He's using an emulator which can change the 3D resolution limit, I recommend MelonDS as it's very simple but has a resolution limit slider. Keep in mind you need a good PC/laptop to run 4K resolution, but for 1080P resolution you mainly just need a mid-end PC/laptop.
Collisions count against your rank just like they do in the Grand Prix. I was struggling on 3-8 for the longest time, even got times that were better than the one shown in the video, but still got two stars. That's because collisions count against the rank. I thought it was all based on the time.
One interesting thing is that in some missions you got to drive backwards. The only characters we’ve seen doing it are Luigi, Donkey Kong (both once) and Bowser (thrice). What if you could see the other characters doing the same?
I like how the music in mission 5-1 is reminiscent of the chain chomp theme from MKDD
“Whoa, chain chomp, whoa!! Whoa!! Whoa, chain chomp! WHOA!!!!
why have they not brought this mode back in future games is beyond me, this mode was so much fun
If there is a next mario kart for the switch I agree that thay should include the Missons levels and add in new bosses to defit
Wow I watched all of this and got soo much nostalgia... Just didn't know about level 7
I didn't know about it either when I was a kid.
@@ModernXPGamesNone of us knew about level 7 when we were kids.😐
even colored ones (which is me in 2010+).
@@kevinwashington2733I played Mario Kart DS a lot when I was 9. And only because my sister's friend owns it.
@@GMKGoji01 i was either 11 or 12 when i played it. now its dead an gone since i got older.
1:02:04 - I wonder why the end credit music of "Mario Kart DS (2005)" switched back to B flat major after playing in C major.
jazz theory shenanigans
🧔 how do you get in high definition?
He's using an emulator which can change the 3D resolution limit, I recommend MelonDS as it's very simple but has a resolution limit slider.
Keep in mind you need a good PC/laptop to run 4K resolution, but for 1080P resolution you mainly just need a mid-end PC/laptop.
@@AUTOCARR0T Ryzen 7 5700G integrated video?
Collisions count against your rank just like they do in the Grand Prix. I was struggling on 3-8 for the longest time, even got times that were better than the one shown in the video, but still got two stars. That's because collisions count against the rank. I thought it was all based on the time.
Mario Kart DS is my childhood game.
Anybody notice on mission 2 - 4, he somehow teleported a short distance from where he finished
One interesting thing is that in some missions you got to drive backwards. The only characters we’ve seen doing it are Luigi, Donkey Kong (both once) and Bowser (thrice). What if you could see the other characters doing the same?
I was almost about to get a star rank on missions 7, but i always get an A rank on 7-4.......😡
38:14 I remember the boss here blew himself up with his own bomb here. Bruh
I miss this game
Same bosses as Super Mario 64. Except for Whomp King, Chill Bully and Big Mr. I.
Omg yessss let's go!
Top best Mario Kart ever
5:26 Did this used to scare you when you unlock the boss?
Nah, I don't remember ever being scared.
6:12 New level unlocked
how did they make an anime outro with low poly mario and a go-kart...
(this is a joke)
If you use time hack in 6-1, you will always get C rank
mission gnome
Miss this game😢