you missed the part that after surviving that crash Finn was able to drag Rose all the way back to the entrance of the base. the Walker pilots were probably laughing ( PILOT:"ey check out this dude. should we shoot him?" COPILOT "nah they look hilarious")
@@worldwarcollector3165 they where fucking miles away from the trenches, unless there happened to be a tunnel nearby which just makes the First Order look like retards
At least it had plot, good actors, music and great battles. Just a few minor things and two major things (Jar Jar and Anaikins mental stability - thats hard to pull off in two movies with all of the other stuff involved).
Notice that the captain of the medical frigate says "Godspeed rebels" and not "May the Force be with you." Further evidence that Rian Johnson doesn't know a thing about Star Wars and neither do the writers.
I heard that he recycled plot elements from projects he couldnt get off the ground in the script for this clusterfuck. It would help explain somethings because he isnt exactly that bad of a director. He just doesnt like star wars and most likely snuck shit in so he could gloat and say "look how awesome my movie would have been" At least he didnt have him praise the God Emporer of Mankind. Though that would have at least been kind of funny
The thing to note is if Luke hadn't done his force Ghost thing, then Rose would have effectively killed the whole resistance and their cause for maybe 5 or 6 more minutes with Finn. The Resistance's plan at that point was obviously to hunker down and wait for possible reinforcements, which would have likely have been possible if the First Order had no way of getting into the base. So I agree with the rest of this comment section that Rose is essentially a very selfish traitor.
Corrupted Archangel So all in all the resistance went all that way to make a phone call. They could contact discount Yoda by hologram but needed to make a call from a planet. Lousy writing.
Corrupted Archangel As well as a waste of screen time. Oh my word, this film was horrid. When God created the Ten Commandments, the second slab was just to small to add the last command:Thow shalt not create the abomination that is , something called: The last Jedi.
@Corrupted Archangel And who would come to save them? "Hi, it's Leia, look I don't like to ask but could you come and rescue us from the main imperial fleet? You see we have no spaceships at all and we're trapped in an old base surrounded by vastly superior Imperial ground forces. We have a few dozen speeders against about the same number of AT-ATs and a bog ass gun that will blow the door in any second now. So just send a whole bunch of ships to pick us up and don't forget you'll probably lose most of them getting down here since there's a whole bunch of Star Destroyers right above us.". "He hasn't called back, maybe he's in the shower.".
Did you see how the Ram melted off Finn's guns when he was like miles away? He wouldn't have made a dent, heading into the chamber like that. I was thinking it while I was watching it the first time, before I saw any video on it, and I still think it now. Finn's sacrifice would've done fuck-all and gotten him killed to boot. It's more like he saw the end was there and wanted a way out, or he was a huge moron. So if you're going to shit on Rose, do it for the cringey contrived shit she had to say in Canto Bight, children's storybook morals and all. But the actress is nice. Honestly, fuck anyone who gave her shit for the terrible script she was given. They make all us fanboys look bad.
several stereotypes actually. Asian drivers, emotional driving and women thinking for only themselves. Just let our homie be the hero he was destined to be...
The most ridiculous thing about the bombers: Those ships are so slow that they would get caught in the explosion of their own bombs, that's simply stupid! If they can't fly fast to a position to drop the bombs, they wouldn't have enough speed to escape either. What kind of concept is that?
TobiAnimados dude I totally agree, however to play devils advocate, one could say that after the bombers have dropped their payload the reduction in weight allows them to make a quicker get away. But that doesn’t work because it’s fucking space and weight isn’t a thing...
Lest we not forget that The Millennium Falcon and Slave I are similar in size and the former is constantly spouted to be the fastest ship in the galaxy smh..
Nah, Mass is still the same in space and thus influences acceleration and turning agility, so getting rid of mass is improving performance....that said, the bomber scene is still utter garbage they way it was depicted.
The only way I can really accept the Bombers, is if they're modified transport ships, rather than actual dedicated bombers that were used in a theatre of war
If Holdo and Leia's leadership are representative of the Resistance, I think I'm beginning to see why the New Republic didn't want much to do with them...
Poe was ordered to call off the attack on the Dreadnaught, but being a maverick, he disobeyed that order and wasted resources that the Resistance could not afford to replace on what was at the time an unnecessary objective. Not only does that prove him to be untrustworthy (which is proven even further by revealing the plan to the wrong person at the wrong time), but a demotion was the least of what Poe could expect for disobeying orders. As for Holdo and Leia's plan, the Resistance could not defeat the First Order in open battle and therefore saving as many personnel as its leadership can can is the realistic option.
Yeah, they sure saved lots of people. Had they either thrown Poe in the brig or informed him of the plan, Finn and Rose wouldn't have gone off on their side-quest to Casino Planet, would not have met DJ, would not have been betrayed by DJ, and many more of the rebels may have lived.
Poe proved himself untrustworthy by wasting precious resources on an unnecessary objective, darius. A realistic commander would not trust someone like that with vital information. Give him a break? He disobeyed orders and, right call or not, a demotion was the least of what Poe could expect and if the Resistance wasn't immediately pulled back into a fight, he would have been court-martialed and/or thrown in the brig, Stephen.
When Rose T-bones Finn the first thing we were wondering was “is she a first order plant/spy/Saboteur?” She just saved the bad guys biggest weapon and took out two friendly vehicles.
no, i thought "How ? How did she even managed to T-bone Finn ?" The guy kept racing at full speed toward the canon in a straight line ; but she somehow caught up to him while circling around to hit him in the side... Was her speed twice faster than him ?
@@chubibi06 his penis slowed him down. Important physics have changed since RotJ. Penises make you physically weaker and less capable than anyone without one regardless of training or force sensitivity.
@@chubibi06 one of my biggest complaints is that Poe and Finn flew a TIE Fighter in space in the force awakens. The TIE Fighter saves weight by not having a full life support system, that's why the pilots have the cool suits, the cabine is not even heated or pressurized according to in universe lore. The TIE Phantom had life support, the TIE Silencer too seemingly, which makes since since both are experimental, but not even the the best TIE, the Defender, had life support. They should have died the moment they left the hangar with the TIE. If the First Order TIE actually has life support like the X-Wing for example, than I don't know it and I'm sorry for ranting, but I honestly can't imagine it
@@DefinitelyNotEmma This is a common misconception. As we have seen in rebels, regular TIEs do have full life support systems, the suits are for Pilot survival invade the Ties cockpit is compromised.
I bring it up all the time. Not the most kills part. The fact that these bombers where so worthless that a destroyed tie fighter took out three of them. Yet somehow people STILL are saying they're better than a Y-Wing or B-Wing
@@SuperSwordman1 Thank you! Finally, someone I agree with. I always bring up why they couldn't have a newer model Y-Wing, like they do with a newer model X-Wing. Well, the T-70 featured in TFA is still old, but newer compared to the T-65. I mean, why couldn't they come up with a BTL500 Y-Wing, or B-Wing, or anything.
@@jrny20 A problem I started to realize how everyone's like "Oh the Y-Wings are to old". So what? Someone somewhere said "No one is ever going ot build a single Y-Wing again?" And then there are those people who say a Y-Wing couldn't do the same amount of damage as these worthless bombers. No, but a fleet of Y-Wings probably could. And unlike these things, they'd actually be able to get to their target!
When Rey and Kylo were fighting the Imperial Guards, one of the guards caught Rey in a grapple. They had to edit out the weapon in his other hand mid scene because otherwise the main character would be dead.
If hyperspace really was weaponizable someone would have figured it out in the 10,000+ of the Star Wars galaxy using hyperspace. 10,000 years is plenty of time for some guy to accidentally hyperspace into a bigger ship and see how deadly/effective it is. This also threatens the legitimacy of the previous movie. Why didn't the rebels just hyperspace a ship into the Death Star? Why not hyperspace lots of X-Wings into Star Destroyers? Every single Star Wars battle would have been fought differently if hyperspace weapons were a thing.
Also there is a video that explains why most of the major and minor factions don't use hyperspace as a weapon. The rebellion didn't do it due to limited funds and weapons hell one x-wing was worth 20 tie fighters and a star destroyer to the rebellion. the empire didn't need to do it there military might was for the most part unquestioned.
Easy: there is virtually always another, cheaper and safer solution. Think of the Hammerhead from rogue one: it had to take out the destroyers and the shield gate, it could have done a hyperdrive kamikazi into one of the targets, but it didn't, and it destroyed all of three
Always? It would make much more sense to ram one ship into the Death Star rather than lose all the ships that tried to make the attack runs. And gigantic cruisers are always aiming to be destroy each other anyway, that's the point of war. Just make specially designed kamikaze style ships that are cheap, full of shrapnel to maximize damage, and piloted by droids. Ships are always trying to destroy each other in space battles. It would make perfect sense for the Rebellion to ram a single ship into a larger target if they were going to lose some of their ships anyway as one almost always does in a battle. But the rebellion did not because Hyperspace ramming was not possible until the Last Jedi decided to destroy continuity and the legitimacy of the previous space battles in Star Wars. It's like beaming on to planet is Star Trek. It makes no sense because why would you need place ships if interpalnetary teleportation is possible?
I'm not even going to see the next one. I don't consider this Canon. If I want to imagine a saga after ROTJ I can read the old books. The story in those are amazing really. Leia and Han had twins, Luke had a son and is training Jedi in a temple. I don't want to give anything else away but there are a lot of books in that series and are great. If anyone who still loves star wars (and not this damaged ass canon) is interested I would look them up.
I agree brother none of this Disney shit is canon to me or any real fan. All my books are original and they do not say Legends and i keep reading them over again because the stories for the established timeline are great. Disney puts out nothing but garbage to make a quick buck and please the sjw community just like CBS did with STD, but i agree with you 200 percent
Actually, I thought most of the EU novels were boring and filled with unneeded, unwanted, contrived Star Wars lingo that made it impossible to visualize what the fuck was actually going on. The novels are *still* preferable to this horseshit, but not that great. At least the Old Republic greasy-ass Taco Bell-class diarrhea was fun and exciting.
@@Armagedd0nXD It's not too late. Snoke is dead. Kylo's... not as much of a bitch as before. And once he's beaten, the remaining First Order forces can be usurped. Please, Disney?
@@ezachleewright2309 I can see like there´s Starkiller 2 and Rey hands herself in to bring Kylo to the light side. I really like a lot of Disney films but they fucked Star Wars really bad.
BlackSteel KeyChain on a scale of one to ten 1000000000: Thrawn 10: Ackbar 9: Leia and Mon Mothma and Jan Dodona and 8: Palleon 4: Ozzel 3: Constantine -4: Holdo
Elias Stein what about Jacen yes he made mistakes but he was quick to adapt and counter, and with his battle meditation he's can do some serious carnage
1. Leia should've died when the bridge was destroyed for more emotion 2. Finn should've done the heroic sacrifice thing and died meaningfully 3. Disney cut their balls off after Rogue One, apparently, considering how they refused to let any main protagonists die after R1
Don 'Smacee They should've maybe also had it that Ackbar somehow survives and he rams the supremacy. Maybe the bridge could've remained intact, and it was another part of the ship that was blown up with Leia in it.
I was so bewildered when Holdo didn't turn out to be a lady Krell. Like, was she originally written as a villain, or did the writers genuinely think she seemed like a protagonist?
The Resistance used them because they got decommed right at the end of the war and all of their military assets are decommed ships. Part of me assumes that they were ment for high altitude atmospheric bombing since ethey were apparently supposed to be used on Imperial holdouts. I have no clue if any of them actually saw service until the evacuation. So in all, they were trash and would likely have been replaced due to heavy casualties if the war continued much longer.
@@darthmushyhead6901 You'd figure though that if they could afford *brand new* X-Wings that they could also get new(er) Y-Wings or whatever version that they were making at that point?
But what really pissed me off was a vice admiral out of uniform. How the hack does she expect to be recognised as some one in authority when she is running around in dress.
It's kind of been explained two different ways: Either A. ships leave behind their own mass shadow in real space when traveling through hyperspace, hence why there have been those "thread the needle" type moments for hyperspace jumps. If you don't have a clear path, rest in peace. OR B. Hyperspace is being treated similarly, in some aspects, to The Speed Force in The Flash comics. Any of the speedsters in DC Comics can "run into the Speed Force" even though it's a different dimension, they just have to be going fast enough to break the barrier into it. Hyperspace might be another dimension reached simply due to rapid acceleration or high velocity in space, meaning that the ship basically starts off in real space and stays in real space for a few moments of it's rapid acceleration to hyperspace speeds before entering the hyperspace dimension, allowing "hyperspace ramming" to be possible.
@@rookiedrifter4273 hyperspace requires a clear route. An object in the way will lead to a crash. Strong gravity can pull a ship off course or completely out of hyperspace. Therefore hyperspace is the same dimension. Otherwise charting wouldn't be anything needed to do before making a jump. You could just stay in hyperspace and then make the calculation as to when it's safe to come out. Fuel would still be an issue but traveling through a star wouldn't be the concern it is.
I agree 100% Though I feel that the greatest military blunder committed is still that the First Order never deployed their fighters, this cannot be overstated, it would be the equivalent of sending out a fleet of aircraft carriers and having none of them launch their aircraft.
Yup classic imperial incompetence but you’d think the first order would’ve learned. There are actually some very interesting dynamics playing out between the younger officers and the old “imperial” ones they really don’t like each othrr
Generation Films Somehow the shots of the Supremacy arced all the time. Did you notice that ? Not your average turbolaser, nor than anything we've seen in Star Wars, period. Also, Rose rams Finn at 90 degrees in spite leaving no red trail on the floor... And AFTER the movie shown us ALL other speeders but Finn turn around, and he was full speed. Also, the walkers just stopped firing for like 5 solid minutes... Then Finn came back to the base, on foot, dragging Rose unconscious... On a white ground... Leaving a nice red trail behind him... Faster than when he flew his speeder with the others. This guy is more powerfull with the Force than Snoke + Rey + Luke + Vader + Anakin. All hail Supreme leader Finn xD PS : this movie is increasingly dumber as the time pass, until the Crait scenes, who are the peak of the dumbfest. You just scream WTF ! Why even bother ?! all the time during the last ten minutes. And then... You get to Broom Boy, the ultimate insult : the Last Jedi ends with the perfect Disney Land commercial. Already filmed. Sad. Can we go back to Jar Jar please ? I miss him.
