Who are they?

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 480

    @INFILTRATION85  Месяц назад +635

    I won't forget what I got from FGC.
    I love you guys all.

    • @melodicharmony9772
      @melodicharmony9772 Месяц назад +18


    • @NYCFurby
      @NYCFurby Месяц назад +20

      @@INFILTRATION85 we love you bro.

    • @Shaddolll
      @Shaddolll Месяц назад +7

      you're the reason i'm into fighting games, thanks Infil

    • @부랄디미러
      @부랄디미러 Месяц назад +3

      하이고.. 초동 대처만 제대로했어도...

    • @garageherobueno
      @garageherobueno Месяц назад +7

      You're welcome to Tokyo anytime! Let's play Asura Blade at Tatakai Tuesday/Redbull again someday!

  • @Squiddys
    @Squiddys Месяц назад +258


    • @kspwch
      @kspwch Месяц назад +3


    • @qhodave
      @qhodave Месяц назад +4

      and yet you can't even type his name in tournament streams

    • @invertbrid
      @invertbrid Месяц назад +2

      I forgot u also FGC member aside YGO content creator xD.
      I agree too.

  • @SwayNoir
    @SwayNoir Месяц назад +164

    I remember when the news of this drama was leaked on reddit by that person. Their lies didn't add up to me then and when Panda Global had their investigation and basically confirmed that this accuser was lying and exaggerating things, it was clear enough for me. Nobody deserves to have their lives/career ruined like that. Not over this.
    Sadly, people want to believe what they want to believe and even with presented with irrefutable evidence, they would prefer to live in denial. I remember feeling so ashamed of key personalities in the FGC when they turned their back on you over this, I still can't look at them with respect like I did prior.
    As a fan, I have so many fond memories of you throughout many years in the FGC scene. From your legendary game plays, to the memes you were involved in and all-round just your great personality. Those were fun times and I miss those days.
    I have always felt so bad for you with this situation but I'm really glad that you have found happiness again and I wish you the best for whatever you pursue in life.
    What I wouldn't give to see you have another run in a big tournament like Evo though, haha.
    You'll always be one of the greatest fighting game players of all time, man. Much love Infiltration ♥

    • @telepathicdragon
      @telepathicdragon Месяц назад

      the fgc is dead because the community is run by cowards and idiots.
      only thing you can do is avoid the shitshows and keep things local, unless you want to sell your soul for cash and prestige

    • @GeneralThunderbolt
      @GeneralThunderbolt Месяц назад +6

      Amen to that. I never once believed infiltration was guilty based on the years of his interactions in the fgc and irl. He just didn't seem the type to me

  • @david9323
    @david9323 Месяц назад +23

    I saw you live and talked to you in Sonic Boom in Madrid and you were extremely nice to everyone and played freeplays with anyone who asked for it. I will always remember you as someone who is a really kind person and as the goat of fighting games. Take care man

  • @Outrageon
    @Outrageon Месяц назад +150

    Marrying the wrong person can absolutely RUIN a man's life.

    • @charaoki
      @charaoki Месяц назад +2

      WTF did Ultrachen do?

    • @adamburris1237
      @adamburris1237 Месяц назад +13

      anyone's life. Crazy doesn't belong only to women.

    • @johnsmith-fk7fw
      @johnsmith-fk7fw Месяц назад

      @@adamburris1237 yes true but women have more power to ruin your life with how things are today. and marrying an older woman as he did is a much worse condition, an older woman can never truly respect a younger guy as a superior they will always view you as a kid

    • @Outrageon
      @Outrageon Месяц назад

      @@adamburris1237 Always gotta be that one guy....

    • @adamburris1237
      @adamburris1237 Месяц назад

      @@Outrageon That's exactly what I'm saying.

  • @일라이져
    @일라이져 Месяц назад +13

    잠입님힘내세요 다시대회에서볼수잇길바랍니다😢😊

  • @TheThrillerJunkie
    @TheThrillerJunkie Месяц назад +62

    Great video, Infiltration! You went into so much detail here.
    Honestly, I might have to make a follow up video on my documentary after seeing this. I'm now more convinced than I already am that you were wronged and were put in a very tough situation, and that you didn't do the things those people said you did. I hope many people in the FGC see this and decide to give you a second chance.

  • @narshkajke
    @narshkajke Месяц назад +395

    Infiltration, you will always be my nigga.

    • @medium.fuharen-kr2qs
      @medium.fuharen-kr2qs Месяц назад +12


    • @You_Rage_Quit
      @You_Rage_Quit Месяц назад +17

      Mine, too. You have a lifetime pass. 🫡

    • @reportimortal
      @reportimortal Месяц назад +1


    • @swish996
      @swish996 Месяц назад

      show me the n word pass right now. lol

    • @Ultrue87
      @Ultrue87 Месяц назад +1

      I'm not black person, but ngl if I'm black person and someone have problem on his life like this i give him lifetime pass

  • @baby_r4gna628
    @baby_r4gna628 Месяц назад +28

    Capcom, please. Allow this guy to compete
    This guy would get a couple of more EVO titles if not for the stupid ban...

