$350 Craigslist MacGregor 22 Trailer Sailer Restoration pt.1

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • I find my hands full with a project sailboat. The MacGregor Venture 222. A 22 foot trailer sailer that came with no attached hardware and box of parts and sails with a few mixed in random things. This is a journey that I hope upgrades every year or so. I want to restore and flip my way up to a dream boat 🛥. Solo sailing and adventures of all kinds are on the table. It just takes some elbow grease and the will to go get it. Part 2 will be an upgrading of the interior. Please lile and subscribe for adventure coming up like sailing the Apostle Islands on Lake Superior and more.
    #solosailing #sailboat #sailboatlife #sailing #sailboatrestoration #offgrid #adventure #macgregor #venture222 #craigslist #boatrepair #sailboats #trailersailer #miniyacht

Комментарии • 41

  • @gillbertwerner1790
    @gillbertwerner1790 Год назад +3

    Wow another old Macgregor. What Luck I am now trying my best to bring back my 1970 Macgregor 21FT @ 77yrs it has been more of a JOB than I had hoped it would have been. Your's sure looks GREAT! GOOD VIDEO, thanks for posting it.

    • @johnnywisconny
      @johnnywisconny  Год назад +1

      You’re very welcome. Good luck!!

    • @moosesamli4569
      @moosesamli4569 11 месяцев назад +2

      I also have a 1970 Venture 21, been all over CA and Mexico.

    • @charleswaters455
      @charleswaters455 Месяц назад +1

      I'm only 60 and I find that crawling around inside the cabin is a major job! Good on you at 77!

  • @carltonbirds
    @carltonbirds 8 месяцев назад +1

    Very lovely and accommodating.

  • @OneMan.
    @OneMan. 9 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome job thank you for taking the time to post the video.

  • @gdaddylogan
    @gdaddylogan 2 года назад +3

    Great job! Reminds me of when I bought a Venture 17. The guy took the boat apart and actually painted it then parked it next to a blackberry bush and left it. We pulled it out of the bushes put the boat and trailer on top of one of my trailers took it home and put it back together and had to make a bunch of missing parts. Both my kids learned to sail in that boat.

  • @parrottbay
    @parrottbay 2 года назад +1

    That was Great!!!

  • @bruceco.8524
    @bruceco.8524 Год назад

    I was watching your video with no idea of where you were. Then I saw the river pictures and realized that bridge looked familiar. LOL. I grew up in the Twin Cities MN and am very familiar with the St Croix River and its little towns. Seeing that was a nice surprise. Your boat looks great. Good job!

  • @cementingbytanya
    @cementingbytanya 2 года назад +1

    Wow looks awesome 👌 👏

  • @kubasus6167
    @kubasus6167 2 года назад +1

    turned out amazing!

  • @warhatchet
    @warhatchet 2 года назад +1

    Nice work!!!

  • @sailawaybob
    @sailawaybob 2 года назад

    You did a awesome job on her. And for $350 she was in great shape for her age. . happy sailing

  • @jparks4815
    @jparks4815 2 года назад +1

    Nice job! Looks fantastic!

  • @jeslynlane
    @jeslynlane 2 года назад

    Nice job!

  • @bootmenow
    @bootmenow 2 года назад

    Wow you did a great job. You have made a guide for mine. Thank you

    • @johnnywisconny
      @johnnywisconny  2 года назад +1

      Glad I could help. I have another video coming soon with a few first sails.

  • @gordperrin9521
    @gordperrin9521 7 месяцев назад

    I like how the 22 has a more private head area than the 23

  • @robbhalverson7725
    @robbhalverson7725 2 года назад +1

    Great information. I am actually looking to buy the same model boat. Can you give me some advice on what to look for when inspecting a Mac Greggor 22 for purchase. Any help would be appreciated.

