This show needs to come back. It was ahead of it's time. EDIT: It was announced December 6, 2019 that the show is coming back with the original creators. I met them at Comic Con once and they're absolutely amazing guys that just want to make people happy.
That's true. However, I feel like I need to mention how interestingly when this came out there was a lot of other cop shows on TV that were real, which made this one sort of seem like it could be real sometimes if you didn't know it very well. It was early 2000s and I was pretty young so I think sometimes I did think it was real and that was when it was truly funny.
This moment is the first time I ever saw and fell in love with Keegan, and everything I’ve seen him in since has only solidified and intensified that love.
bo64625 Nah, that won’t happen. I got into some real trouble. Stole from my mom and dad... Stole from my own sister... Then one day.... A piano fell on my head.... CONSEQUENCES "In the United States prison system, anilingus is one of the ways one prisoner pays his dues to another inmate. In prison slang, this activity is known as "tossing a salad""
Born in 96 grew up on Reno 911, Mad T.V., Key and Peele cameout in 2012 when I was 16, this generation has know idea how funny comedy Central and Key and Peele used to be
He's alive, with the Lord 😂
favorite part
Xander M 😂😂
hes alive with his prayers
hahaha this line kept me laughing literally for a minute
This man pure gold 😂😂😂
Thank God it's hypothetical
InSaNe Membrane Are you sure about that?
I don't know about that
Hypothetical on the clavicle
"23 year old, male head"😂😂😂💀
Noel Elizabeth 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Noel Elizabeth wow you’re beautiful 😁😁😁
Noel Elizabeth can we go on a date?
starving dogs here ..
@@TanTan-ni4mg do you want to be in that car trunk
“Hypothetically Speaking, You’re About To Get Your Salad Tossed In Prison”
“...Oh Ok, Well Thank God It’s Hypothetical” 😂😂😂😂
LOL...that was such a great line! I miss this show like crazy!
He couldn’t hold in his laugh at that improv line.
Salad tossed? I've heard Chris Rock say this in one of his stand ups 😂
I love Keegan. The way how he speaks. He's so intelligent and such a good actor.
Phillip Romar who is keegan
Prancing Panda Key. The light skinned black guy.
Keegan Michael Key.
Yeah, he owns every 911 skit he is in!
Comedic Genius, to say the very least 👌🏻
This is funny just because of how he acts
"I hate you Jerome why'd you betray me" ☠️
Stephanie Oluchi the best part😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hahaha right when he said that I was reading what you wrote.
No matter how many times I see this I still have to have a towel to wipe my eyes laughing so hard😂😂
"I'm a bit of a vagabond"
He was just looking for shelter.
"Alive with the lord", was my favorite line. Love Key and Peele
Mariah B Lmao
This isn't key & Peele
1:46 "He is alive, he is alive... with the Lord." Hahahahaha
"He's alive with the Lord!"
This show needs to come back. It was ahead of it's time.
EDIT: It was announced December 6, 2019 that the show is coming back with the original creators. I met them at Comic Con once and they're absolutely amazing guys that just want to make people happy.
Wasn’t it though 😂
People are too easily offended today to enjoy these kind of gems
I loved this show. It was like jerry Springer meets the office.
Wild James D I know, two female cops, and one was black!
@John Frum All these haters named Jon and Joe with no pic burner accounts = scared little boys with a lot to say but not man enough to stand for it
His use of the word vagabond makes this clip hilarious and amazing
"He's alive with the Lord"
literally the funniest thing I’ve heard in 8 day
“I’m crazehhhh get them guns outta my way!”
This show is ten times funnier when you learn it’s improv.
That's true. However, I feel like I need to mention how interestingly when this came out there was a lot of other cop shows on TV that were real, which made this one sort of seem like it could be real sometimes if you didn't know it very well. It was early 2000s and I was pretty young so I think sometimes I did think it was real and that was when it was truly funny.
No way!! are you serious?
The way he says “I climbed in, i cliiimmbed in!” Is perfect. An attitude like “I didn’t open the door, I just climbed in so it’s ok”.
Since Keegan is so huge now, its easy to just watch him, but Kerri is totally moving this scene along. She is making this scene work.
One of the greatest Reno 911 bits ever
“We’re not role playing no more, were playing real life” 😂💀
Its a blessing to be living in a time period where i can witness such superb humor.
"IF I HAD DONE IT" 💀💀😂😂😂 I'm in tears
Reno 911 was such a great show!
Is Denise R. This the new season..
Why do you play with people's heart like that. Wikipedia says nothing about a revival.
The fact that so much of this show was improv still amazes me. These people are truly hilarious 😂😂😂
"Get your ass in the car". LMAOOOOOOO
Keegan has loafers on, sweat pants that dont fit and a red tshirt. I love this.
I love that part when his voice shakes when he said "he's alive, alive with the Lord" 😆😆
This moment is the first time I ever saw and fell in love with Keegan, and everything I’ve seen him in since has only solidified and intensified that love.
This show was so underrated, great stuff.
"He's alive with the lord"😂😂😂😂
Key's character must have the best legal team on earth 😂
Either that or he was actually telling the truth in all his interactions with the police
"Let's do a roleplay, you will be you and we will be us."
@GABRIELLA ANGELICA Because he just copied a quote from the video, AND it wasnt the best part...
I'm... me?
Jawpoppin Off 😂😂
Lmao I forgot about that
dude you gatta be at the top
bo64625 Nah, that won’t happen. I got into some real trouble. Stole from my mom and dad... Stole from my own sister... Then one day.... A piano fell on my head.... CONSEQUENCES
This is hands-down THE GREATEST scene Of All Time with KMK from Reno 911😂
Haha...Reno 911 the best...started watching this years 2003 or 2004 can't really remember...