I'll confess I haven't seen the film yet but plan on getting it on bluray but when the captain of that medical frigate was contacting the admiral did he say, "Godspeed Admiral." before his projection showcased him being engulfed in flame before cutting out. Did I hear that correctly or misheard because the phrase godspeed doesn't seem to be a phrase used in Star Wars. Then again I haven't read the new canon novels or Legends and that phrase has been used in that media. But it doesn't seem like something that fits into the Star Wars lore. I know extremely minor nitpick but as you guys are experts on Star Wars I'll admit I'm wondering of you guys opinion on that. Or did the captain say something else and I just mishearing it.
On the topic of hyperspace ramming... Why don't you just send an astromech through a planet? The entire trilogy has been contradicted and the only thing that can save you is plot armor
I'm sure they'll retcon it somehow, maybe say that the ship had some kind of experimental shielding technology or partial/reverberating hyperdrive that made it possible.
That’s how they are explaining it, “special shields” but what happens if you don’t have those specific shields? Nobody knows, because nobody wants to argue with Disney
Its stupid cause you could just strap a bigger hyper drive to like an A-Wing and it would have the exact same affect which completely contradicts all the Star Wars
Finn: “That’s impossible!!!” In response to hearing the 1st Order tracked them thru hyperspace Also Finn: Goes on to completely explain how the 1st Order tracked them thru hyperspace
In the Kylo and Rey vs Praetorian guards. Fight the guard who splits his weapon to two daggers, magically loses one of the daggers when he graps Rey. Its just stupid
If they had those bombers, why wouldn't they have used them to attack Starkiller Base? Literally zero time has passed between movies, so if they bombers at the beginning of Ep VIII, then they had them at the end of Ep VII. But at the end of Ep VII, the Resistance sends in X-Wings to bomb the oscillator. On the other hand, why didn't they just ram the oscillator at light speed? They wouldn't have had to send in Han to lower the planetary shield, since hyperspace vehicles could pass right through the shields. Big ships are slower? Since when? Ep IV, Han: "I've outrun Imperial starships. And I don't mean the local bulk cruisers. I'm talking about the big Corellian ships." Later, when the Millennium Falcon encounters Star Destroyers as they are fleeing Tatooine: Han Solo: "Stay sharp! There are two more coming in. They're going to try to cut us off." Luke Skywalker: "Why don't you outrun them? I thought you said this thing was fast!" Han Solo: "Watch your mouth, kid, or you'll find yourself floating home! We'll be safe once we make the jump to hyperspace. Besides, I know a few maneuvers. We'll lose them. This is where the fun begins." Ben Kenobi: "How long before you make the jump to lightspeed?" Han Solo: "It'll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navicomputer." Luke Skywalker: [frantic] "Are you kidding? At the rate they're gaining- "
One thing I also did not like about thr Rose seen is how she was able to T-bone fin. He was going full throttle in a straight line. What Rose pulled off violates vector rules in simple mathematics. She may have also gone top speed but the amount of turns she did to come at Fins a near 90° angle shouldn't be posible. This is how I would have done the Rose saving Fin bettrr. The movie took a second poiting out how bad the condition the vehicle is. So when Fin was about to make the ultimate sacrifice his vehicle breakes down flinging him behind the tanks. Rose comes in to save him after that.
My thought exactly ! And your alternative would've made more sense ; and could've been a little suspenseful. Seeing Finn's speeder break down right in front of the canon, seconds before firing ; and loosing hope, only to be T-Bone out of nowhere... That would've been satisfying. . .
But when does the woman tell the man he is wrong in your rewrite? The most important part of the script is obviously the political messaging, as well as putting our minority and homosexual characters only in scenes that can easily be cut for foreign audiences.
@@matthewlee8667 I respect that you only thought episode 7 was alright lol, honestly one of only reasons I truly loved it in the first place was because I sympathized so much with Kylo Rens character because of his torturous struggle with the light and dark side eternally battling within him which was a struggle he inherited from his grandfather...
Those Star Fortresses (not very fortress like) can't even land on a planet unless they have a specialist cradle to land in - they can't rotate the hull like a B-wing - and they can't tip their body up or have a turret on the base that can spit the bombs out sequentially either (only for plot reasons though) the movie is shot like there is a down in space. I'm not even 100% sure if they have Hyperdrives either - as Haldo's old ship is their carrier vessel it suggests they don't.
What, you mean the super slow ships that explode in one hit that with the cockpit that opens into outer space that can drop bombs even though there might not be a clearly definable "down" in space? I thought they were great
Not necessarily I would think they would be great at High altitude bombing runs like edge of the atmosphere bombing with an escort crew and not in such tight formations
The First Order are written to be a bunch of bumbling fools. They offer me no sense of how dangerous they are for the very fact on how incompetent they act in so many battles. Getting tricked by a yo momma joke that is only known to this galaxy makes even less sense. So many things that happened in the Last Jedi was right here from Earth. Didn't make me feel like I was in a galaxy far far away, but rather watching something play out in our own galaxy. Thanks Rian!
The prequels might be hated but they felt fantastical. Truly a galaxy far, far away. The OT was limited by technology but the PT was not and it looks great. I also felt Force Awakens itself looked far too terrestrial and like a standard action movie instead of Star Wars.
that was always the problem i had with the FO, too, that i never got a sense of their power. the empire was out there policing shit hole outer rim planets like tatooine. their officer corps was what it was, it had incompetent fools who got weeded out, then you had those who you had, ah, 'faith and trust' to get the job done, e.g. veers. ren just seems like a spoiled bitch without a clue, making one bonehead mistake after another, and hux doesn't appear to be profoundly better. snoke was a completely waste of a character, thanks for that, ruin johnson.
Admiral Ackbars death made me very sad. Even though he was a secondary character, he was still one of my all time favorites. I'm not saying he shouldn't have died, but he's the one who led the attack on Death Star 2, and helped the resistance make a strategic plan to save themselves, and helped evacuate the base. I don't see why they could have had him say something like, "Incoming Torpedoes!" " Clear the bridge!" And have him and about half the bridge officers get off. Then later on have him explain his plan to poe and have finn and poe go try to find their allies. Then have some of the "allies" betray them and have him die fighting for a cause he's been a part of for 30 + years. It's just, he's such a cool character and is explained and detailed even more in the comics and books. But on the bright side at least he had some dialogue and screen time even if it wasn't much. R.I.P Admiral Ackbar. You will be missed.
The way HISHE dealt with Admiral Ackbar in TLJ was far preferable to the disreputable way this movie unceremoniously tosses him aside. “Do you know what this is?” “Do you know what this is?” “It’s...” “A...” “Trap!!!”
The idiot writers decided that they couldn't have Ackbar doing anything awesome or memorable because then Holdo would look bad compared to him. (Which she was. Even her sacrifice was unnecessary because they could have put the Raddus on autopilot or got a droid to pilot it.)
Same. Ackbar was one of my favorite characters. He was a beast in the Galactic Civil War, then TLJ was like, "Oh by the way... that dude Ickbar, or whatever is dead. Womp Womp."
@@tripplordofinconvenience9953 Seeing Ackbar take the lead would've been pretty cool tho. And seeing more alien do relevant things would've been more than welcome. . . Heck, Rose could've been a Twi'Lek ; backed by a past-life of slavery ; pretty common for Twi'lek of her gender ; her "progressist" ideology would've been legitimated. With Ackbar as the new (and last) leader of the Resistance (yeah, just kill off Leia, who cared anymore ?) ; at least, the Resistance wouldn't looked like a human supremacist organisation. . .
Rian Johnson just wanted to let us all know that this is NOT Hoth. Totally. NOT. HOTH. So anyway, on Hoth, they have a Hoth-style battle with AT-ATs a few moments later. :p Also, WHERE did those AT-ATs and Grond come from? The Empire managed to land all that stuff, even though the Imperial fleet is destroyed and the Supremacy is in two pieces.
There were a lot of things that I didn't like about this movie, but the only thing that down right pissed me off was Admiral Ackbar's "Oh, by the way" death. A down right crappy slap in the face to Erik Bauersfeld.
Uh, nuclear reactors, any type of sci fi “matter” reactors the idea that a ship runs out of fuel in a universe where its never once been a issue before is a cheap way to drive the plot along to make Ms Purple Hair save the day
@@loganbaileysfunwithtrains606 And what is the reason then to for Episode 18 season 2 (The Zillo Beast) of Star Wars The Clone Wars? I mean there going for an alliance to have access to the fuel resources of the planet - and not only for there fighters i remberer they wanted it for there cruisers as well
Fuel Exists in Star Wars More Importantly people never need more than 1 or 2 Hyperspace Jumps (which are Obviously Limited which is why People Don't Use them too Often)
Fuel didn’t exist in Star Wars until Disney took over. Tibanna Gas is what they use for fuel but coruscant literally runs off of fusion power so what gives.
First, how did Leia get back on the ship after the bridge exploded, if the crew opened the door, they will be sucked into space! Secondly, when Rose crash his speeder into Finn's, why didn't the AT-M6's fire at them?!
1.) You lock and vent the corridor outside of the door while having people inside space suits with mag boots collect Leia. 2.) I agree that is kind of stupid, I guess the most reasonable explanation is that there was no reason for them to expect survivors from that crash and they where focused on there objective that was finally in sight.
WJ stop-motion, dinosaurs and Star Wars Lim 1. Tractor beams pull things to you. It's the opposite of what you want in this case. 2. The Supremacy's cannons design reminds me mortars, and that's clearly intentional. 3. Such weapon makes no sense whatsoever, which is in line with the rest of the movie. There is no explanations showed, told, bothered, whatever. 4. Don't write the movie for them. There is an army of third party media creators who were hired to do so. It's the rule of cool, not the rule of logic, even Star Wars logic. Accept it. 5. It's okay, at least if we can get some consistency with the pre existing stuff... Oh wait, there is none. Oops ! Guess they wrote a movie from the wrong franchise.
By far the worst scene in the whole movie was the really long one that started with the writing "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" and ended with "Directed by Rian Johnson"
Some of it was satisfying as visual eye candy, which might have been enjoyable if it didn't feel like I was holding in a wee whilst enduring the length of Dr. Zhivago.
Another thing wrong is that they killed Tallissan lintra! You don't give a girl a name and a cool "ace pilot" scarf only to kill her off. Also, THEY DIDN'T LET FINN BE EFFECTUAL AND IMPORTANT! TFA ads made it out that he was going to a force user and someone key to the story, only for that to be Rey. Then Finn only just existed in TLJ as he's been relegated to mostly being a side-character to Rose in what should have been his subplot, further compounded by Rose thwarting his kamikaze attack that would have let him do something semi-impactful and kept him from just being a black comic relief purse-puppy. Yes, I am angry because my favorite character doesn't get to be as important as I felt lead to believe. Also, they made Poe a knucklehead flyboy whom we're supposed to believe will be an effective resistance leader when that was more believable before TLJ.
Koenigsegg Fanboy her backstory also gives her a sense of inherited legacy. "My dad his part for galaxy, so I want to do mine too" was her mindset, and a noble one at that.
Finn being a secondary character and Luke doing nothing are the only problems I had with this movie. Nobody really did anything besides Poe and Kylo Ren however.
Two things I haven't really heard anyone talking about. Turbolasers shouldn't be arcing in the vacuum of space, and ships don't just stop moving when their engines give out because agai, they're in space..
Explained in two words....bad writing. Ruin Johnson got a Saturn award for it not to mention how plagerized it really was. His only original idea was the WW2 space bombers.
Suddenly the "I hate sand" line is not the worst thing to happen to star wars. And that was a bad movie, not as bad as episode 8. That's saying something
In star wars canon, when a ship goes into hyperspace they go into a different dimension. The Raddus would have passed right through the first order fleet. Only way the hyperspace ram would have connected would be if the Raddus was at point blank so that it could hit the ship during the acceleration process of hyperspace. However, In the movie the Raddus was roughly 35 miles away if you look at the scene. That means that episodes 7, 8, and 9 are not canon. Thank you Rian Johnson
Look at the clone wars episode "Destroy Malevolence". In it, Anakin Skywalker sends the Malevolence into the dead moon of Antar at light speed, and destroys the ship (he survives). But how could this happen? Wouldn't it just pass through?
@@r.chamaemorus8025 Because moons have enough gravity to pull ships out of hyperspace something the ships didn't have a noticeable amount of due to being incredibly less massive.
Your cannon makes 4 not cannon... No reason for Han to explain why charting is important before a jump if they go into a different dimension... Because then it wouldn't matter what in this dimension they fly through. It wouldn't effect them. It wouldn't make anything a real short trip. So either Han was wrong in 4 or they are not really in a different dimension. Also as noted above, gravity can pull a ship out of hyperspace in two different ways. One by setting off the gravitational proximity warning system which shuts down hyperspace travel pretty much instantly or by applying enough gravitational forces to literally slow the ship out of hyperspace. Reason for the proximity warning is to keep them from flying into an object and dying... But if they are traveling in a different dimension that wouldn't be an issue. Also gravity can throw them off course. If they were in another dimension then the gravity from their normal dimension would not effect them in hyperspace. So the idea that they are going through another dimension means the warning systems are needless and any stories of ships hitting anything or being pulled out of Hyperspace early would all be just urban legends.
The Resistance are so dumb at *WAR* The Rebel Alliance is more smarter at battles, they sometimes won major victory like their first battle and their last battle. The Resistance knew they are on War, ao they should act seriously
This is because they made the old Rebel leaders retards, Mon Mothma for no fucking reason dismantles the military (Even tho that's why the Clone Wars and the fall of the Republic started lol), Ackbar doesn't realize he should evacuate the control room, and Leia lets admiral retard control the crew instead of Poe, a clearly capable leader.
