag mas tus brother aws. Ib qho zoo2 uas yuav ua tau rau nej nrov thiab nto moo lug thiab yuav ua rau Luag tej ntshaws yus lub neej rau tiam 21 no mas
Thaub aw...thaum nws yuav tus txiv, twb nyiag tuaj deev koj, lwm hnub koj yuav los yuav rov qab mus deev tus qub txiv dua thiab....
Ntuj aw koj khoom tsis nchav koj thiaj tsis tau nws o. Txhob tu siab o
Hobyo Cas yuav nco tseeb ualuaj li ko esssss g nco qab lub ntsejmuag, dag g dag my gosh
Muaj tsawg leej thiaj li zoo li koj xwb os, niag qub hluas nkauj siab phem tas npaum li los tseem pheej hlub tas los rov hlub dua
Kav liam mas tsis yog nws xwb thiaj muaj qhov khoom hauv ob ceg os, cam tias koj yuam kev lawm xwb, kav tsij hlub tus uas hlub yus xwb thiaj yog
Cas Nej mas liam TIAG2 li os
Zoo li ob niaj txiv dev sib koom deev ib tus maum dev nas...
Txhob tu siab os tus txiv tsev, poj niam cov zoo tseem tshuav coob
Tham pom ntxej muag thiaj zoo os
Poj niam siab dev - txiv dev siab aub ces yog cov zoo li koj hais no .
Tus txiv neej no nws cov lus yog muaj tseeb tiag ces txhais tau tias tus pog no yog ib tug pog khaus pim xyob txhiaj qias neeg heev li lol
Eb me n ntsuab teev cas cov niag neej txhua zaj uas muab tuaj rau koj tham mas kuv yeej khaws tsis tau ib lo lus thiab ib yam cov neej ntawd zoo los kho kub lub neej li. Puas muaj tej zaj es yog .mloog qgia kom txawj sib hlub thiab paub txhim kho yus lub neej ne yuam.
Hahaha tus pojniam no xav siv txhua tus txiv neej txawm yuav 100 tus los lub siab yeej pauv tsis tau. Hais rau tus txiv 2. Koj los yeej zoo tib yam tus pojniam no thiab vim koj siv deev thaum tus pojniam no tseem muaj tus txiv hlob.
Nrauj tus taws ces tseem yuav thiab twb Xiam oob khab lawm nes ceg tawd lawm sav
Kpj tu poj niam ko xuaj dhau ler twb yog koj es koj thiaj yuav
Xav yuav poj laib cais zoo li kod ntag koj tuaj ib tsam lawv coj mus ib tsam pauv mus pauv los haj haj lom zem rau pog kawg
Hmm....Hahahahaha yaub auj.... Txhob Qhia txiv neej tag2 thiab maj!
Qhia tag2 li kod ces peb xiam lav lawm mas...
Tso dag xwb nawb...
Tsis tau txaus thiab, muaj 1 hom txiv Neej zoo li koj yeej nyiam hom maum dev zoo li no. Tus txim txiaj ces nej tib tias nws muab Hlob, npab-Nauj, Rog dhau lawm thiab tsis txawj tu nws kheej es nej xav tau cov txawj tuaj sab sauv ces kawg thaj no mas!!!
Aub koj tus maum ko thiaj ntshaw ntshaw pw ua si xwb tsis yog ib tsoom pojniam yuav khaus li ko nawv.....
cov poj niam xuab li koj niag hlua nkauj ko yeej muaj tsawg tu thiaj xuaj li ko xwb tsi yog txhua tu yuav zoo li ko
Nej cov poj niam hmoob mi kas es ho coj tau li ko thiab yom
Niag maum dev lwj kas li niag ko es koj pheej xav xav yuav nws rov qab los ua siv npug rau koj xwb..
Koj tej Niag npaj ham no . Thuam Niag Tom ntej Tom qab yus dev luag thaum hluas2 ho tsis yuav. Luag twb muab aim2 qhov twb koob tag. Tug tej Niag pab me Nyuam lawm ho rov qab mus yuav. Tsis yog Txiv neej , yog dev noj quav txhiaj yuav
Tus txiv tsev aw...rov mus niag poj laib mebcab ces nws yeej tseg tsis tau os .
Oyo koj niag qub hluas nkauj ko ces yog niam ntiav xwb os
Thaub Aw thaum luag tseem yuav luag tus txiv koj twb tham ces yog luag tug poj niam luag kuj tham thiab ua ke vim koj yog ib niag neeg Tsi tab cuab koj twb muab koj poj niam tub se Tso pov tseg los nrhiav koj niag qub kiav roj ko xwb ces neb zoo ib yam nkaus, koj los av tsis lim ces Tsi tau lav thiab nawv
Maum dev qias neeg li ntawd ces kom nws tus qub txiv tuaj es neb muab nws koom ua qhov quav thiab qhov pim mas...