  • @StreetfighterTips
    @StreetfighterTips Месяц назад +9

    You was alway nice to me whenever I saw you at Arcade Stream and when we both were in SFV Crash, hope you doing well big dawg.

  • @codytravers
    @codytravers Месяц назад +9

    I don't watch fighting game tournaments very much anymore and it's mostly because of this. If they are not inviting the top players, the result of any competition is not legitimate. Really sad situation. Hang in there Infil, your positive attitude is an inspiration. Much love and respect

  • @omard5888
    @omard5888 Месяц назад +7

    What a crazy story, master, but I think they partially ruined your career. Even so, you are a source of inspiration for many and for me, you and Daigo are the best in history. I still believe that you can be a champion. I send you a hug from Mexico. . you are a champion never forget it

  • @olekscap4620
    @olekscap4620 Месяц назад +45

    Everyone who's watching this, plz save the video, until they will take it down.

    • @MANTISxB
      @MANTISxB Месяц назад +10

      Done. If it gets taken down i have 2 copies. One local and one on a NAS.

    • @confucamus3536
      @confucamus3536 Месяц назад

      It's on Twitter too

  • @nw8608
    @nw8608 Месяц назад +3

    Glad to hear you're happy dude, always felt things were really unfair for you. Hope you are able to compete again soon.

  • @HuatGe
    @HuatGe Месяц назад +1

    Glad to hear that you are doing well and happy now. Really wish we can see you in FGC community again.
    All the best.

  • @roar4398
    @roar4398 Месяц назад +1

    Great to see you're doing alright. Wishing you the best 🙏 and maybe hope to see you compete again.

  • @shoppingokaimono
    @shoppingokaimono Месяц назад +50


  • @keenho
    @keenho Месяц назад +1

    All the best dude! Watched the whole video. Keep a calm mind and move forward! Hope to see you in further competitions.

  • @kenblue2709
    @kenblue2709 Месяц назад +4

    Im hong kong people , Ken. i took a photo with you when you had a sfv competition in hong kong. You are nice and kind. I believe you and support you , good luck , Bless you live peace and happy 🥹🙏🏼💪🏻

  • @yungbruno4046
    @yungbruno4046 Месяц назад +1

    The Best Player
    you were one of my teachers watching your videos to learn Street Fighter, GG Strive thank you very much
    Espero que tudo se resolva e volte a jogar e participar dos torneios. 🙏🏻
    Deus abençoe!

  • @GetterRay
    @GetterRay Месяц назад +74

    Those insane people from California will never apologize.

    • @GRiNDWiZARD187
      @GRiNDWiZARD187 Месяц назад +2

      ay , I'm from Cali & been on TEAM INFILTRATION since day 1, just say people in the FGC because it wasn't all of them from Cali trying to burn our homie to the ground , was peeps from everywhere

    • @GRiNDWiZARD187
      @GRiNDWiZARD187 Месяц назад +1

      plus I'll apologize for every foo that went on the HATE MARCH against Infiltration , even though I NEVER felt that kind of way ...... I 'll do it for those that won't because they can't , they been poisoned by the false happy meals they been feasting on ........ lol

    • @Roguecrysis
      @Roguecrysis Месяц назад


  • @therealPayne
    @therealPayne Месяц назад +5

    You're still the alltime great and my favourite fighting game player.
    I am happy to hear that after all the adversity and slander you're living a good life.
    Much love and respect to you!

  • @jamestabacco8203
    @jamestabacco8203 Месяц назад +7

    Watching Infiltration win Samsho at Evo is one of my top Evo moments. I am so glad i was there. Everything about how he is being treated is discusting. The internet is a terrible place.

  • @zzamtasooa
    @zzamtasooa Месяц назад +69

    격투게임을 정말 사랑하고 아끼는 사람중 한명으로써 댓글을 남기게 되네요.
    제가 댓글을 닮으로써 저에게도 어떤 악플이 달릴지는 모르겠지만, 잠입 오라버니에게 조금이나마 도움이 되길 바라며 댓글을 남겨봅니다.
    많은 분들이 오라버니에 대해 나쁜점을 더 많이 이야기 하고 계시지만, 실제로 만나는 infiltration 이라는 선수는 그렇게 나쁘지만은 않은 사람입니다.
    그는 제가 우울증에 걸렸을때 옆에서 굉장히 많은 도움을 준 사람이고, 다른 격투게임 프로들처럼 격투게임에 관한 애정이 매우 깊은 선수중 한명이었습니다.
    때때로 오라버니가 부리는 자존심이나 자부심 혹은 이런저런 실수와 실언등으로 여러분들에게 실망감을 드린점이 분명 있을거라고 생각합니다. 저또한 이런부분들은 오라버니에게 아쉬운점이라고 생각하니까요.
    하지만 누구든지 실수를 하기 마련입니다. 그부분을 인정하고 고쳐나가면 더 나은 사람이 될 수 있다고도 생각해요.
    제가 아는 오라버니라면 분명, 맹목적인 비난이 아닌, 여러분들의 걱정이 담긴 말과 응원이라면 더 나은 사람이 될 수 있는 분이라고 생각합니다. 그것이 따가운 회초리일지라도요.
    저또한 그다지 대단하거나 깨끗하지만은 않은 사람입니다만, 격투게임을 정말 아끼고 사랑하는 사람으로써 여러분에게 조그마한 목소리를 내봅니다.
    infiltration 이라는 선수를 프로씬에서 볼 수 없다는건 너무나 큰 손실이며 슬픈일이라고 생각해요. 부디 오라버니의 억울한 부분에 좀더 귀를 기울여주시고, 앞으로 고쳐나갈 일이 있다면 올바른 충고로 그를 응원해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
    Capcom에서 꼭 infiltration이란 선수의 밴을 풀어줬으면 하는 바람입니다.

