@kewlbri125 Because bad people do not confine themselves to bad places. Bad people are standing behind you in line in the grocery store. Bad people are pumping gas next to you at the gas station. Bad people walk past you in the park where you are watching your kids play. Bad people are everywhere and when they know that they are slithering around in an armed society, it does make them think twice. Bad people will pick targets who they think will offer up the least resistance and that typically happens in gun free zones. I don't live my life in fear, but myself and my family will not be a victim. How about you? Do you have the ability to keep your family safe if somebody evil crossed your path violently?
If you look at most defense scenarios anymore: it's road rage, car jackings, home invasions... FMJ will penetrate what is needed. You need to spend more time on ranges getting accuracy up.
Or, until you send it back to them and the complete the manufacturing process. I was so mad at my Kimber that I was ready to sell it, and I sent it back for repair with the intention to sell it once I got it back. Then I got it back, took it out, and it was finally reliable and was a tack driver. Love the gun now...but it was insane to me that they basically didn't finish "manufacturing" the gun before letting it leave the factory.
Ball ammo is perfectly fine for self defense if you are capable with whatever firearm you are using. A hole is a hole. Shot placement is the most important part. Situational awareness and the ability to use organizational skills are very important too. Is anyone behind the intended target? Practice, practice, practice!!!!
@ I said knowing what is behind your target is important. That’s what I meant. Ball ammo is all that is used on the battlefield but in that situation collateral damage is not in the forefront. I carry hollow point ammo in all my self defense weapons but if it were to be depleted in a bad situation I wouldn’t hesitate to use ball ammo.
@@JonFox-t5x 💯 You have a great point about practice. I know people that carry (small-frame pistol at that) that haven’t shot in YEARS…scary to consider.
Totally a side note, you mentioned your package was from Merced. I was a Police officer, and Deputy Marshal in Merced California. Now in Oregon. I really enjoy your channel, God is good brother!
"Range ammo" doesn't exist. Ball ammo is regular ammo. They are regular bullets as have been used for centuries. It is not irresponsible to load a self defense firearm with ball ammunition.
Yeah ball ammo has been used for 100 years. However, with how bullet technology got more advanced over the decades, it’s probably a stupid idea to carry FMJ
It's a bad idea if you care about over penetration, as any responsible person does, which is why what was once regular ammo has been relegated to "range ammo." HPs are more effective for defense with much less over penetration.
They are trying to force everyone to use weak 22lr. You always see people saying it’s good for defense. I’ve always said it is and never will be suitable for defense. Fine for shooting paper and small animals only
Going to the range, for me, is my stress reliever. I love to get out and put lead down-range. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed of guns and ammo trends. Your Friend in Christ, Eric!
Ball is range ammo,hollow points are too expensive to practice with. Sadly,I haven’t been to the range in years,not since Biden took the Presidency. Even during the Obama presidency ammo prices weren’t that bad. I worked at the Fort Worth Cabela’s back then and gun sales were insane,but we didn’t have many issues getting common calibers.
Been watching you for awhile and knew you were in the Midwest. I had no idea you live in the same city and shop at the same local gun shop that I do! This is awesome, I love Gunners, just picked up my new handgun from there a few weeks ago! I love Brian and Maggie great customer service and excellent energy. They won’t treat you less than like some other places can. They are welcoming and inviting. If you’re in KC, don’t buy from Academy or Bass Pro, drive the little extra bit south to Gunners in Raymore and support a local business! They really do have better prices and great selection too
Satisfied owner of several Taurus products. Love the G3 (4"). And my wife is fond of the shorter G3C. Have run hundreds of rounds through them with no hiccups. They have stepped up their QC game since moving operations to GA.
Yeah the old Taurus PT111, haven't thought about them in a while. My first compact CCW was one in a Crossbreed holster. It is fairly rare having a titanium slide. Super light weight. Retired it for more advanced pistol.
Great video! Glad Maggie had fun with her Dad! Ammo isn't cheap by me (Chicago Suburbs). A box of FMJ 50 rds. range ammo is around 16.99 as of last week when I was shopping for it.
Possums love ticks. Ticks are bad this year in northern Illinois, never had a problem until now, pulled 3 off of me so far, the dog has tick protection so they jump ship off of him.
