Question for ya, my brother invited me to come to his place 2000 miles away from where I would rather be, my brother had me come to help or see mom before she forgets who i'am, ok I've been here for a year now. My brothers girlfriend is very controlling and manipulative she holds my past over my head and trying to control my daughter, she wants all the attention on her meaning controlling every thing that goes on here even the way I care for my mom. I spent 19 years caring for my disabled 2 sons they past away I'm finished caring for people. I'm feeling taken advantage of. She yells alot at me I don't open my mouth and she comes at me why dont you say anything? You know why brother Jackson, because I've learned to hold my peace. I feel I need to say my good byes. I'm trapped Pastor yes exactly I get punched daily mentally then she gets nice sometimes ad your right I don't deserved to be bullied.
To forgive and walk away. My caring for mom is coming before the Lord that's not right even though I'm in the Word of God trying very hard to have a consistent prayer life, but I can care for my mom and love her from a distance. Please pray for me. I really want to leave here because Im tired of being used and abused mentally
Truly forgive, let go, and give it to God!
I dont need to prove my love to anyon. Amen
And because of the abuse is why I had to remove myself from my family
Question for ya, my brother invited me to come to his place 2000 miles away from where I would rather be, my brother had me come to help or see mom before she forgets who i'am, ok I've been here for a year now. My brothers girlfriend is very controlling and manipulative she holds my past over my head and trying to control my daughter, she wants all the attention on her meaning controlling every thing that goes on here even the way I care for my mom. I spent 19 years caring for my disabled 2 sons they past away I'm finished caring for people. I'm feeling taken advantage of. She yells alot at me I don't open my mouth and she comes at me why dont you say anything? You know why brother Jackson, because I've learned to hold my peace. I feel I need to say my good byes. I'm trapped Pastor yes exactly I get punched daily mentally then she gets nice sometimes ad your right I don't deserved to be bullied.
To forgive and walk away. My caring for mom is coming before the Lord that's not right even though I'm in the Word of God trying very hard to have a consistent prayer life, but I can care for my mom and love her from a distance. Please pray for me. I really want to leave here because Im tired of being used and abused mentally