Mythus the Enigmata - Lore and Speculation (Star Rail Theory and Speculation)

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 46

  • @kowboy4001
    @kowboy4001 2 месяца назад +81

    "I LOOOOOVE SPREADING MISINFORMATION 🗣️🗣️🗣️" - Mythus, the Enigmata

    • @MosesDalagan
      @MosesDalagan 20 дней назад

      So like TikTok but make it weirder

  • @LittleBlackKittyCat
    @LittleBlackKittyCat 2 месяца назад +43

    Big fan of the Enigmata here, I really loved this video! The summary of the Fictionologists and Riddlers were clear, and the motive of Mythus was well explained. A person who wants to know more about Mythus should definitely watch this video.
    I have some random facts that I would like to give you:
    > In the Simulated Universe (More specifically, Swarm disaster: Tragedy of the Insects- dwindling of the stars part VI), Herta makes a comment about someone possibly tampering with the Simulated Universe. Here is the quoted dialogue:
    Screwllum: "I'm sorry," Screwllum apologizes. "There seem to be some issues with the programs. Conclusion: They will be fixed immediately."
    Herta: "I've always suspected that someone is trying to tamper with the Simulated Universe, but... who could it be?" Herta appears. "Report to me if you encounter anything unusual."
    Combine this with the Fictionologist occurrence where the Fictionologist tells you he isn't Simulated, then this gives the possibility of a SU event based on the Enignata and an unwanted person in the SU.
    > There is another reason for Enigmata to be the third path on Amphoreus, the planet was unknown to most, even Akivili never went there. WHY was it unknown? Considering that it was the Remembrance (in a way) that revealed the planet, Enigmata is most definitely a path which is there.
    > Erudition and Enigmata are two sides of the same coin. One wishes to question and seek the truth for THE Solution. The other says that the seeking of knowledge will bring great consequences (which I agree with, not everything must be known. Some must stay unknown, and others unknowable). The coin is Knowledge itself- one side says it must be seeked for the answers to everything, while the other says that you must not mnow about it for some things must never be known (forbidden knowledge). You can say that the seeking of knowledge is a double edged sword...
    > Mythus’s name is a reference to "Mythos", a worldview-based traditional story or body of mythology. A reason why I feel that Enigmata is a path on Amphoreus.
    > there are in total 7 curios that have Enigmata lore in them (counting Factions). Jellyfish on the staircase, First Journey, Tawot cards, Road to comets, Parchment that always eats, Illusory Automaton and Mysterious Magnitism.
    > The dreamscape was created because of the intertwined paths, Remembrance and Enigmata. If you think about it, dreams are both Remembrance and Enigmata.
    I have more facts and stuff to share, but I cant fit them all here. I love to spread my knowledge about the Engimata, being their (self proclaimed) number one fan (lighthearted title to not be taken seriously lol).

    • @veezerrscharnhorst
      @veezerrscharnhorst 2 месяца назад +3

      We need more people like you. I know there are a LOT of lore in SU but damn I'm too lazy to read text walls

    • @LizardKingRequiem
      @LizardKingRequiem 2 месяца назад +1

      Great info sharing, however i do feel the burning need to reject the notion of forbidden knowledge and that all must not be known, and id argue that Mythus may be one of the more sinister aeons bc misinformation causes destruction (insert real life examples here). Not everyone needs to know everything, but what knowledge could possibly be forbidden. Its only forbidden to suit the needs of the one who forbids it. And to hell with them.

    • @Hiyllo55
      @Hiyllo55 2 месяца назад +1

      -I also would like to interject, but to question whether the paths of Erudition and Enigmata are two sides of the same coin. You say that "the coin is Knowledge itself" but your comment doesn't appear to even question whether knowledge is real at all, it accepts the idea that things (some things, all things?) are knowable when some may disagree with that idea completely. In some regards, knowledge can be closely associated with truth (what is real, what is true, what is/can be known) especially when it is claimed to be universal, but in my opinion the Enigmata is a path which at least rejects the notion of absolute/universal truth (and likely universal knowledge, when used to reify grand narratives/metanarratives/understandings).
      -I also disagree with @LizardKingRequiem when it comes to the sinisterness of Mythus. Your use of the word "misinformation" seems to imply that what comes out of the Enigmata is 'wrong' or 'incorrect' while information from other sources (the Erudition for example) can be considered 'correct' or at the very least, not "misinformation." I don't see the Enigmata as spreading wrong/incorrect information, but as attempting to deconstruct (as opposed to destroy) the concept of knowledge/knowing/truth themselves. The Erudition seemingly wants to study/observe and ultimately understand the universe, the Enigmata seemingly rejects the idea of that understanding at all (or at least in any meaningful way).