My dogs cornered on in the yard one time, it was playing possum, I grabbed a shovel and picked it up and threw it over the fence!🤣🤣Had a family of nine possums take up residence in my attached garage! Borrowed a trap from the city, captured them and released them to the woods a couple of miles away!😁😁
@@wallychambe1587 I've taken 20 out of my house underneath the house from the pandemic. Started a pandemic till now and I don't care if they're out there if they wouldn't be so destructive but they dig holes under the house and everything else and I have Coons that live under there. Somebody that won't mention was feeding her cat supposedly outside in the feral cats but a lot of the animals and I had nine skunks come walking up my front porch sidewalk one day and I haven't seen him since I was trying to get them but I don't know where they're at but the possumas do eat 5,000 ticks a year if you Google it. Possum that's why I don't like shooting them or nothing or I couldn't shoot them in town here. Anyway they just relocate them
We have a state run range 20 minutes away and the cost is buying a yearly hunting license. For a $33 license, I can shoot whenever I have the opportunity to go. Yeah, state managed ranges are great, if you’re lucky enough to have one near you!
Missouri Conservation Ranges are great for sighting in hunting weapons, taking kids, test firing... But real shooting drills, real training.... Forget it . "3 to 5 seconds between shots" "No drawing from holsters" etc etc
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease 10 years ago, thanks to the deer coming into my yard from the surrounding wooded area. To stop the deer ticks, I treated the yard with granular Permethrin three times a year starting early spring, around 4th of July, then again, mid October when the deer start foraging for food after the corn field has been harvested. I switched to a product called Talstar which contains Permethrin and a couple of other chemicals that also kill fire ants. Permethrin granular, for a 25 pound bag is less than $30.
I sure would like to know how to get this cheap ammo you guys are always talking about. I assume you need a connection to federal. In Minnesota, cheap ammo hasn't existed since 2020. Cheapest 9mm around here is around $.30 per round. Almost double what i would consider cheap. Thats what I used to pay for 556.
Both are great. Can't go wrong with the 8% off and free shipping. That 99 bucks I paid up front for the membership was well worth it. On good weeks I order this much, bad weeks a little less, always 8% less and always free shipping even if it just 2 or 3 boxes
Do Missouri conservation ranges have the same ridiculous rules on how many rounds you can load as Pennsylvania does? PA Game Lands ranges limit you to 3 rounds in a rifle or 6 rounds in a handgun! You're also going to get kicked out if you fire 3 or more rounds in quick succession, they call it rapid fire. It really pisses me off because they're the ONLY free public range within 50 miles of Pittsburgh.
The thing about Game wardens and game regulations always puzzled me. Then I realized the game wardens consider animals their personal property. When william penn owned the territory of Pennsylvania he owned all the animals and hired game wardens to protect the game. Like a private shooting preserve, the kings rules.
There is no RSO at the state game lands range in Wexford. The state police or game wardens will stop by once in awhile to check on things, so I’m not sure who would be kicking you out. The range also isn’t free. You’re required to have a valid hunting license or range permit.
@NUNYA-wx7gj You're right, I always have a hunting license though so it feels free to me. Wexford is the range I go to and they haven't had a RSO the past few years, but the game warden lives down the road and will drive up if he hears rapid firing. Been going there 20 years so my comment is based on all of that time. I've never personally been kicked out, just given stern warnings, but I've had 2 friends told to leave on separate occasions for loading a full AR mag.
You know, I like you guys and I think you have a lot to give knowledge Wise, but I have to comment and push back on embarrassing people on the range to me. Whenever a situation presents a teachable moment. It’s better to make a friend for life which could happen very easily, if you shoulder compassion then to embarrass someone. I mean to tell you the truth it borders on arrogance and that’s not becoming to anyone. I hope you’ll take this with a grain of salt and think about it.
My 1st firearm was the pt111 millennium g2! Thanks Hilary Clinton (2016 presidential election season) for opening my eyes and getting me into firearms lol 😆
It’s Kimber, sadly it’ll probably never work right. I’ve known of 3 Kimbers sent in for warranty work and not came back working any better than when sent in
I got one that worked. Then due to cats, I had to parkerize it. It did get a gouged guide rod, but I've also replaced that. Not much different than a colt for me. Goes where it's pointed. It's also on my "you never failed me, so I'm taking you along" list. If you're working for glock, all I can say is that I'm sorry for your choices.
My Grand Daughter Shot an AR-15 today, 14 years old.
It's ridiculous 20 years ago you couldn't 1000 rds of 9mm for not much over 100 dollars and 1000 556 for under 200 dollars
This what the anti gunners will never get; that you can go to the range with your family and have a totally enjoyable day. Thanks for sharing Maggie!
No, that’s understandable. What is confusing is why you feel the need to take a gun everywhere you go.