    • @gmarket1396
      @gmarket1396 Месяц назад +10

      짬타님 잠입님은 너무 많은 적을 뒀어요 인과응보입니다

    • @kim226585
      @kim226585 Месяц назад +5

      자숙의 시간은 충분했다고 생각함. 밴좀 풀어줘라 ~~

    • @아딱맨
      @아딱맨 Месяц назад +7

      저도 공감합니다 ㅠㅠ

    • @곽부용-z3l
      @곽부용-z3l Месяц назад +9

      짬타님이 말씀하신 따가운 회초리는 진작에 다 끝났습니다. 더 나은사람이 될 수 있는 기회가 많았음에도 놓친게 지금까지 온거라 봅니다. 누구나 실수한다라는 가정하에 선처를 바라기엔 너무 많은 일이 있었고, 이미 너무 늦어버린거 같아 저는 동의하지 않습니다.

    • @오늘도미소-c5e
      @오늘도미소-c5e Месяц назад +6

      주변에 같이 게임 하던 사람들이 손절한건 다 이유가 있겠죠

  • @Irritant1000
    @Irritant1000 Месяц назад +103

    The poison of the FGC (UltraChen and friends ) needs to be removed.

    • @BlackKoshinomi
      @BlackKoshinomi Месяц назад +6

      Believe all women

    • @mountainshark2388
      @mountainshark2388 Месяц назад +21

      It is hopeless FGC is throughly cucked.

    • @BlackKoshinomi
      @BlackKoshinomi Месяц назад +4

      @@mountainshark2388 agree

    • @jayro792
      @jayro792 Месяц назад +18

      @@BlackKoshinomi It’s such a stupid statement…. How about we believe the truth first

    • @blaz3ofglory
      @blaz3ofglory Месяц назад

      I keep seeing their name mentioned, did they really have that much weight in regards to the bans Infiltration received?

  • @telepathicdragon
    @telepathicdragon Месяц назад +32

    Perfect example why false allegations should hold the same penalty as the crime they're accusing the other and courts should not give women such favour in law because an imbalance in power will eventually result in horrifying consequences. Unfortunately, the people who need to hear this will never hear it.

    • @kingartifex
      @kingartifex Месяц назад +4

      @@telepathicdragon that will never happen because police just want to close the case as fast as possible and pin it on someone - anyone .
      Same thing with judges, they just want to close the case, just not let you talk or ignore your plea "yeah yeah yeah, idc guilty next". That's the mentality

    • @telepathicdragon
      @telepathicdragon Месяц назад +1

      @@kingartifex yeah i know, it's sad man

  • @holdysnausages
    @holdysnausages Месяц назад +2

    You still have many people that support man! I’m still hopeful for your return. The Infiltration years of sf4 were some of the best!

  • @nineteenwest8881
    @nineteenwest8881 Месяц назад +11

    힘내시길...에보에서 캡콤컵에서 다시 볼수있으면 좋겠습니다.

  • @getterpaolo2473
    @getterpaolo2473 Месяц назад +103

    Is Capcom going to apologize to Infiltration and bring him back to Capcom Cup? He’s going to dominate again

    • @MuhammadAli-xw4yc
      @MuhammadAli-xw4yc Месяц назад

      Highly doubt it. Because of japanese pride and their honour getting destroyed, because of their wrongdoings to INFILTRATION via listening to gossip and lies and then destroying his lively hood and his passion of competive gaming. This is disgusting. I was in similar situation with my ex wife. The lies I beat her and imprisoned her, raped her were all nasty spiteful lies, all because I called her out on her entitlement and manipulation tactics, And she hated that I would hold her wrists and hold her down, only because she would literally hit me if I exposed her BS actions. Female privielage is real, And most females know this, Because many women get away with BS that most men wouldnt get away with another guy. Because most guys have commonsense, and dont cross the line with another man out of common manly respect. Something alot of women have abused for centuries.

    • @vulcan422
      @vulcan422 Месяц назад

      I wish they would, but it's not gonna happen. Capcom have completely shifted gears now, and sadly it's not towards a side that favors Infiltration. They are fully in it for the money now and they stand nothing to gain from unbanning him or anyone else they've banned, but so much more to lose because if they go back on their decisions to unban the players they've banned, then they will also lose the trust and support of the sponsors and shareholders AKA the real people bankrolling everything. No money, no events, no Pro Tour, and ultimately the end of what's keeping the mainstream FGC alive now: eSports. Without any of that people will just move to Tekken, or Strive. And they don't want that. It's all a politics game now.
      This is the sad, dark truth behind the "mainstream" FGC. It's never been about the community, it's always been about the manipulators, those who take advantage of idealists and gain power for themselves to put themselves at the top in order to profit.
      "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."

