Your questions: bare feet, health, and my story

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 113

  • @rosesrambler
    @rosesrambler 9 месяцев назад +15

    No pity, but loads of respect for your determination and achievements.👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • @dancan6622
    @dancan6622 8 месяцев назад +5

    I totaly agree with everything you said about barefooting. I have been barefoot for 2 and a half years and started when I realized that my chronic back pain of 15 years disappeared while barefoot. I now hike and trail run barefoot, have reroofed my garage barefoot, even steeped on a nail barefoot with no more than a scratch because I immediately felt it and adjusted. I have completely gutted and rebuilt my part of my daughters house with nothing more than a scratch on one toe but multiple cuts and bruises on my hands and fingers. At one point I saw a few rusty nails stiking right up from the floor and withought hesitation proceaded to step on them to to bend them down so no one would get injured. It was only after that I realized I was the only barefooter on site. I am thankfull that I dont have all your medical chalenges and really admire your courage and determination and of course just subscribed

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  8 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much for sharing! I am so glad to hear that barefooting is working out as well for you as it does for me. Yay!

  • @sylviabradley7355
    @sylviabradley7355 9 месяцев назад +6

    It’s sad that you going barefoot angered people. Crazy😵‍💫. I really enjoy your calm demeanor and smartness. Keep it up💥

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Thanks :) People get offended when you don't fit their world view. It is much easier to be annoyed or angry with the person who doesn't fit than to question your own belief. I try to be understanding with even those who insult me. Not always easy. But most people are ignorant rather than bad. Though, I've definitely had to deal with some I'd consider lost causes ;)

  • @poodlegirl55
    @poodlegirl55 9 месяцев назад +6

    I feel a kinship with you. I was diagnosed with celiac disease 30 years ago, a genetic disease that I believe my Mother died of at the age of 41. Ironically I was diagnosed at age 41, but after eleven years of suffering and just having my symptoms treated. Unlike you my disease can be simply treated by not eating gluten. But I share your frustration with doctors not listening to us and very few are able to look at the whole picture. Your story resonates with all women who struggle to be heard by the medical community. You are very courageous and are also a good example for us that no matter how bad things are you can look ahead for positive things to focus on. You have been dealt a bad deck, but have a smile on your face. I watch RUclips because I find unique people from all over the world that inspire me. It would never occur to me to follow a unique, quirky person and then leave bad comments about their choices!!! I am 68 years old so I have gained a perspective of not concerning myself with what others think of me. My advice to you is to keep being the unique ray of sunshine you are, living your unique life and getting by the best way you can and if you post on RUclips learn to not give a flip about unsolicited advice and block the haters. Sending you my best thoughts from Southern Illinois USA and thank you for sharing your lovely self with us.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +3

      I am sorry to hear you went through your own health struggles. I know from experience that “simply” avoiding gluten isn’t quite as simple. My sister in law is celiac, and she only has to walk near a bakery. I don’t envy you. But yes, at least you know what needs to be done or rather not done.
      I am really glad RUclips is providing perspectives for you. It is also how I mostly use RUclips. All the best wishes to you!

  • @laniurbas3553
    @laniurbas3553 9 месяцев назад +6

    Bravo to you and your husband!!! You are very in touch with yourself! I want to thank you for your explanations. I agree with you about people. They can be very judgmental and sometimes cruel. But overall, I feel because they don't have all the information they need! Thank you again for your explanations. I love going barefoot, but as I've gotten older my feet have become to sensitive. Your body awareness is outstanding! So glad you've found a doctor who finally listened to you! I feel very lucky to live in Wisconsin, in a college town. With very high medical studies. So, in many senses, I have been spoiled with the ability to be able to ask and have people to listen to my medical questions. I personally love how very calm your You Tube Channel is!!! I also don't wear gloves when gardening. I like to feel the earth. I kept bee's for about 5 years, but we recently moved to Madison, Wisconsin, to a Condominium complex. Which I feel very privileged to have a very large garden in a common area. Keep on with your plans and I applaud you in your goals! Keep on with those goals. You do you! You are one BRAVE young lady! Again, BRAVO!

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much! Bees are something II hope to get into at some point. But it would need to be on permanent land. And probably not the standard bee. For next year, I will make sure there is enough to support the wild ones.
      Thank you again!