Tell that to the family of Laken Riley, and thousands like her. The Active Self Protection Channel provides as many examples as you need.
@kewlbri125 just because you don't value your own life, doesn't believe other people should follow suit
@kewlbri125 Because bad people do not confine themselves to bad places. Bad people are standing behind you in line in the grocery store. Bad people are pumping gas next to you at the gas station. Bad people walk past you in the park where you are watching your kids play. Bad people are everywhere and when they know that they are slithering around in an armed society, it does make them think twice. Bad people will pick targets who they think will offer up the least resistance and that typically happens in gun free zones. I don't live my life in fear, but myself and my family will not be a victim. How about you? Do you have the ability to keep your family safe if somebody evil crossed your path violently?
if Maggie ever has a bad day . she really knows how to not allow it to ruin her positive attitude. 👍👍👍
If you look at most defense scenarios anymore: it's road rage, car jackings, home invasions... FMJ will penetrate what is needed. You need to spend more time on ranges getting accuracy up.
Plenty of folks getting killed by 'Range' Ammo in Ukraine right now....
Quite a few here too.
“Break in period” for Kimbers lasts until you get fed-up and sell it. 😂😂
Or, until you send it back to them and the complete the manufacturing process. I was so mad at my Kimber that I was ready to sell it, and I sent it back for repair with the intention to sell it once I got it back. Then I got it back, took it out, and it was finally reliable and was a tack driver. Love the gun now...but it was insane to me that they basically didn't finish "manufacturing" the gun before letting it leave the factory.
old kimber dont have issues
Ball ammo is perfectly fine for self defense if you are capable with whatever firearm you are using. A hole is a hole. Shot placement is the most important part. Situational awareness and the ability to use organizational skills are very important too. Is anyone behind the intended target? Practice, practice, practice!!!!
@ I said knowing what is behind your target is important. That’s what I meant. Ball ammo is all that is used on the battlefield but in that situation collateral damage is not in the forefront. I carry hollow point ammo in all my self defense weapons but if it were to be depleted in a bad situation I wouldn’t hesitate to use ball ammo.
@@JonFox-t5x 💯
You have a great point about practice. I know people that carry (small-frame pistol at that) that haven’t shot in YEARS…scary to consider.
@@MrDwardo101 I agree wholeheartedly. I practice on a regular basis to ensure I am capable and that my gun is reliable.
Totally a side note, you mentioned your package was from Merced. I was a Police officer, and Deputy Marshal in Merced California. Now in Oregon. I really enjoy your channel, God is good brother!
"Range ammo" doesn't exist. Ball ammo is regular ammo. They are regular bullets as have been used for centuries. It is not irresponsible to load a self defense firearm with ball ammunition.
I use ball ammo when hiking in the forest. Better penetration if needed.
Yeah ball ammo has been used for 100 years. However, with how bullet technology got more advanced over the decades, it’s probably a stupid idea to carry FMJ
It's a bad idea if you care about over penetration, as any responsible person does, which is why what was once regular ammo has been relegated to "range ammo." HPs are more effective for defense with much less over penetration.
You kinda have to in places like New Jersey
@@anthonyguidas2012 we’re talking about the USA here, not jersey.
Love these videos with Maggie !
Hopefully, manufacturers can stabilize costs soon so range days don’t hit the wallet as hard!
They are trying to force everyone to use weak 22lr. You always see people saying it’s good for defense. I’ve always said it is and never will be suitable for defense. Fine for shooting paper and small animals only
Going to the range, for me, is my stress reliever. I love to get out and put lead down-range. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed of guns and ammo trends. Your Friend in Christ, Eric!
Ball is range ammo,hollow points are too expensive to practice with. Sadly,I haven’t been to the range in years,not since Biden took the Presidency. Even during the Obama presidency ammo prices weren’t that bad. I worked at the Fort Worth Cabela’s back then and gun sales were insane,but we didn’t have many issues getting common calibers.
Local Palmetto State Armory prices are insane for rental guns. $15-20 PER MAGAZINE!!!! They're smoking crack.
I love when Mark goes and talks with Maggie. Maggie knows a lot of the laws and regulations
Kimber's, at least the ones I've seen, have been beautiful sidearms.
Never discharged one. I only have FN.
Hello from Ohio. Love the channel. God bless.
