I really appreciate that you sang the entire song instead of what is only used as the intro for Naruto: Shippuden. You have a great voice and you’re very beautiful. All the best to you!
Honestly amazing cover that you voice was perfect for! Also your TikTok on animated wallpapers will come in handy for me when I get my PC online so thank you 🙏🏽
I’ve come back to, and sent this video to friends multiple times. Your voice is incredible. As someone who loves to memorize songs and sing along in my car, hearing you sing in a completely different language is awesome. Please keep doing what you’re doing, if for no other reason than for yourself. 😊
@@ashnoel hey! No worries! I’m not a “RUclipsr” I have no CLUE what goes into it all. I have no doubt that doing it interferes with daily life. I just like hearing you. 😊
I was actually thinking how if she made a RUclips doing the full song I’d subscribe and she actually did it. She has my sub and like she’s really talente
Habataitara modoranai to itte Mezashita no wa aoi aoi ano sora Kanashimi wa mada oboerarezu Setsunasa wa ima tsukami hajimeta Anata e to daku kono kanjou mo Ima kotoba ni kawatte iku Michi naru sekai no yume kara Mezamete kono hane wo hiroge tobitatsu Habataitara modoranai to itte Mezashita no wa shiroi shiroi ano kumo tsukinuketara mitsukaru to shiite Furikiru hodo aoi aoi ano sora aoi aoi ano sora,aoi aoi ano sora Aisou sukita you na oto de Sabireta furui mado wa kowareta Miakita kago wa hora sutete iku Furikaeru koto wa mou nai Takanaru kodou ni kokyuu wo azukete Kono mado wo kette tobitatsu Kakedashitara te ni dekiru to itte Izanau no wa tooi tooi ano koe Mabushi sugita anata no te mo nigitte Motomeru hodo aoi aoi ano sora Ochite iku to wakatte ita Soredemo hikari wo oi tsudzukete iku yo Habataitara modoranai to itte Sagashita no wa shiroi shiroi ano kumo Tsukinuketara mitsukaru to shiitte Furikiru hodo aoi aoi ano sora Aoi aoi ano sora Aoi aoi ano sora
I’m speechless, the Japanese is so fluent, the tones and pitches are perfect, and I can feel the soul in your singing. This is the best adaption I’ve heard no doubt. Keep up your singing!
Did NOT expect you to reply so fast haha. It’s hard making a big break when there’s so much talent in today’s age, but like the rest of us on the comments here, you’ll make your big break sooner or later!
don't freak yourself out and build your own anxiety when you sing high notes! if you can imagine the height of the note in your head, you can reach it! if you freak yourself out with the build up that it takes to get to that note, that's when you accidentally tighten your vocal folds because of the anxiety. i also recommend hitting high notes with a mix of the chest/head voice!
No matter how many times I hear blue bird, it always bring me pain.
sounds about right
@Your Kamikaze too*
nobody: My search history: " PeOpLe SiNgInG bLuE bIrD"
Nobody: My search history: “Hinata and naruto”
I wouldn’t say nobody
Can’t wait for more anime covers. Try to do “The rising of the Shield Hero” if you can
I thought I was the only one who watched it
@@chulumancomatrose3686 me to
Shield Hero is amazing pls sing it!!! oh
@@NarutoUzumaki-ko5qn stay in ur anime sir
Greetings from Japan.😍🇯🇵
Your voice touched my heart...I'm so impressed.😭 And your pronunciation is perfect !
Thank you so much! I'm grateful :D
*Perfect girl doesn't exist*
Perfect girl:
@Josue morales Correct, nobody is perfect, everyone is flawed in some way of another
First 4 seconds of this vid exists*
Me: A u t o s u b s c r i b e
HAHA omg thank you!!!
@@ashnoel this is so good made me smile
I'd love to hear the demon slayer op. It cuts off on tiktok and I'm sad now
I'll upload it soon!
Hey you guys can you upload blue bird but in English
miss yu, foyl, " o kit,
re-listening and re-singing this song 1000th time, i guess. That's beatiful
As someone who is listening this literally 24/7 this is a pretty good cover
coming from a japanese person, HUGE props. im not even fluent & my fam is lol. this is SO SO SO GOOD!
I agree with you
thank you so much!
I will just scroll through her tik tok and vibe to her covers and most of the time sing along and my mom will yell at me for being too loud😂
I really appreciate that you sang the entire song instead of what is only used as the intro for Naruto: Shippuden. You have a great voice and you’re very beautiful. All the best to you!