  • @joannahart1604
    @joannahart1604 2 дня назад

    I completely understand you.
    Same here suffer with chronic illness plus back problems…in and out of hospital. Plus super sensitive to my environment and chemicals surrounding me. But I still manage my garden food growing preserving dehydrating tinctures creams plus making my own washing detergents and more.
    Also I managed my Furniture restoration. People don’t seem to understand that I have to rest when body tells me so. Just because I look okay doesn’t mean I am.
    I couldn’t work full time ! Believe I’ve tried. I could earn really good money again if my body would allow me.
    The last 17 years have been hard but the last 4 years even harder.
    I am happy and still enjoy the little things in life. Much love sister ❤
    Very much enjoying your videos.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  4 часа назад

      I am sorry you are struggling! But I am very glad your garden is helping you :) Tinctures are still on my list to learn about. The winter will be long, so I'll look into growing a medicinal herb garden next year. Invisible illnesses really are not talked about enough. I hope the next years are better for you! All the best!

  • @rosebayer114
    @rosebayer114 9 месяцев назад +3

    Hi Kate! I try not to comment too often,but its hard not to on your videos because your such a sweet and kind soul,it inspires people to connect with you. Your videos have become a special part of my day. Was really nice to hear more about you,and my heart goes out to you with the health issues you're experiencing. I admire your perseverance and determination,which I'm sure has not always been easy to find,but you have.When you were talking about certain protective items being a hindrance I couldn't agree more. The time you give replying to comments also shows, again, how thoughtful and gracious you are to others. We need more "Kates" in this world. Thank you for sharing your journey. Have a wonderful day! 😊

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you so much! I am glad I'm able to actually connect with you. Determination and perseverance are my strong suit. I don't give up easily. It's also a weakness, as it means I can have a hard time figuring out when to stop or when to ask for help, but it's also what keeps me going :) I guess it's a good thing I never want to apply for a normal job where they might ask me for my strengths and weaknesses :D
      Of course, I answer the comments. I even answer most of the insults, in the hopes that my responses make the original posters think before they post next time. Little hope, but a person can hope. But I think it's just common courtesy to respond to people when they take the time out of their day to leave their thoughts. I know, that's not how the internet works. But it's how it should work :)
      Have a beautiful day!

  • @loisaustin6200
    @loisaustin6200 9 месяцев назад +3

    You're very sweet, just keep being you and doing your thing. Pay no attention to the "experts and judges" trying to tell you what to do and how to do it. People can be so hurtful if you let them. I enjoy your videos and admire your determination and positive attitude even though you are having your health problems, your spunk keeps you going. Take care and keep on being you.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Most of the time, these comments don’t get to me. Luckily, I’ve built up a tough skin over time. But, when the three-month video brought hundreds of comments at once, it was admittedly overwhelming. It was great, though, to have supportive, positive comments in between to make me smile. Thanks for the encouragement :)

  • @alfie8953
    @alfie8953 9 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you for a brave video and very best wishes for the future. You are an inspiration, thank you again.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Thank you! I am glad to have inspired you. Thanks for the well-wishes :)

  • @louiseirving9845
    @louiseirving9845 9 месяцев назад +5

    I've followed all your videos. Thanks for sharing. My life experience has been that 'losing a dream' may be the best thing that happens, as it opens up so much else. However it doesn't feel like that at the time. It comes across later. You have to be accepting and brave: and you are just that. I hope all goes well with you on this adventure, and whatever is to follow. Sometimes the worst breaks are the best breaks...

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Thank you! I hope you are right 😉

    • @louiseirving9845
      @louiseirving9845 9 месяцев назад

      @@RootsandCalluses : in my 66 years, at least three life-changing dreams lost, which seemed so important and devastating at the time. I do not regret any change in my life's direction, after time. AFTER TIME! Your resilience, determination and adaptability will surely take you to where you need to go. You have shown your body how to work with you; keep on with that. You are a marvel. I really appreciate seeing your journey through these videos. And it's clear that many feel like that.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      I don’t regret any of my detours. I wouldn’t repeat all of them in hindsight, but I don’t regret any of them. When I talk to people at school, they wonder how many lives I’ve lived. I am only a few years older than them but I am soooo much older at the same time. I am glad my videos seem authentic. I’ve been trying to be direct and upfront here, and it seems to come across. Thank you!

    • @louiseirving9845
      @louiseirving9845 9 месяцев назад

      your authenticity and directness is beguiling. As you have found, that can lead to a feeling of a life not lived, as you go a different way. Or rather a parallel universe? Many options in your case! LA/New Zealand/Germany? What would I have been doing if... etc.
      Just embrace the 'now', as you do.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      @louiseirving9845 Some of the protagonists in my books get to explore the alternatives. 🙂 Enjoying the present is the only way, I agree!

  • @maneeshamaneesh2372
    @maneeshamaneesh2372 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you. I have no doubt that you will get to where you want to be. Du bist toll!

