did you go with the living bomb talents because of the pack sizes? you use that in mythic + as well? with how often meteors come up, i like it. also, where the heck do you have your phoenix and fireblast charges!? i have those in the middle of my screen. also, could u possibly share that firefall weakaura? the one i have doesn't highlight when it's ready. thank you.
@binggles agree with you ignite build is fun as hell, and the fact that ypu have the meteorites porc that smooths out your down time is great, realy hope that frostfire ignite remain releven.
did you go with the living bomb talents because of the pack sizes? you use that in mythic + as well? with how often meteors come up, i like it. also, where the heck do you have your phoenix and fireblast charges!? i have those in the middle of my screen. also, could u possibly share that firefall weakaura? the one i have doesn't highlight when it's ready. thank you.
Great performance, is it possible to add the macros you use for comfortable gameplay to the guide???😊😊
Will you do a fire mage guide when new patch launches? :D your are my favourite fire mage right now and i wanna reroll to it in S2 :D
Yea I'm planning on making a new guide in 11.1
How is the ignite build feel? Seen alot of ppl playing falamestrike , and i dont realy like flamestrike spam build.
Ignite build is a lot easier imo and it seems to do close to the same dmg as the flamestrike builds
@binggles agree with you ignite build is fun as hell, and the fact that ypu have the meteorites porc that smooths out your down time is great, realy hope that frostfire ignite remain releven.
Is frostfire skb better than ui sunfury? I would guess tier set would make sunfury better? Or just ff better aoe overall due to comet storm meteor?
I saw only ppl with Sunfury and i guess its was way better
Only issue is surviving on higher keys as ss for casuals it's better to play ff
Sunfury is looking like it might be better
Sunfury also pyro gameplay or flamestrike?
@@mateuszpekala6032 flamestrike
Can u share the combust weak aura please ?
WA's are in my discord
is sunfury still viable?
Yea Sunfury is still pretty good