이거 내 뇌피셜일지도 모르는데 처음에 애기가 조이한테 과자 줬을 때 뒤에서 매니저가 바로 가져가려고 가까이 왔는데 못 가져가게 자기 팔 아래 놓고 있다가 애기 갈때쯤에서야 가져가게 한다. 이거 애기 앞에서 바로 가져가는 모습 보여주기 싫어서 그런 것 같음...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
@@Lyf4rMusic They had sold out! I was trying to get 3 tickets and they didn't have them in a block of 3. I would have had to sit far away from one of my nieces and that's not going to happen! They are 11 and 14 and wanted to go as well. I could've gotten a block of two and then a third ticket, but I didn't want to do that. They sold out less than an hour later after I was shopping for tickets. Boooo!
@@xianejose5199 First of all, they have never revealed their sexual orientation. It is also advisable not to say their sexual orientation. It can be a big blow for kpop singer.
@백현아사랑해 No one knows what she did. You just heard the side of the stylist but not why she did that. You are so ready to accuse her of being gapjil when it was a misunderstanding between her and the stylist. Her co-workers who worked for her for a long time defended her from that kind of witch hunt. You will believe anything bad about her anyway and will never turn up when people vouched for her or share their good experiences because for you she already is a bad person from the very start. For me a personality is different from attitude. Personality depends on who you are in general and attitude depends on how people treat you. So yeah for me, she is kind that's her personality.
@@muypicante3368 very well said, just want to add. we as a people can't and shouldn't judge a person with just one incident, (but of course there will be people will say there are other rumuors of this but w/o evidence it is still rumours) and just to reiterate: that is the side of the stylist, we are govern by cause and effect... stylist only said the effect. which is the bad mouthing, but she didn't mention the cause of it. just a fruit of thought. (I don't know if I did the right thing on commenting on you or should I comment on the guy you reacted with) ... peace!
In my eyes they look like this Yeri: a nice sister Joy: a sweet kindergarten teacher Seulgi: a cool older sister Irene: a caring mom Wendy: chingu (same age friend) 👑 😂
어린 애가 선물 준다고 바리바리 싸들고온 모습에 흐뭇하지않을 수가 없네
걍 얘 진짜 이름일수도 있지 준영이 상처받겠노 눈치없는것들
매우 귀여운
웬디가 최애인가부다 물고기모자 소듕하게 안고와서 조심히 건네기...귀엽다ㅠㅜ
내 소듕한 물고기 모잔데ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
당근같지만 배추임[아리] 이거 민율이 아닌가옄ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
어구 꼬마애가 모든포카들고온걸보니 넘 착하네.. 저걸 다모을려고 몇개나샀을까.. 레벨이들눈에서 꿀이떨어진다.. 물론 내눈에서도 넘귀엽다.. 다너무귀여워 저작은손으로 레벨이들 선물준다고 바리바리싸들구 전해주는거 넘귀엽다 흐엉
@@김한뫼-o5z 23장을 사고.. 다모은거면 진짜 대박이신데..
@@김한뫼-o5z 헉 ㅁㄹㄷㅇ님이 저 영상에 나온 분 이시라구요 ? ㅠㅜㅠ 와 ..부럽네요
@@김한뫼-o5z 와 ㅁㄹㄷㅇ님인지 생각도못함 중학생 이실줄 알았는데
@@타임라인-j7z 저도 ..
도대체 누구시길래..?