  • @annaazzopardi4625
    @annaazzopardi4625 9 месяцев назад +2

    Good for you that you kept digging. My faith in doctors has waned. That’s why I use holistic medicine. I think US doctors should be trained in herbalism, homeopathy, flower essences, essential oils, and understanding the mind-body connection for starters. Doctors don’t listen to people. A lot of people also aren’t self aware. They don’t know their bodies. I make sure I do my own research like you. Happy that you finally received diagnoses. Being barefoot is good for everyone to be grounded to the earth. You do whatever feels good for you. Good luck with your Masters degree. I am sure you will do well. ❤

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      I wish a lot more doctos knew about nutrition and mental health. All the best to you! Thanks :)

  • @talkinnmedia4535
    @talkinnmedia4535 9 месяцев назад +2

    I absolutely love that you enjoy books. I do as well

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      I love stories. I was an author long before I was a filmmaker, and writing is still my easiest medium. I don’t write a lot of books, but it is enough to keep me happy :)

  • @ahomeinpisgahontheroad4481
    @ahomeinpisgahontheroad4481 9 месяцев назад +1

    Love this sharing! Peace and serenity❤

  • @Julie-H
    @Julie-H 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing with us and answering our questions. I don’t know anyone other than my children who have Ehlers-Danilos so it’s interesting for me to hear your story. I’m like you in that I can be strong one day and not be able to function another day. Joints are a big issue for us and we all have stomach issues and many of the other connective tissues troubles. I understand when you say you aren’t looking for pity, I don’t want pity either but it would be helpful if people were more understanding and not judgmental. I’m proud of you for working hard and doing your best. Your garden will do wonders for you - there’s something about getting in the dirt and growing things that’s great for your mental and physical health and doing it while barefoot is even better. I don’t wear shoes unless I have to. Keep up the great work. You are inspiring and calming.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      I have found that EDS is so different for people, even if they have the same type. My stomach is a big issue for me but I am slowly figuring it out, and no longer have to fight with indigestion all of the time--just most of it :D
      Thank you for the kind words! I am always happy to hear that I inspire people. :)

  • @uncipaws7643
    @uncipaws7643 4 месяца назад

    It's lovely if walking barefoot helps with your back pain. I sometimes have back issues (luckily not chronic) due to scoliosis and barefoot movement in nature and mountains can help with that. Even better, it turns every walk into a great experience and adventure.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  4 месяца назад +1

      It is definitely very different to walk barefoot where you need to be aware of your surroundings. I really enjoy it.

  • @gilko61
    @gilko61 9 дней назад

    Your comments about living barefoot were brilliant. I have tried to explain why I am barefoot 99% of the time to folks and have never done it so eloquently. I agree with you 100% on each and every point. I wear shoes only when I need them, and even then begrudgingly. And like you, the fact is that I really don't need them all that much. Broken glass, thorny grasses, very sharp rocks, and super hot Texas asphalt, and that's about it. My feet can take the rest, and like you said, you pay more attention to where you step. In my case, it really helps with my sense of balance, not always the best. In fact, I think being barefoot has directly improved it. I can stand on one foot now, could never have in some overly squishy shoes or even Birks. Another thing is that it gave me arches when my feet were super flat, this shifting my weight distribution and improving my posture. Plus, I just like how things feel.
    It's a win, win, win.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  8 дней назад

      Glad they resonated with you. Maybe they will help next time you "have to" explain your choices to someone :)

    • @gilko61
      @gilko61 8 дней назад

      @@RootsandCalluses I find myself less and less apologetic, and it seems like no one notices. And I do get the occasional favorable reaction, especially from kids. People lose their brains as they reach adulthood.😎

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  7 дней назад

      @gilko61 I never apologize for being myself.

    • @gilko61
      @gilko61 7 дней назад

      @@RootsandCalluses I've was slow to learn that.

  • @19citron
    @19citron 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank your very very much for this video. It is so interesting to know you more.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      I am glad you enjoyed it :) Let me know if there are any questions I missed.

    • @19citron
      @19citron 9 месяцев назад

      @@RootsandCalluses i like to see more about the progress in your garden.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      @19citron The second part of the Q&A will be all about the garden. 🙂

  • @Wishmaster787
    @Wishmaster787 2 месяца назад

    Going barefoot was the best decision I ever made. I started by doing regular barefoot hikes 6 years ago and then 4 years ago I donated all my shoes to charity and put my socks in the bin and now the only footwear I own is one pair of sandals which I have worn around 20 times total since I got them 4 years ago.
    My goal Is to get rid of my sandals by the end of the year.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  2 месяца назад

      I am so glad this is working so well for you! Do you have to handle any advanced terrain? Thistles are my current enemy.