Amazing I love your tiktok and enjoy everyone of your covers that you do!!!
Thank you
I have replayed this so many times, literally my favorite cover of the song :D Ur talented and should upload more!
thank you so much! I will have a video up this week :D
This is truly a great cover! The execution and voice are perfect.
People these days saying other anime openings are the best that proofs they have'nt seen naruto or they just skipped this epic opening
Wow cool!!!!🎤🎶🤯😘👌👍👍
if u have listen this three times without skipping ur a *LEGEND*
Try 100 😎😎😎😎
On my 10
Thanks u
you are a legend thank u
Омг, я влюблен 😍
Я думала что я тут одна русская 😬🔫
This vid should have been in the millions by now smh underrated
Best blue bird cover ever.
Honestly amazing cover that you voice was perfect for! Also your TikTok on animated wallpapers will come in handy for me when I get my PC online so thank you 🙏🏽
I’ve come back to, and sent this video to friends multiple times. Your voice is incredible. As someone who loves to memorize songs and sing along in my car, hearing you sing in a completely different language is awesome. Please keep doing what you’re doing, if for no other reason than for yourself. 😊
Thank you so much! I promise I will get into uploading soon! I've had lots of things in the works and finally ready to be more active :D
@@ashnoel hey! No worries! I’m not a “RUclipsr” I have no CLUE what goes into it all. I have no doubt that doing it interferes with daily life. I just like hearing you. 😊
I’m obsessed with her voice! Bluebird is on repeat
came back to this months later and the high note at 0:49 and how effortless you make it seem still gives me chills
Когда слышу эту песню я плачу
I googled translate this that’s why i understand я тоже
Когда я вижу этот комментарий, я перехожу в онлайн-перевод
Russians can cry?
You have a nery nice voice☺💖
Love ❤️
This was amazing. Nature is my favorite anime and so glad you did this.
This slaps more then the original which is almost impossible
I really appreciate you saying this! you are WAY way kind
@@-axel-4174 yes!
So I'm not the pnly one thinking that
@@ryssaa5361 ur ears might have cancer mate
Jk, different tastes n shit
@@whotfdis yea imo this kis not as good but its up to you what you like
Besttt introduction 😍😍😍😍
OMG this brings back memories I remember watching naruto 6-7 years ago
how? ur like 7
@@haychLB lol how am I 7 I’m 16
@@iven5294 yhyh
Omg everytime i listen to this song, it makes me feel narutos pains
Whoa that was so good🤩
what a incredible first vidéo ❤️
WAITTTTT i saw u on tiktok
Sharingan is red,
Rasengan is blue,
This is the best anime opening,
And if you don’t agree,
I’ll chidori you.
Beautiful ❤️
Been supporting this since your first cover on tiktok hope it works well for you your amazing
thank you love
Omg you absolutely nailed it😱
I was actually thinking how if she made a RUclips doing the full song I’d subscribe and she actually did it. She has my sub and like she’s really talente
Kyle Pruneda thank you♥️
You're voice is so good and beautiful!!
And you're Japanese pronounce is also very good👍💕
When I listen to blue bird It always makes me think about all the fallen shinobis.
❤️❤️❤️ I love it
This is amazing
i just find covers in falsette but in january 22 i find you... thanks youtube and complete cover? whoa beauthifull
Who else is here because they absolutely love her stuff on tik tok
thank you *insert puppy eyes*
@@ashnoel i came here from ur tiktok too XD
Let her ppl
My favorite song is this in Naruto you are BEST
I hit the subscribe button after 5 seconds, no joke. 10/10.
So I literally JUST finished watching naruto shipudden so now I am listening to covers.
Straight Banger lol. You deserve so much more subscribers I bet a ton of time went into this.
I know it’s no simp September but I love your voice I literally listen to your covers and it helps me sleep post this on Spotify I believe in you 💓
Rayyan thank you i will try! 🤍
I believe in yoy
I believe in you
Really good! Would love to see some more covers
Can Wait For More Anime Cover's "SILHOUTTE"🙏🏻 if you cant beuty.? :D
Yes please!!
yeah lets gooooooooooooooooooooo
I'm just singing along
btw I love ur voice sm
Such a great voice and keep up the fantastic work!
So cool❤️
i watched the cover and realised theres spoilers in background..😅 for the rest, i like it! its very good.
