Monday Night Conversation - Jet Li & Michelle Yeoh (Mummy 3)

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @kme321
    @kme321 5 лет назад +22

    I love Jet Li, he has been favorite actor since my childhood.

  • @victorrodriguez5765
    @victorrodriguez5765 2 года назад +5

    Jet Li en sus momentos de juventud hasta el día de hoy siempre humilde y todo un artista en la televisión ................. saludos de Peru 🇵🇪...

  • @samlombardo4218
    @samlombardo4218 7 лет назад +25

    Jet Lee has one of the most beautiful styles of Martial art

    • @geryang7561
      @geryang7561 4 года назад +1

      100% agree!!! He is so unique!!!

    • @alexboat77
      @alexboat77 2 года назад +1

      Very True

  • @r3i123
    @r3i123 13 лет назад +44

    i like the chemistry between jet li and michelle yeoh. they seem like really good friends!

    • @danskyl7279
      @danskyl7279 2 года назад +7

      They have been friends since Jet li was younger, they acted together too before.

  • @jhy2kmoney
    @jhy2kmoney 6 лет назад +18

    Jet Li , you are my hero

  • @basketcas3717
    @basketcas3717 2 дня назад

    Man I love watching jet li interviews. Especially about him talking about being the good guy or bad guy. He fully understands the basis of it and he can embody either beautifully.

  • @CrazyGood88
    @CrazyGood88 15 лет назад +17

    Brendan Frasier, Michelle Yeoh, and Jet Li were the only reasons i watched this movie...and the guy that plays jonathan: he is always good for a laugh lol! i was disappointed when i heard rachel weiss was not returning. she made the wife worth watching. Jet li is brillance, Michelle Yeoh is Girl power awesomeness-and gorgeousness, and brendan frasier is just outright cool in my book. if not for jet and michelle this movie would have sunk hard.

  • @alexboat77
    @alexboat77 2 года назад +6

    A god and a goddess of Martial Arts. Great Chemistry🔥❤️🔥👊🏼

  • @HappinessAndHarmony
    @HappinessAndHarmony 16 лет назад +13

    Aww Jet Li looks so modest and just that little bit shy =) I love seeing actors who have such a such an awesome repuation like his be so grounded and down to earth, I have so much respect for him. And Michelle..WOW! Not many 46 year olds can pull of a dress like that. She has a great legs and a natural beautiful young face =)Kudos for the film too!

  • @majusitshu
    @majusitshu 10 лет назад +17

    Haven't found an interview with both of them and the interviewer mentioned they worked together in 1993 for Tai Chi Master, a Chinese movie.

  • @leevivian2050
    @leevivian2050 12 лет назад +6

    every conversation jet li like to smile.
    he answer simple and understood.
    i really like he real voice.

  • @eurosemortel388
    @eurosemortel388 6 лет назад +12

    one characteristic I really like to jet li is his smiling face always.

  • @ameng1712
    @ameng1712 16 лет назад

    One of the greatest n unique movee...must watch n u will feel good...i really proud with Michelle Yeoh bcoz she is an Malaysian Icon in Hollywood Film...Congrats...

  • @fpp9183
    @fpp9183 4 года назад +3

    What can I say. Two legends

  • @greatpopradioJohn
    @greatpopradioJohn 16 лет назад +5

    MR. Jet Li is just awesome to see fight, he's moves is pure art.

  • @mercylee2341
    @mercylee2341 4 года назад +1

    I love his style of fighting he can use any kind of weapons. I get so crazy when he use shaolin or wushu sticks, nunchuks he is f.... fast very skilled. I never get tired of watching his movies. I am obsessed with him

  • @omyyycool166
    @omyyycool166 3 года назад +1

    Jet Li sir amazing 🏅

  • @face2facechick
    @face2facechick 15 лет назад +3

    which is SADLY the case with most of her films. She is actually a very good actress. My pick for best supporting actress in memoirs of a geisha

    • @danskyl7279
      @danskyl7279 2 года назад

      She was a very good actress. Shame Mummy 3 script made her look awkward. Btw Michelle Yeoh is fluent in Cantonese, I don't know why they didn't have her speak that in Mummy 3.

  • @tenManDevil
    @tenManDevil 16 лет назад +3

    The movie was ok.... not great.. but you gotta acknowledge Jet li's contribution to this movie. Man.. he is one great actor..