    • @Wishmaster787
      @Wishmaster787 2 месяца назад

      @@RootsandCalluses My soles can handle pretty much anything at this point, for the past 4 years I've done everything barefoot including driving, going to work, cycling, in the gym, in snow, doing gardening, doing home renovations and I've went barefoot in lots of different countries in cities, woodland, sand etc.
      When I said that I've worn those sandals about 20 times since I got them 4 years ago about 13 of those occasions were in the first 2 years of my barefoot journey. Its been almost a year since I last wore them and I'm just about confident enough to get rid of them.
      My barefoot journey so far has been like learning to ride a bike and the sandals have been my stabilisers but eventually you can cycle without them just as I can now walk barefoot without the sandals.

  • @talkinnmedia4535
    @talkinnmedia4535 9 месяцев назад +1

    I enjoy watching your videos

  • @philliparutter7671
    @philliparutter7671 8 месяцев назад

    Respect! You keep on persevering with so many obstacles in the way. I'm sorry about all the negative comments you have had to put up with . You are doing great and know yourself better than most. Keep up the great work. I hope you find the life that you want. You deserve it!

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  8 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much for the very kind words. I really appreciate it!

  • @Barefoot-Rob
    @Barefoot-Rob 8 месяцев назад

    I have been a barefooter since 2014, and guess what, I ALWAY use my string trimmer while barefoot! I also rebuilt my back deck while barefoot.
    I agree with you that shoes are tools, and are seldom needed.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  8 месяцев назад +1

      Yay! Good that you have found your boundaries, and are comfortable with your choices. I still don't think string trimming in an unknown area was smart, but I don't judge you for string trimming barefoot at all.
      In many situations with most of those small trimmers, I don't see an issue. If there is a large risk of getting trash or rocks or whatever flying at you, or if it is a bladed trimmer, it requires some prior consideration. I think, a lot of this is a choice you make in the situation. And a video will never show enough for others to make the choice.
      All the best to you :)

  • @valeriebostick1913
    @valeriebostick1913 9 месяцев назад +1

    Love your videos 🇬🇧😊

  • @josjewosje
    @josjewosje 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for a lovely and open gift of answers. As another chronically ill person I can agree that touching the earth and creating your own path makes life better. ❤

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Glad you enjoyed the episode :) Thank you for the kind words! All the best for you!

  • @terrisantiago9128
    @terrisantiago9128 9 месяцев назад +1

    I still go bare feet a lot of places .

  • @tonyawest_
    @tonyawest_ 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for the energy that you add to our beautiful planet ❤

  • @imccrae
    @imccrae 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for sharing that amazing part of your story. I also have so much respect for you and your journey so far. Sending love from our family to you and your husband. Take care and I'm looking forward to the next part of the Q&A

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much! All the best to your family, as well :) Let me know if I missed anything you wanted to know.

  • @AndrewCastlemaine
    @AndrewCastlemaine 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. I have enjoyed the process of you gradually opening up to us - first starting to speak to us and now sharing so much of yourself. I share the autism / anxiety world where perhaps the easiest way I can explain is that my interface with the rest of the world is unique but I do the best I can to "blend in" with the world. Look forward to your garden adventure continuing 👍💜

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      It was mostly a style choice and equipment that kept me from talking before but I am glad you like it.
      Blending in is exhausting. And I got even worse at it during the pandemic.
      Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment. Much appreciated! I like seeing faces return here in the comments. Feels like I am talking to people this way 🙂

  • @elvisneedsboatsbennett2455
    @elvisneedsboatsbennett2455 9 месяцев назад +1

    I have hidden disabilities, also. My aunt has them as well. I have fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, osteoarthritis, endometriosis and ovarian cysts. My aunt has lots of the same issues. This weekend I had to explain the spoon theory to her and explained how to use it to explain to others our abilities and disabilities.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      I have confused quite a few people when I’ve told them that I’m out of spoons. Especially when I’ve accidentally translated the expression into German where it isn’t used at all. Invisible disabilities are no fun. I feel you! I’ve had to stand up for myself in class the other day when someone said that people with disabilities weren’t getting discriminated like other marginalized groups, so it wasn’t as bad. I had to explain to her that you can’t rank suffering like that, and that by devaluing my suffering like that, she’s become part of the problem. I might have been a little more direct than I usually would have been, as I was forced to attend a class while on my period. I’m not on my best behavior when in pain ;)

