Amazing Scissors | Ernest Wright

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 50

  • @lanmastersassistant659
    @lanmastersassistant659 4 года назад +22

    had my pair of Ernest Wrights for over 3 years now just packing them up to send them back to the factory for a free resharpening

  • @mauicountygis5450
    @mauicountygis5450 8 месяцев назад +3

    There is nothing like handmade by expert craftsman products. Ernest Wright scissors are a joy to use, and feel like a surgeon's tool. Wurf it 100%.

    • @resoluteoutdoors
      @resoluteoutdoors  7 месяцев назад

      I agree 100% quality in everyday items like this are underrated!

  • @diemturner5755
    @diemturner5755 2 года назад +3

    I just ordered a pair of these for my father. I'm absolutely giddy and cannot wait for them to arrive.

  • @christopherbaas1774
    @christopherbaas1774 3 года назад +4

    I just bought a pair for my nephew as a wedding gift. I look forward to buying a pair for myself next.

  • @PhotoRam405
    @PhotoRam405 5 месяцев назад +1

    I bought some and was in a waiting list for like a year… well worth it! 👍

  • @adrianthomas4660
    @adrianthomas4660 4 года назад +14

    Can’t wait for mine .... I know they will outlast me.
    I have a pair of dressmaking shears Sheffield made by EBW they must be 70 years old , still perfect 👌

    • @resoluteoutdoors
      @resoluteoutdoors  4 года назад +2

      Adrian Thomas I quality pair is scissors like these ones is the thing that you never knew you needed till you have them and once you’ve used a quality pair you’ll never go back. Mine are as sharp as the day I received them.

  • @DavidCulshawmer-r
    @DavidCulshawmer-r 3 года назад +2

    just waiting for my 8 inch left handed side bents to arrive next week , cant wait to use a left handed pair , i've been using right handed scissors at work for 20 years now and its time for a change

  • @insanity54
    @insanity54 4 месяца назад +1

    What is the purpose of the little shark fin near the handle?

    • @resoluteoutdoors
      @resoluteoutdoors  3 месяца назад +1

      I don’t actually know. I tried to look it up on their site but there is nothing about it. I am assuming it is just for looks. A premium look for a high quality product maybe.

    • @nikchoi7392
      @nikchoi7392 3 месяца назад +2

      It's a bottle opener, also the ridged part is a nutcracker

  • @Wateringman
    @Wateringman 2 года назад +1

    Give me a pair of gold Sheffield EXO, with the large bolt, so they can stand proud from the surface, thus making them easier to pick up, and the ribbon finger holds are fabulous.

    • @resoluteoutdoors
      @resoluteoutdoors  2 года назад

      I’ve never used any of Whiteley’s products before. Actually I had not heard of them till now. But, their products look very good I would love to try some out at some point.

  • @grayalf
    @grayalf Год назад

    Hello Pam,
    I wanted to send some better photos of the issue with the shears. The first four are the bad side, and the fifth is the good side as comparison. It is very easy to see the missing edge of the blade spine. Not only is this an aesthetic defect, it would be a concern for the strength of the blade.
    It really is important that you understand this was just one purchase we made for Ernest Wrights Shears, but they were all purchased to be heirlooms. Because of this point, it is truly disappointing that these are not what we expected.
    Also, please express these concerns to the people in quality control. It really has affected my earlier impressions of the brand.
    Have a nice weekend,

    • @aloysiusdevadander19
      @aloysiusdevadander19 5 месяцев назад

      If you sent this to them because you bought fucking scissors as a family heirloom, you're f****g retar**d

  • @grayalf
    @grayalf 5 месяцев назад

    Since waiting four days to have my request for a return RMA was replied to with questions about "why" i was unhappy and "how do they cut", it was not in my interest to continue more back and forth.
    I now questioned whether the return would be an issue once I spent another $50 to return them to England, and wait another month or more for the refund. I decided to right off the wasted money completely.
    The way in which my original request for a refund was handled, I have no further interest in Ernest Wright. My impression of the brand has been irepreprably diminished since Ernest Wright does not consider this defect a defect!
    Ernest Wright could have resolved this issue simply by sending me an RMA, and a prepaid return label. That was not how customer service treated me.

    • @ErnestWrightScissors
      @ErnestWrightScissors 5 месяцев назад

      Dear Mr. Gray,
      We regret that you have chosen to use social media and third parties to express your concerns rather than communicating directly with us.
      We believe that resolving this matter amicably is in everyone's best interest, and we would like to propose the following steps:
      Please provide your bank or PayPal details.
      We will issue a refund for your purchase immediately, as previously mentioned.
      If you could inform us of the cost to send the product to another address in Canada, we will cover that expense as well.
      Once you have received the refund, please return the product to a Canadian address that we will provide.
      We hope this solution is satisfactory and look forward to receiving your details so we can proceed.
      With kind regards,

  • @erykczajkowski8226
    @erykczajkowski8226 Месяц назад +1

    The steel and mechanics might be awesome, but the ergonomics must be shit with the naked slim metal rings.

