I saw that u have this too, same as me, why is the game delayed it's not lag, just delay, the ms is always green but the game is delayed, this is so obvious when you move, the skills and the basic attacks, just why
Si anas emang ngeri tapi gaada skill escape, ngandelin fliker sama mov speed dari skill2 kalo kabur. Mampus bgt kalo ketemu murad, kaine atau assasin lincah lainnya😂😂
I saw that u have this too, same as me, why is the game delayed it's not lag, just delay, the ms is always green but the game is delayed, this is so obvious when you move, the skills and the basic attacks, just why
And idk but seems to be like this just on the first minutes of the match
The server is bad here
Si anas emang ngeri tapi gaada skill escape, ngandelin fliker sama mov speed dari skill2 kalo kabur. Mampus bgt kalo ketemu murad, kaine atau assasin lincah lainnya😂😂
0:57 njir itu kok sakit bgt, tambahan damage dri atribut skinnya kah?
Kaga euy
bang klo musuh banyak hero cc, archer gpp pake sepatu aspd + slik sting atau bagusan pake sepatu gilded ?
Pake gilded ajh klo terlalu parah CC nya
Kalo item pertama Fafnir Talon disarankan apa mendingan tetap Clave Sancti?
Kalo musuhnya tebel fafnir aja
Klo mau sakit di awal pake sancti, kecuali musuh tebel langsung fafnir ajh
bang tel annas suanni gacha ud habisin 1k voucher trus ud pake free draw dari history msh g dpt 1 token pun itu sebenarny bug ato gw yg hoki bg
Buset yg bener ajh 1000 VOC gk dapet
@@ugidesniana beneran bang 1k msh g dpt berakhir gw lgsg berhenti buat pastiin emg gw yg g hoki ato emg dari eventny begtu