  • @buddieanon6533
    @buddieanon6533 9 месяцев назад

    I thoroughly enjoyed the Q & A session and to learn more about your life story so far. You clearly have a gift of embracing people. Maybe, because your father is a teacher of English, it's a genetical trait 🙂Seriously though Kate, I loved watching the video late last night with my eyes kept open with matchsticks! Yeah, it was a long day and I felt exhausted To me, living in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a beautiful forest, sounds like sheer bliss. Your apartment looks lovely. And being small, it's obviously less costly energy-wise, in terms of gas and electricity, than a bigger one. Unlike you, I live near a busy suburban town, but being alone in the relative quiteness of my garden makes me more reflective on life. Even though we live in a digital age, we can escape from it. Silence is the key. I believe the natural beauty of nature gives us a better perspective and it's easier to stay on course on what's important to us. Forgive me for rambling on again! But it's a testament of empathy. Somehow I have a sense of very joyful times in your garden during the next few years. Can't wait for the next Q & A on your garden 😉

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      So happy to hear you enjoyed the episode :) My feeling says this has nothing to do with genetics. It would be too easy an excuse for people not to learn how to be more tolerant or open-minded ;)
      I hope you got some rest :)
      There is a lot I'd change about the apartment if this was mine. I am a strong believer in maintenance instead of repair, so the way the management company deals with things here isn't how I'd do it. But the apartment is fine. It is enough, and that's all that matters.
      I hope your feeling is right, and the garden will turn out great. I share the feeling, so here's hoping.

  • @cristianadiana9969
    @cristianadiana9969 9 месяцев назад

    I can relate to your story so deeply and watching this video made me very emotional to the point of crying. Lately in my life I felt like screaming and crying because life is just too much and it's hard for me to understand why the smallest and most beautiful things are so hard to accomplish. I just want a small garden to take care of and I dream about it every day. I tried looking into renting an allotment but it's not an option where I live and buying is also not an option. I feel like I can't share how I feel with anyone because they don't understand or underestimate, and the topic of doctors who ignored my concerns all my life...I can't even get started on that one. In the meantime I watch your videos and other creators like you and it gives me peace and hope to fulfill my dream one day. You have no idea how much what you do positively impacts me and probably others as well. Thank you and good luck! :)

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. I hope you'll find your path to a garden or piece of land that gives you calm. I also really hope you find doctors who listen to you. I hear you! I am glad my videos are helping you a little. Thanks for being here!

  • @sailorgirl2017
    @sailorgirl2017 9 месяцев назад

    Hi Kate. I live aboard a sailboat in western Canada. The lifestyle is fabulous - if you're into it.
    It's very affordable where we are too. For a 53' sailboat our annual expenses: moorage; liveaboard fees; electricity = 4200 which works out to $350 a month. We live in an area that has some gorgeous cruising grounds with a lot of marine wildlife and clean waters.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      That sounds great! :)
      The upkeep and such don't scare me as much as the initial expense. If we want a boat that can handle crossing the Atlantic (and later the Pacific) where my husband and I don't have to share a bed (and preferably have a door to close), it gets expensive quickly. But I am still very hopeful that we'll be able to figure it out.
      Once we do, Canada is one of those places I really hope we get to spend a lot of time around. Not because I think we'll ever move there (mostly because visas are complicated), but because it is one of those very beautiful places that I hope to experience. It is also really interesting from my marine-protected-areas background, as Canada is leading the way when it comes to cooperating with the First Nations in that regard. It took a lot longer than anyone hoped for, but I spoke with one of the coordinating scientists for my bachelor's thesis, and it sounds like they are actually figuring it out. I am hopeful.

  • @emilialakatos
    @emilialakatos 9 месяцев назад

    Wonderful video! Meaningful and lovely! Thank you!
    On a side note....would you maybe consider to move to Hungary? There are already few German communities present in countryside! ;)

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you! :)
      We have considered Hungary and some of the surrounding countries. We haven't ruled them out but as I am usually a lot worse health-wise in winter, we are more leaning toward brighter lands. I'm also not sure if a German community would be well suited, as I don't connect much with "being German." Hope that makes sense :)

  • @RAM-eb2te
    @RAM-eb2te 9 месяцев назад

    Oh boy, do I understand. I have UCTD. I am much more stable and confident without shoes. I've also kept moving as much as possible for over 50 years, since the first signs of arthritis showed up. Thanks for sharing.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      UCTD sounds like one of those diagnoses that is especially hard to get. I wish you all the best! I am glad to hear moving as much as possible has helped you. That gives me hope :)

    • @RAM-eb2te
      @RAM-eb2te 9 месяцев назад

      @@RootsandCalluses It's an odd connective tissue disease that factors in 5 or more "regular" connective tissues diseases... while I don't have any 1 of the other diseases, I have periodic symptoms of 6.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      @RAM-eb2te Yeah, sounds like a diagnostic nightmare. It also sounds like hard to deal with. I am sorry you have to deal with that. I wish you all the best! :)

