You have to consider transportation when living uptown. We are experiencing COVID traffic. Trains are empty. Highway traffic is lighter. When thing return to normal, it will be much more congested. 1 to 1.5 hours one way to get downtown
I have been really benefiting from your video and really like your sharing. You have leaded my way to Toronto and hope to meet you in person or church when we land.
As usual, very informative vlog. Can you please share with us about finding family doctors, specialists and medical services as I heard it could be quite cumbersome (even you are well off).
Intl one year. HK license 90days Ontario driver license 係分G1,G2, & full license G. Hk license over 2 years can only transfer G2 with a pass in written test. Then u need wait 1 year, driving test highway to get full license G. If no hK license, u need learner license pass road test then g1 and wait 1 year to get g2 and another 1 year foe G. U need G2 license to buy a car in Canada This apply to Alberta too.
Hello, thankyou for sharing....I am living Toronto, I am Christian for 11 years, JESUS LOVE YOu I wish you guys going back at church now..Welcome back>>>>^_^ I am working at Christian Church now
What is Christianity to you? Most answers are to help people, to share our experiences , want to convert you to be a Christians , etc You video mentioned" To preach The Gospel" I like to ask " What is The Gospel to you ? and what and how you gonna to preach The Gospel to others?" The function of a Church is to " preach The Gospel" = Life and History of JC. Other services can be provided to people but The Gospel must be preached first, which mostly will be rejected .....thus , the Church turn and use other means, like offering help to the needles, offer some kind of free classes etc etc. to attrack these people to Church. However, Church must help people to reverse back to " why they choose to accept JC as their Savior?" This lead to " Our Sins" , then we need to explain how sin and JC are connected to each other..... It is vital for that person to attend a bible study class, usually one needs to attend a Bible study class for several years( study the whole Bible) to be trained as a group leader and serve his/her Church as a Bible study group leader. This is a commitment! Jesus said " I have come to save sinners.." Luke 5: 32. JC did not say " I come to change you to be a good person..." He came to save people from their sins by His life, death, and resurrection. His great purpose is to restore sinners , like you and I to reconcile with The Almighty God. We cannot save ourselves , but JC can . Through His atonement for our sins to make humanity right with God!!!........ There are lots to learn about God's Kingdom, are you willing to commit yourself to find out ? Or thinking that attending and serving a Church religiously can get you safely to Heaven?If that is what you are thinking , you are wrong. People will tell you" it is free to accept JC and end up safely in Heaven, only if you believe in JC" . Is it really free?? This is the question!!!
(馬太福音 5:16 )
很好的分享啊!我由施傅的富翁電視追到嚟施家加四個,原來你們一家都是基督徒,真的很為你們感恩,願上帝繼續使用你們祝福更多人,讓人在你們身上看見祂的榮耀!BTW, 我嚟緊fall intake都來加拿大讀書呀,希望到時有機會互相認識啦。❤️
very much agreed the message (esp. the personal feeling and encouragement in the later part of this video) you guys delivered and appreciated
我都想快啲申請到owp 嚟呀!
You have to consider transportation when living uptown. We are experiencing COVID traffic. Trains are empty. Highway traffic is lighter. When thing return to normal, it will be much more congested. 1 to 1.5 hours one way to get downtown
Dear Brother & Sister, thank you for sharing!!
greg 我突然記得細個曾經同你一個fellowship group, 個陣對你唔係好順眼,好似好多主見同臭吋。 依家你大個咗成個人成熟穩重咗好多,😀
apply a pc optimum card for points and more savings, 20x points at shoppers, and use the points at no frills or loblaws for groceries
施太最後個hit like hit subscribe byebye 好溫柔☺️☺️☺️
Btw, 想問下阿greg會唔會考慮喺當地開始一啲business可以請到香港人,請香港人,可以喺香港申請去加拿大做野?
Thanks for your sharing, very useful n practical 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Costco 真係有蠔油賣喎!仲要係LKK添!不過係美國製造但唔使一次要買六支!一支攪掂!
Costco 實在包羅萬有😂
Thanks for sharing 一切都是恩典🙏🏻
依家交稅季節,可否分享一下各種慳稅的儲蓄計劃?什麼RRSP? 退休儲蓄等等⋯⋯我真是一嚿雲的😓
I have been really benefiting from your video and really like your sharing. You have leaded my way to Toronto and hope to meet you in person or church when we land.
But how to find a church in a certain city in Ontario? Any recommendations?
This is a very good video. Appreciate it! 😎👍
施生可唔可以唔好一面問施太有乜建議 一面成日搶住講嘢?! 我真心想聽完施太建議 因為好有條理 好informative.
好溫暖~ 好人有好報 ^_^
So warm 🌞
Good topic 👍🙏
Thanks for your useful and encouraging sharing!
我家就是近Costco (
Costco 實在包羅萬有😂
Thankyou for sharing! 正!
我老公當年也是小學移民到 溫哥華的,不過完成大學他們一家回流返香港了。
Greg 是否瘦了?
Church life is essential
Thanks for your advice
有細路一定要Uptown. Downtown Montessori 即三,四歲的小朋友極之極之難找學校。
As usual, very informative vlog. Can you please share with us about finding family doctors, specialists and medical services as I heard it could be quite cumbersome (even you are well off).
有無時候覺得教會變左(中產)俱樂部?好多時會變左社交為主, 真係focus 係神身上嘅唔多?