    • @resoluteoutdoors
      @resoluteoutdoors  Месяц назад +1

      That isn’t the case these are very nice use. They are highly polished.

    • @erykczajkowski8226
      @erykczajkowski8226 Месяц назад

      @@resoluteoutdoors Polished or not, it is just thin metal, ergonomically this is a XIX century design. Good quality scissors of XXI century should have shaped handles covered with molded plastic. I have recenlty bought Wiss scissors and they feel amazing in hand (look at their handles!) and cut like huge nippers. Also Olfa scissors feel very nice at hand and cut amazingly.

  • @rondee
    @rondee 4 года назад +5

    I only think that this packaging is a bit underwhelming because it doesn't live up to their standards.

    • @rondee
      @rondee 4 года назад

      @Great Guy Good to hear that!

    • @resoluteoutdoors
      @resoluteoutdoors  4 года назад +2

      I am glad to here they have updated the packaging. I agree that in the past it was lackluster. I quality product like this deserves packaging to match.

  • @tanthaman
    @tanthaman 3 года назад +2

    Business insider

  • @rightstuff5840
    @rightstuff5840 3 года назад +2

    thses are best secissor available in India

  • @AlexanderMason1
    @AlexanderMason1 3 года назад +2

    Also these are there kitchen shears and are far from being the biggest they sell.

  • @grayalf
    @grayalf Год назад

    Thank you for your patience while I heard back from Neil and Paul. They have both asked how the scissors cut, as you have not mentioned that at all.
    They both understand that on the outside blade there is an inconsistent grinding line, but these ones passed quality control because they do not see that as a defect. It is handmade and each and every pair will have it’s own look and feel. This does not and will not affect the cutting action of the scissor. This pair is unique to you, but as you are not happy with the aesthetics of your scissors, we can offer you a replacement pair, the next batch of which should be ready within the next 2 weeks, or we can offer you a refund.
    Please let me know how you would like to proceed, then I will let you know how you can return yours.
    Take care and have a good week.
    With kind regards,
    Pam Addy
    Handmade Scissors Ltd
    58 Broad Lane,
    Sheffield S1 4BT,
    United Kingdom

  • @julipazos1146
    @julipazos1146 3 года назад


  • @theoriginalrabbithole
    @theoriginalrabbithole 3 года назад +3

    Disclaimer! Yes, ALL Ernest Wright scissors are of the finest quality in every way BUT...they are not, nor will they ever be...Sasuke Bonsai Shears! Which are easily and not just by a little bit either, THE Best Scissors in the World, bar none! Otherwise, great video and keep up the good work. *Liked & Subscribed

    • @resoluteoutdoors
      @resoluteoutdoors  3 года назад +1

      I will have to check out the bonsai shears! I always am looking to improve my gear. Thanks for watching and subscribing!

    • @theoriginalrabbithole
      @theoriginalrabbithole 3 года назад

      @@resoluteoutdoors Good luck! lol They cost $35,000.00 a pair...if you can get him to even make you a pair.

    • @resoluteoutdoors
      @resoluteoutdoors  3 года назад +2

      @@theoriginalrabbithole just a little out of my price range. Lol

    • @theoriginalrabbithole
      @theoriginalrabbithole 3 года назад

      @@resoluteoutdoors You should do a vlog on him. His name is master blacksmith, Yasuhiro Hirakawa. It was be awesome content!

    • @moocow6350
      @moocow6350 3 года назад

      They start at a $1,100 and go up to $35,000

  • @AlexanderMason1
    @AlexanderMason1 3 года назад +2

    Let me correct the title: “ One of the best scissors in the world” there are definitely other scissors that are just as good or better then these. Some are around the same price, some are a bit less expensive and some are way more expensive (up to 35,000 dollars).
    Also there are much better steels to use for scissors aside from stainless steel.

    • @blava3155
      @blava3155 Год назад

      Can you mention the name of those other good scissors?
      And what are the better steels to use for scissors aside from stainless steel?

  • @meriembenamrane7300
    @meriembenamrane7300 3 года назад +1

    A lot of blablabla... I waisted 6 minutes of my life

    • @omniryx1
      @omniryx1 3 года назад +2

      And I wasted ten seconds of mine, reading your drivel.

    • @JasonLaneZardoz
      @JasonLaneZardoz 3 года назад +6

      Is it because you're French?

    • @SpudiAndSpleenX
      @SpudiAndSpleenX Год назад

      With that attitude you've probably wasted much more time in your life