  • @joianne7511
    @joianne7511 9 месяцев назад

    I really enjoyed getting to know you and hearing your story And I truly understand about the shoes. I cannot stand to have shoes on and need to do my younger son. And I understand about endometriosis I went through the same thing and some days was good and quite a few days were rough, so my doctor wanted to try a few things until I just kept on having a lot of pain so he kind of figured it might be endometriosis so he sent me for a MRI scan. I will keep you in my prayers and hope for a good days always and many more blessings. I really enjoy your channel. Learning lots from you really trying to change some different foods, especially for my son who is Autistic and going through a few other things. But I enjoy watching your channel and I’m looking forward to seeing your next episode. ❤

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      I am sorry you went through so much yourself. I hope you find your answers. I wish you and your son all the best! :)

  • @gearhead366
    @gearhead366 4 месяца назад

    My footwear habits are almost identical to yours. Protection needs are the primary consideration. I go barefoot as much as I can, and have done so for about 14 yrs. In the house, in the garage, in the yard, driving, shopping (usually)... I'm barefoot. I'll wear flip-flops or boots when I feel I need the protection. Clearing brush usually involves briars, and sorry, I can't do briars barefoot. Also, when I break out the chainsaw, out comes the boots, and chaps, and gloves, and helmet. String trimming... I'll wear boots, long pants and a face shield, as I'm usually getting blasted with debris, just about from head to toe. While mowing, my feet are bare because they don't need protection, but my lungs and eyes DO need protection, so I wear a respirator.
    One caution I'll share with you.... The soles of my feet are tough, and I can tolerate more than anybody who habitually wears shoes, but... my soles are not as tough as they were last year. I'm over 60, and I'm finding that my soles are losing toughness as I age.
    I'm glad to see others who deliberately choose to live barefoot.
    Good luck to you.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  4 месяца назад

      Happy to hear you haven similar approach to shoes 🙂 The soles of my feet get less tough every winter, so I am used to paying attention to my current protection level. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • @RoseRedRoseWhite
    @RoseRedRoseWhite 9 месяцев назад

    😋(sassy humor) ...I thought about recommending a cut glove because food industry hah, but you 1) are an adult 2) likely aware they exist 3) made your own determination on their usefulness to you and 4) Some safety items dont fit well enough to be safe for the task they were designed for-something rational humans recognize regardless of what situation they need to apply it to. I am horrified at and used to vile comments at the same time, I'm sorry you were subjected to them.
    Gardens are magic.
    Soft spoken does not equal doormat. I love your approach, and remain grateful for each upload. Thank you for taking the time to let us be nosy about your world!

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      Believe me, I’ve looked into them. I’ve even tried them before. But I have very thin, long fingers, and they never fit. The next idea is to invest in an Alaskan Ulu knive. It’s an idea one of the people here in the comments had, and the grip looks easier with my weird joint issues. We’ll see. First order of business is to get my knives finally sharpened ;)

    • @RoseRedRoseWhite
      @RoseRedRoseWhite 9 месяцев назад

      @@RootsandCalluses I always heard your kind of hands referred to as pianist's fingers because they are long and graceful enough to reach on the keys. I have small hands and a cut glove sized small/extra small is still enormous so I feel your pain. Dear food world: Kids sizes in adult materials! :'D

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      @RoseRedRoseWhite interesting! Thanks for sharing!

  • @lisanowakow3688
    @lisanowakow3688 9 месяцев назад

    My niece has EDS as the rarest and worst type. Most of my family has degrees of hyper mobility issues and pain. I have enough trouble that I’m thinking about getting the bloodwork done, but it only shows up in 50% of the population that way. I have Meniere’s Syndrome and never questioned you wearing ear covering. I listen to cell towers all day long, it’s deafening. I had three surgeries to try to help with endometriosis, I’m sorry you have that too. I’m also quite allergic to a lot of things and meds, I can relate.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      I always prefer knowing to not knowing, so I'd definitely get the blood test done. If it doesn't show up, you are where you are now.
      Meniere's was one of the many things I've been misdiagnosed with when my hearing was bad for a few weeks at a time. We were sure I was losing my hearing. I was fortunate enough to recover, and most days, my hearing is fine.
      Just a small note that I hope you don't take the wrong way: I try to avoid comparing or ranking suffering. Some people will argue that my classical EDS is worse than the hyper-mobile type but less bad than the vascular type, and so on. I don't think it works like that, and if you rank suffering, it can be really easy to say things like "well, it could be worse" and dismiss the one that was ranked lower, no matter how bad it still is.
      Just the other day someone told me that chronically ill people don't get discriminated or oppressed like other groups, so it's "not that bad" (and thus, people like me shouldn't complain). Whenever we rank these things, the groups further up or down in the ranking get affected by how it skews perception. She thought chronically ill people shouldn't complain, because there are people who suffer more.
      Diseases are also highly situational and personal. One person with hypermobility (so, supposedly suffering less than e.g. me) might find herself unable to lead their life while another person with the "worst type" is managing well, because of other factors. It just gets complicated so fast, that I try to avoid ranking at all. "Well, at least it's not cancer" is the sentence that started this thinking. Someone said that to me, when I told them about my disease. They dismissed my very real disease and my very real pain, because they could think of something worse. I'm not saying that's what your doing. But how you phrase things affects how others perceive them.
      Either way, I wish your niece all the best. I hope she manages her disease well, and isn't suffering too much. I hope you don't think I meant this in any unkind way. :)