Thank you for sharing🙏🙏🙏
Hi 施生施太,想問問住方面,有冇非華人區推薦?因為我住緊澳洲,都慣晒外國生活,單身,唔需要住校網區,見你每次都推介Markham Richmond Hill等,想知其他區其實係點?價錢會平d? 配套差唔多(除咗華人超市餐廳)?治安有冇話邊區好 d,邊區唔太好?唔該晒🙏🏻你地d片都幾實用,小朋友又好得意😍最近追晒你地d片咁濟
其實多倫多周圍都有華人,非華人區即係其他族裔會多啲。你可以睇下Vaughan, Mississauga, leaside, rosedale 等等。 Oakville, Aurora, Newmarket
@@kareshi2k oic 唔該晒你!
@@笑傻人 thank you ☺️☺️
@@Ohchriscwy 你可以考慮QEWNiagara region ,或Kingston,近boarder ,可以commute 去美國工作。(working visa)。香港人比較少,但亦有華人。supermarket 有oriental sections。
For returning citizens, what would you recommend? 搵工先再搵地方落腳方便番工 定落左地仲去搵? thanks!!
talk more about the costco price tag!!!!
Thanks for sharing
very appreciate for your gospel sharing
施太件衫好襯佢,靚!🤩 好呀,拍下Costco吖~ 仲想知你哋嗰邊有無華人安老院或配套可幫忙照顧老人家?感謝!另外想問下,有無邊d渠道可問到已有歐盟護照嘅香港人(永久居民嗰隻),要點申請移居加拿大?謝謝!🙇🏻♀️
Artlover:yer Hong 和萬嘗在。Scarborough, Mississauga 和downtown Toronto 有華人安老院,但老人家要是PR,扌有政府full service: meals on wheel ,上門洗澡,和家居清潔,亦有社區護士跟進,和 預約"巴士"服務。
@@dovemc6452 謝謝解答~🙇🏻♀️ 因要走一定帶埋老人家走!
@@eemuimui 她可以申請super visa 入境,和政府會規定買super visa 醫保。
Art lovers ,醫院是公家的。但有私家seniors service 。psw: personal support worker 約18元一小時。
Private senior residence 約加元2000元起。
Asian section 咪都有!!
每次看人讲中文加英文单字,就很好奇; 究竟是英文好到不记得个中文形容词,或是英文差到只是识个几十个单字?
同埋可唔可以講下加拿大嘅幼稚園,day care preschool nursery嘅資料?包括費用?
Forest Hill or Etobicoke 👍
請問係咩途徑可以join 當地教會?我岩岩大學畢業做左半年野,宜家仲係hk, 想了解自己一個泥加拿大落地+搵工+拎pr 既野🙏🏻
我地11月尾黎到,到而家都仲未考到車牌因為city lockdown ☹️
補多一句, 兩位今集講的真係大多數new comers想知道的 AND ENCOURAGING…and pls allow me to stress again, FULLY COMMIT YOURSELF TO THIS NEW COUNTRY IF YOU ARE NEW TO CANADA
加州既Costco 有蠔油買😂但一支支咁買
Intl one year. HK license 90days
Ontario driver license 係分G1,G2, & full license G. Hk license over 2 years can only transfer G2 with a pass in written test. Then u need wait 1 year, driving test highway to get full license G.
If no hK license, u need learner license pass road test then g1 and wait 1 year to get g2 and another 1 year foe G. U need G2 license to buy a car in Canada
This apply to Alberta too.
嘩 Costco買嘢 個洗潔精 好大支
其實生最少一個係咪out of the plan?
我覺得對施家黎講,依家係blessings out of their plan👼🏻
我一路好中意睇呀Greg d片 , 但係純粹個人意見, 覺得施太拍片果時講野太多中英混雜。
U know what?! 加州Costco 真係有蠔油🤣
最緊要係近food court,唔使買餸唔使洗碗,食完拍下屁股就走得!
Agree no more, need to find a church
Hello, thankyou for sharing....I am living Toronto, I am Christian for 11 years, JESUS LOVE YOu I wish you guys going back at church now..Welcome back>>>>^_^
I am working at Christian Church now
What is Christianity to you? Most answers are to help people, to share our experiences , want to convert you to be a Christians , etc
You video mentioned" To preach The Gospel"
I like to ask " What is The Gospel to you ? and what and how you gonna to preach The Gospel to others?"
The function of a Church is to " preach The Gospel" = Life and History of JC.
Other services can be provided to people but The Gospel must be preached first, which mostly will be rejected .....thus , the Church turn and use other means, like offering help to the needles, offer some kind of free classes etc etc. to attrack these people to Church. However, Church must help people to reverse back to " why they choose to accept JC as their Savior?" This lead to " Our Sins" , then we need to explain how sin and JC are connected
to each other..... It is vital for that person to attend a bible study class, usually one needs to attend a Bible study class for several years( study the whole Bible) to be trained as a group leader and serve his/her Church as a Bible study group leader. This is a commitment!
Jesus said " I have come to save sinners.." Luke 5: 32. JC did not say " I come to change you to be a good person..."
He came to save people from their sins by His life, death, and resurrection. His great purpose is to restore sinners , like you and I to reconcile with The Almighty God. We cannot save ourselves , but JC can . Through His atonement for our sins to make humanity right with God!!!........
There are lots to learn about God's Kingdom, are you willing to commit yourself to find out ? Or thinking that attending and serving a Church religiously can get you safely to Heaven?If that is what you are thinking , you are wrong. People will tell you" it is free to accept JC and end up safely in Heaven, only if you believe in JC" .
Is it really free?? This is the question!!!
咁有無唔返教會, 係返佛教個啲?