    • @johnnywisconny
      @johnnywisconny  2 года назад +2

      Make sure you clear everything out and use a mold and mildew remover or bleach substitute. I painted the textured areas by using top coat paint and a grit additive for painted stairs. Don’t use that! The grit is way to aggressive and takes skin off. Lol I need to add a few coats of top coat without grit to undo what you did. That should soften it up.
      I have a small jib with a roller furling. I love it for my learning curve. Being able to downsize my front sail at will is very solo sailing friendly.
      Checking your sails for damage from mice and wear damage is huge.
      I have had people ask why I need winches on such a small boat. I must say I think it’s my best upgrade. I don’t use my winch handle much but having winches saves my hands from rope burn and struggling a lot. I picked up the cheaper W6 winches and they are awesome!
      Last thing I can think of that’s a big project to fix is a rusty keel. Some rust is ok but full on rot requires you to remove the whole keel and fiberglass it. A RUclips exists of it being done and the whole process involved. Sorry I don’t have a link. It’s not my Video. But it is informative. Just search MacGregor keel repair.
      The retractable keel and camper top are so awesome on my local river. I see people with similar boats without camper tops and they hit their head a lot.

  • @Mike-tc8ob
    @Mike-tc8ob Год назад

    Great job. just a couple months from dunking my 71 South Coast after a five year rebuild very similar to what you did. now tell us all how in the heck you got the windows back in?

    • @johnnywisconny
      @johnnywisconny  Год назад

      I had small screws in the aluminum trim that sandwich the plexiglass. I removed all of them and scraped any silicone. After painting I used some plumbers puddy tape around the perimeter and re-sandwiched the plexiglass in the aluminum trim again. Very easy. Just a lot of small screws. I hope that helps.😊

  • @chrisspenceley4141
    @chrisspenceley4141 2 года назад +2

    Good job Johnny. What paint did you use on the exterior and what did you do for the grippy walking areas? Thanks

    • @johnnywisconny
      @johnnywisconny  2 года назад +1

      I went to west marine and bought white and blue top coat paint, foam rollers and brushes. I went to the local paint department in a hardware store for the sand grit paint additive. I added it to the blue paint and uses a normal paint roller to apply. Only thing I would do different is I would do a coat of pure blue paint on top of the gritty coat. It was almost too rough and a pure coat on top would dull it a bit.

  • @leehodges2399
    @leehodges2399 Год назад +1

    About how much money do you have in it? The restoration part.

    • @johnnywisconny
      @johnnywisconny  Год назад +2

      About $1200-$1500. I did get a 20watt solar charger too. I had all 5 lug nuts come off somehow and the tire was shredded in the wheel well on my way back home. It was on the first time out. That was $250 in tires.
      $350 For the Boat
      $200ish Paint, rollers and brushes, cleaners
      $150 for ropes/running rigging
      $250 for tires and lug nuts
      $50 Amazon boat light kit
      $100 battery
      $200 motor
      I hope that helps. I’m working on the interior soon. It will have a large bed area and a cooking area.

  • @faizalfuad75
    @faizalfuad75 2 года назад

    Hello Johny, what kind of white paint did you use for top deck?

    • @johnnywisconny
      @johnnywisconny  2 года назад

      I bought it at West Marine. It was the only white top coat they had in stock. I’m sorry I don’t know the brand off hand. I have the can in the boat. I will try and get that for you.

    • @faizalfuad75
      @faizalfuad75 2 года назад

      @@johnnywisconny appreciate it..

  • @benjaminnevins5211
    @benjaminnevins5211 Год назад

    Where are you at in WI. I just bought a 1976 MacGregor 21 and have a lot of questions

    • @johnnywisconny
      @johnnywisconny  Год назад +1

      I live in Prescott. I sail on the St.Croix around Hudson mostly so far.

  • @vinnyconneiiy7864
    @vinnyconneiiy7864 2 года назад

    Yeah I bought my two sailboats from the police auctions a a $1 each

  • @joealesi9610
    @joealesi9610 2 года назад

    Awesome Sailboat ⛵ ...I just got the same one, it's a 1981 in light blue too that I love and can't wait to figure her out l😆l!, get her wet and learn to sail l😂l❣She's supposed to be one of the very best all around‼️What year is yours because mine originally has the light blue going throughout the cockpit and deck too along with a few other small differences like my transom hatch is located on the starboard cockpit bench cover section and my stern is solid without the door like yours⁉️

    • @johnnywisconny
      @johnnywisconny  2 года назад

      Good luck!!!! It’s so much fun. I enjoy it a lot.

  • @vinnyconneiiy7864
    @vinnyconneiiy7864 2 года назад