    • @lisanowakow3688
      @lisanowakow3688 9 месяцев назад

      Great advice, thank you. I hope all your days are easy ones.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      I am glad you didn't take this the wrong way :) The same to you!

  • @judychapman1868
    @judychapman1868 9 месяцев назад +2

    All I wanted to ask was your first name so I could say, “Good morning______”…. I loved the video but was shocked people could be so forward in asking mean questions.
    I hope you find an answer to your medical questions. My daughter is also going through a similar situation where the answers are not there as to why she has been struggling with major medical problems but no real answer. She has now been diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS and Miller Fishers disease. We have tried to get the doctors to rule out parasites but unless she passes a worm and takes it to the doctor immediately they won’t consider the diagnoses and treatment. The reason we thought it might be parasites is because we lived in Okinawa, Japan and Guam for year while she was growing up. She is now to the point of having plasma transfusions every three weeks and will be progressing to blood filtering next week. If that doesn’t work the next step will be chemo. You are in my thoughts and prayers too so just remember a little ol lady from Tennessee, USA is thinking of you. ❤❤Judy❤❤

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      Kate 🙂
      I wish your daughter all the best and hope she finds her answers!

    • @judychapman1868
      @judychapman1868 9 месяцев назад

      Thank you Kate😜

  • @diogobraga2174
    @diogobraga2174 9 месяцев назад

    I love your videos, they're really inspirational. I really plan to move out of the big city in the next few years and be close to nature like that... My only issue is with a reliable internet connection, since my work is basically done through it, and I consume a lot of data with uploads and downloads, which sometimes is not a thing that is available everywhere.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      I feel you. It was one of our biggest issues. Many of the apartments I viewed fell through because there wasn’t a good enough internet connection. Here, it isn’t as fast as we are used to, and I have to think about when I e.g. upload a 25-minute episode, but it’s working even though both of us are frequently in online meetings. Luckily, we managed to get a 100 line, so that’s something.
      So glad my videos inspired you :)

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Oh, but you’d be surprised how good of an internet connection e.g. rural New Zealand has. Don’t rule out rural completely because of the internet. There are places :) Good luck to you!

  • @annak8554
    @annak8554 9 месяцев назад

    Hello Kate, I knew you were a „sister“!! I stumbled across your videos a few weeks ago and saw the headphones, heard about weak fingers, needing breaks, how you express yourself so acuratly….and thought: she probably is a little like me 😏now you revealed some of your conditions and I am happy that I felt it right 🙃
    I am 55 and have hEDS, ME/CFS, autism (aspergers)and also a lot to do with pains, anxiety and never knowing, how the day will come out….could start quite well and end in pain and complete exhaustion on the sofa or beeing almost unable to get up in the morning but suddenly everything becomes lighter and power to do something appears from nowhere.
    I don‘t know, if this is possible, or you would want that: but I would like to have contact and exchange about what it is like to live with these conditions, I dont know anybody in my life who has these!
    I feel to be -just like you- a person making something out of what is possible, beeing curious to learn and find peace with all that.
    I moved to a little very old house with a big garden around, it is still a construction site so far, but inside everything is quite cosy….I have bees and make my own honey, bake my own bread and will have chickens when everything is ready. This sounds great doesn‘t it, but you will know best that there are many days not so funny….anyway nothing else makes sense to me than loving and caring for this little piece of land- and so love and care also for myself ☺️🐝⛅️now I have to smile because I live in Austria and rather would have written in german-but as everything here is in english I didn‘t dare 😅
    Would love to hear from you, hugs, Anna