    • @glassmunch
      @glassmunch Месяц назад +1

      i will definitely remember you as the number one fan of the enigmata, that's actually really cool

    • @crystaluwu1012
      @crystaluwu1012 20 дней назад +1

      ​​​@@Hiyllo55Imo knowledge is not always the truth,
      While knowledge aims to represent truth, it can sometimes fall short due to various factors such as errors, biases, incomplete information, or misinformation. This distinction is crucial in understanding the nature of knowledge and its relationship with truth.
      1. Knowledge vs. Truth:
      - Knowledge refers to what is believed to be true and is often supported by evidence or reasoning.
      - Truth is an objective reality or fact, independent of whether people recognize it or not.
      2. Fallibility of Knowledge:
      - Knowledge is fallible; it can be incorrect or incomplete. For example, people once "knew" that the Earth was flat, which we now know to be false. This shows that what is accepted as knowledge at one time may later be disproven.
      - Scientific theories, cultural beliefs, and personal experiences contribute to knowledge, but they are all subject to revision as new evidence or perspectives emerge.
      3. Subjective vs. Objective:
      - Subjective Knowledge is influenced by personal perspectives, emotions, and experiences, which may not always align with objective truth.
      - Objective Truth is consistent and independent of individual beliefs or perceptions. However, knowledge can sometimes be subjective and not fully align with this objective truth.
      4. The Pursuit of Truth:
      - The pursuit of knowledge is essentially the pursuit of truth. However, this pursuit is an ongoing process. We revise and refine our knowledge over time, striving to get closer to the truth.
      5. Philosophical Perspectives:
      - Philosophers like Immanuel Kant have pointed out that our knowledge is shaped by the way we perceive and interpret the world, which may not fully capture the objective truth.
      - Postmodernists argue that knowledge is often a product of power structures and narratives rather than an accurate reflection of truth.
      Knowledge represents our understanding of the world, but it is not always synonymous with truth. It can be influenced by various factors that may lead to inaccuracies or incomplete representations of reality. The distinction between knowledge and truth underscores the importance of critical thinking, continuous inquiry, and the willingness to revise our understanding as we seek a closer alignment with objective truth.
      You see where the whole idea of the Mythus also being an Aeon of knowledge is, read the info i provided again, Immanuel Kant specifically tells us how knowledge is based on perspective, perspective is under enigmata's idea of different beliefs, possibilities, interpretations. Knowledge is not always the truth, these is what Mythus embodies because sometimes knowledge can be subjective, Mythus causes the subjectivity in knowledge by clouding the truth in mystery, so that people will always question the truth and therefore make various interpretations of the truth, the interpretations and belief of people in a certaine truth is knowledge, but what that person might believe as true is often not certain and be based on missing info, biases, these uncertainty of knowledge is what Enigmata is.
      Therefore they are correct to call Enigmata the other side of knowledge, aka subjective knowledge its uncertainty.
      These is also why Mythus data bank specifically questions Nous and there certainty of the truth, Nous also embodies knowledge but the other side of it, objective knowledge, they try to get to the truth by constantly refining the data they have, Mythus hides the truth so that people can create there own interpretations and knowledge of the truth.
      If you wann understand what Mythus side of knowledge is read Postmodernism interpretation of knowledge and how its always not the truth.

  • @ZECRA602
    @ZECRA602 2 месяца назад +17

    Mythus would love Social Media

  • @jerryeljeremy7790
    @jerryeljeremy7790 2 месяца назад +10

    *Mytus:* Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they've never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them... because in truth, *I am that monster.*

  • @leonadee
    @leonadee 2 месяца назад +9

    I love the way you present your talking points! Very informative but funny too! Keep it up!