    • @telepathicdragon
      @telepathicdragon Месяц назад +5

      Doubt it. Capcom is cooked like a large portion of corporate gaming atm, which really sucks. The FGC is also painfully cooked based on some of the drama i've seen as well.

    • @lancesniper
      @lancesniper Месяц назад

      It's a very different game, top tier for sure, nobody is really dominating.

    • @confucamus3536
      @confucamus3536 Месяц назад

      Capcom admit they got it wrong? Next you'll be wanting blood from a rock huh

  • @edugordon3729
    @edugordon3729 Месяц назад +1

    Excellent, keep fighting, never give up, you are a good person and the best fighting game player in the world, a big hug from Ecuador in South America 💪👍

  • @juno128_
    @juno128_ Месяц назад +4

    You're an inspiration king👑. Never doubted you. I want to see you win again!

  • @JayKim-og6yq
    @JayKim-og6yq Месяц назад +1


  • @nalssendori1486
    @nalssendori1486 Месяц назад +3

    나르시시스트를 겪어보지 않은 사람은 이해하기 힘들겁니다. 저는 나르시시스트 전처에게 받은 피해로 이혼후 3년이 지나가는 시점에도 회복하지 못하고있습니다. 힘내십쇼.

  • @blastarrow6562
    @blastarrow6562 Месяц назад +3

    Never doubted you. good job letting all of it out.

  • @leonard247popper
    @leonard247popper Месяц назад

    good luck! I hope to see you again in big events .

  • @retroragexd
    @retroragexd Месяц назад

    Infiltration, you were one of the legends that got me into playing fighting games(This was eight years ago). I watched a lot of your matches on youtube (SF4) back in the day for me. Sorry for all the trouble you went through. Thanks for everything you do for the FGC and all the things you will do. Good luck on your future endeavors!

  • @Cephalon-go6vl
    @Cephalon-go6vl Месяц назад

    I appreciate you Infiltration! I believe in you Infiltration! Thank you for everything! We may never have spoken but you have had a positive impact in my life and for that I am truly grateful!

  • @길길-b2c
    @길길-b2c Месяц назад +1

    듣기가 힘들다 마음이 아프네요 결혼이 지옥이 된다니 이렇게 객관적이고 말을 조리 있게 잘하시는 분도 이런일을 당하다니

  • @edco2012
    @edco2012 Месяц назад

    You earned a subscriber. Stay strong bro, we support you!!! 🙏

  • @aItachroma
    @aItachroma Месяц назад +4

    Didn’t expect this to be an uplifting video by the time it ended. INFILTRATION thank you for sharing your story objectively as you could. I was also falsely accused of DV, fired from my job, and divorced in the last 2 years. Ended up winning primary custody of our daughter 6 months ago, which is uncommon for fathers.
    So I understand and agree that after moving through the peaks and valleys of life, a time machine would only diminish our perspectives and appreciation of its grand design. Still wish I could see you press some buttons on the big stage again! Take care legend

  • @sual442
    @sual442 Месяц назад +17

    I'll tell you right now, the fact she never had photo evidence of ANY of the abuse she claimed, should have been a HUGE red flag for everyone doubting Infil.

  • @Lindsay-su1qx
    @Lindsay-su1qx Месяц назад +2

    i always respected you as my favourite street fighter player and i still do. i wish you all the best

  • @hazelnut0202
    @hazelnut0202 Месяц назад +1

    힘내십쇼... 마음을 담아 응원합니다...

  • @VladzTheScholar
    @VladzTheScholar Месяц назад

    Im happy to hear youre doing well! I hope to see you compete again and even if you don't, I wish you all the best

  • @aargenis1
    @aargenis1 Месяц назад +6

    Espero y se solucione todo este problema que ha causado la demente de tu ex. La comunidad de juegos de pelea en 🇩🇴 y otros países de habla hispana , se están haciendo eco de tu vídeo, también lo estoy viendo en algunos canales de habla inglesa . Recuerda que a pesar de no estar en el competitivo, eres parte de la historia y tus logros están por encima de cualquier trofeo. 👊🏼

  • @cedrickrogers3567
    @cedrickrogers3567 Месяц назад

    Good video im glad you can finally say your side

  • @Sunsuperman
    @Sunsuperman Месяц назад +56

    Damn watching this makes me never want to take the risk of ever getting married.