The opening battle of the force awakens: “Hey look they are coming out of bottleneck points should we shoot them there and just kill them all before they even come out of the transport?” “Nah just fire wherever”
@@tragedyplustime8271 exactly demilatarizing right after a major war is foolish and naive, they knew they were in war and yet they did not expect a pre empitive strike against the republic. Creating the resistance was a foolish move in the name of nostalgia, they should not have demilitarized in the first place. If they didn't demilitarize they could've launched attacks of homeworlds that provided supplies to the first order and comb the system for the fleet.
the main things that are wrong with the movie are the Writing and forced merchandise placement. The entire personality of Luke is really messed up too. He never gave up hope on his father the dark lord of the Sith but his Nephew must die because he sensed the dark side in him like WTF?
People are flawed, Xephorce. Luke may be the child of the Chosen One, but he is still human and humans make mistakes. Humans sometimes let their emotions get the better of them and in Luke's case, the emotion was fear.
An ax murderer wouldn't hesitate to kill someone. Luke Skywalker gave into fear for a moment, only to not go through with killing Ben. Just because he is Luke Skywalker doesn't mean that he is perfect.
Can we stop with the hyperbole... honestly. This film did not ruin Luke Skywalker nor is it the worst SW film ever. I have been a fan of Star Wars since I was a little kid and Luke is my all time favorite character, this film did not ruin Luke... he wasn't out of character this film only added depth to him. Yes there are issues in the film, many that I am not blind to (some messy pacing/tone, Canto Bite, Finn/Rose etc) but I still enjoy it and Luke is not one of the issues. You guys always say the same thing that Luke would have never tried to kill his nephew... and yeah guess what... he didn't. Just hear me out and be open to a new perspective. I don't understand what peoples issue is with this plot point. He didn't attack his nephew he didn't do anything but turn on his saber. He sensed that Ben would destroy everything he worked for, that Ben would kill everyone he loved and he sensed more darkness in Ben then anyone ever before. Luke is a human being, just because he beat the darkness once are we to believe he will never struggle with it again? He was overcome with fear, anger and hatred (just like when he almost killed his father) and in just a blink of an eye he turned on his saber and instantly regretted what he did.. he felt shame and horror at his actions and horrible thought. He didn't try to kill Ben... it was a mistake, a human mistake led by his emotions and fear. Personally I have absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's no different from when he Vader threatened his sister and he went bat shit crazy overcame with the dark side and almost slaughtered him. He cut Vader's hand off and was ready to strike him down... it was only when the Emperor interrupted and mentioned how his hate made him powerful did Luke realize what he had done. Luke beat the dark side that day on the Death Star but just because he beat it once are we to believe that he will never struggle with it again? He saw into the future and saw that Ben would bring death and destruction to everything he had worked for and everyone he loved and he was overtaken by the dark side. He let his fear and anger control him and for the briefest moment he thought he could end it all. So in an attempt to protect everything he loved he turned on his saber... and that was it... he didn't strike Ben, he didn't even raise his saber like he was going to, he turned it on and instantly regretted what he did and felt guilt and shame. This is not Luke out of character and the movie did not ruin him, to me this only adds depth to his character making him more interesting to me. Of course this is my opinion and you are entitled to yours but at least give it thought more than just emotional knee jerk reaction.
Funny thing is, there are examples of more powerful and sturdier bombers in the SW Galaxy. The K-Wing was one of those. It was the super-fortress. The K-wing starfighter's primary missions included precision bombing of planetary targets, slow-moving capital ships, and spaceborne installations. It also performed secondary missions as an escort or reconnaissance ship.
You forgot to mention the fact that Finn's sacrifice was subverted by Rose's sacrifice to save him from saving the resistance. Except it wasn't so much a sacrifice because they just hand wave it with Finn running back into the (now busted) bunker with a stretcher and some medical supplies. So that entire sequence was... well... worthless.
All Leia did was slap Poe in the face and demote him?! No. Nonononono! A military officer never strikes their subordinates, ever, and expect to get away, scot-free. If General Patton couldn't get away with this in a professional and organized military, there is no way in hell Leia would get away with it in a paramilitary organization! Once word got out that the leader of the Resistance wasn't against striking her own officers in anger, there'd be so many desertions that they'd swamp Rose and her little taser! What Leia did was wrong in the absolute sense of the word.
#poedidnothingwrong Deaths are a part of war. Armchair Leia couldn't handle the cost. The other pilots didn't shut off their comms, why couldn't Leia contact them and circumvent Poe?
I agree; if one of America's best generals in WWII got in trouble for hitting a man in sick bay, how is it that Leia gets away with slapping Poe? Also why are the women in high ranking positions out of uniform for the entirety of the movie? Leia was in a princess dress in A New Hope, but she wore uniforms at the Battles of Hoth and Endor and in the last movie.
But that is not a real military. It is a bunch of paramilitary people who had little place to go (and leaders of the Resistance? We have for now not see such leaders - are there any left?). In insurgencies/terrorist organisations such acts of violence against lower ranks are not THAT uncommon (and of course even worse). That may also work as some excuse why the Vice admiral did not not tell the plan - once people began trying to deserting she could not be sure if some of them will be captured or may buy his way out via betrayal to the FO.
After reading the book I get it but they chopped one of the most important scenes that establishes rose as a character which kind of makes us not care about her... they tried to do too much
The casino scene was added to make a point about the long-shot, ludicrous, plans of the Lucas area don't ALWAYS work. How convoluted was Luke's plan to rescue Han from Jabba? 2 disguises and infiltration over the course of days/weeks? (Leia, Lando) Delivering one of them in bondage a prisoner? (Chewie) Expecting R2 & 3PO to become free-roaming servant droids for the battle? c'mon now. It's just insane. And you can argue that Luke was a Jedi but does that explain Solo's plan to try finding Luke on a icy planet and surviving deadly conditions or the Gungans standing in an open field with a deflector shield to draw an army of CIS? All those are so stupid and we took them for granted as "successes". Cantobyte was a failure because those crazy plans are vulnerable to failure.
The First Order could've jumped ahead of the Resistance - there were over a dozen Resurgent-classes that could've made a pincer, or hammer-and-anvil move. And because the First Order was likely tracking only the Raddus, the Resistance could've evacuated the Raddus to the support ships and jumped them to different locations, including one ship to Crait, because they only needed two techs and Leia's code. This proven by the fact that Finn and Rose go off on their snipe-hunt without any detection. And finally, if the First Order was taking control of the galaxy, why couldn't we see other star destroyers and stormtroopers storming into and taking over New Republic worlds (lead by members of the Knights of Ren)?
Because Disney has no cohesive plan and didn't want to be forced to do something. It's freaking idiotic, but they are just doing these movies one at a time, they threw out JJ's episode 8, as opposed to just altering parts they has issue with'. #bringbacktherealeu
What I find funny is that during the Battle of Crait, when the Millennium Falcon is flying around and shooting down tie fighters, there's a scene of a few seconds showing Rey shooting down a tie fighter in the cockpit seat. The problem with that scene is that Rey's point of view shows her being able to see the rear of the Falcon instead of just looking down which literally defies the entire structure of the Falcon.
If they kill off Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles, Mon Mothma and 3PO all in Episode IX, Disney's victory will be complete. Chewie and R2 have been character assassinated, so I consider them dead.
Tbh aside from getting pissed off,I was really proud all he said was true,like they should have just used the transports to hyperspace to destroy the fleet instead of the raduss. What I most hated in the movie was holdo,she was literally the opposite of a good leader and like what he said,her death was useless....
They could have used the ship that Finn and Rose took to go to Casino Planet. It had a hyper drive. Also, the amount of energy of something moving at near light speed is something like. . . infinity, literally. A single particle with resting mass moving at near light speed creates near infinite energy. The closer to light speed the object gets, the closer to infinite energy the particle has. That is one reason why the hyperspace crash scene was stupid. Hyperspace in star wars ignores time dilation, and has never been weaponized before. This would suggest that hyper drives function outside of normal space time, and utilize either multi dimensional travel, worm holes, or something else that takes the object moving at hyper speed out of standard space time physics.
Yep. Bursting with joy to see Luke do powerful shit and suddenly watch him disappear like a piece of shit was definitely my worst Star Wars experience in theatre. #fuckretardjohnson
I feel the assassination of his character is worse. I don't know who this homeless, hobo loser that tried to kill his nephew and then gave up is, but that ain't Luke Skywalker.
Why even waste time showing his X-wing under water? Luke flying in destroying Walkers (or damaging s*it) then facing Kylo to die Obi-Wan style would have been way better but we got it Ruin Johnson style. smh
IMO the First Order and Resistance are equally incompetent, here's hoping that that Wedge Antilles comes in episode IX, joins up with Chewy, and kills all of them!
Poe is alright, even though Rian Johnson totally fucked him over in TLJ. Let him join Wedge and Chewy and leave the sad, pathetic resistance behind to go have real adventures in the galaxy
11:32 I hope she's a deep cover spy for the first order (Snokes personal agent) cause that is the only way any of that makes any sense. She's actually guarding her own escape pod. She knocks out Finn to stop the Rebels escaping, then lies to Finn about her supposed feelings. The side arc is an elaborate scheme to sabotage their escape attempt and get Finn to feel sorry for her. That'll be a nice ying yang moment when you compare the two sisters. The dead one is the good guy and the alive one is the bad one.
One thing, while that's on the wiki site I can not find any mention of it in the book 'Before the Awakening' which is cited as the source. I think its also bull, the idea that a large craft like that could outpace a smaller craft with a high thrust to mass ratio is just not feasible. It would be like saying an aircraft carrier can outrun a zodiac in a straight line... how?
I did notice that as well, though I didn't have the book to be sure. When I did make this same observation for another video in January though, they were citing the TFA artbook and visual dictionary instead IIRC
"The bombs were not driven by gravity, but rather by magnets." This is not how magnets work. The bombs would have clumped together and been drawn to every ship within range of the magnetic field. Basically they would have clumped together on the hull of the bomber itself. (And if they "just didn't activate until they cleared the bomber" then we come right back to the gravity problem, so don't even bother with that one.) Face it; those bombers straight up sucked. Stupid design.
Indomitus1973 however if the magnets are in the ship and instead of being standard magnets are in fact electro magnets located down the magizine in a succession to for a rail-gun style propulsion system
Indomitus1973 It would make a lot more sense, if it was gravity. The bombs would start falling in bomber's artificial gravity field, and gain speed, then in vacuum, they would maintain their speed, and would have no force to slow them down. Essentially, every object moving in space (assuming, it won't collode with anything or fall into any gravity field) is perpetum mobile. While "magnets" explanation makes no sense. If the bombs are magneticly pulled, then why didn't they stick to the bomber? Wasn't that bomber made of metal? NOTE: While I can safetly argue about storrytelling, art etc. I am pretty shit at physics. If you spotted something dumb, please point it out
A way to use magnets could be having magnets in the top of the bombs strips and electro-magnets at the top and down the bomber and are turned off untill its over the target, then they are turned on, the two magnets would be in an orientation in which the repel the ships pushing the bombs down with the top magnets then the magnets down the side. The ship would remain in place due inertial dampers. Is how i imagine it works
I’m surprised that I just found this video. I remember when I walked out of the last Jedi, I have never felt so shocked about how much unnecessary death they showed. You really summed up almost everything I was thinking when watching the move for the first time. Awesome video!
Among the many glaring issues I have with this movie, my biggest is the incredible military incompetence of the first order. First they jump out of hyperspace with their fleet, but my question is while the dreadnought is getting shredded where are the 6 or so resurgence class star destroyers. Why escort the Dreadnought at all if all this means is sitting there to let it die. The entire chase was ridiculous because once again, Snoke’s ship is the only one firing at the resistance, launching TIES, doing ANYTHING besides being crashed into and shattered by a suicidal Social Justice Warrior. If the resurgence class don’t have the range, or the speed, or the firepower, WHY ARE THEY THERE?! They have no use despite descriptions of the vessels showing them to be very effective and scary warships, but nothing more than floating toys for Ron Weaslie’s Satanic alter-ego. When they pulled back Kylo this doesn’t make sense, if the first order has this massive fleet and the resistance has around a dozen x wings and some string, just swarm them, so what you’ll lose a few hundred ties, the resistance will be wiped out. It’s just sad that we are supposed to believe that the successor to the Empire has not only gone full Nazi, but we are supposed to believe that they are led by some Sadist Hogwarts regret whose only talent is being flung around a bridge, and the rest of their command who couldn’t organize a takeover of an African Village. The First Order has effectively been taken over by World War 2 Italian High Command
Less of that, more of I was just hopeful that the Empire's successor state would finally be led by someone competent, which seemed promising in The Force Awakens, but in The Last Jedi they were all a bunch of bumbling morons who don't know ANY strategy.
Nathaniel Yee The one place I can place my useless comments is on RUclips, have you been on the comments section of any video? And clearly got a use out of you by getting your response, so not that useless.
You forgot the part where the most of resistance went outside of the base to protect the BLAST-PROOF door instead of staying inside and protecting themselves
It may have been covered, but did all the ships also stop when Leia was out in space? I ask, because if these ships were continuing to fly away, unless her stillness was really her moving at the same speed as the ships, it'd been a bit less then a straight line as scene in the movie... but her catching up... which would have been really weird...
The ships at this time were still conducting their slow escape from the First Order. Leia should have been a lot further away from the ship at this time. If the ships were moving at speed X, and the depressurisation of the bridge was Y, Leia's body should have been maintaining a constant speed of X+Y through space.
And in fact, in order for that chase scene to make any sense, all of the ships would have had to be in a constant state of acceleration. Since there is no resistance in space (except for the dead ones), the only reason any of the ships would be running out of fuel would be if they were continually burning their boosters. Otherwise, they would just do a burn, and they would maintain their speed through the vacuum of space. You also see the medical frigate fall behind the rest of the fleet and the FO catch up. The only way this would be possible would be if every other ship was in a constant state of acceleration.
Emmm but, if someone is chasing you thought space, and they have more fuel than you, it means that they will keep acelerating for longer, meaning that they will eventually catch you, so... that scene did actually make sense. Lets say that both ships have a constant aceleration x, but after t Time one of them will have is aceleration set to 0, who is faster after twice that time?