  • @milosantos28
    @milosantos28 2 месяца назад +3

    This channel is so underrated.

  • @starqueen6318
    @starqueen6318 2 месяца назад +5

    I also think the fools are a potential faction? Greek theatre feels like an awesome setup for some fools; plus of the fictionologists are like “what’s our history, were we even created blah blah blah” they could still be there but just be hidden (I just want dr ratio lore PLS)

  • @kaizer087
    @kaizer087 2 месяца назад +4

    It wouldn't be surprising if at Amphoreus has become the resting place of Long the Permanence.

  • @sjziU_Iqlx1
    @sjziU_Iqlx1 12 дней назад +1

    Wow! Thank you so much for doing this video, this helped me to understand Mythus than reading the Wiki fandom! ❤ I love to see lore enthusiastics!
    Have a great day! :D

  • @TinkRomero
    @TinkRomero 2 месяца назад +4

    There is a possibility that the Paths of Beauty, Enigmata, and Destruction is involved with Amphoreus, The Eternal Land. (The Path of Remembrance is simply there for means as observation, it goes without saying that even the Path of Equilibrium is present as well)
    There are many reason why Rome was called the Eternal City, and most of those reasons were due to Poets making Poems calling Rome an Eternal City in some capacity.
    There are other reasons for its name, but I simply wish to focus on the Poetic nature of the name, because some followers of Enigmata used to be Poets.
    In one of those poems, Rome was praised for its eternal quality of beauty. Romans called Rome another name, Roma, which means Love. This was to dedicate the City to the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty, Venus.
    It would be very interesting to encounter another Lord Ravager in the Eternal Land, and history of Rome’s fall can give us some ideas for this possibility. I’ll be giving a very brief explanation on what caused Rome to fall, specifically the three main reasons. Corruption, division of the empire, and the invasion.
    Poets praising Amphoreus for its Eternal values, suddenly becoming followers of Enigmata and now mock the Eternal Lands with words of malice. The people separated into groups depending on their views, and then finally, in the midst of all that chaos, a Lord Ravager and the Anti-Matter Legion descends upon the land.

  • @crystaluwu1012
    @crystaluwu1012 20 дней назад +1

    Imo Mythus seem really smart to me, probably the second smartest Aeon after Nous, there followers think outside the box and isn't afraid to questions everything, in addition, there ability to create the most intricate lies and manage to make entire planets and galaxies believe them requires alot of creativity like ensuring that the lie holds up under scrutiny and knowing the ins and outs of the information they are trying to tamper with requires alot of patience and know how, especially if that info is going to be studied by historians and other scholars in the future, infact i won't be surprised if alot of HF and Riddlers are actually GS and IG members once that defected to the path of Enigmata because the amount of inteligence you have to have inorder to do museum heist without getting caught, and tamper with history is very high, in short they are cunning as hell, also Enigmata seems to also be the path of subjective knowledge, opinions, interpretation and creativity which is the opposite of rational knowldege that Nous seemingly embodies (aka knowledge based on solid facts and proof.), thats why i think Mythus is also an Aeon of Knowledge specifially subjective knowledge, by clouding information in mystery people are free to interpret the data as much as they want making way for imagination....

  • @KuroNoUsagi
    @KuroNoUsagi 2 месяца назад +7

    Another banger video 🙏🙏🙏

    • @chardors.....
      @chardors..... 2 месяца назад +1

      Lmao didn't expect to find u here ( im daily gaming sethos and dr ratio)

    • @LittleBlackKittyCat
      @LittleBlackKittyCat 2 месяца назад

      ​@@chardors..... No way daily sethos Gaming and Dr ratio.. why are you here

    • @chardors.....
      @chardors..... 2 месяца назад +1


    • @LittleBlackKittyCat
      @LittleBlackKittyCat 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@chardors.....I was lured here by Mythus

    • @drippyHooH
      @drippyHooH 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@chardors..... Good to see you here, I'm timely Arbitrators

  • @sirensong1794
    @sirensong1794 Месяц назад +3

    mythus is so funny. imagine that a god puts you in their mystery escape room and goes "solve my riddles three boy" except that escape room is life in general. Mythus please stick to making ARGs next time

  • @Atlas_Impactlas09
    @Atlas_Impactlas09 2 месяца назад +4

    Video is astounding as always
    Question: Whats Most hardest information to get about any Aeon?/Whats one aeon you struggled to get information due to their mysteriousness?