Cov poj niam liam li no tsis tsim nyog yuav lawm nawb. Nws yuav nws tus txiv los nws nyiag kev ntshis tuaj ntsib yus, nws yuav yus lawm los nws ho nyiag kev ntshis mus ntsib nws tus txiv thiab.
Tus pojniam liam li no mas nws txawm mus yuav dua lwm tus txiv lawm los nws yeej tseem yuav nyiag kev ntshis mus tham hluas nraug ntxiv thiab vim nws yeej nyiam xav tau ntau xwb. Nws tsis yog poj niam zoo xum muab tso tseg zoo dua.
I tutti tutu by my
Tos nws pheej ua li ko los neb yeej nyiam thiab ne. Mus los los koj yeej hlub yeej nco tus tov yeej hlub yeej nco ne. Yog neb tsis nyiam li mam nws twb tsis ua li os.
Ib tug poj niam coj li ib tug txiv neej ces tsis muaj ib tug txiv neej twg yuav ua neej nrog taus nws ib zaug li. Thaum nws tseem muaj txiv, nws tseem pheej tuaj deev koj ces zaum no nws ho yuav koj lawm los nws thiaj pheej tseem nyiag kev mus deev nws tus txiv tib yam li ntawv thiab ntag. Nws tus txiv thiab koj ruam zoo sib xws kiag ntag tos neb ho share ib tug poj niam li no.
Tus txiv tsev aws koj niag poj niam dev ko ces yees loj dhau lawm xwb vim koj los nws xav tau hos nws niag qub txiv los nws xav tau vim xav tau ntau xwb.
Ntuj aws niag poj niam lwj liam li koj niag qub hluas nkauj ko ces pov thoob khib nyawb xwb os. Tsis yog ib tug niam tseem ceeb nawb.
Zaj dag neeg no ji jim nyog coj tuaj piav lawm, neb 2 leeg aim nws es koj jeem chim ua d g naw? Leeg jiag qaus tuag leeg faus hlaus ces zaj no tiag yawm aw
Cas tus pojniam no yog leej twg ne, muab xov tooj rau kuv sob!!! muab nws qhuab ib hmo kom ib ce zooj tag nrho sob.
That's why you should never go back to old lovers. Never. She got her cake and wants to eat it too. Sorry you got played brother. Good luck.
Poj niam Liam
Abbbb, nej ua txiv hlob txiv yau kiag xwb los mas!
I'm glad you dont let her back. She is not right! Just because you knew her back then. Doesn't mean she is still the same person.
I tutti tutu
She's the charity lady 😁😁
Lol..i was mad at her at first but dang brother u just got played!!
Someone people want the best of both worlds.
She need to make up her mind who she want to be with!! Or just married txiv hlob n txiv yua! Two husband!!
That's what she is doing, lol (about time)
The gods were trying to protect you from her and made her marry someone else, but you allowed her to come back to your life. She's no good. A woman going back and forth like that is not worth your time. You're better off without her.
Mam2 hai os xav2 noog lm o
Yog xa neej.neeg rau koj no yuav xa li ca
Tsi hai poj niam lo yog txiv neej tu twg zoo nkaug tu twg zoo nraug tu ntawv yeej xav tau ntau tu tshaj
Koj yeej paub hais tias nws muaj ib lub neej dhau los lawm. Nws los nws tseem tso tsis tau nws tus txiv. I think sometime u khib nws the wrong reason. I’m not side with either of u.
Lady, Koj tawm youtube ntau heev lawm dhuav2 pom koj everywhere. We need to see new face.
Butthurt much? The door’s wide open, don’t let it hit you on your way out.
Txhob khuv xim txog nws lawm. Yus tsuas paub nws ib vuag xwb.
How does she handle her 1st and 2nd husband. Lol... it's the guys turn to know how it feels a woman having 2 men. Hahaha
Messed up people
Thaub ruam aw! Hom poj niam li koj niag qub hluas nkauj ko ces yees loj xav tau ob peb rab xwb os. Mus mus los los li nws ces koj txawm yuav tau los nws yeej rov nyiag mus deev nws niag txiv ib yam nws nyiag deev koj los mas. Tsuas yog neb ob niag thaub ruam2 li npuas ko thiaj tseem aim nws xwb os. Yog tseem txiv neej yawg tiag tsis aus tus poj niam ko li os.koj los hlwb tsawg nws niag txiv los hlwb tsawg. Tej zaum neb tahuav nws nqi tiam tag los yog nws paum tuaj kaus hniav pob. Tus poj niam mus mus los los li ntawv yog poj niam xyob txhiaj xwb los tsis paub li. Ruam tiag2.yog tseem xav ua yawg nrauj tom 3 thiab ces tsum kiag txoj kev pheej tseem nrog nwd tham nawb thaub ruam.
Wow why dont you, her 1st husband, and any other guys she dated just team her up? Sounds like she wants 3some or 4some!
What the fuck? Txiv hlob txiv yau los lawv? You should never have married her in the 1st place idiot! Ruam dhau koj na thaub. Nws lub neej loj loj ua cas ho nrauj nws niag txiv los yuav koj na.