Correct, but i don't really see that as completly impossible in a universe where people can levitate objects, become ghost and other kind of impossible stuff and where there seems to have air resistance in space, i mean grievous kinda did the same thing even if it was in very lower scale... if anything the only thing i hated about that scene is the way it was directed (ie superman leia). maybe if she was struggling and was show to be using her force power the moment she was launched into space it would have been a lot better.
I for one appreciate that the First Order has done away with the Empire's racist policies and allowed a looney tunes character to become their military leader.
Ruskettle but how did the hide? like in the trenches they would have been found, you see they are looking at the base, and the transports were probably taken, or destrayed for data
A Frustrated Gamer ueah basivally all they did was insult people by having a movie filled with sjw stuff slapping the SW brand on it expecting it to be profitable
You forgot to point out that Finn and Rose would have almost certainly been picked off by one of those walkers after they crashed, seeing as they were like about thirty feet in front of them...
That's sad. It was honestly an excellent movie. Flawed at points, but imo it simply was too complex a plot for most to appreciate. There is an incredible amount of nuance that this video completely overlooks. I think when people watch star wars, they want 'Fast and the Furious' in space, with like a little underdog/empire. This was honestly a very complex plot for modern Hollywood and its a shame it's getting the flak it is (though yeah... The Leiah scene was awful.)
@@soleo2783 lol, I didn't say it didn't have issues. But in my opinion, many of the "massive plot holes" that people are griping about (hyperspace ramming, Space-Leia, Rose.... All of rose.) have nothing to do with TLJ, and have been issues for a long time. Hyperspace ramming has been an exploitable plot hole for a long time in Star Wars; There is no good reason why it wasn't weaponized centuries ago --but that's a flaw even in the original trilogy and the way George Lucas designed the galaxy from basically the get go. So if we really want to pick apart plot holes, we need to start with A New Hope. I love star wars, but it's never been known for consistency or watertight plot arcs... I also don't think that a director daring to defy common tropes in a series/setting makes a film inherently bad. George Lucas did something flawed, but new and awesome. TLJ did a lot of new, awesome and flawed things too. Again, there were tons of issues with TLJ. But compared to even the original star wars trilogy? Honestly not that many more. I know lots of people hate it, I don't. But that doesn't mean you're inherently wrong or I'm stuck in my saddle. It just means we saw it differently and if hearing someone else voice that is so upsetting.... Why are we both in the RUclips comments? xD
@@Kellethorn my problem is not "hearing someone else voice", its the condescending way you speak to people who criticize the movie. with that out of the way im open to actually discussing the subject. You talked about plot holes in a new hope, if you could point those out i would like to discuss them. about hyperspace, its hasnt really been just, a shit going really fast, it enters a different dimmension of sorts, so if it was never weaponized before, we could assume that it COULDN'T be weaponized. we cant do that anymore, so it became a plothole. you also didnt answer my question.. what do you find so complex/awesome/new about tlj?
@@Kellethorn and if you think it.. fast and the furious in space with a little underdog and an empire, is pretty much tlj, despite the resistance being supposedly backed by the whole republic and the first order being the last remnants of the empire.. and now that i read that, the first order should have had the role of the underdog no? they are economically inferior after all, but thats not how the movies play out is it?
Rose and Holdo are just extremely bad characters, Disney produced action figures of them and nobody is going to buy them. You take rose out of the movie and no one would care or think anything changed. Take Holdo out and replace her with ackbar and you are given a better and fairly decent movie.
Depends on what you mean by replacing Holdo with Ackbar, if you mean just visually speaking and having them do the same things not really, but if you mean in a writing sense then oh yeah most definitely, though with how bad the rest of the writing was I'm still dubious about that even making it a decent movie because from a critical stand point the movie is a bad combination of Empire Strikes back and a Star Wars the Clones Wars Filler episode.
I think Alan covered the main issues here, LOL. Odd he didn't mention Canto Bight though But the last thing, the Rose/Finn crash really, REALLY pissed me off. She basically resigned the Resistance base to be destroyed by that huge cannon and to kill all the remaining Resistance fighters just so she could save the guy she had a crush on.
Closure of just a single loophole could have made this much better- the refusal of Admiral Purple Hair to tell people her plan. It was ridiculous. On a side note, when I talked about weaponising hyperspace jumping, ppl replied that in books, there's an interdictor which has a device which can prevent hyperspace jumping.
Pretty sure auto cannons were in the space battle over courscant in episode 3. The Republic's carriers were loaded with them yet we didn't see any arcing shots there. At least to me, it just doesn't seem right at all
Pretty sure in the resources talking about the Supremacy those guns are called Turbolasers not auto cannons and there wasn't even any strong enough gravitational force to make them curve edit: I'm pretty sure I saw once someone making the argument that the laser rounds were a form of guided munitions (It should be said that despite being called 'lasers' lasers in Star Wars are in fact plasma based technology)
You don't "have to find an explanation." If it doesn't bother you that it makes no physics sense that's fine, the explosions aren't physics either, fire and boom in space is a no no after all and they have always been there, but if it does bother you, which is also fine, we all have our suspension of disbelief limitations, then you shouldn't make unsupported excuses for bad writing, which is what it would be at that point.
@@acefire7714 i gues it was originally a way to avoid your creditors ; as financing a ship was a huge deal, and loosing such investment would cost the captain more than he could ever afford to pay. . . (That and he would likely struggle to be enrolled once again as captain) Then came the tradition, and "honour" of dying a senseless death. . .
People die getting T-Boned going 60mph in well made safety minded cars. The amount of murder suicide with Rose going 200mph in rickety Tetanus Advert straight into Fin is immense.
With Leia's actress being dead, it'll be interesting to see what contrived reason they come up with for her dying offscreen before the start of the movie.
Well, my biggest problem is that that big joke Hux decided to target the Resistance base instead of just destroying thier transports and obliterating their fleet. The cannons on the dreadnought can penetrate the most powerful shields, like the one the Raddus has, but if course that big fool decided that destrying an empty base is way better than destroying their entire fleet. But overall, I actually loved this evacuation
I always thought there must be some level of oxygen (or some other medium) in Star Wars space, considering there is fiery explosions during all of the space battles. Could that potentially explain why Lei can be found floating instead of hurdling through space?
It's space ; it doesn't work that way. However, the explosion could come from the oxygen contained in the ship. That, or they decided to ignore the fact both explosion and sound are impossible in space as there's no air. . .
Hey Allen, you "Everything wrong with the Last Jedi list was waaaaay to short! I had expected it to be at least 20 minutes. However you could make it a trilogy just to cover the two major battles. None the less, please keep saying bad things, they made me smile!
Heh.... at first glance I thought you were trolling. Without my glasses, I thought it said: "The Last Jedi is waaaaay too short!" That actually made me laugh out loud.
you missed the part that after surviving that crash Finn was able to drag Rose all the way back to the entrance of the base. the Walker pilots were probably laughing ( PILOT:"ey check out this dude. should we shoot him?" COPILOT "nah they look hilarious")
I would try to step on them.
They were distracted by Luke I think
They used tunnels underground
@@worldwarcollector3165 they where fucking miles away from the trenches, unless there happened to be a tunnel nearby which just makes the First Order look like retards
The good thing about the sequal trilogy is that the movies make me appreciate the prequels more.
Cooper Knueven I’ve always preferred the prequels, the settings are better
At least it had plot, good actors, music and great battles. Just a few minor things and two major things (Jar Jar and Anaikins mental stability - thats hard to pull off in two movies with all of the other stuff involved).
let's not get too carried away, the prequels were in themselves awful movies on every level, too.
Notice that the captain of the medical frigate says "Godspeed rebels" and not "May the Force be with you."
Further evidence that Rian Johnson doesn't know a thing about Star Wars and neither do the writers.
Akiraspin nice catch!
I heard that he recycled plot elements from projects he couldnt get off the ground in the script for this clusterfuck. It would help explain somethings because he isnt exactly that bad of a director. He just doesnt like star wars and most likely snuck shit in so he could gloat and say "look how awesome my movie would have been"
At least he didnt have him praise the God Emporer of Mankind. Though that would have at least been kind of funny
Ya, gods are never mentioned in Star Wars. It's always "May the Force be with you" or "good luck"
@@Serenade2461 there are the force gods but only like a 11 people know of them.
@@georgemurdock7670 make that 11
The thing to note is if Luke hadn't done his force Ghost thing, then Rose would have effectively killed the whole resistance and their cause for maybe 5 or 6 more minutes with Finn. The Resistance's plan at that point was obviously to hunker down and wait for possible reinforcements, which would have likely have been possible if the First Order had no way of getting into the base. So I agree with the rest of this comment section that Rose is essentially a very selfish traitor.
Corrupted Archangel So all in all the resistance went all that way to make a phone call. They could contact discount Yoda by hologram but needed to make a call from a planet. Lousy writing.
Corrupted Archangel As well as a waste of screen time. Oh my word, this film was horrid. When God created the Ten Commandments, the second slab was just to small to add the last command:Thow shalt not create the abomination that is , something called: The last Jedi.
@Corrupted Archangel And who would come to save them?
"Hi, it's Leia, look I don't like to ask but could you come and rescue us from the main imperial fleet? You see we have no spaceships at all and we're trapped in an old base surrounded by vastly superior Imperial ground forces. We have a few dozen speeders against about the same number of AT-ATs and a bog ass gun that will blow the door in any second now. So just send a whole bunch of ships to pick us up and don't forget you'll probably lose most of them getting down here since there's a whole bunch of Star Destroyers right above us.".
"He hasn't called back, maybe he's in the shower.".
We do not know what the purpose of this rescue is.
Did you see how the Ram melted off Finn's guns when he was like miles away? He wouldn't have made a dent, heading into the chamber like that. I was thinking it while I was watching it the first time, before I saw any video on it, and I still think it now. Finn's sacrifice would've done fuck-all and gotten him killed to boot. It's more like he saw the end was there and wanted a way out, or he was a huge moron.
So if you're going to shit on Rose, do it for the cringey contrived shit she had to say in Canto Bight, children's storybook morals and all. But the actress is nice. Honestly, fuck anyone who gave her shit for the terrible script she was given. They make all us fanboys look bad.
"There's no resistance in space... well besides the dead bodies floating in space."
Dark humour is best humour.
That joke took a second to click but so good
@HYDRA It's because of all those shuttles the First Order shot.
@HYDRA No, they call themselves the resistance. The resistance in space is literally the resistance in space.
Rose crashed her speeder into Finn definitely felt like a stereotype in action
So true and she didnt even accomplish anything
Rose wanted that D
@@Somegoodshorts yeah but Finn got the hots for Rey. Can't wait to see friendzone Chronicles in EP 9
several stereotypes actually.
Asian drivers, emotional driving and women thinking for only themselves.
Just let our homie be the hero he was destined to be...
This just in, fat walking tub of slanty eyed lard T-bones ex slave in extragalactic speeder, more at 11
The most ridiculous thing about the bombers: Those ships are so slow that they would get caught in the explosion of their own bombs, that's simply stupid! If they can't fly fast to a position to drop the bombs, they wouldn't have enough speed to escape either. What kind of concept is that?
TobiAnimados dude I totally agree, however to play devils advocate, one could say that after the bombers have dropped their payload the reduction in weight allows them to make a quicker get away. But that doesn’t work because it’s fucking space and weight isn’t a thing...
Lest we not forget that The Millennium Falcon and Slave I are similar in size and the former is constantly spouted to be the fastest ship in the galaxy smh..
Nah, Mass is still the same in space and thus influences acceleration and turning agility, so getting rid of mass is improving performance....that said, the bomber scene is still utter garbage they way it was depicted.
The only way I can really accept the Bombers, is if they're modified transport ships, rather than actual dedicated bombers that were used in a theatre of war
Boracay Becker a 1979 chevrolet and a 2016 lamborghini are similar in size, but whaddya know, the lamborghini is faster, dumbass
If Holdo and Leia's leadership are representative of the Resistance, I think I'm beginning to see why the New Republic didn't want much to do with them...
tba113 Make sense.
Poe was ordered to call off the attack on the Dreadnaught, but being a maverick, he disobeyed that order and wasted resources that the Resistance could not afford to replace on what was at the time an unnecessary objective. Not only does that prove him to be untrustworthy (which is proven even further by revealing the plan to the wrong person at the wrong time), but a demotion was the least of what Poe could expect for disobeying orders. As for Holdo and Leia's plan, the Resistance could not defeat the First Order in open battle and therefore saving as many personnel as its leadership can can is the realistic option.
Yeah, they sure saved lots of people. Had they either thrown Poe in the brig or informed him of the plan, Finn and Rose wouldn't have gone off on their side-quest to Casino Planet, would not have met DJ, would not have been betrayed by DJ, and many more of the rebels may have lived.
Poe proved himself untrustworthy by wasting precious resources on an unnecessary objective, darius. A realistic commander would not trust someone like that with vital information. Give him a break? He disobeyed orders and, right call or not, a demotion was the least of what Poe could expect and if the Resistance wasn't immediately pulled back into a fight, he would have been court-martialed and/or thrown in the brig, Stephen.
Leia was a good leader
When Rose T-bones Finn the first thing we were wondering was “is she a first order plant/spy/Saboteur?” She just saved the bad guys biggest weapon and took out two friendly vehicles.
no, i thought "How ? How did she even managed to T-bone Finn ?" The guy kept racing at full speed toward the canon in a straight line ; but she somehow caught up to him while circling around to hit him in the side... Was her speed twice faster than him ?
@@chubibi06 good catch
@@chubibi06 his penis slowed him down. Important physics have changed since RotJ. Penises make you physically weaker and less capable than anyone without one regardless of training or force sensitivity.
@@chubibi06 one of my biggest complaints is that Poe and Finn flew a TIE Fighter in space in the force awakens. The TIE Fighter saves weight by not having a full life support system, that's why the pilots have the cool suits, the cabine is not even heated or pressurized according to in universe lore. The TIE Phantom had life support, the TIE Silencer too seemingly, which makes since since both are experimental, but not even the the best TIE, the Defender, had life support. They should have died the moment they left the hangar with the TIE.