이거 내 뇌피셜일지도 모르는데 처음에 애기가 조이한테 과자 줬을 때 뒤에서 매니저가 바로 가져가려고 가까이 왔는데 못 가져가게 자기 팔 아래 놓고 있다가 애기 갈때쯤에서야 가져가게 한다. 이거 애기 앞에서 바로 가져가는 모습 보여주기 싫어서 그런 것 같음...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
진짜착하네 ㅠㅠ수영언니 진짜 입덕하겠어🥺🤍
헐 스윗 ㅠㅠㅠ
조이는 이런 디테일한게 너무 좋음...ㅎㅎ
별거 아닌행동 같아도 얘기는 감동받았을듯ㅎㅎ
아̆̈ 나도 감동받았어ㅜ
@@껄껄-w8h 런닝맨 바라기도 감동하셨네요ㅠㅠ( 사실 저도 런닝맨 바라기 ㅎㅎ)
어린이는 예리가 젤 잘 대하는듯 동생들 덕분에 ㅋㅋㅋ
애기 팬싸 당첨되고 얼마나 기뻤을까ㅠㅠ 멤버들이 수줍게 귀여워 해주는 거 봐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠ
레벨팬은 아니고 지나가던 사람인데... 팬이 너무 귀여워서 댓글다는건 처음이네요ㅠㅠ 팬싸당첨됐다고 바리바리 선물 준비했을거 생각하니까 얼마나 설레고 두근거렸을지ㅎㅎ 좋은 추억이 됐을것같아 제가 다 기분이 좋네요ㅎㅎ
0:46 보면 애기 진짜 작은데 저거 다 바리바리 싸서 품에 안고 있는 거 너무 귀여워 ㅠㅠ 레벨 힐링 시간이었겠다 천사야 천사 ㅠㅠ 싸인 받으면서도 선물 꺼내느라 멤버들 얼굴도 제대로 못 보는데 인사 꾸벅 꾸벅 ㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아 귀여워ㅠㅜㅠ
조이 봐 처음에 너무 귀여워서 어쩔 줄 몰라함 무ㅗ야 이런 따스한 사람.....♡
프사하고 님말하는거 하고 대칭이 안맞음ㅋㅋ
@@d.rm.2221 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㄹㅇ 천사조이
애기 선물 다 들고 온 거 너무 귀여워 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
저 친구는...저 같은반친군데 팬싸 당첨됬다고 자랑하더라고요ㅎㅎ
레벨언니들 진짜 사랑하는 췬구예엽♡
박진영 엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅠㅠ 당첨됐다고 O
화이팅 코난인 척 궁예질 하다가 실패 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 개웃기네
@화이팅 당연히 아빠폰이지 지랄하지마 좀;;진짜
머리띠나 그런 것도 너무 애기들이 가져올 법한 디자인이어서 넘 귀여움ㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Am I the only one who cracked up when seeing Wendy with all the hats on?
yeah, she did that this year too... but with less hats than last time in PKB era :)
@@Lyf4rMusic yea I saw that too. It just always cracks me up. This girl is too much
Me too 😂
You r not alone :)))
lmao i swear this girl is too much
포카 멤버 한명씩 중복도 안나오고 가지고 온거 보면 돈 많이 썻겠다ㅜ
아버지가 돈 좀 썼군 마니 무라
@@박영민-k4z ㅋㅋㅋ뭔가요
걸그룹이든 보이그룹이든 어린팬들 팬싸오면 되게 좋아한다. 그리고 어린 팬들 이 많을 수록 그룹의 발전이 있더라. 이건 진짜 팩트
어린 팬이 많으면 망하는거임... 주 소비층은 어린이가 아니고 2~30대임
뭔 팩트여ㅋㄲㅋㅋ 윗댓말대로 돈쓰는건 20대부터임
물론 아이돌은 어린 팬 보면 너무 좋고 귀엽겠지만 사실상 어린팬 많으면 가수한테 1도 도움 안된다...2~30 팬이 많아야 개념 팬들도 많고..
연차차면 어린팬들도 있어야 발전이씀....유입이잇다는거니까ㅠ
어린층 너무 많아도 망하는건 알지만 연차 좀 차면 어린 팬 많으면 좋은거임
유입이 계속 된다는거잖음 팬덤이 너무 고여도 문제임
Red Velvet making fans from all generations :)
Yup, of course
I'm 40 and ones of the oldest fans 😂😂😂
@@eyebrowstj did u buy the tickets to Chicago one?
They had sold out! I was trying to get 3 tickets and they didn't have them in a block of 3. I would have had to sit far away from one of my nieces and that's not going to happen!