Been watching you for awhile and knew you were in the Midwest. I had no idea you live in the same city and shop at the same local gun shop that I do! This is awesome, I love Gunners, just picked up my new handgun from there a few weeks ago! I love Brian and Maggie great customer service and excellent energy. They won’t treat you less than like some other places can. They are welcoming and inviting. If you’re in KC, don’t buy from Academy or Bass Pro, drive the little extra bit south to Gunners in Raymore and support a local business! They really do have better prices and great selection too
Satisfied owner of several Taurus products. Love the G3 (4"). And my wife is fond of the shorter G3C. Have run hundreds of rounds through them with no hiccups. They have stepped up their QC game since moving operations to GA.
If they can't ban the guns make them so expensive no one can afford to shoot them!
There is no 10 mm ammo on sale
I love how you took the knife away, Maggie
Yeah the old Taurus PT111, haven't thought about them in a while. My first compact CCW was one in a Crossbreed holster. It is fairly rare having a titanium slide. Super light weight. Retired it for more advanced pistol.
Parma woods is a pretty good shooting range I must admit I’d say one of the best in Kansas City area ( fellow Missourian here)
Great video! Glad Maggie had fun with her Dad! Ammo isn't cheap by me (Chicago Suburbs). A box of FMJ 50 rds. range ammo is around 16.99 as of last week when I was shopping for it.
I really when it was 6 bucks for a box. Now inreload
Watched video and i am still wondering what happened to the price of ammo?
I know what happened at the range, 1000 miles from my house.
As Maggie said in the video, there's an over supply so prices have dropped.
@@jackgilchrist This video I believe is a rerun
Ammo has been steadily going down.
Possums love ticks. Ticks are bad this year in northern Illinois, never had a problem until now, pulled 3 off of me so far, the dog has tick protection so they jump ship off of him.
I want an emotional support possum. He can sit on the couch and wait for ticks.
Gunnies are great watch dogs . . No chance of sneaking up without them alarming
Don't hurt the possums. They eat 5,000 ticks a year per possum
My dogs cornered on in the yard one time, it was playing possum, I grabbed a shovel and picked it up and threw it over the fence!🤣🤣Had a family of nine possums take up residence in my attached garage! Borrowed a trap from the city, captured them and released them to the woods a couple of miles away!😁😁
@@wallychambe1587 I've taken 20 out of my house underneath the house from the pandemic. Started a pandemic till now and I don't care if they're out there if they wouldn't be so destructive but they dig holes under the house and everything else and I have Coons that live under there. Somebody that won't mention was feeding her cat supposedly outside in the feral cats but a lot of the animals and I had nine skunks come walking up my front porch sidewalk one day and I haven't seen him since I was trying to get them but I don't know where they're at but the possumas do eat 5,000 ticks a year if you Google it. Possum that's why I don't like shooting them or nothing or I couldn't shoot them in town here. Anyway they just relocate them
Never buy ammo at the range it’s always way over priced. Support your local gun shop
We have a state run range 20 minutes away and the cost is buying a yearly hunting license. For a $33 license, I can shoot whenever I have the opportunity to go. Yeah, state managed ranges are great, if you’re lucky enough to have one near you!
Missouri Conservation Ranges are great for sighting in hunting weapons, taking kids, test firing... But real shooting drills, real training.... Forget it . "3 to 5 seconds between shots" "No drawing from holsters" etc etc
pls upload in 1080 or higher
Good luck with these guys.
It's a counter top discussion, nobody cares. Just squint like you do when you look at your wife's children. 🧖♀
Hey Maggie, thanks for saying Canik's don't suck.
But they do
Oh wow. This conversation was like watching paint dry.
Won't permerhrin on shoes, sock uppers and cuffs reduce tick? Must dry before skin contact.
Yes, it certainly helps. Kinda stinks, but as long as it's not near your nose.
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease 10 years ago, thanks to the deer coming into my yard from the surrounding wooded area.
To stop the deer ticks, I treated the yard with granular Permethrin three times a year starting early spring, around 4th of July, then again, mid October when the deer start foraging for food after the corn field has been harvested.
I switched to a product called Talstar which contains Permethrin and a couple of other chemicals that also kill fire ants.
Permethrin granular, for a 25 pound bag is less than $30.
Thanks Maggie I am amazing lol lol - hey, y'all put out great content.
Maggie, what do you do with your empties? Do you save it or give it to the range?
Didn't Maggie also officially take over one of her brothers guns because she could out shoot him with it?
NATO 9mm is hardly range ammo.😎
It is in the USA.
Nothing it still costs too much
GX4 Carry, what a fantastic gun!!!
Overpenetration argument is lame. How often is this an issue. Rarely
"Break in period"? Is that code for it jams and miss feeds?