If the First Order TIE actually has life support like the X-Wing for example, than I don't know it and I'm sorry for ranting, but I honestly can't imagine it
@@DefinitelyNotEmma This is a common misconception. As we have seen in rebels, regular TIEs do have full life support systems, the suits are for Pilot survival invade the Ties cockpit is compromised.
"There's no resistance in space, except for the bodies." - Allen I laughed so hard at the pun
Ryan Set Go me too, me too
Is there first order in space?
Ouch! You nailed that one!
No one has mentioned that a tie fighter took out 3 of the bombers when it was destroyed basically the most kills a tie ever got
suddenly thatenderman vaders tie
Yeah, if a Tie fighter can kick your ass you know you're flying a shitshow of a ship.
I bring it up all the time. Not the most kills part. The fact that these bombers where so worthless that a destroyed tie fighter took out three of them. Yet somehow people STILL are saying they're better than a Y-Wing or B-Wing
@@SuperSwordman1 Thank you! Finally, someone I agree with. I always bring up why they couldn't have a newer model Y-Wing, like they do with a newer model X-Wing. Well, the T-70 featured in TFA is still old, but newer compared to the T-65. I mean, why couldn't they come up with a BTL500 Y-Wing, or B-Wing, or anything.
@@jrny20 A problem I started to realize how everyone's like "Oh the Y-Wings are to old". So what? Someone somewhere said "No one is ever going ot build a single Y-Wing again?"
And then there are those people who say a Y-Wing couldn't do the same amount of damage as these worthless bombers. No, but a fleet of Y-Wings probably could. And unlike these things, they'd actually be able to get to their target!
When Rey and Kylo were fighting the Imperial Guards, one of the guards caught Rey in a grapple. They had to edit out the weapon in his other hand mid scene because otherwise the main character would be dead.
Banchoking, Well..Maybe I’d Love That. I’d Rather Watch The Prequel Trilogy
They couldn't have just used another take?
@@Serenade2461 Oh you believe they'd have that kind of competence. That's cute.
Good Rey should have a flaw for once
If this video has pissed you off there is an everything right video coming very soon...
its just shorter a lot shorter
Thats sad...
Generation Tech they are Rebels what do you expect they're always suicidal
Generation Tech
No shit it gonna be I can can name 12 things off the top of my head but that video would be half a hour long as least
After this shit-show, JJ better fix the name of the sequels. Because I enjoyed both movies a lot, but TLJ just wasn’t good.
If hyperspace really was weaponizable someone would have figured it out in the 10,000+ of the Star Wars galaxy using hyperspace. 10,000 years is plenty of time for some guy to accidentally hyperspace into a bigger ship and see how deadly/effective it is. This also threatens the legitimacy of the previous movie. Why didn't the rebels just hyperspace a ship into the Death Star? Why not hyperspace lots of X-Wings into Star Destroyers? Every single Star Wars battle would have been fought differently if hyperspace weapons were a thing.
Hello there
They couldn't hyperspace into all of those ships you mentioned because those ships had the high ground. I'm guessing you're new here.
Also there is a video that explains why most of the major and minor factions don't use hyperspace as a weapon. The rebellion didn't do it due to limited funds and weapons hell one x-wing was worth 20 tie fighters and a star destroyer to the rebellion. the empire didn't need to do it there military might was for the most part unquestioned.
Easy: there is virtually always another, cheaper and safer solution. Think of the Hammerhead from rogue one: it had to take out the destroyers and the shield gate, it could have done a hyperdrive kamikazi into one of the targets, but it didn't, and it destroyed all of three
Always? It would make much more sense to ram one ship into the Death Star rather than lose all the ships that tried to make the attack runs. And gigantic cruisers are always aiming to be destroy each other anyway, that's the point of war. Just make specially designed kamikaze style ships that are cheap, full of shrapnel to maximize damage, and piloted by droids. Ships are always trying to destroy each other in space battles. It would make perfect sense for the Rebellion to ram a single ship into a larger target if they were going to lose some of their ships anyway as one almost always does in a battle. But the rebellion did not because Hyperspace ramming was not possible until the Last Jedi decided to destroy continuity and the legitimacy of the previous space battles in Star Wars. It's like beaming on to planet is Star Trek. It makes no sense because why would you need place ships if interpalnetary teleportation is possible?
I'm not even going to see the next one. I don't consider this Canon. If I want to imagine a saga after ROTJ I can read the old books. The story in those are amazing really. Leia and Han had twins, Luke had a son and is training Jedi in a temple. I don't want to give anything else away but there are a lot of books in that series and are great. If anyone who still loves star wars (and not this damaged ass canon) is interested I would look them up.
I agree brother none of this Disney shit is canon to me or any real fan. All my books are original and they do not say Legends and i keep reading them over again because the stories for the established timeline are great. Disney puts out nothing but garbage to make a quick buck and please the sjw community just like CBS did with STD, but i agree with you 200 percent
Actually, I thought most of the EU novels were boring and filled with unneeded, unwanted, contrived Star Wars lingo that made it impossible to visualize what the fuck was actually going on.
The novels are *still* preferable to this horseshit, but not that great. At least the Old Republic greasy-ass Taco Bell-class diarrhea was fun and exciting.
Just make 3 Movies out of the Thrawn books and evrything is super fine^^
@@Armagedd0nXD It's not too late. Snoke is dead. Kylo's... not as much of a bitch as before. And once he's beaten, the remaining First Order forces can be usurped. Please, Disney?
@@ezachleewright2309 I can see like there´s Starkiller 2 and Rey hands herself in to bring Kylo to the light side. I really like a lot of Disney films but they fucked Star Wars really bad.
Seriously Holdo is the worst military commander in Star Wars
BlackSteel KeyChain on a scale of one to ten
1000000000: Thrawn
10: Ackbar
9: Leia and Mon Mothma and Jan Dodona and
8: Palleon
4: Ozzel
3: Constantine
-4: Holdo
Worse than Konstantine? Ouch.
Chris sonofPear yeah, she is. Did I miss anyone on my list?
Elias Stein what about Jacen yes he made mistakes but he was quick to adapt and counter, and with his battle meditation he's can do some serious carnage
Elias Stein, 7: general Grievous
1. Leia should've died when the bridge was destroyed for more emotion
2. Finn should've done the heroic sacrifice thing and died meaningfully
3. Disney cut their balls off after Rogue One, apparently, considering how they refused to let any main protagonists die after R1
Don 'Smacee They should've maybe also had it that Ackbar somehow survives and he rams the supremacy. Maybe the bridge could've remained intact, and it was another part of the ship that was blown up with Leia in it.
Shenaniganizer You really think Disney was going to have a character named after an Arab warlord go on a suicide run?
alu akbar
Spoiler. Luke Skywalker died. D:
I was so bewildered when Holdo didn't turn out to be a lady Krell.
Like, was she originally written as a villain, or did the writers genuinely think she seemed like a protagonist?
Knowing Ruin Johnson, probably the latter.
2:50 Debris from a single TIE fighter takes out THREE bombers. These bombers are made of paper. WHY is the Rebellion using such sh*tty ships?
I know right they have frickin Y wings. Why not use them.
The Resistance used them because they got decommed right at the end of the war and all of their military assets are decommed ships. Part of me assumes that they were ment for high altitude atmospheric bombing since ethey were apparently supposed to be used on Imperial holdouts. I have no clue if any of them actually saw service until the evacuation. So in all, they were trash and would likely have been replaced due to heavy casualties if the war continued much longer.
Also, I’m pretty sure that they only had those and no y wings
@@darthmushyhead6901 You'd figure though that if they could afford *brand new* X-Wings that they could also get new(er) Y-Wings or whatever version that they were making at that point?
But what really pissed me off was a vice admiral out of uniform. How the hack does she expect to be recognised as some one in authority when she is running around in dress.
fuck ikr, she looks dressed for a cocktail party not a bloody war
The stupid script totally disctracted me from her costume. I didn't realize until now :D
but still can hide a gun under that dress
but, the most strange thing is, being that incompetent, how the fuck did she get promoted to that rank?
A fucking cocktail gown at that...mickey mouse bullshit.
Isn’t hyperspace a different dimension how would it work
GT says that objects still leave a "shadow" of their mass in HS.....i think
It's kind of been explained two different ways:
Either A. ships leave behind their own mass shadow in real space when traveling through hyperspace, hence why there have been those "thread the needle" type moments for hyperspace jumps. If you don't have a clear path, rest in peace.
B. Hyperspace is being treated similarly, in some aspects, to The Speed Force in The Flash comics. Any of the speedsters in DC Comics can "run into the Speed Force" even though it's a different dimension, they just have to be going fast enough to break the barrier into it. Hyperspace might be another dimension reached simply due to rapid acceleration or high velocity in space, meaning that the ship basically starts off in real space and stays in real space for a few moments of it's rapid acceleration to hyperspace speeds before entering the hyperspace dimension, allowing "hyperspace ramming" to be possible.
Disney Wars made Hyperspace "going really fast." In Old Canon, that tactic wouldn't have worked.
@@rookiedrifter4273 hyperspace requires a clear route. An object in the way will lead to a crash. Strong gravity can pull a ship off course or completely out of hyperspace. Therefore hyperspace is the same dimension. Otherwise charting wouldn't be anything needed to do before making a jump. You could just stay in hyperspace and then make the calculation as to when it's safe to come out. Fuel would still be an issue but traveling through a star wouldn't be the concern it is.
69 likes mah boi!
I agree 100% Though I feel that the greatest military blunder committed is still that the First Order never deployed their fighters, this cannot be overstated, it would be the equivalent of sending out a fleet of aircraft carriers and having none of them launch their aircraft.
Totally agree. That FO fleet must have had a couple of thousand TIEs, of which when it came to the final showdown with their arch enemy it launched 4.
Yup classic imperial incompetence but you’d think the first order would’ve learned. There are actually some very interesting dynamics playing out between the younger officers and the old “imperial” ones they really don’t like each othrr
Thanks Hux...
with out support ships
Generation Tech Starfighter pilots vs Ship Captains video?
For some reason though, this is actually the most positive video ive seen on TLJ...
Well I just doomed myself to eternal torment..... both for my statement, and my awesome typing skills!
Pedgie Poo tell me about it, man...
Evacuation of D’qar? More like evacuation of the Theater gotem
Medical frigate guy.
RIP captain of the medical frigate
Generation Films.
Generation Films
Somehow the shots of the Supremacy arced all the time. Did you notice that ? Not your average turbolaser, nor than anything we've seen in Star Wars, period.
Also, Rose rams Finn at 90 degrees in spite leaving no red trail on the floor... And AFTER the movie shown us ALL other speeders but Finn turn around, and he was full speed. Also, the walkers just stopped firing for like 5 solid minutes... Then Finn came back to the base, on foot, dragging Rose unconscious... On a white ground... Leaving a nice red trail behind him... Faster than when he flew his speeder with the others. This guy is more powerfull with the Force than Snoke + Rey + Luke + Vader + Anakin. All hail Supreme leader Finn xD
PS : this movie is increasingly dumber as the time pass, until the Crait scenes, who are the peak of the dumbfest. You just scream WTF ! Why even bother ?! all the time during the last ten minutes. And then... You get to Broom Boy, the ultimate insult : the Last Jedi ends with the perfect Disney Land commercial. Already filmed. Sad. Can we go back to Jar Jar please ? I miss him.
Really should have asked for an astromech pilot or something :/
I'll confess I haven't seen the film yet but plan on getting it on bluray but when the captain of that medical frigate was contacting the admiral did he say, "Godspeed Admiral." before his projection showcased him being engulfed in flame before cutting out.
Did I hear that correctly or misheard because the phrase godspeed doesn't seem to be a phrase used in Star Wars. Then again I haven't read the new canon novels or Legends and that phrase has been used in that media. But it doesn't seem like something that fits into the Star Wars lore. I know extremely minor nitpick but as you guys are experts on Star Wars I'll admit I'm wondering of you guys opinion on that. Or did the captain say something else and I just mishearing it.
On the topic of hyperspace ramming... Why don't you just send an astromech through a planet? The entire trilogy has been contradicted and the only thing that can save you is plot armor
I'm sure they'll retcon it somehow, maybe say that the ship had some kind of experimental shielding technology or partial/reverberating hyperdrive that made it possible., there's been military grade pilot droids since, at the very latest, the Clone Wars.
Decades ago.
That’s how they are explaining it, “special shields” but what happens if you don’t have those specific shields? Nobody knows, because nobody wants to argue with Disney
Its stupid cause you could just strap a bigger hyper drive to like an A-Wing and it would have the exact same affect which completely contradicts all the Star Wars
@@spencerrr9878 3 A-wings took out Vader's ship, one of them smashed through the bridge
Finn: “That’s impossible!!!” In response to hearing the 1st Order tracked them thru hyperspace
Also Finn: Goes on to completely explain how the 1st Order tracked them thru hyperspace
Maybe he thought it was only theoretical, so he just applied the knowledge he already had he never knew it was possible or the FO had achieved it
In the Kylo and Rey vs Praetorian guards. Fight the guard who splits his weapon to two daggers, magically loses one of the daggers when he graps Rey.
Its just stupid
If they had those bombers, why wouldn't they have used them to attack Starkiller Base? Literally zero time has passed between movies, so if they bombers at the beginning of Ep VIII, then they had them at the end of Ep VII. But at the end of Ep VII, the Resistance sends in X-Wings to bomb the oscillator.
On the other hand, why didn't they just ram the oscillator at light speed? They wouldn't have had to send in Han to lower the planetary shield, since hyperspace vehicles could pass right through the shields.
Big ships are slower? Since when?
Ep IV, Han: "I've outrun Imperial starships. And I don't mean the local bulk cruisers. I'm talking about the big Corellian ships."
Later, when the Millennium Falcon encounters Star Destroyers as they are fleeing Tatooine:
Han Solo: "Stay sharp! There are two more coming in. They're going to try to cut us off."
Luke Skywalker: "Why don't you outrun them? I thought you said this thing was fast!"
Han Solo: "Watch your mouth, kid, or you'll find yourself floating home! We'll be safe once we make the jump to hyperspace. Besides, I know a few maneuvers. We'll lose them. This is where the fun begins."
Ben Kenobi: "How long before you make the jump to lightspeed?"