They are 11 and 14 and wanted to go as well. I could've gotten a block of two and then a third ticket, but I didn't want to do that. They sold out less than an hour later after I was shopping for tickets. Boooo!
Of course red velvet is making fans from all generations. They are the hoobae of girls generation after all and that says something.
0:58 *Seulgi is a queen, we all know it. This is just proof*
*King* *
@@redvelvetislife7653 what?
@@marmaes1921 That's a king's crown.
@@atrumistake no☝she is gay😂 she is the king and irene is the queen 😂😂
First of all, they have never revealed their sexual orientation. It is also advisable not to say their sexual orientation. It can be a big blow for kpop singer.
진짜 바리바리 싸들고온거 너무귀엽다 니모 건네주는거 꿀귀....... 처음부터 끝까지 광대가 안내려오네....
Joys reaction was so cute!! Honestly Red Velvet are such good role models for younger girls, and they were all so sweet!! I love them so much omg 😭😍
Yea I know right
It looked like she wanted to adopt
Sai Chandra Dhulipati she was ready to risk it all for that little girl 🥺
@백현아사랑해 is kind yes
@백현아사랑해 No one knows what she did. You just heard the side of the stylist but not why she did that. You are so ready to accuse her of being gapjil when it was a misunderstanding between her and the stylist. Her co-workers who worked for her for a long time defended her from that kind of witch hunt. You will believe anything bad about her anyway and will never turn up when people vouched for her or share their good experiences because for you she already is a bad person from the very start.
For me a personality is different from attitude. Personality depends on who you are in general and attitude depends on how people treat you. So yeah for me, she is kind that's her personality.
@@muypicante3368 very well said, just want to add. we as a people can't and shouldn't judge a person with just one incident, (but of course there will be people will say there are other rumuors of this but w/o evidence it is still rumours) and just to reiterate: that is the side of the stylist, we are govern by cause and effect... stylist only said the effect. which is the bad mouthing, but she didn't mention the cause of it. just a fruit of thought. (I don't know if I did the right thing on commenting on you or should I comment on the guy you reacted with) ... peace!
저 쪼매난 고사리손에 바리바리 싸와서 선물주면 누가 싫어할까ㅋㅋ
JOY's reaction though but irene be like do you want to be my daughter😂
Twinny Zuela omg I cannot 😂😂😂
😂😂 Joy was like, sooo cute
But who is her husband?
@@razeryt6598 hohoho
화♡♡♡♡♡진짜ㅋㅋ저어린애는세상다가진기분일듯ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ레드벨벳어린애한명씩만날때마다 손짓얼굴ㅋㅋ다귀여운표정으로ㅋㅋ
They smiling at the kid like mum and I'm smiling at them like mum 😁
And i'm crying like a proud grandmma😭😭😭😭
and I’m a dead great grandmother
In my eyes they look like this
Yeri: a nice sister
Joy: a sweet kindergarten teacher
Seulgi: a cool older sister
Irene: a caring mom
Wendy: chingu (same age friend) 👑 😂
Chingu ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 귀여워ㅇ
lmao i love how wendy gets all the crazy hats😂
레벨도 너무 착하고 꼬마팬도 선물이랑 포카 챙겨오고 너무 귀엽다😍 근데 되게 차분하네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Look at Wendy's hats again.
She's so cute
The fact that I looked at Wendy and her hats then saw this comment made me pee my pants a little
She's like the mad hatter from Alice in wonderland lolololol
That kid is one step on my dream
QUEEN IRENE...😂😂😂LOL im just a SEULRENE shipper...
Who’s Kang Seulgi? I only know a King Seulgi lmao
**Seulrene Subunit has joined the chat**
**Monster has joined the chat**
**Gays have joined the chat**
that kid is quite a fan...she has all 5 picture cards from the album, right?
Merong Me was thinking about that too....
So kind kid
I mean she didnt even give yeri any picture card to sign???