    • @AIRFGC
      @AIRFGC Месяц назад +8

      MGTOW 🏃‍♂💨👩‍👧‍👦

  • @RockmanX83
    @RockmanX83 Месяц назад +79

    I've spent literal years holding my tongue on posting a finalized opinion and I can finally state it now.
    1) Being married to a crazy wife is worse than any hell.
    2) I've seen too many people dragged through the mud and I'm genuinely sad for you. I've met you once in person before this blew up and it's just sad that this happened.
    3) I do hope the bans are removed and you can play.
    4) I've spoken to many of the TOs before the bans and they were on a more tempered take. There are about 5 very specific TOs and employees who are extremely progressive. They take all allegations as truth, and sadly they have made sure you are banned.
    5) I believe you both were immature in how to deal with a functioning relationship. That is normal and human. The problem is, when one person refuses to grow and wants another to suffer, they will hurt someone as much as possible. Once again this story is heart breaking.
    6) I hope you return and I have never viewed you as a woman beater, but a normal flawed dude who mixed many people in fighting games.
    This brings alot of closure to this for me, but you've been dragged for too long by the sheer amount of spite carried by small pathetic people. Keep your head up sir and I'll continue to root for you.

    • @bena5150
      @bena5150 Месяц назад +19

      No. 4 i truly believe that Rick the Hadou is part of that 5 TOs. That guy is small as fuck.

    • @LordTimmy
      @LordTimmy Месяц назад

      “this brings a lot of closure for me” 😂😂

    • @e1gle1984
      @e1gle1984 Месяц назад +3

      The problem about the bans is that these TOs never said specifically why he is banned.
      I'm sure that's because whatever the reason is, it would be completely inconsistent with the rule infringement they claim he has done.
      So I unfortunately don't see them say that it's ok now for Infiltration to play in their tournaments.
      The whole situation is totally unfair.

    • @RockmanX83
      @RockmanX83 Месяц назад +4

      @LordTimmy I've had a number of questions on the tenor and content of communication for the individuals involved. Seeing how this was a primarily domestic issue and she already aired out everything to make him look like a monster, him filling in the blanks with his information paints a more vivid picture.
      1) She was willing to exadurte events for an increased effect for the public.
      2) He was unable to navigate thier arguments in a way that absolve him of any potential wrongs. But in relationships where both people can get on each other's nerves, especially with finances, this is normal. You can not do something but you can be with someone who can paint you as such. (See the many cases of men falsely accused of assault in the US and thier accuser admits it decades later)
      3) We never got concrete proof that he did hit her as the amount of information presented was something that required no visual documentation.
      4) Her intention was to cause maximum harm and was willing to destroy as much as she could if he would not return to thier relationship. This is something people do when thier normal relationship patterns are bad. Him making sure to leave and her punishing him for leaving puts a cap on the behavioral patterns of the relationship. Though, due to the nature of allegations and how evidence was documented, it is impossible to verify he is guilty or innocent of assault, but we can verify that this was designed to harm him for not pursuing continuation of a dysfunctional relationship.
      My closure is that I can make a measured assessment with a degree of clarity, understand that bad relationships are messy, and not rush to an easy black and white when this event is multiple shades of gray.

    • @ReinhartSchneider
      @ReinhartSchneider Месяц назад

      "But you were BOTH immature!"
      Get a grip, you weasel.

  • @slaptastics1739
    @slaptastics1739 Месяц назад +6

    i can tell what your saying is the truth, these things are happening to people all around the world in many different ways, destroying peoples lives and their ability to be happy and abundant, shutting people down and trampling on their lively hood is a disgrace to humanity, I applaud you Infiltration for bringing us closure on what you have been through, these things will only make us that much stronger and make us more united! peace my brother, you will always be abundant! ❤

  • @cyberleo1245
    @cyberleo1245 Месяц назад +74

    The craziest part about the N-word moment is instead of people educating you on the moment they decided to bully you, and that shit was so fucked up because they aint really think about it from your perspective, You live in a different country of course you gonna interrupt something wrong if they dont out right tell you the meaning. I was so disappointed the FGC at that moment no critical thinking.

    • @mikejonesnoreally
      @mikejonesnoreally Месяц назад +12

      the FG"C" ia NOT known for it's critical thinkers! xD Geez, get real! They're barely (and highly specifically) trained friggin' SEALS! C'mon man.....

    • @detestable_one
      @detestable_one Месяц назад +1

      I can easily find footage of J-Wong saying nigga casually (a few others too). The hypocrisy of the fgc sometimes is palpable

    • @jameshalle558
      @jameshalle558 Месяц назад +30

      The problem is that typically American attitude of "we're the center of the world". "He should've known" is basically the mentality that these people have. How dare he not know about the culture of the "greatest country in the world"? Americans expect people to know every nuance of their country, but can't be bothered to learn the most basic information about countries they visit.

    • @GRiNDWiZARD187
      @GRiNDWiZARD187 Месяц назад

      gotta keep in mind , here in the states a bigger war is happening with these "WOKE" generation . that mindset from my perspective is seeing a generation of people trying to confuse everything , from gender identity, to pushing porno into elementary school's libraries for children to innocently find them, to a generation that never acts out against in person or publicly but act out from behind a computer screen or mobile device & the ones that actually do in person are so delusional , so detached from REAL reality they have no problems fighting innocent people. I know a few Gay & Lesbian friends that I will say are very close me , both sides (few not knowing each other) share the same feelings & will say that they DON'T like this LGQT+ movement at all, they think its fucked up with how children are caught up in this gender thing & that they DO NOT identify with their movement. its a huge disrespect to them, & their movement is warping people thought process0 in dealing with public social issues it only divides people .
      DIVIDE & CONQUER is skill used in all forms of WAR ......