Han Solo: "It'll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navicomputer."
Luke Skywalker: [frantic] "Are you kidding? At the rate they're gaining- "
The only place I understand they could be slower is in sublight speed.
One thing I also did not like about thr Rose seen is how she was able to T-bone fin. He was going full throttle in a straight line. What Rose pulled off violates vector rules in simple mathematics. She may have also gone top speed but the amount of turns she did to come at Fins a near 90° angle shouldn't be posible.
This is how I would have done the Rose saving Fin bettrr. The movie took a second poiting out how bad the condition the vehicle is. So when Fin was about to make the ultimate sacrifice his vehicle breakes down flinging him behind the tanks. Rose comes in to save him after that.
My thought exactly !
And your alternative would've made more sense ; and could've been a little suspenseful. Seeing Finn's speeder break down right in front of the canon, seconds before firing ; and loosing hope, only to be T-Bone out of nowhere... That would've been satisfying. . .
But when does the woman tell the man he is wrong in your rewrite? The most important part of the script is obviously the political messaging, as well as putting our minority and homosexual characters only in scenes that can easily be cut for foreign audiences.
@@warlordnipple Oh man, yeah, can't forget those. Must-haves for any story, lemme tell ya.
I was disappointed with this film for existing
Haha I know, I still refuse to even watch it and what's funny is I actually loved the first one despite all its flaws! 😔
@@Doomseer fair enough. The prequels weren't that bad in my opinion, and episode 7 was alright.
@@matthewlee8667 I respect that you only thought episode 7 was alright lol, honestly one of only reasons I truly loved it in the first place was because I sympathized so much with Kylo Rens character because of his torturous struggle with the light and dark side eternally battling within him which was a struggle he inherited from his grandfather...
the film was ok, but god it was sooo much worse than the other ones
Just imagine that the 7th and 8th never existed, that'll fix it for ya
The Bomber is easily the worst design I have ever seen for Star Wars.
... I wouldn't go that far, Star Wars has some truly horrendous ship designs.
Those Star Fortresses (not very fortress like) can't even land on a planet unless they have a specialist cradle to land in - they can't rotate the hull like a B-wing - and they can't tip their body up or have a turret on the base that can spit the bombs out sequentially either (only for plot reasons though) the movie is shot like there is a down in space.
I'm not even 100% sure if they have Hyperdrives either - as Haldo's old ship is their carrier vessel it suggests they don't.
What, you mean the super slow ships that explode in one hit that with the cockpit that opens into outer space that can drop bombs even though there might not be a clearly definable "down" in space? I thought they were great
Ik. Slow af, big af, low defended af, gaping hole in the bottom.
Not necessarily I would think they would be great at High altitude bombing runs like edge of the atmosphere bombing with an escort crew and not in such tight formations
It would've been good if it turned out that rose was a first order spy
The First Order are written to be a bunch of bumbling fools. They offer me no sense of how dangerous they are for the very fact on how incompetent they act in so many battles. Getting tricked by a yo momma joke that is only known to this galaxy makes even less sense. So many things that happened in the Last Jedi was right here from Earth. Didn't make me feel like I was in a galaxy far far away, but rather watching something play out in our own galaxy.
Thanks Rian!
The prequels might be hated but they felt fantastical. Truly a galaxy far, far away. The OT was limited by technology but the PT was not and it looks great. I also felt Force Awakens itself looked far too terrestrial and like a standard action movie instead of Star Wars.
What was the yo mama joke?
If i was writing this i would make the dark side win to bring balencr to the fore like the pattern was going "light to dark"
that was always the problem i had with the FO, too, that i never got a sense of their power. the empire was out there policing shit hole outer rim planets like tatooine. their officer corps was what it was, it had incompetent fools who got weeded out, then you had those who you had, ah, 'faith and trust' to get the job done, e.g. veers. ren just seems like a spoiled bitch without a clue, making one bonehead mistake after another, and hux doesn't appear to be profoundly better. snoke was a completely waste of a character, thanks for that, ruin johnson.
They made fucking gas a plot point
Admiral Ackbars death made me very sad. Even though he was a secondary character, he was still one of my all time favorites. I'm not saying he shouldn't have died, but he's the one who led the attack on Death Star 2, and helped the resistance make a strategic plan to save themselves, and helped evacuate the base. I don't see why they could have had him say something like, "Incoming Torpedoes!" " Clear the bridge!" And have him and about half the bridge officers get off. Then later on have him explain his plan to poe and have finn and poe go try to find their allies. Then have some of the "allies" betray them and have him die fighting for a cause he's been a part of for 30 + years. It's just, he's such a cool character and is explained and detailed even more in the comics and books. But on the bright side at least he had some dialogue and screen time even if it wasn't much. R.I.P Admiral Ackbar. You will be missed.
They killed a fan favorite character unceremoniously n favor of introducing a jerk. Who dies soon enough anyway.
The way HISHE dealt with Admiral Ackbar in TLJ was far preferable to the disreputable way this movie unceremoniously tosses him aside.
“Do you know what this is?”
“Do you know what this is?”
He was in the clone wars
The idiot writers decided that they couldn't have Ackbar doing anything awesome or memorable because then Holdo would look bad compared to him.
(Which she was. Even her sacrifice was unnecessary because they could have put the Raddus on autopilot or got a droid to pilot it.)
Same. Ackbar was one of my favorite characters. He was a beast in the Galactic Civil War, then TLJ was like, "Oh by the way... that dude Ickbar, or whatever is dead. Womp Womp."
RIP admiral Ackbar. They killed him off to early. The resistance should have used y-wings.
They should’ve used him instead of the Purple haired weirdo
@@tripplordofinconvenience9953 Seeing Ackbar take the lead would've been pretty cool tho. And seeing more alien do relevant things would've been more than welcome. . . Heck, Rose could've been a Twi'Lek ; backed by a past-life of slavery ; pretty common for Twi'lek of her gender ; her "progressist" ideology would've been legitimated. With Ackbar as the new (and last) leader of the Resistance (yeah, just kill off Leia, who cared anymore ?) ; at least, the Resistance wouldn't looked like a human supremacist organisation. . .
@@chubibi06 It's almost like they're becoming what they've been trying to destroy.
i love it the guy who realizes the planet is made of salt, legit is called resistance fighter "salty" in the credits
That guy died off screen. Bad idea to taste sodium cyanide.
Rian Johnson just wanted to let us all know that this is NOT Hoth. Totally. NOT. HOTH.
So anyway, on Hoth, they have a Hoth-style battle with AT-ATs a few moments later. :p
Also, WHERE did those AT-ATs and Grond come from? The Empire managed to land all that stuff, even though the Imperial fleet is destroyed and the Supremacy is in two pieces.
There were a lot of things that I didn't like about this movie, but the only thing that down right pissed me off was Admiral Ackbar's "Oh, by the way" death. A down right crappy slap in the face to Erik Bauersfeld.
I still want someone to explain to my how a space ship in a world with energy weapons and laser swords ran out of gas
Because somehting like fuel exist in Star Wars - that how the technology works, engines need some kind of fuel
Uh, nuclear reactors, any type of sci fi “matter” reactors the idea that a ship runs out of fuel in a universe where its never once been a issue before is a cheap way to drive the plot along to make Ms Purple Hair save the day
@@loganbaileysfunwithtrains606 And what is the reason then to for Episode 18 season 2 (The Zillo Beast) of Star Wars The Clone Wars? I mean there going for an alliance to have access to the fuel resources of the planet - and not only for there fighters i remberer they wanted it for there cruisers as well
Fuel Exists in Star Wars More Importantly people never need more than 1 or 2 Hyperspace Jumps (which are Obviously Limited which is why People Don't Use them too Often)
Fuel didn’t exist in Star Wars until Disney took over. Tibanna Gas is what they use for fuel but coruscant literally runs off of fusion power so what gives.
First, how did Leia get back on the ship after the bridge exploded, if the crew opened the door, they will be sucked into space!
Secondly, when Rose crash his speeder into Finn's, why didn't the AT-M6's fire at them?!
Lego Studios1912
And how did she catch up in the first place? She had turned around
All because of the Director of the movie... LOL
1.) You lock and vent the corridor outside of the door while having people inside space suits with mag boots collect Leia.
2.) I agree that is kind of stupid, I guess the most reasonable explanation is that there was no reason for them to expect survivors from that crash and they where focused on there objective that was finally in sight.
Because they can’t kill her off she’s my daughter
Then why did your son, Luke died?
Was there any reason why the First Order turbolaser fire seems to be following a ballistic arc rather than going in a straight line?
Space is flat theory?
Well, a it might be the Raddus' tractor beams tryna weaken the bolts and probably at the same time change the angle of it.
But it's just a theory
WJ stop-motion, dinosaurs and Star Wars Lim that's not how tractor beams work
WJ stop-motion, dinosaurs and Star Wars Lim
1. Tractor beams pull things to you. It's the opposite of what you want in this case.
2. The Supremacy's cannons design reminds me mortars, and that's clearly intentional.
3. Such weapon makes no sense whatsoever, which is in line with the rest of the movie. There is no explanations showed, told, bothered, whatever.
4. Don't write the movie for them. There is an army of third party media creators who were hired to do so. It's the rule of cool, not the rule of logic, even Star Wars logic. Accept it.
5. It's okay, at least if we can get some consistency with the pre existing stuff... Oh wait, there is none. Oops ! Guess they wrote a movie from the wrong franchise.
Because Disney dosent care about anything they just want money
My friend: “So who was your favorite character in the last Jedi?”
Me, an intellectual: “Salt Man”
that guy spoke our mind and resumed our state in a single, appropriated word. Truly, God incarnated
By far the worst scene in the whole movie was the really long one that started with the writing "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" and ended with "Directed by Rian Johnson"
Kristopher Shafer That's the joke- the whole movie was bad.
I agree...the film really started to click once the credits were rolling.
all snarkiness are correct!
The "everything right" video will be an intro and outro lol
Some of it was satisfying as visual eye candy, which might have been enjoyable if it didn't feel like I was holding in a wee whilst enduring the length of Dr. Zhivago.
there was no positives in that movie
Yeah, visually the movie was great, but that's the only good thing about it xD
not enough time to do an everything right video.
deeply flawed film, but seeing yoda as a puppet again was a joy.
Those bombers represent Rian's vision perfectly. They look good but make no sense in the STAR WARS universe and add nothing of value to the story.
Another thing wrong is that they killed Tallissan lintra! You don't give a girl a name and a cool "ace pilot" scarf only to kill her off. Also, THEY DIDN'T LET FINN BE EFFECTUAL AND IMPORTANT! TFA ads made it out that he was going to a force user and someone key to the story, only for that to be Rey. Then Finn only just existed in TLJ as he's been relegated to mostly being a side-character to Rose in what should have been his subplot, further compounded by Rose thwarting his kamikaze attack that would have let him do something semi-impactful and kept him from just being a black comic relief purse-puppy. Yes, I am angry because my favorite character doesn't get to be as important as I felt lead to believe. Also, they made Poe a knucklehead flyboy whom we're supposed to believe will be an effective resistance leader when that was more believable before TLJ.
That is pretty bad ass name
Tallie Lintra was a hero ship in Star Wars Battlefront II, so I thought she would be a huge character in the movie, but no.
Koenigsegg Fanboy her backstory also gives her a sense of inherited legacy. "My dad his part for galaxy, so I want to do mine too" was her mindset, and a noble one at that.
JamcalX at least let her live longer
Finn being a secondary character and Luke doing nothing are the only problems I had with this movie.
Nobody really did anything besides Poe and Kylo Ren however.
Two things I haven't really heard anyone talking about. Turbolasers shouldn't be arcing in the vacuum of space, and ships don't just stop moving when their engines give out because agai, they're in space..
Space is flat theory
Generation Tech not gonna lie, I think Rian Johnson is legitimately a flat earther.
Tom Barnes the reason that the ships stopped was because they all were accelerating, so the other ships sped past them.
That doesn't explain why they turned sideways as they slowed down. Air resistance would explain it.
Maybe there is air resistance in star wars outer space
Explained in two words....bad writing. Ruin Johnson got a Saturn award for it not to mention how plagerized it really was. His only original idea was the WW2 space bombers.
Suddenly the "I hate sand" line is not the worst thing to happen to star wars. And that was a bad movie, not as bad as episode 8. That's saying something
@@joeironshield6027 that was funny though. And annoying as Anakin could, at least he was not portrayed as the hero.
Admiral Akbar should have been the one to do the hyperspace RAM
Commander Daniel Cousland
Disney wouldnt let a guy who has Ackbar in his name do a kamikaze crush.
Swiss Sableye conspiracy: ackbar left holdo plans for the kamikaze attack.
Commander Daniel Cousland instead of barely being involved and dying practically off screen. Yeah. Give him a an "I've trapped you!" moment.
Scrotie McBoogerballs i think its badass still
Episode 9 Rey wakes up in a desert and we discover episode 8 was all a dream. "Nightmare"
i DO hope so. George Lucas PLEASE come back! Look what they've done to it....!
Episode 7: the Force Awakens
Episode 8: the Force hits the Snooze Button
Episode 9: the Force is late for work
I still like this better.
Good idea that! A Movie worth watching!
scottthewaterwarrior Haha! I remember this comment on all Force Awakens videos
Can we get a pin on this comment. Yo JJ! Look at this comment and remember it while you make 9!
In star wars canon, when a ship goes into hyperspace they go into a different dimension. The Raddus would have passed right through the first order fleet. Only way the hyperspace ram would have connected would be if the Raddus was at point blank so that it could hit the ship during the acceleration process of hyperspace. However, In the movie the Raddus was roughly 35 miles away if you look at the scene. That means that episodes 7, 8, and 9 are not canon. Thank you Rian Johnson
Look at the clone wars episode "Destroy Malevolence". In it, Anakin Skywalker sends the Malevolence into the dead moon of Antar at light speed, and destroys the ship (he survives). But how could this happen? Wouldn't it just pass through?
@@r.chamaemorus8025 Because moons have enough gravity to pull ships out of hyperspace something the ships didn't have a noticeable amount of due to being incredibly less massive.