I always sing this song and everywhere what a beautiful song that stirs my feelings😭❤️❤️
Found on tik tok so must be on youtube also...haha..Nice 🥰
Omg the nostalgia
I have found the holy grail, please more covers 🙌
Эта песня прекрасна! Ты очень красиво поешь! Продолжай в том же духе!💕
This is amazing!!! your singing are awasome!
Dopeeeee I absolutely LOVE IT you should do more!!! Hb mha? Or haikyu?
HaikYu would be DOPE AF!!! I love the season 4 opening
Brody Brown Yes love!
Love it . Great voice btw 😍
Finally made a youtube great
You’re really good at what you do! I love this!
Is it just me but anime songs make me wanna get up and so something utterly insane
WOW!! Your voice is sooo beautiful 🤩 ! I love it!
Saying “Tobitatsu” is super duper hard
Well it is if you don’t speak Japanese
Easily the best intro for shippuden, the feelings this song and intro video brings back is just amazing.
The aoi parts remind me of a bird singing. I don’t know if that’s what the creators were trying to do or not
yep, the song was actually written from the bird "point of view" so it makes sense
What a nice cover to a very special song great job!
Давайте кто из снг покажем активность что мы обожаем это аниме и как она спела это просто божественно?
The best cover in my eyes✨😤
This is really good and can you do the lullaby from promises neverland
this was super nice :) good job
Habataitara modoranai to itte
Mezashita no wa aoi aoi ano sora
Kanashimi wa mada oboerarezu
Setsunasa wa ima tsukami hajimeta
Anata e to daku kono kanjou mo
Ima kotoba ni kawatte iku
Michi naru sekai no yume kara
Mezamete kono hane wo hiroge tobitatsu
Habataitara modoranai to itte
Mezashita no wa shiroi shiroi ano kumo
tsukinuketara mitsukaru to shiite
Furikiru hodo aoi aoi ano sora
aoi aoi ano sora,aoi aoi ano sora
Aisou sukita you na oto de
Sabireta furui mado wa kowareta
Miakita kago wa hora sutete iku
Furikaeru koto wa mou nai
Takanaru kodou ni kokyuu wo azukete
Kono mado wo kette tobitatsu
Kakedashitara te ni dekiru to itte
Izanau no wa tooi tooi ano koe
Mabushi sugita anata no te mo nigitte
Motomeru hodo aoi aoi ano sora
Ochite iku to wakatte ita
Soredemo hikari wo oi tsudzukete iku yo
Habataitara modoranai to itte
Sagashita no wa shiroi shiroi ano kumo
Tsukinuketara mitsukaru to shiitte
Furikiru hodo aoi aoi ano sora
Aoi aoi ano sora
Aoi aoi ano sora
Keep it up girl i will support u from back:)
I’m speechless, the Japanese is so fluent, the tones and pitches are perfect, and I can feel the soul in your singing. This is the best adaption I’ve heard no doubt. Keep up your singing!
thank you! I really appreciate it
Did NOT expect you to reply so fast haha. It’s hard making a big break when there’s so much talent in today’s age, but like the rest of us on the comments here, you’ll make your big break sooner or later!
@@cameronkoenig9270 thank you! I really appreciate it
Как же мне грустно 😔
Absolutely crushed it..
My gawd you nailed it!
Just incroyable.... 😍😍😍
i love you the cover is incredible
Amazing Cover 😍
I love this and i love naruto
THIS IS SO AMAZINGGG!! I cant wait to see how far you go! You sound absolutely beautiful keep it up 🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍
Love this song from Naruto.... What a great blessing voice you have. Best wishes to you. Aloha from Hawaii
Beautiful song, beautiful girl. Thanks for the cover!
dunno why im here but i like it :D great voice!!
A true masterpiece and a great job 👏🏻
Thank you so much, this has recently became my favorite anime song and you covered it and listed the translation beautifully! Thank you !
Thank you!
You are so relaxed the whole time yet sang really amazing!!...any tips to hit high notes?
don't freak yourself out and build your own anxiety when you sing high notes! if you can imagine the height of the note in your head, you can reach it! if you freak yourself out with the build up that it takes to get to that note, that's when you accidentally tighten your vocal folds because of the anxiety.
i also recommend hitting high notes with a mix of the chest/head voice!
I love you. I’m your number 1 supporter on TikTok. All I gotta say is hold your head high and to ignore all the hate. Stay cool my Queen 😅❤️❤️
SavitarslayerX thank you so much♥️