  •  15 лет назад +3

    jet li's my hero he's awsome

  • @jucaradasilva536
    @jucaradasilva536 Год назад +1

    Olá. Michelle🌷🌹👏👏👏👏🤗⚘

  • @EnSaneGamer
    @EnSaneGamer 11 лет назад +9

    This movie was alright. But the first one was the best in my opinion. The only reason I like the 3rd movie was because of Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh

  • @LibeliumDragonfly
    @LibeliumDragonfly 12 лет назад +17

    Jet is Michelle's sister and Michelle is Jet's brother. Ya, it makes sense, they said so themselves.

  • @Shin280891
    @Shin280891 4 года назад +1

    Sweet :)

  • @jhonalexanderpadillacardon2330
    @jhonalexanderpadillacardon2330 7 лет назад +1

    michelle wow i love her

  • @ShoryoTombo
    @ShoryoTombo 16 лет назад

    I totally agree!

  • @tiagobonifacio128
    @tiagobonifacio128 7 месяцев назад

    🏆🏆🏆😍Jet li👏👏👍🇧🇷

  • @diyingangel
    @diyingangel 16 лет назад

    Great thanks a lot.

  • @xenaprincesaguerreira8985
    @xenaprincesaguerreira8985 7 лет назад +1

    Eu amo todos os filmes do meu idolo jet li forever 😠

  • @exeriveros
    @exeriveros Год назад

    La veces que ella hacía de su madre en las primeras películas chinas de jet li

  • @mimonahle
    @mimonahle 13 лет назад +6

    Jet Li is the motherfuckn Best actor in this world !!!!!!!!

  • @ilsafausts
    @ilsafausts 16 лет назад +1

    Yep, totally :D

  • @britrob24
    @britrob24 13 лет назад

    They are both beautiful, talented people...Pioneering individuals.
    And that interviewer looks like she's about to go to a party lol, she seems new at this.

  • @lidis.u5691
    @lidis.u5691 5 лет назад +3

    The actress is the mom from Crazy Rich Asians???

  • @almerjamerson7524
    @almerjamerson7524 4 года назад


  • @diyingangel
    @diyingangel 16 лет назад

    oh yes he is. Btw, does anyone know who plays Alex now?

  • @marypoopie
    @marypoopie 14 лет назад +3

    ill let michelle yeoh beat me up anyday

  • @gecmisgelecek5389
    @gecmisgelecek5389 5 лет назад

    Michelle khan new michelle yeoh I'm fan 80's to days

  • @WhyYouStealMyName
    @WhyYouStealMyName 13 лет назад +1

    Jet Li's playing the Emperor that he tried to kill and died for at the end... LOL. Jackie Chan then dies defending his harem xD

  • @echoesofwar
    @echoesofwar 14 лет назад +1

    michelle, how dou keep ur figure my gosh....

  • @BarbieLiu
    @BarbieLiu 4 года назад

    Jet li and Michelle are great actors but in this mummy installment Arnold Vosloo is the star as the mummy villain.

  • @matiasbarus560
    @matiasbarus560 4 года назад +1

    Michelle Yeoh v Jet Li v Jackie Chan v Donnie Yen v Andy Lau...

  • @arab542
    @arab542 16 лет назад

    he looks like tin win at my school PHS (pineville high school).

  • @ChevalierAguila
    @ChevalierAguila 15 лет назад +8

    Jet is still not that confident in his english, so it makes sense that he didn't speak that much.

  • @christopherrobinson9690
    @christopherrobinson9690 4 года назад

    I hate to even mention but I almost see a recantation of Bruce Lee in Michelle.

  • @JesseCarrillo
    @JesseCarrillo 16 лет назад


  • @yuanxiaoyi
    @yuanxiaoyi 14 лет назад

    Michelle is 48 now!Shi is still so fit.

  • @ilsafausts
    @ilsafausts 16 лет назад

    She just turned 46 :)

  • @sutressetres9931
    @sutressetres9931 6 лет назад +1

    Jagan Cari Lagi . Satria

  • @dukeassa
    @dukeassa 16 лет назад

    yeah, proved highly ineffective, i agree

  • @jmilikaouther389
    @jmilikaouther389 5 лет назад


  • @memyselfcomments
    @memyselfcomments 16 лет назад

    Jet is HOTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @sutressetres9931
    @sutressetres9931 6 лет назад +1

    Jenengku Sutrisno Kesatria . Satria I Love Istri ku Tercinta . Love you . Madura Lomaer . Cucu presiden Indonesia .