@@r.chamaemorus8025 Things with a large enough mass, like planets and stars- will pull ships out of hyperspace.
Your cannon makes 4 not cannon... No reason for Han to explain why charting is important before a jump if they go into a different dimension... Because then it wouldn't matter what in this dimension they fly through. It wouldn't effect them.
It wouldn't make anything a real short trip. So either Han was wrong in 4 or they are not really in a different dimension.
Also as noted above, gravity can pull a ship out of hyperspace in two different ways. One by setting off the gravitational proximity warning system which shuts down hyperspace travel pretty much instantly or by applying enough gravitational forces to literally slow the ship out of hyperspace.
Reason for the proximity warning is to keep them from flying into an object and dying... But if they are traveling in a different dimension that wouldn't be an issue.
Also gravity can throw them off course. If they were in another dimension then the gravity from their normal dimension would not effect them in hyperspace.
So the idea that they are going through another dimension means the warning systems are needless and any stories of ships hitting anything or being pulled out of Hyperspace early would all be just urban legends.
@@jacobnash9755 Han is referring to what happens when you come OUT of hyperspace.
The Resistance are so dumb at *WAR*
The Rebel Alliance is more smarter at battles, they sometimes won major victory like their first battle and their last battle.
The Resistance knew they are on War, ao they should act seriously
War is no place for f**king feminism.
Says the guy who says “more smarter” and “on war”
This is because they made the old Rebel leaders retards, Mon Mothma for no fucking reason dismantles the military (Even tho that's why the Clone Wars and the fall of the Republic started lol), Ackbar doesn't realize he should evacuate the control room, and Leia lets admiral retard control the crew instead of Poe, a clearly capable leader.
The opening battle of the force awakens: “Hey look they are coming out of bottleneck points should we shoot them there and just kill them all before they even come out of the transport?” “Nah just fire wherever”
@@tragedyplustime8271 exactly demilatarizing right after a major war is foolish and naive, they knew they were in war and yet they did not expect a pre empitive strike against the republic. Creating the resistance was a foolish move in the name of nostalgia, they should not have demilitarized in the first place. If they didn't demilitarize they could've launched attacks of homeworlds that provided supplies to the first order and comb the system for the fleet.
Like how they couldn't send out long ranged communications, but they talked to Maz....
GAMINGwithBLAINE their allies heard it but they ignored.
jokerman9623 It's when they are on the Raddus, the didn't talk to Maz at the base, rewatch the movie
well let's be honest...
Jar Jar is better than Rose and admiral Holdo
Our great and noble sith lord Darth Binks should not even be compared to bad Asian driver stereotype and vice admiral Gender Studies.
I love Jar Jar. I think it's the funniest character in te prequels. I just love him and I always loved him.
@@dzidkapl you mean Darth jar jar
R.I.P Admiral Ackbar.
the main things that are wrong with the movie are the Writing and forced merchandise placement. The entire personality of Luke is really messed up too. He never gave up hope on his father the dark lord of the Sith but his Nephew must die because he sensed the dark side in him like WTF?
xephorce Luke's story arc is horrific. People thing he's too OP in Legends, and while they may be right, he's horribly underdeveloped in this movie.
People are flawed, Xephorce. Luke may be the child of the Chosen One, but he is still human and humans make mistakes. Humans sometimes let their emotions get the better of them and in Luke's case, the emotion was fear.
Frank G he would never have even considered killing Ben like that. He is Luke Skywalker, not an axe murderer
An ax murderer wouldn't hesitate to kill someone. Luke Skywalker gave into fear for a moment, only to not go through with killing Ben. Just because he is Luke Skywalker doesn't mean that he is perfect.
Can we stop with the hyperbole... honestly. This film did not ruin Luke Skywalker nor is it the worst SW film ever. I have been a fan of Star Wars since I was a little kid and Luke is my all time favorite character, this film did not ruin Luke... he wasn't out of character this film only added depth to him. Yes there are issues in the film, many that I am not blind to (some messy pacing/tone, Canto Bite, Finn/Rose etc) but I still enjoy it and Luke is not one of the issues.
You guys always say the same thing that Luke would have never tried to kill his nephew... and yeah guess what... he didn't. Just hear me out and be open to a new perspective. I don't understand what peoples issue is with this plot point. He didn't attack his nephew he didn't do anything but turn on his saber. He sensed that Ben would destroy everything he worked for, that Ben would kill everyone he loved and he sensed more darkness in Ben then anyone ever before. Luke is a human being, just because he beat the darkness once are we to believe he will never struggle with it again? He was overcome with fear, anger and hatred (just like when he almost killed his father) and in just a blink of an eye he turned on his saber and instantly regretted what he did.. he felt shame and horror at his actions and horrible thought.
He didn't try to kill Ben... it was a mistake, a human mistake led by his emotions and fear. Personally I have absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's no different from when he Vader threatened his sister and he went bat shit crazy overcame with the dark side and almost slaughtered him. He cut Vader's hand off and was ready to strike him down... it was only when the Emperor interrupted and mentioned how his hate made him powerful did Luke realize what he had done. Luke beat the dark side that day on the Death Star but just because he beat it once are we to believe that he will never struggle with it again? He saw into the future and saw that Ben would bring death and destruction to everything he had worked for and everyone he loved and he was overtaken by the dark side. He let his fear and anger control him and for the briefest moment he thought he could end it all. So in an attempt to protect everything he loved he turned on his saber... and that was it... he didn't strike Ben, he didn't even raise his saber like he was going to, he turned it on and instantly regretted what he did and felt guilt and shame.
This is not Luke out of character and the movie did not ruin him, to me this only adds depth to his character making him more interesting to me. Of course this is my opinion and you are entitled to yours but at least give it thought more than just emotional knee jerk reaction.
Funny thing is, there are examples of more powerful and sturdier bombers in the SW Galaxy. The K-Wing was one of those. It was the super-fortress.
The K-wing starfighter's primary missions included precision bombing of planetary targets, slow-moving capital ships, and spaceborne installations. It also performed secondary missions as an escort or reconnaissance ship.
You forgot to mention the fact that Finn's sacrifice was subverted by Rose's sacrifice to save him from saving the resistance. Except it wasn't so much a sacrifice because they just hand wave it with Finn running back into the (now busted) bunker with a stretcher and some medical supplies. So that entire sequence was... well... worthless.
Safehavenonice it matches the rest of the horrid film
@@ivanstrydom8417 agreed
All Leia did was slap Poe in the face and demote him?! No. Nonononono! A military officer never strikes their subordinates, ever, and expect to get away, scot-free. If General Patton couldn't get away with this in a professional and organized military, there is no way in hell Leia would get away with it in a paramilitary organization! Once word got out that the leader of the Resistance wasn't against striking her own officers in anger, there'd be so many desertions that they'd swamp Rose and her little taser! What Leia did was wrong in the absolute sense of the word.
Haha that is tru but given the situation it’s much than throwing him in the brig
#poedidnothingwrong Deaths are a part of war. Armchair Leia couldn't handle the cost. The other pilots didn't shut off their comms, why couldn't Leia contact them and circumvent Poe?
I agree; if one of America's best generals in WWII got in trouble for hitting a man in sick bay, how is it that Leia gets away with slapping Poe? Also why are the women in high ranking positions out of uniform for the entirety of the movie? Leia was in a princess dress in A New Hope, but she wore uniforms at the Battles of Hoth and Endor and in the last movie.
Slapped with a demotion.
But that is not a real military. It is a bunch of paramilitary people who had little place to go (and leaders of the Resistance? We have for now not see such leaders - are there any left?). In insurgencies/terrorist organisations such acts of violence against lower ranks are not THAT uncommon (and of course even worse).
That may also work as some excuse why the Vice admiral did not not tell the plan - once people began trying to deserting she could not be sure if some of them will be captured or may buy his way out via betrayal to the FO.
Jar Jar was a sith lord while this movie was the real mistake.
that about sums it up besides that casino scene.... dont know why they added that honestly...
After reading the book I get it but they chopped one of the most important scenes that establishes rose as a character which kind of makes us not care about her... they tried to do too much
Becuse capitalism is evil and Disney isn't at all capitalistic
Rebels: let's destroy a city that makes weapons for us.
The casino scene was added to make a point about the long-shot, ludicrous, plans of the Lucas area don't ALWAYS work.
How convoluted was Luke's plan to rescue Han from Jabba? 2 disguises and infiltration over the course of days/weeks? (Leia, Lando) Delivering one of them in bondage a prisoner? (Chewie) Expecting R2 & 3PO to become free-roaming servant droids for the battle? c'mon now. It's just insane. And you can argue that Luke was a Jedi but does that explain Solo's plan to try finding Luke on a icy planet and surviving deadly conditions or the Gungans standing in an open field with a deflector shield to draw an army of CIS?
All those are so stupid and we took them for granted as "successes". Cantobyte was a failure because those crazy plans are vulnerable to failure.
josh mangan "muychandizing"
The First Order could've jumped ahead of the Resistance - there were over a dozen Resurgent-classes that could've made a pincer, or hammer-and-anvil move.
And because the First Order was likely tracking only the Raddus, the Resistance could've evacuated the Raddus to the support ships and jumped them to different locations, including one ship to Crait, because they only needed two techs and Leia's code. This proven by the fact that Finn and Rose go off on their snipe-hunt without any detection.
And finally, if the First Order was taking control of the galaxy, why couldn't we see other star destroyers and stormtroopers storming into and taking over New Republic worlds (lead by members of the Knights of Ren)?
Because Disney has no cohesive plan and didn't want to be forced to do something. It's freaking idiotic, but they are just doing these movies one at a time, they threw out JJ's episode 8, as opposed to just altering parts they has issue with'. #bringbacktherealeu
Did they show that Hux is an idiot right?.. yeah I think they did...?
oneMeVz I was saying this right after the movie. It's one of man giant flaws.
What I find funny is that during the Battle of Crait, when the Millennium Falcon is flying around and shooting down tie fighters, there's a scene of a few seconds showing Rey shooting down a tie fighter in the cockpit seat. The problem with that scene is that Rey's point of view shows her being able to see the rear of the Falcon instead of just looking down which literally defies the entire structure of the Falcon.
I believe killing admiral fish man was an act of mercy, considering what's been happening in so far in Star Wars
Adam H They should have given him a better death
Kyle Dayton They should have
Just before the bridge exploded there should have been a zoom up of him, where you can just barely here him whisper "It's a trap".
Adam H Ackbar never dies. That was merely a clone.
If they kill off Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles, Mon Mothma and 3PO all in Episode IX, Disney's victory will be complete. Chewie and R2 have been character assassinated, so I consider them dead.
Tbh aside from getting pissed off,I was really proud all he said was true,like they should have just used the transports to hyperspace to destroy the fleet instead of the raduss. What I most hated in the movie was holdo,she was literally the opposite of a good leader and like what he said,her death was useless....
Lansze Bonifacio these transports didn't had a hyperdrive.
sheev one, I meant frigates mb
Lansze Bonifacio ah yes
They could have used the ship that Finn and Rose took to go to Casino Planet. It had a hyper drive. Also, the amount of energy of something moving at near light speed is something like. . . infinity, literally. A single particle with resting mass moving at near light speed creates near infinite energy. The closer to light speed the object gets, the closer to infinite energy the particle has.
That is one reason why the hyperspace crash scene was stupid. Hyperspace in star wars ignores time dilation, and has never been weaponized before. This would suggest that hyper drives function outside of normal space time, and utilize either multi dimensional travel, worm holes, or something else that takes the object moving at hyper speed out of standard space time physics.
KOOPA KABRA that character was the worst, and no one with any sense whatsoever would've put her in charge.
summed up most of my gripes perfectly.
Just how in the hell could the falcon jump out of the cargo bay in TLJ, if you can weaponise hyperspace?
Remember when luke Skywalker was cool?
Joseph McCarthy yea man.
Yeah about 35 years ago..
he's tired of himself. he threw his light saber away
member member berries
Joseph McCarthy Pepperidge farm remembers
GenerationTech would be great at CinemaSins
Andrew Preval cinemasins is trash. This uses actual logic.
Holy crap I totally forgot about the homing torpedo turrets.
So did the writers.
Luke dropping dead after using Force VRChat is the worst part of the movie
Yep. Bursting with joy to see Luke do powerful shit and suddenly watch him disappear like a piece of shit was definitely my worst Star Wars experience in theatre.
but still liked the fact he trolled Kylo Ren. he shoukd have seen his face XD!
Also, if the writer was planning to kill off Luke anyway, then why not have him ACTUALLY go to not-Hoth to fight Kylo?
I feel the assassination of his character is worse. I don't know who this homeless, hobo loser that tried to kill his nephew and then gave up is, but that ain't Luke Skywalker.
Why even waste time showing his X-wing under water? Luke flying in destroying Walkers (or damaging s*it) then facing Kylo to die Obi-Wan style would have been way better but we got it Ruin Johnson style. smh
For some reason i want the first order to win
You are in luck. Kathleen did. :)
Ditto. The Resistance are so unlikable and retarded at this point it's laughable that we're expected to still care about it.
Probably because there are no likeable characters.
IMO the First Order and Resistance are equally incompetent, here's hoping that that Wedge Antilles comes in episode IX, joins up with Chewy, and kills all of them!
Poe is alright, even though Rian Johnson totally fucked him over in TLJ. Let him join Wedge and Chewy and leave the sad, pathetic resistance behind to go have real adventures in the galaxy
11:32 I hope she's a deep cover spy for the first order (Snokes personal agent) cause that is the only way any of that makes any sense.
She's actually guarding her own escape pod.
She knocks out Finn to stop the Rebels escaping, then lies to Finn about her supposed feelings.
The side arc is an elaborate scheme to sabotage their escape attempt and get Finn to feel sorry for her.
That'll be a nice ying yang moment when you compare the two sisters. The dead one is the good guy and the alive one is the bad one.
I agree with you
No mention that Resurgent class can run at sublight speeds faster than their TIE fighters?
Good call
One thing, while that's on the wiki site I can not find any mention of it in the book 'Before the Awakening' which is cited as the source. I think its also bull, the idea that a large craft like that could outpace a smaller craft with a high thrust to mass ratio is just not feasible. It would be like saying an aircraft carrier can outrun a zodiac in a straight line... how?