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Well, hello there sister ;)
      Thank you so much for sharing all that--especially in a language that isn't your preference. Yes, I am fluent in German (though I often use weird English phrasing by now), so feel free to write in either language. Actually, I'll answer you in German, too :) You'll just have to live with a lack of umlauts.
      Dein kleines Haus klingt toll. Da wuerde ich mich sehr freuen, wenn du dich meldest und mir mehr erzaehlst.
      Mein Autismus wurde als "low-functioning" eingestuft, wobei die ganzen Labels ja alle umstritten sind. Asperger's kann man nicht sagen, weil Asperger selbst eben nicht so ein toller Mensch war (hat mit den Nazis an Eugenics zusammengearbeitet, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere) und keiner kann mir erzaehlen, dass ich nicht funktioniere ;) Auch die Einstufung nach Intelligenz ist ja nicht mehr ganz aktuell. Da wuerde ich aus der Diagnose komplett rausfallen, weil ich "zu intelligent" bin. Was fuer ein Quatsch alles. Ich bleibe also einfach bei Autismus oder Autism Spectrum Disease. Das letztere wuerde auch meinen ganzen ADHD Kram mit einspannen ;)
      Aber ich schweife ab. Ich wuerde mich jedenfalls sehr freuen, wenn du dich meldest. Dann koennen wir in aller Ruhe quatschen.
      Ich wuensche dir (und deinem kleinen Stueck Land) alles Gute! :)

    @ECTOERICSARCADE 9 месяцев назад +1

    Isn't weird how some people are so mad about not wearing shoes? I went camping with my buddy on a lake and I took my shoes off to walk on the shore and go swimming. My friend just couldn't wrap his head around it. He gave me such a hard time and basically got angry with me
    I told him listen dude I'm not going to wear shoes to go swimming, who does that?😅

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      Ah, darn it. You just reminded me that I technically once got a foot injury since ditching the shoes: while swimming in an area that was supposedly maintained where everyone went barefoot.
      There are people who wear shoes when swimming in public pools, so nothing surprises me anymore. People get very personally offended when anything goes against how their world works. It confuses them.

  • @LottiesFaith
    @LottiesFaith 9 месяцев назад

    I understand your doctor phobia/dislike. I have multiple sclerosis and it was a bear to get diagnosed. I also have 2 other immune disorders which some doctors thought were all in my head. To a point they were right, lesions in my brain and depression. I'm glad you persevered and got your diagnosis. Do you mind writing the name of your disorder/disease? I love to learn and I love medical knowledge. The question I have is are you still married? I think you are but we don't ever see your husband. I feel intrusive asking that so ignore me if you wish.😊 Thank you for sharing your interesting life with us. God bless.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      I have classical Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Ostegoenesis Imperfecta, endometriosis, and a few related things. I hate how getting diagnosed can often be half the battle of being sick. It shouldn’t work like that. My husband has shown up in a few of the videos. He’s even in the previous one (050 on winter wonderland). He works a regular job, so he is often working while I work. All the best to you :)

  • @terrisantiago9128
    @terrisantiago9128 9 месяцев назад

    I grew up in Key West. I was barefoot all my life until I came to 0:18 orlando and froze

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад

      Snow really isn’t fun barefoot. I enjoy the short walks with Pepper, especially the part where my feet get super hot once I go back inside, but longer walks are not my thing. I know I can do a long while. I’ve gone for 1.5-hour walks in sandals through snow and half-frozen puddles. I know it’s fine as long as I keep moving. But if it’s wet, it really isn’t fun at all. I’m with you there ;)

  • @AmanAngel126
    @AmanAngel126 9 месяцев назад

    Wow! I never would have guessed L.A. in California. Then again, never would have put myself there either. Thanks for sharing your story. I would say more ibex than zebra. You are tough for sure. Have you tried any alternatives to western medicine modalities for healing or pain relief? I studied western medicine then kept going into all kinds of healing. The human journey...wish you both well.

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  9 месяцев назад +1

      I lived in a lot of bigger cities before we moved to more rural places. My husband's job used to keep us in cities. Now people in the field just work from home, and it doesn't matter anymore. I loved LA. I wouldn't move back to the big city, but California is still absolutely stunning. It is still my heart home.
      I don't take any traditional medication. All of my management at this point is alternative.

  • @RickyBlackwell_X
    @RickyBlackwell_X 8 месяцев назад

    You say terrible things. I hope you succeed in your struggle and win.

  • @josephcontreras8930
    @josephcontreras8930 4 месяца назад

    Your very beautiful in your natural look. I love your free spirit the way i like seeing a free spirit a woman in dreadlocks and barefoot.

  • @isabelleoesch6582
    @isabelleoesch6582 7 месяцев назад

    🙄 'Promo sm'

    • @RootsandCalluses
      @RootsandCalluses  7 месяцев назад

      I don't understand the comment. Would you mind explaining?