I think in order to get in a fan sign, you need to have a lot of albums so that's why she got all of the members pc
@@parkchanyeol1030 can u please learn how to speak english haha
I love that Yeri and Joy put their headbands on
ㅠㅜ아니 저렇게 바리바리 싸 들고 간거 나만 귀엽나ㅠㅜ
머리위에 저렇게 많이 올리면 우리 완이언니 키작아지는데!!!귀여웤ㅋ
(저두 러비에여♥)
The rest of red velvet : we're normal.
Wendy : if i don't get another hat i will *scREAM*
KID 팬 넘 귀엽당. 레벨이들 주려고 막 뭐 싸왔넹 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 나도 팬싸 가고 싶다... 로또 되면 가야지...
초딩도 23장 사서 가는데 님은 왜 못감
매니저님들 착하시다 넘어가라구 하시지도 않으시구
마지막에 멤버들별로 하나씩 반응 보여주는거 편집 진짜 잘하신거같아요. 마음이 따뜻해져요
Yay!... im glad she got to spend so much time with them😀❤
edward lightbringer She is so lucky i hope one day international fans will feel that too 😳
@@fio8087 Hmmm...US tour?....mabey😉
edward lightbringer I live in France.. so I want them in Europe at least 😭
@@fio8087 hang in there... i'm sure it will happen...🤞😀
@@youraveragecrownofthorns8919 They are in fact having a US tour in February
seungwan is keeping her gift under her arms >< so sweet
다들 너무 표정 좋고 해서 보는 저까지 더 기분이 좋네요 흐-뭇
This is why I love the Girl Named "SON SEUNGWAN" She's just so Adorable 😍
애기 왜케 귀엽지ㅋㅋ구ㅜㅜ 각자 선물 챙겨오는것도 그렇고ㅜㅜ
Irene be like, “Kiddo, wanna be my daughter?”
Wendy always stacks hats over hats it's cute the little girl looks cute too!
the kid stole all of joys “uwu”s💚💚
Yea I know right
Omg joy reaction is like the best 😍 and I think she wants to adopt every single kid on this planet she is so cute 😍
Please support the redvelvet all the way long just support them and vote
Yes I will :)
Wendy is so cute (': 💖 She kept putting one hat on top of the other so she could wear them all
Omoooo Joy's reaction!!! So pure and genuine. Seulgi is my bias but in that moment, Joy was the most beautiful thing on Earth to me.
they suitable to be mom 😂❤👏
Especially Irene
포카ㅋㅎㅋㅎㅋㅋ 들고온거 넘 귀여워ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 하 나도 팬싸 당첨되면 언니 귀여움 다 받고싶어
귀여워 바리바리 싸가지고온거 챙기면서 보야주느라 막상 눈앞에 있는 자기가 좋아하는 가수는 못봐ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
어린애가 오밀조밀 작은 손으로 선물 주려고 들고온것 보니까 진짜 흐뭇하다!
Their features soften at the sight of kids. :3
Well done kid, you know what's good
i want to see them in real life huhuuuhuhuhu
왜 승완이만 모자야ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
최애가 웬디인가봐요~~ 귀여워라
The way they look at the kid OMG I am dead There are 5 angels
ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 언니 ㅜㅜ 사랑해요 ㅠㅠ 흑흑 저도 팬싸 가고싶어용 ㅜㅜ ♥️♥️ 예림언니 너무 스윗해 ㅜ ☻
수영언니 ㅜㅜ 진짜 ㅜㅜ ♥️♥️ 헝헝 스윗하다 ㅜ ..
포카에도 싸인 ( ?? ) 해줬어 ㅠㅠ 슬기언니도 ㅠㅠ 흑흑 너무 다들 스윗하잖아 ㅠ >< 주현언니 승완언니도 ㅜㅜㅠ 흑흑 너무 가고 싶다 .. ♥️♥️ 사랑해요 레드벨벳 ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜ !!!!