    • @xDragonInstallx
      @xDragonInstallx Месяц назад +4

      @@jameshalle558 I also like how they try to judge other countries traditions applying their morals onto everyone else.

  • @Ronin8300
    @Ronin8300 Месяц назад

    I'm glad that you're in a better state of mind nowadays. Wish you the best, whether that future lies with the FGC or elsewhere. Take care.

  • @GrandeMOficial
    @GrandeMOficial Месяц назад +100

    Jesus, that girl is dangerous. As someone who has suffered because of lies from an ex-gf, I wouldn't wish that to anyone. The worst part is when you lose friends because they believe the other person's lies. Thank God I survived, but I can still see the consequences of that time in my life =/.
    I wish you the best infiltration, I hope to see you at the championships again.

    • @Aznbomb3r
      @Aznbomb3r Месяц назад +14

      On the other side though... you now know who the real friends are, the ones that believed your words over the others when neither side had solid proof.

    • @DeezNuggz
      @DeezNuggz Месяц назад +1

      those weren't friends, bro. you are better off.

  • @goodbasanova
    @goodbasanova Месяц назад

    잘 털어놓으셨네요, 꽉 막힌 상황에서 얼마나 갑갑하고 두려웠을까 싶습니다. 게임업계가 좀더 소통하고 잠입님께 사과하는 모습 보였으면 좋겠습니다.

  • @bergvicio-jornadablackmetal
    @bergvicio-jornadablackmetal Месяц назад +1

    Que mulher infeliz consigo mesma. Você sempre será uma lenda absoluta na história dos Fighting Games. I-N-F-I-L-T-R-A-T-I-O-N !!!

  • @김몽이-d3h
    @김몽이-d3h Месяц назад +2

    처음 스파5를 접했을때
    잠입님을 처음 봤죠
    스파 크러쉬였나 대회현장에서 지금의 와이프를 데리고 팀 토키도랑 결승전때부터 였던 거 같아요
    같이 사진도 찍었던 기억이 ㅎㅎ
    와 이 분이 스파에서 스타구나 하면서 매 경기도 찾아보고 에보 우승하시는거 에보 재팬까지 우승하시는 것까지 응원하고 그랬는데
    언제인지 모르게 안보이시더라구요.
    저 역시 결혼하고 육아하고 그렇게 잊고 살았네요
    행복해도 모자를 결혼 생활이 이토록 배신 당하고 힘드셨다니 그 당시 마음 얼마나 고통스러우셨을지 상상도 안되네요.
    그저 드리고 싶은 말은
    정말 대견스럽고 멋지다는 말 하고 싶습니다.
    말도 안되는 상황에
    그동안 해왔던 커리어와 인기가 없어지고 부모님까지 그렇게 했었다면 저는 잠입님처럼 대처를 못했을 것 같아요 ... 길고 긴 7년의 시간을 이겨내시고 증명 해주셔서 감사합니다.
    마지막에 행복한 모습을 보니
    한편의 해피엔딩의 영화같은 느낌도 받았어요.
    "주연배우 이선우" 그 자체 였습니다
    프로 게이머 인생은잠입도 팬이지만
    이제는 인간 이선우 라는 사람도 응원하고 좋아졌습니다.
    아들을 키우는 입장에서 잠입님 같은 당당하고 멋진 사람이 되도록 잘 키우도록 하겠습니다

  • @cezar3
    @cezar3 Месяц назад +2

    I genuinly hope you get to play in tournaments again, tho i fear the bad PR for capcom and sony (who owns evo) is preventing from the decision being made. It is unfair.

  • @MoonlightMaskG
    @MoonlightMaskG Месяц назад

    Hopefully things are better now 👍

  • @faridamador8231
    @faridamador8231 Месяц назад

    se te extraña infiltration, ojala puedas volver, después de la tormenta viene la calma, ya te veo en un top 8 nuevamente 💝

  • @Glenn_CH
    @Glenn_CH Месяц назад

    good job Infiltration. I hope you are always happy and healthy

  • @Ryesia
    @Ryesia Месяц назад

    I'm still waiting patiently for your comeback, I'm glad you're doing well 👍

  • @awesome7818
    @awesome7818 Месяц назад

    Watching this whole thing was so upsetting but the ending made it all worth it. I'm glad you're happier in life now and I'll continue to support you always.

  • @randymartin9040
    @randymartin9040 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you for this Infiltration. You deserve to have the record be set straight. Something I noticed that someone might bring to your attention is that the translated text messages are different sizes. I imagine this is from translation copy and paste, but perhaps showing both the regular ones and the translated ones one after the other is best for your credibility and openness.
    I hope you receive justice and are allowed to compete again. You've always been one of my top 3 favorite players, and I wish I could have seen you compete more, it's not fair that your private life was made a spectacle in the open.
    I'm so happy that you have risen above this disgrace and embraced love nonetheless. It's hard to smile in the face of adversity. You have amazing spirit and love, and I've seen it in so many of your actions and words over the years. The fact that you opened a centre for youths to come in and learn fighting games under your mentorship for a "pay what you can" structure is so self-less. May God Bless you and your family and live a happy life. I hope you never give up your passion and love and keep going.