I did notice that as well, though I didn't have the book to be sure. When I did make this same observation for another video in January though, they were citing the TFA artbook and visual dictionary instead IIRC
"The bombs were not driven by gravity, but rather by magnets."
This is not how magnets work. The bombs would have clumped together and been drawn to every ship within range of the magnetic field. Basically they would have clumped together on the hull of the bomber itself.
(And if they "just didn't activate until they cleared the bomber" then we come right back to the gravity problem, so don't even bother with that one.)
Face it; those bombers straight up sucked. Stupid design.
Indomitus1973 however if the magnets are in the ship and instead of being standard magnets are in fact electro magnets located down the magizine in a succession to for a rail-gun style propulsion system
No no no. Its more similar to a rail gun not literally putting magnets on the bombs.
It would make a lot more sense, if it was gravity.
The bombs would start falling in bomber's artificial gravity field, and gain speed, then in vacuum, they would maintain their speed, and would have no force to slow them down. Essentially, every object moving in space (assuming, it won't collode with anything or fall into any gravity field) is perpetum mobile.
While "magnets" explanation makes no sense. If the bombs are magneticly pulled, then why didn't they stick to the bomber? Wasn't that bomber made of metal?
NOTE: While I can safetly argue about storrytelling, art etc. I am pretty shit at physics. If you spotted something dumb, please point it out
A way to use magnets could be having magnets in the top of the bombs strips and electro-magnets at the top and down the bomber and are turned off untill its over the target, then they are turned on, the two magnets would be in an orientation in which the repel the ships pushing the bombs down with the top magnets then the magnets down the side. The ship would remain in place due inertial dampers. Is how i imagine it works
Fair enough.
But if all the bombs use the same magnets (let's say, all are "-"), shouldn't they all spread out and fly *EVERYWHERE*?
I’m surprised that I just found this video.
I remember when I walked out of the last Jedi, I have never felt so shocked about how much unnecessary death they showed.
You really summed up almost everything I was thinking when watching the move for the first time.
Awesome video!
Among the many glaring issues I have with this movie, my biggest is the incredible military incompetence of the first order.
First they jump out of hyperspace with their fleet, but my question is while the dreadnought is getting shredded where are the 6 or so resurgence class star destroyers. Why escort the Dreadnought at all if all this means is sitting there to let it die.
The entire chase was ridiculous because once again, Snoke’s ship is the only one firing at the resistance, launching TIES, doing ANYTHING besides being crashed into and shattered by a suicidal Social Justice Warrior. If the resurgence class don’t have the range, or the speed, or the firepower, WHY ARE THEY THERE?! They have no use despite descriptions of the vessels showing them to be very effective and scary warships, but nothing more than floating toys for Ron Weaslie’s Satanic alter-ego.
When they pulled back Kylo this doesn’t make sense, if the first order has this massive fleet and the resistance has around a dozen x wings and some string, just swarm them, so what you’ll lose a few hundred ties, the resistance will be wiped out.
It’s just sad that we are supposed to believe that the successor to the Empire has not only gone full Nazi, but we are supposed to believe that they are led by some Sadist Hogwarts regret whose only talent is being flung around a bridge, and the rest of their command who couldn’t organize a takeover of an African Village. The First Order has effectively been taken over by World War 2 Italian High Command
TheHalofan987 the first order is the WORST ORDER!
TheHalofan987 someone thinks their an expert on military strategy.
Less of that, more of I was just hopeful that the Empire's successor state would finally be led by someone competent, which seemed promising in The Force Awakens, but in The Last Jedi they were all a bunch of bumbling morons who don't know ANY strategy.
TheHalofan987 you must be an expert on military strategy you should consider that as a career instead of writing useless comments on RUclips.
Nathaniel Yee The one place I can place my useless comments is on RUclips, have you been on the comments section of any video? And clearly got a use out of you by getting your response, so not that useless.
I honestly thought the vice admiral was a first order spy when I saw the movie the first time.
The signs were all there, but I guess not because "strong women".
Oh man, you watched it a second time? I'm sorry.
You forgot the part where the most of resistance went outside of the base to protect the BLAST-PROOF door instead of staying inside and protecting themselves
It may have been covered, but did all the ships also stop when Leia was out in space? I ask, because if these ships were continuing to fly away, unless her stillness was really her moving at the same speed as the ships, it'd been a bit less then a straight line as scene in the movie... but her catching up... which would have been really weird...
The ships at this time were still conducting their slow escape from the First Order. Leia should have been a lot further away from the ship at this time. If the ships were moving at speed X, and the depressurisation of the bridge was Y, Leia's body should have been maintaining a constant speed of X+Y through space.
And in fact, in order for that chase scene to make any sense, all of the ships would have had to be in a constant state of acceleration. Since there is no resistance in space (except for the dead ones), the only reason any of the ships would be running out of fuel would be if they were continually burning their boosters. Otherwise, they would just do a burn, and they would maintain their speed through the vacuum of space. You also see the medical frigate fall behind the rest of the fleet and the FO catch up. The only way this would be possible would be if every other ship was in a constant state of acceleration.
Emmm but, if someone is chasing you thought space, and they have more fuel than you, it means that they will keep acelerating for longer, meaning that they will eventually catch you, so... that scene did actually make sense.
Lets say that both ships have a constant aceleration x, but after t Time one of them will have is aceleration set to 0, who is faster after twice that time?
TheBlackSunKing it still doesn’t make sense that Leia was able to catch up after getting sucked out of a MOVING SHIP.
Correct, but i don't really see that as completly impossible in a universe where people can levitate objects, become ghost and other kind of impossible stuff and where there seems to have air resistance in space, i mean grievous kinda did the same thing even if it was in very lower scale...
if anything the only thing i hated about that scene is the way it was directed (ie superman leia). maybe if she was struggling and was show to be using her force power the moment she was launched into space it would have been a lot better.
Where do I begin???? Hux for one
I for one appreciate that the First Order has done away with the Empire's racist policies and allowed a looney tunes character to become their military leader.
No One In Particular Well at least we have Snoke......oh wait no we don't.
No One In Particular racist how?explain please...they hated other aliens not different humans
Hux did nothing
Ruchik Animations Genral Rag doll Hux
The Admiral felt like she was casted for a B-movie but got into this one somehow.
Man the music on the medical frigate destruction sounds like the captin is a real hero 1 👍🏻 = 1 prayer for captin of medical frigate
May the force be with him
The first order should have blown finn and rose to pieces after they crashed!
After Rose T-Boned Finn's suicide run, they probably held fire thinking she was an ally.
They just hid in the trench and then left in the transports later to get on with their lives.
Ruskettle but how did the hide? like in the trenches they would have been found, you see they are looking at the base, and the transports were probably taken, or destrayed for data
A Frustrated Gamer ueah basivally all they did was insult people by having a movie filled with sjw stuff slapping the SW brand on it expecting it to be profitable
You forgot to point out that Finn and Rose would have almost certainly been picked off by one of those walkers after they crashed, seeing as they were like about thirty feet in front of them...
This video was far too short...
I'm SO glad I didn't waste my money on this train wreck.
That's sad. It was honestly an excellent movie. Flawed at points, but imo it simply was too complex a plot for most to appreciate.
There is an incredible amount of nuance that this video completely overlooks. I think when people watch star wars, they want 'Fast and the Furious' in space, with like a little underdog/empire. This was honestly a very complex plot for modern Hollywood and its a shame it's getting the flak it is (though yeah... The Leiah scene was awful.)
@@Kellethorn get off your high horse.. what is so complex about it that excuses the MASSIVE plot holes in it
@@soleo2783 lol, I didn't say it didn't have issues. But in my opinion, many of the "massive plot holes" that people are griping about (hyperspace ramming, Space-Leia, Rose.... All of rose.) have nothing to do with TLJ, and have been issues for a long time.
Hyperspace ramming has been an exploitable plot hole for a long time in Star Wars; There is no good reason why it wasn't weaponized centuries ago --but that's a flaw even in the original trilogy and the way George Lucas designed the galaxy from basically the get go.
So if we really want to pick apart plot holes, we need to start with A New Hope. I love star wars, but it's never been known for consistency or watertight plot arcs...
I also don't think that a director daring to defy common tropes in a series/setting makes a film inherently bad. George Lucas did something flawed, but new and awesome. TLJ did a lot of new, awesome and flawed things too.
Again, there were tons of issues with TLJ. But compared to even the original star wars trilogy? Honestly not that many more.
I know lots of people hate it, I don't. But that doesn't mean you're inherently wrong or I'm stuck in my saddle. It just means we saw it differently and if hearing someone else voice that is so upsetting.... Why are we both in the RUclips comments? xD
@@Kellethorn my problem is not "hearing someone else voice", its the condescending way you speak to people who criticize the movie.
with that out of the way im open to actually discussing the subject. You talked about plot holes in a new hope, if you could point those out i would like to discuss them.
about hyperspace, its hasnt really been just, a shit going really fast, it enters a different dimmension of sorts, so if it was never weaponized before, we could assume that it COULDN'T be weaponized. we cant do that anymore, so it became a plothole.
you also didnt answer my question.. what do you find so complex/awesome/new about tlj?
@@Kellethorn and if you think it.. fast and the furious in space with a little underdog and an empire, is pretty much tlj, despite the resistance being supposedly backed by the whole republic and the first order being the last remnants of the empire.. and now that i read that, the first order should have had the role of the underdog no? they are economically inferior after all, but thats not how the movies play out is it?
The worst Star Wars episode
Rose and Holdo are just extremely bad characters, Disney produced action figures of them and nobody is going to buy them. You take rose out of the movie and no one would care or think anything changed. Take Holdo out and replace her with ackbar and you are given a better and fairly decent movie.
Depends on what you mean by replacing Holdo with Ackbar, if you mean just visually speaking and having them do the same things not really, but if you mean in a writing sense then oh yeah most definitely, though with how bad the rest of the writing was I'm still dubious about that even making it a decent movie because from a critical stand point the movie is a bad combination of Empire Strikes back and a Star Wars the Clones Wars Filler episode.
They can't use Gial Ackbar because of his name.
I think Alan covered the main issues here, LOL. Odd he didn't mention Canto Bight though But the last thing, the Rose/Finn crash really, REALLY pissed me off. She basically resigned the Resistance base to be destroyed by that huge cannon and to kill all the remaining Resistance fighters just so she could save the guy she had a crush on.
Yeah, that sacrifice would have saved him for all of 5 minutes until the First Order captured and then executed him.
Then she sexually assaults him with an unwanted kiss.
Closure of just a single loophole could have made this much better- the refusal of Admiral Purple Hair to tell people her plan.
It was ridiculous.
On a side note, when I talked about weaponising hyperspace jumping, ppl replied that in books, there's an interdictor which has a device which can prevent hyperspace jumping.
The girl with the pink hair really pissed me off. l was like “Leah! Come save the resistance!”
Yea and now that Carrie Fisher has passed away they could have given her opportunity to ram the supremacy with a few smart edits
Generation Tech they will need Leah to have a better passing then Luke
Didn't the actor who played her not treat her role serious at all? With her saying pew pew pew everyime she was holding a blaster?
or even a weak homing missle to the front wouldve done the trick
Pretty sure auto cannons were in the space battle over courscant in episode 3. The Republic's carriers were loaded with them yet we didn't see any arcing shots there. At least to me, it just doesn't seem right at all
Pretty sure in the resources talking about the Supremacy those guns are called Turbolasers not auto cannons and there wasn't even any strong enough gravitational force to make them curve
edit: I'm pretty sure I saw once someone making the argument that the laser rounds were a form of guided munitions (It should be said that despite being called 'lasers' lasers in Star Wars are in fact plasma based technology)
You don't "have to find an explanation." If it doesn't bother you that it makes no physics sense that's fine, the explosions aren't physics either, fire and boom in space is a no no after all and they have always been there, but if it does bother you, which is also fine, we all have our suspension of disbelief limitations, then you shouldn't make unsupported excuses for bad writing, which is what it would be at that point.
Sound can't travel in a vacuum.
I would have jumped a few star destroyers ahead of the rebels and disabled their ships
FTL Missiles: Coming soon to your local armory
Josiah Villalobos I don't get it?
Faster than Light. missiles that go hyperspace lol
10:19 a captain always goes down with his ship.
Unless you dont need to
@@acefire7714 i gues it was originally a way to avoid your creditors ; as financing a ship was a huge deal, and loosing such investment would cost the captain more than he could ever afford to pay. . . (That and he would likely struggle to be enrolled once again as captain)
Then came the tradition, and "honour" of dying a senseless death. . .
People die getting T-Boned going 60mph in well made safety minded cars. The amount of murder suicide with Rose going 200mph in rickety Tetanus Advert straight into Fin is immense.
With Leia's actress being dead, it'll be interesting to see what contrived reason they come up with for her dying offscreen before the start of the movie.
or they can use the cgi things from rogue one that they used to make a young liea and just go with it from there.
Well, my biggest problem is that that big joke Hux decided to target the Resistance base instead of just destroying thier transports and obliterating their fleet.
The cannons on the dreadnought can penetrate the most powerful shields, like the one the Raddus has, but if course that big fool decided that destrying an empty base is way better than destroying their entire fleet.
But overall, I actually loved this evacuation
I always thought there must be some level of oxygen (or some other medium) in Star Wars space, considering there is fiery explosions during all of the space battles. Could that potentially explain why Lei can be found floating instead of hurdling through space?
It's space ; it doesn't work that way.
However, the explosion could come from the oxygen contained in the ship. That, or they decided to ignore the fact both explosion and sound are impossible in space as there's no air. . .
Hey Allen, you "Everything wrong with the Last Jedi list was waaaaay to short! I had expected it to be at least 20 minutes. However you could make it a trilogy just to cover the two major battles. None the less, please keep saying bad things, they made me smile!
Heh.... at first glance I thought you were trolling. Without my glasses, I thought it said: "The Last Jedi is waaaaay too short!" That actually made me laugh out loud.
Bryce Byerley thanks, have a great day.