  • @ooOmegaSupremeoo
    @ooOmegaSupremeoo 13 лет назад +1

    Michelle Yeoh was not that old when they made this movie. She was only 45.

  • @touche27
    @touche27 16 лет назад

    Wow, Yeoh trying to set people straight. Wikipedia has over 30 but I guess she has a MORE OFFICIAL COUNT. Fact Check!

  • @forexdissector9565
    @forexdissector9565 2 года назад

    Jet Li seems overly shy and distracted.

  • @WhyYouStealMyName
    @WhyYouStealMyName 13 лет назад

    @teddytales88 Her arms aren't though.

  • @Mrluckyjo
    @Mrluckyjo 16 лет назад

    luke ford

  • @grimleemer
    @grimleemer 13 лет назад

    Jet Li makes a bad villan

  • @getsudatensho
    @getsudatensho 13 лет назад

    forbiden kingdom

  • @cyber1991
    @cyber1991 6 лет назад +1

    Jet Li's English is horrible but Michelle's English is excellent.

  • @Shalimar1
    @Shalimar1 14 лет назад

    @luckybozo1 Not reality? Tss, I'd like to see you going up to Michelle Yeoh let's see how long you'll keep standing. (if you even can KEEP standing). Superficial as you are.

  • @brucekirk89
    @brucekirk89 14 лет назад

    him and his son floated on a door for 4 hours in the water and almost lost his son off the door to a big wave of water

  • @narutohinata000
    @narutohinata000 16 лет назад

    if this is chinese then why is she form a nother japanese film
    aaa i dont no still good 5555/5555:)))
    got to love jet li movies

  • @ridwanhusainishraq
    @ridwanhusainishraq 3 года назад

    jet li is too shy and timid

  • @Shalimar1
    @Shalimar1 14 лет назад

    @luckybozo1 @luckybozo1 Uh woow, problem much? A bit an overreaction on your part I think. About twenty years ago I used to watch cowboy movies and other action movies with my dad and there were only men in them, if there was a

  • @konktothextreme
    @konktothextreme 16 лет назад

    michelle yeoh is so ridculously beautiful.

  • @ooOmegaSupremeoo
    @ooOmegaSupremeoo 13 лет назад

    No, you wouldn't.
    Why would you want that to happen? Are you a masochist?

  • @RipleyNgr
    @RipleyNgr 16 лет назад

    i didnt liked the reporter...: "u played in over 30 movies" - "25".... god

  • @dukeassa
    @dukeassa 16 лет назад

    who did the tests??? china itself did. xaxa
    anyways, our histories in the past overlap so we know that. also do you know the reason why they built the wall???

  • @ThisIsDream
    @ThisIsDream 16 лет назад

    I seriously dont like the fighting scene they do in hollywood film =[[. Hong Kong action film still #1 in the world.

  • @JuiCeD180
    @JuiCeD180 15 лет назад

    its things like michelle yeoh's mindset that keeps females interesting.

  • @ooOmegaSupremeoo
    @ooOmegaSupremeoo 13 лет назад

    You are so sick!

  • @Shalimar1
    @Shalimar1 14 лет назад

    @luckybozo1 then she was a damsel in distress and weak, so yes, I actually LOVE it when there are strong woman around now, but that doesn't mean that I don't love strong men too. I find it a bit weird that you see my reaction as if I have something against men, I have nothing against men. I love men. Just wanted to say that and I'm not going to put any more energy in this insulting you're doing. Have a nice life! And maybe you should get some help instead of coming up with all sorts of things.

  • @universalvisioner
    @universalvisioner 3 года назад

    no need speaking english.nothing.if l was jet li or ı was michelle yeoh l was really really spekaing chinese in english nothing.most important is michelle and jet fame.we know michelle in the line of duty and all the world.and malaysia is best then hollywood

  • @Crescendotron
    @Crescendotron 7 месяцев назад

    "This is Funny" now let us analyse
    first, look who says and also cries
    but then whose job basically is this
    both to say but, societies prioritise
    whose job basically is this ...
    first analyse and then prioritise
    "Returning to Finish Job" then How cool
    ya new comers will be gone to their school
    Before each other, they honest must be !
    asks, for God itself out of its favourite pool
    Asks out of its favourite pool ..
    new comers will be gone to school

  • @Doomer253
    @Doomer253 16 лет назад

    The interviewer is cute in all, but she is kinda boring.

  • @arabiandevil
    @arabiandevil 15 лет назад

    one of the worst movies i have EVER would've been better if they gave the millions they used in production 2 charity..