  • @BSGA22
    @BSGA22 Месяц назад +3

    I'm glad you are doing well.

    • @mikejonesnoreally
      @mikejonesnoreally Месяц назад

      If that's all you have to say then change your damn profile, you disgrace the symbol of Freedom. Or is it Freedom of Speech Just Watch What You Say? Either way, Cap deserves a WHOLE LOT better. Go represent Kamala, y'know, the *fangirl.* >.

    • @BSGA22
      @BSGA22 Месяц назад

      @@mikejonesnoreally What?

    • @AIRFGC
      @AIRFGC Месяц назад

      @@mikejonesnoreally bro, are you okay? This comment is so out of nowhere...

  • @garusan2130
    @garusan2130 Месяц назад +14

    Es admirable que sigas tan fuerte después de haber pasado por tanto, la vida es dura e injusta muchas veces y no queda de otra más que seguir peleando, mis mejores deseos, ojala que solo cosas buenas te pasen de ahora en adelante, Infiltration eres y serás siempre el mejor.

  • @FGCKaci-Abbas
    @FGCKaci-Abbas Месяц назад +1

    Je veux ton retour pour defoncé du monde moi, pas d'amour mais des larmes ;) GG, good vidéo explicative , Thanksss

    @FACEHEADD Месяц назад +4

    Crazy. It's a shame that society is so quick to pull out the pitchforks and label someone as guilty based on baseless accusations. I hope to see you back in a big way on the FGC scene someday soon.

  • @DashingRave
    @DashingRave Месяц назад +36

    @Infiltration I fear this video will be taken down soon. Try to share and post on other platforms as well so your evidence doesn’t disappear.

    • @PauloQueirozJS
      @PauloQueirozJS Месяц назад +1

      I won't be taken down, it is time for the truth

  • @lancey1059
    @lancey1059 Месяц назад +3

    Take care!

  • @Deluoba
    @Deluoba Месяц назад

    Love you! ❤❤❤

    @AIRFGC Месяц назад +1

    love you always, Infiltration 💙💙

  • @Gr0tesco
    @Gr0tesco Месяц назад

    I hope you can overcome this huge injustice

  • @kevinkim9620
    @kevinkim9620 Месяц назад

    hey Infiltration.
    you are straight up my favorite FG player since I got back into them around 2017. I remember being excited to see you at EVO in 2018 and actually saw you play, but I could tell from your demeanor and performance that something was waaayyyyy off and that you were not yourself.
    Then you just disappeared for a while and when you showed back up, you were banned and continued to be banned to this day...
    I never believed for a moment that you were doing what you were accused of (or that your guilty plea) were true. The story from the small details/claims given could in no way prove anything and was doubtful.
    It makes me sick to my stomach to this day that we have not seen you play SF6 in a tourney...everyone knows you are one of the GOATs.
    Will always support you brother! Love the end of this video! Such an awesome and mature perspective!
    Stay strong!

  • @yuvibarbash
    @yuvibarbash Месяц назад +1

    hey infil, i am a big fan for years. u r my most appreciated gamer and now i love and appreciate u even more.
    what about your FGC career?
    and if there is anything u need help with and i can do in this banning situation i would like to.❤

  • @아놀드-t9g
    @아놀드-t9g Месяц назад

    형님 10년 전부터 팬으로서 응원합니다.

  • @OoKakashioOPS3
    @OoKakashioOPS3 Месяц назад

    Te deseo toda la fuerza del mundo, ánimo y adelante

  • @jp-hv4tz
    @jp-hv4tz Месяц назад

    Your style of gameplay is always fun to watch, all the best to you sir

  • @shinmasterryu
    @shinmasterryu Месяц назад +1

    I never stopped believing in you when I heard of the claims made against you. You had my respect then and you still have my respect now. I'll always be cheering and supporting you, Infiltration. I am glad you are happier and doing better than you were around 2017 to 2023. Keep doing your thing fam, the real ones know you're innocent especially after this video.

  • @dudetheguyman
    @dudetheguyman Месяц назад

    I like the long hair, buddy. Good luck out there.

  • @fakuirrazabal2326
    @fakuirrazabal2326 Месяц назад +1

    당신의 결혼 생활에 대해 깊이 유감스럽게 생각합니다. FGC의 프로 선수들과 함께 플레이하는 모습을 다시 볼 수 있기를 바랍니다. 당신은 선수들에게 전설이 될 것입니다.
    I'm deeply sorry about your matrimony. I really hope we can see you again playing with the pros of the FGC. You´re and you´ll be a legend to the players.

  • @DrNo94
    @DrNo94 Месяц назад +17

    Hey Infil!
    It was a pleasure and an honor to meet you in person in your self made FGC site in Seoul.
    You are a great person and very welcoming. You even let me play with you on stream.
    Regardless, I am very sorry for everything you went through and very happy that you are happy.
    Great that you were able to fully close this chapter with all this mess caused by stupid people.
    I wish you the greatest success in the future. When I am back in Seoul, I will make sure to say hello again.
    Thanks for showing us what Fighting games are!
    Nour / Jimladaba (Tag)

  • @あいく-v6z2u
    @あいく-v6z2u 23 дня назад

    I'm a Japanese guy who started playing fighting games when I was 12 years old, fascinated by your amazing gameplay. I forever hope that you come back to the fighting game industry.