    • @SiliconOneFour
      @SiliconOneFour  2 месяца назад +1

      Mythus was very confusing, but honestly I think researching Oroboros was a bit more difficult. We know very little about THEM.

    • @jerryeljeremy7790
      @jerryeljeremy7790 2 месяца назад

      @@SiliconOneFour Oroboros and Leviathans are very interesting to me, I hope you can make a video about it. Because Leviathans live in era where Aeon hasn't appear/exist yet.

    • @SiliconOneFour
      @SiliconOneFour  2 месяца назад

      @@jerryeljeremy7790 Oh I have! I have a video on Oroboros out already!

  • @kevinsdkl7918
    @kevinsdkl7918 2 месяца назад +1

    Your videos as always are amazing congratulations

  • @AdrianArmbruster
    @AdrianArmbruster 2 месяца назад +7

    This video fact checked by true Enigmata patriots.

  • @Hiyllo55
    @Hiyllo55 2 месяца назад +1

    I thought this video was great, though I would absolutely recommend anyone interested in the Enigmata to look into the school of thought called 'Postmodernism'. I feel it encapsulates the views/ideologies of the Path of the Enigmata very well (deconstruction of meaning, resistance to absolute truths, relativism/subjectivity, the questioning of metanarratives, embrace of ambiguity and the coexistence of multiple perspectives).
    I also wanted to question the idea that those following the path of the Enigmata are spreading "misinformation." From their perspective, not only do I think that they would at least question the binary that is being created between 'right/correct' information and 'wrong/incorrect' misinformation but I also feel as though the intentionality behind their actions is being ignored. From the Databank:
    "History Fictionologists believe that the past determines the future - when a civilization's history is definite, its future development is doomed as all possibilities are eliminated, leaving only a sad and rigid path forward. In order to save these worlds from the sad fate of objectivity, History Fictionologists consider Enigmata as their only creed and are determined to shroud the universe in mystery.
    History Fictionologists carry out their mission of destroying history alone and decisively, with an altruism that is difficult to comprehend. Their views are poorly understood by most, and their blatant hatred of objective facts is somewhat extreme"
    To leave off though, I would like to ask... if one rejects the idea that anything is understandable, what does it mean to be an enigma?

  • @riodaweirdo3062
    @riodaweirdo3062 2 месяца назад

    I really dig the rivalry between Mythus and Nous, because as long as Nous and their calculations continue, free will, in a way, is impossible. If everything you ever do, ever will do, all the decisions that you ever make and will make is all calculable and “predetermine”, there is no point in doing anything. WHICH ties this conflict actually, with IX the Nihility.
    And also what if the future is like Schrödinger’s cat, that the mere calculations of Nous dooms us to an “observed” future and sets those events in stone?
    Mythus my goat is a believer in true free will.

  • @conejitorosada2326
    @conejitorosada2326 Месяц назад +1

    This video is so TRUE!!! It's been verified by the actual believers of the Enigmata!!! SO TRUE!!!

  • @drippyHooH
    @drippyHooH 2 месяца назад +3

    I feel like we might even see the arbitrators/equilibrium being involved in the amphoreous plot since the planet is struggling for balance

  • @Written_in_the_Starss
    @Written_in_the_Starss 2 месяца назад +4

    Basically the the people in Twitter.😂

  • @kkadzh3625
    @kkadzh3625 2 месяца назад +3

    Sounds like a average twitter community

  • @zefirdude
    @zefirdude Месяц назад +3

    Head empty, pretty jellyfish

  • @daniilmakhinov5247
    @daniilmakhinov5247 2 месяца назад +2