Keegan Michael Key is the FUNNIEST guy since Jim Carrey! I LOVE everything he does. And wow, what a hunk!!
"You're about to get your salad tossed. Hypothetically" 🤣
"Oh.....well thank god it's hypothetical"
What means "get your salad toasted"? I mean, i would ask that because im hyphotetical Canadian
"In the United States prison system, anilingus is one of the ways one prisoner pays his dues to another inmate. In prison slang, this activity is known as "tossing a salad""
Better than having to toss a salad.
To dumb to even parrot lines, huh.
Reno 911 was such a good show lmao
Reno 911 is one of the greatest shows ever made in the history of Television.
Jmoney1041 lol
Jmoney1041 laughing my ass off off off
How did this get 500 thumbs up
@@420jarsofthiccrawsauce5 s,s,ß
Absolutely brilliant, these guys keep what made Mad TV great alive
More Reno 911, I love this show.
Words can’t describe how much I love this show
He can just hypothetical them in the clavicle.
Draxx. Them. Sklounst.
Cuz we got dis shiet... ON LOOOOOCKKKKK
Robert Brown 😂😂
What kills me is he keep telling on hisself. Just keep calling the cops 😂😂😂 Hypothetically speaking 😂😂
This was the greatest skit on Reno.
I can’t get over his shoes😂😂😂💀
Justn Brnard 😂😂😂 damn man seen this many times never noticed the shoes... Straight hood lol
Lol he hit them with the OJ “hypothetically”😂😂😂
Hands down one of my top favorites parts/skits/scenes of the show!
Born in 96 grew up on Reno 911, Mad T.V., Key and Peele cameout in 2012 when I was 16, this generation has know idea how funny comedy Central and Key and Peele used to be
Key is killing it.😂😂😂
He's killing some terries with a hypothetical to the clavicle.
waltonsimons12 Thank god is hypothetical.😂😂😂
I feel lonely sometimes realizing I never met someone who is in awe about this show as I am.
I feel your pain 😂
I'm very pleased to finally meet you!
...'Hey baby, what's goin' on?... LOL
the best freaking show ever hands down
Funny. "He's alive......... with the lord." That sounds just like the guys you see on cops.
That was the whole point of this show
I love this show so much.
Comedy gold 😂
"Yesssss, 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 thank 👏🏾 the Lord,👏🏾 okay"
Keegan-Michael Key = Pure Gold
I like how he says "there's a 23year old head in the trunk"
When I was little, I used to think this was real
My mom thought it was real any time she happened to see it. If I could have had her reactions recorded...
some of it is not scripted.
It's not real ?
Lior May they mean real as in nonfiction
I know this actor is famous now and he is HILARIOUS in his 911 role. Man he is always caught but he just kills me.
That was great acting by Peele as a car.
He is a live, a live with the lord 😂
The chatacters on this were just amazing.... i love this show
"Let's do role play, you be you, we're gonna be us." I'm dying!!!
This man done called the police on himself 😂
yaass i love this show. Thank you comedy central
1:54 the world's most trippy sideburn
Trolling Troll How do you even do that shit! Looks insane.
Lotta hairspray i guess
"I called to report a crime that I don't have nothing to do with" 🤣😂🤣😂
"Okay well thank God it's hypothetical". 😂
As a former law enforcement agent using the quotes I'm a vagabond in air quotes that's an automatic tell😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
"I'm crezay Im crezay!!!!"
- "Then we would go BOOM!... BOOM!..."
So many of the random characters on this show are hugely successful now lol
The "im crazeh! im crazeh!" kills me everytime
*"Hypothetically", sounding like OJ Simpson*
that be kool
I clicked the video, looked away for a bit, looked back and thought this was an ep from COPS😂😭 So spot om
Reno 911 and K&P were the best shows comedy central ever had
"He's alive he's alive...with the lord with the lord" 😂🤣
Beautiful thing about this show is that everything is improvised. No scripts
RENO 911!! I use to love this show, it was dumb comedy. This clip makes me wanna binge watch it
He's alive, he's alive...
Alive with the lord. ☝🏻😂
Loved this show didn't see all episodes, didn't realize he was on the show as this character, hysterical
Never fails to make me laugh in tears.
Get ya ass to the car killed me 😂😂😂
Love the Honda!
Reno 911 had all the best live action comedy stars
My absolute favorite from Reno 911!
Thank you thank you thank you COMEDY CENTRAL!
Theres a 23 y/o male head in the trunk 😂
John Pappadia 😂😂😂
its like a crossover of 3 decades
Lol ill click any time I see a key & peele video for i know there is a laugh waitin to come out by the end of the video 😂
This is from Reno 9-11, but yeah Key and Peele are too funny. If you like them you should watch Reno 9-11
Prideful Beast This isn't Key and Peele baby. It's Reno 911! Hilarious....I have all seasons on DVD except for the final season cause wasn't as funny.
Nice. An early 90s CRX. Was fun trying to fit 3 in one of them as a teenager.
This is one of the few instances where they aren't incompetent
Omg I can't lol " thank God it's hypothetical" 😂
The best show!!!
Those loafers with the white socks!
Man I loved this show.
A Honda CRX, that was my first car in high school, I miss that peppy stick shift!
He is aliiiive ! He is aliiive... with the lord. Alive with the lord. xD
I am a bit of a vagabond 😂😂
How did they do this without laughing 😂