  • @유승준-f6m
    @유승준-f6m Месяц назад

    요새는 게임안하시나요? 이런 말도안되는 일들을 겪으시면서 고생많으셨어요 뭐땜에 저렇게까지 행동한건지 이해할수가 없네요 앞으로 대회에서 봤으면합니다😊

  • @Friendofsquirrel
    @Friendofsquirrel Месяц назад +30

    No joke you are the greatest fighting game player of all time , it’s an honor for me knowing you might read this .

  • @mrmagnifi6233
    @mrmagnifi6233 Месяц назад

    그동안 힘내주셔서 수고했습니다! ❤

  • @zizonppower
    @zizonppower Месяц назад +5

    꼭 다시 대회에서 나오시는 모습 보고 싶습니다 더 발전하시고 더 많이 행복해지시기를 바랍니다

  • @Lacid_kof
    @Lacid_kof Месяц назад

    게임이 겹친적은 없지만 오래전부터 같이 연습해온 사람으로써 일이 잘 풀리길 바랍니다

  • @3starherotranslation717
    @3starherotranslation717 Месяц назад +5

    It's crazy how that woman can summon so many simps to help her.

  • @육성사이다-x2k
    @육성사이다-x2k Месяц назад +25

    저는 격겜을 하지 않고 격겜 방송도 보지 않습니다만
    예전에 트위치에서 잠입님의 위트 있는 방송을 보며 알게 되었고 해외 대회에서 우승하는 모습을 보며 팬이 되었습니다.
    그때부터 지금까지 잠입님을 잊지 않고 지켜보며, 응원하고 있습니다.
    이 영상의 내용뿐만 아니라 다른 억울한 일도 많으실 것으로 알고 있습니다.
    그럼에도 꿋꿋하게 웃음을 잃지 않고 살아가시는 모습이 참 대단하면서도 존경스럽기까지 하네요.
    아픈 일이 있었던 만큼 행복한 일도 많아졌으면 좋겠네요.
    응원밖에 하지 못해서 미안합니다.

  • @bewobewobewo
    @bewobewobewo Месяц назад +3

    we need infil back, wishing you the best

  • @Miarespammer
    @Miarespammer Месяц назад

    I always believed in you, hope you can coming back, please keep smiling and and doing what you love, infiltration.

  • @idiramara1
    @idiramara1 Месяц назад

    I wish you the best, thank you for your story

  • @Totalheads88
    @Totalheads88 Месяц назад

    Wow I'm so sorry infiltration what you've gone thru. I pray you come back to the scene I enjoyed watching you in sf4 😢

    @MANTISxB Месяц назад +7

    I believed you all the way through the entire mess. When reddit jumped the gun and did what they do best (whining and taking sides before evidence is out, a-la the whole boston thing) I knew something was up. I have defended you to the point of losing a few friends because of it. Plus, it sounded so incredibly insane and the "evidence" was so sparse it seemed to be exaggerated. Then you having to seemingly stay quiet really made me question what was going on. Still though, I believed you. This is pretty damning evidence for her.
    I know this is super difficult to post for you, but I have to thank you immensely for doing so. Also providing so much evidence... man...
    I have downloaded copies in case this gets removed. I will post on my channel (no monetization of course) if it gets removed. This needs to be seen by all of the FGC, and frankly they need to apologize.

  • @신더7549
    @신더7549 Месяц назад +11

    정말 마음고생 많으셨군요
    앞으로는 항상 행복하게 사셨으면 합니다
    어렸을 때부터 응원해요

  • @KristopherHaines
    @KristopherHaines Месяц назад +1

    I hope you continue to find happiness in your life.
    I will do my best to mature as you have. If our paths ever cross, I hope I can buy you a drink.

  • @renka87
    @renka87 Месяц назад +4

    even when the drama started being public, i already believed it was false and you showed it all with this video, so i'm not surprised by anything, the only thing i'm surprised is the law for men in korea, that's why you had so much issue because if you lived in country like france, united states... you'll have been proved innocent instantly
    the whole thing is a mess and need a serious law change, its scary how much law power womens have in korea when things in general should be equal like in some others country
    I hope capcom will watch this and realize their huge mistake of banning you

  • @Mister_non
    @Mister_non Месяц назад

    I feel for you Infiltration. I'm still recovering from my life being destroyed by someone. I can't believe how much was stolen from me by someone I cared so much for. Thank you so much for the message at the end. It gave me a little hope that one day I can come out of this smiling too.

  • @stephenkim589
    @stephenkim589 Месяц назад +6

    항상 응원합니다~ 힘내시고 행복하세요. "Download complete"

  • @isukatdps
    @isukatdps Месяц назад +2

    Miss you GOAT😢

  • @ninefools
    @ninefools Месяц назад

    You are still my number one FG champ! Much love