Courts were kicking butts of people involved in exotic ammo shootings. Stick to LE approved and service ammo for everyday carry.
Possum is a great tick control
I sure would like to know how to get this cheap ammo you guys are always talking about. I assume you need a connection to federal. In Minnesota, cheap ammo hasn't existed since 2020. Cheapest 9mm around here is around $.30 per round. Almost double what i would consider cheap. Thats what I used to pay for 556.
Target sports USA
SG Ammo.
For 9mm they have quality options at .20 cents per round.
Both are great. Can't go wrong with the 8% off and free shipping. That 99 bucks I paid up front for the membership was well worth it. On good weeks I order this much, bad weeks a little less, always 8% less and always free shipping even if it just 2 or 3 boxes
@@MrMech-oj7iy Ammoseek will find the cheapest online retailer.
Do Missouri conservation ranges have the same ridiculous rules on how many rounds you can load as Pennsylvania does?
PA Game Lands ranges limit you to 3 rounds in a rifle or 6 rounds in a handgun! You're also going to get kicked out if you fire 3 or more rounds in quick succession, they call it rapid fire. It really pisses me off because they're the ONLY free public range within 50 miles of Pittsburgh.
The thing about Game wardens and game regulations always puzzled me. Then I realized the game wardens
consider animals their personal property. When william penn owned the territory of Pennsylvania he owned
all the animals and hired game wardens to protect the game. Like a private shooting preserve, the kings rules.
BS they don't own it anymore than anyone else.
There is no RSO at the state game lands range in Wexford. The state police or game wardens will stop by once in awhile to check on things, so I’m not sure who would be kicking you out. The range also isn’t free. You’re required to have a valid hunting license or range permit.
@NUNYA-wx7gj You're right, I always have a hunting license though so it feels free to me. Wexford is the range I go to and they haven't had a RSO the past few years, but the game warden lives down the road and will drive up if he hears rapid firing. Been going there 20 years so my comment is based on all of that time. I've never personally been kicked out, just given stern warnings, but I've had 2 friends told to leave on separate occasions for loading a full AR mag.
Maybe you could check out the knives in the display case they look like microtech knives.
"Beware the man with one gun."
I fear the man with no toilet.
Still to high
I’m in Kansas City Ks!! Love Parma
Sorry folks, ammunition is not cheap.
I watched this for information on Range ammo and you didn't touch about the price of anything clickbait
One of more obscure companies Ive heard of are selling LEO surplus glock for as little as $235.00 with a single magazine.
@DonnieBowerman Aim surplus
@@DonnieBowerman Aim Surplus
You look great in green Magie😊
Great book on Jesus. Desire of Ages!
Seems like I saw this video before
You know, I like you guys and I think you have a lot to give knowledge Wise, but I have to comment and push back on embarrassing people on the range to me. Whenever a situation presents a teachable moment. It’s better to make a friend for life which could happen very easily, if you shoulder compassion then to embarrass someone. I mean to tell you the truth it borders on arrogance and that’s not becoming to anyone. I hope you’ll take this with a grain of salt and think about it.
Everytime I watch her she's so socially awkward.
My 1st firearm was the pt111 millennium g2! Thanks Hilary Clinton (2016 presidential election season) for opening my eyes and getting me into firearms lol 😆
I fricken love Maggie. ❤
Time to go to Parma..
The prices are increasing. Just like with everything else. What's the big deal ?
Click bait .
Took only 5min to get to the topic…
How bout some more anti Trump rhetoric from you 2?
Everyone wants to hear your diatribe. Wise up!!!
What a awesome lady
It’s Kimber, sadly it’ll probably never work right. I’ve known of 3 Kimbers sent in for warranty work and not came back working any better than when sent in
I got one that worked. Then due to cats, I had to parkerize it. It did get a gouged guide rod, but I've also replaced that. Not much different than a colt for me. Goes where it's pointed. It's also on my "you never failed me, so I'm taking you along" list.
If you're working for glock, all I can say is that I'm sorry for your choices.
What a lady!
Only Wealthy people should be allowed to own firearms.
That's what king George thought too .....
Why’s that
This better be sarcasm. As Tod Snider said “Ain’t it a bitch that we need religion to keep the poor from killing the rich.”
Ok. I'll take the bait. Why should only wealthy people own firearms?
@@apollothirteen9236"Only the wealthy should be able to exercise their 2A righrs."
What a stupid thing to say!
She must be a real squealer!!! With all her guns!!!
P.O. Box?
Gunnies are great watch dogs . . No chance of sneaking up without them alarming