To make sure that we have all our information on this case as quickly as possible so badly as to punishable by EBA from being a liability for any other reason whatsoever we have been in the past with this situation for over Pol Pot regime and MrHun sen was grouped together with his own personal life as likes as Khmer’s Rouge team in Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. So MrHun sen was Khmer’s Party in his leadership position as director of his dictator in Cambodia. He didn’t care for any other way to get EBA in any way to help the people who are now a suffering child and family member of the people living nowadays. However, one cup of rice 🍚 was enough for 10 people in a day, so MrHun sen didn’t need EBA from Eruption to get support for his own people in Cambodia right now.
ដាក់ទៅ កុំអោយត្រកូលហ៊ុន សែន ក្អេងក្អាងពេក
បើនិយាយពីចំណូលចូលទៅក្នុងហោបៅអ្នកយាមគុក វាខ្លាំងជាងសណ្ឋាគាផ្កាយ៥ទៅទៀត...។
ខ្ពើមមិនយកឯករាជ្យដូចការរួចពន្ធ គួរនិយាយថាមិនចង់បាត់បង់អំណាច់ទេ
20% ផងដាច់បាយហើយទម្រាំទៅដល់ 80% ទៀត😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
ត្រូវដាក់ទណ្ឌកម្មលើបុគ្គលថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំ កុំបេះពាល់ដល់សេដ្ឋកិច្ចពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ
ចុះ eu វាចេះធ្វើអិល្អជាងហ្នឹង ស្លាប់មុនគេគឹប្រជាជននេះឯង មួយតំបរ 4
ខ្ញុំគិតថាគួរតែដើរតាមប្រជាធិបតេយ្យបែបចិន រឺក៏វៀតណាម❤ទើបសន្តិភាព100%
If Cambodian people won’t get up , means that they survive with this regime…..their problems, no one can help….
គេមិនចង់ដកទេតែគេឲ្យប្រទេសកម្ពុជាហ្នឹងគោរពលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យអោយបានល្អហើយកាត់បន្ថយអំពើពុករលួយហ្នឹងវារលួយដល់ឆ្អឹងហើយប្រទេសកម្ពុជានោះតាំងពីយូរមកហើយខ្ញុំរស់នៅជាង 40 ឆ្នាំរឿងរំលោភសិទ្ធិមនុស្សនៅនៅកម្ពុជានិងច្រើនណាស់
ដាក់បុគ្គលត្រកូលហ៊ុនទៅ អាណិតប្រជាជន
គេចង់អោយខ្មែរក្រ 01
គេធ្វើដើម្បីអីចឹងតើ នេះវិធីសាស្ត្រធ្វើបាបខ្មែរ
អាតាសុខអីសាន មាត់ខូចណាស់
To make sure that we have all our information on this case as quickly as possible so badly as to punishable by EBA from being a liability for any other reason whatsoever we have been in the past with this situation for over Pol Pot regime and MrHun sen was grouped together with his own personal life as likes as Khmer’s Rouge team in Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. So MrHun sen was Khmer’s Party in his leadership position as director of his dictator in Cambodia. He didn’t care for any other way to get EBA in any way to help the people who are now a suffering child and family member of the people living nowadays. However, one cup of rice 🍚 was enough for 10 people in a day, so MrHun sen didn’t need EBA from Eruption to get support for his own people in Cambodia right now.
MrHun Sen is really a legend for his dictator style of politics in Cambodia today as communists leader.
នាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីសំដី ដូចជាមនុស្សខ្ទើយ
ខ្ញុំសុំសួរទៅសភាអឺរ៉ុបហេតុអី្វនៅតែនិយាយដដែលៗពី evaរាប់សិបឆ្នាំហើយបើចង់ដកដកទៅបើខ្លាំងដោយអស់ទៅនៅនិយាយដដែលៗរដ្ឋមិនខ្វះលុយចាយទេ
ហ៊ុន សែន ជេរថា: កន្តួយម៉ែ អាគេបាញ់! អាត្រូវគ្រាប់! ចង់កាត់ឬដកពន្ធអីក៏ដក
ទៅ! ប្រយ័ត្នអញផ្លោងមីសុីល បាលីស្ទីក ដូចសមមិត្ត ពូទីន វើយ ថាកុំៗៗ លេងជាមួយ សែនជ័យ, ម៉ែស្តេច ឪស្តេច ក៏អញមិនខ្លាចដែរ ...!