레벨 진짜 귀엽단 눈으로 쳐다봐 진짜 뒷모습만 봐도 너무 귀여워 꼬마팬
Joy love kids, she's perfect future mother
I like how all the girls are wearing one accessory and then there’s Wendy wearing like 4 different hats at once😂😂😂
Sometimes I get nervous of how these gorgeous goddesses would react if I went to their fansign and they see my ugly face
Man if you can go just go!!
It's a well known fact that all rv stans are beautiful inside and out because our goddesses inspire us to be so
At last, finally , someone writes one of my doubts in my mind in comment section, yo i was thinking the same 🤣
lol same
😂😂 omlol!
Red velvet las chicas son tan lindas 👌👌👌👍
웬디 모자 뭐야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
애기가 저렇게 선물이랑 편지써서 가져다주면 가수입장에서는 귀엽고 사랑스러워보이지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
레벨 멤버들 선물 다 챙겨온거 웰케귀엽냐ㅋㅋ꼬꼬마학생 열정적ㅋㅋ
역시 레드벨벳분들도 착하시네요ㅎ
부럽다..나도 팬싸 가고싶다ㅠㅠ애기 너무 귀여워>
어우 멤버하나하나 눈맞춰주는거 왤케 설레냐ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
애기 너무 기여워~~~
그런 와중에 웬디는 머리 위에 탑쌓는 중
seul really likes kids awhh
Kids really like Seulgi too.
Did you watch her on Law of the Jungle? The Mexican tribe children couldn't stay away from her.
저 아이 넘나 기여운것
수영언니 사랑해 너무 예버 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
귀엽다 ㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠ 아무지게 머리띠도 챙기고, 포카에 피에스도 받고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠㅠ
레드벨벳도 러비도 넘 사랑스러워!!! ((주섬주섬🤭💕
레벨도 애기도 넘 귀엽다ㅜㅠㅠ 선물 소중하게 들고온거봐
너므 귀엽고 훈훈하다..
애기 완전 귀엽다ㅠㅠ 배추 엄마미소ㅠ
그리고 레벨줄려고 바리바리 싸들고온모습도
귀여워ㅠ 웬디,주현,슬기,조이,예리 다! 귀여버!
You can see clearly that joy really loves kids... ❤️❤️
아니 누가계속 이름쳐불렄ㅋㅋ
근데 레드벨벳 모두 존예다ㄷㄷ
1:11 좋아 이미 반쯤 넘어왔어 ㅋㅋㅋ
나두 가고싶다..
언젠간 만나요..언니들..ㅠ
아이구ㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ너무 귀엽다ㅠㅠㅜ
너무 귀엽고 착행ㅠㅠㅠㅜ💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🦄🦄🦄💕💕
this is super cute
어린 팬보다 조이가 더 신났엌ㅋ
아 진짜 레드벨벳 팬 사랑하는거 진짜 좋당..
언니들🙂언니들이랑 팬분도 다 넘 기야미에요🦄❣
She is really cute!Korean parents dress their kids so nicely! Hair and everything.
갑자기 레드벨벳 계속떠 ㄷㄷ
Little Luvie so cute!!!!
And I knew Irene would have big smile and talk the most. She really likes kids!!
와아아아아아...진짜 오히려 애기보다
가수가 더 싸인받는기분인데?
아이린 저렇게 길게 조곤조곤 물어가면서
말하는것도 ㅜㅜ
Irene said before that she has a mole on her head. But This is the first time I saw irene’s mole on her head. 😊
Where? I can't see
Sabiya channel 3:39-3:45 look at her head
Irene: Wanna get adopted?
Yeri: You're baby? I'm baby too.
어쩜 이렇게 귀여울꼬♡
나도 팬싸가면 언니들이 저렇게 해줄까..
저 애기 부럽다ㅜㅜㅜ❤
와 진짜 마음이 따뜻해지는 영상ㅠㅠ
애깅..ㅠㅠ 언니들이랑 더 눈마주치고 대화 마니하지..ㅠㅠ 바리바리 챙겨온거 전해준다구... 꼼지락..꼼지락..