1 Corinthians 11:27.. Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in a unworthy manner will be guilty of of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord ...For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the Lord , eats and drinks judgment on himself .. This is God's warning to those who do such ungodly things ..
+kemiim Megahan Of course it doesn't need to be a funeral service. It is a celebration and a remembrance of His covenant with us.Joy is one thing...this is completely different. If you just watch this without any explanation,it would look like a rave party.
+LaNora Morin Yes, just as the early church agape feast might have been mistaken for a symposium or an orgy (hence Paul's admonishment not to depend on alcohol for your spiritual bliss, but on the Holy Spirit, and having to remind people to share as equal partakers in the bread and the cup, and not have some go away stuffed and drunk, while others went away hungry and thirsty).; Indeed, joy IS one thing -- the rejoicing of the angels over one individual being found (Luke 15:7) must make this look tame by comparison! Simon certainly saw only one thing when he saw a prostitute at Jesus' feet, with her particular behavior. Without Jesus' explanation, that might be all we would see. (Luke 7:36-50). In fact, without the proper context, a modern person observing David dancing around in his bloody underwear might mistake that for a rather bizarre ritual (2 Samuel 6:13-14). And David was only shedding the blood of bulls, in joyful anticipation of the feast to come. (1 Cor 10:16-18)
I just cried watching this-the heart of our beloved saviour must be grieving for these people who are searching for Him but being so deceived-I never saw any evidence of worship and praise for God-it was all about 'making me feel good'-so sad and so frightening - margaret
I honestly don't know what to make out of this stuff. I know that God is the God of Joy unspeakable but then it seems like people are so puffed up about this stuff. I don't want to fight God, if it is Him doing it, but I also don't want to be focusing on bliss bombs and getting drunk in the spirit. The focus is on God/Christ/Holy Spirit and not my experience of Him.
Lol yes Sir. Its just when the main focus is God Christ and the Holy Spirit it hard to escape an experience. Ps.16:11 You make known to me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy. In your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.🔥💙🔥Our God is Alive. He is to be known and experienced.
I have been deceived by John Crowder , praise God i have my REAL relationship with God back. God is holy, and he loves us , we must truly seek God for ourselves . God wants to encounter us speak to us pour his love over us . Not justin emotional i dont know...stuff. but real spiritual encounters that bring you closer to him in every matter of conversation. Crowder denys many truths and the heart of the bible . May the Lord open his eyes and save him out of the pit of hell . Jesus Christ is Lord . ❤🌊🌋⚡ God bless you beloved !!! We must pick up our cross and follow Christ alone .he is our rock and foundation
Focusing in on God and not your experience of him doesn’t make sense they’re both one in the same. God never says do not enjoy me too much if you experience our relationship on deep levels it’s a wrong thing it just doesn’t make sense. Any way You need to never stop drinking in his presence because of those who will drink and experience love of The bridegroom will have such a joyful powerful life in Christ and in these turbulent times we need to be gripped by God ecstatic Ways. You have to figure this out on your own and I hope you don’t lose out over mentally trying to figure things out. Godbliss you
God is very specific on how we should worship Him...He also is very clear when he says in His scripture not to be deceived. These morons are not of the God of the Bible. It is very clear...
Vanessa from His Infinite Mercy Ministries declares - Woe (judgment is coming) to the wicked! It shall go badly with him, For what his hand has done shall be done to him... Isaiah 3:11
No one is going to hell for acting silly (drunken, laughing, etc). There is NO scripture to support that idea at all. However, Matthew 7 does say that many people will go to hell because they were relying on their miracles, their acts of righteousness and their religious sacrifices to earn them a place in heaven. Self-righteousness and religion will always send way more people to hell than silliness or fun in Jesus name. God bless these men of God, and let God refine them if it is needed! Amen.
1 Corinthians 11:27-32 (KJV) Examine Yourself !!! Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. >> For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself,
name one place in the bible that jesus and his people had a big FLESH communion party! Satan is all over this place. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
I take part in communion and this doesn't happen,and I have pace and joy because I know the father.Just because I don't act like I'm on LSD does not mean I don't know who the Lord is,when people using discernment (which God's word tells us to do) and question things like this that person is always told the same thing you told me.Aren't Christians always to be sober minded and not drunk?
21 Nie każdy, który Mi mówi: "Panie, Panie!", wejdzie do królestwa niebieskiego, lecz ten, kto spełnia wolę mojego Ojca, który jest w niebie. 22 Wielu powie Mi w owym dniu: "Panie, Panie, czy nie prorokowaliśmy mocą Twego imienia, i nie wyrzucaliśmy złych duchów mocą Twego imienia, i nie czyniliśmy wielu cudów mocą Twego imienia?" 23 Wtedy oświadczę im: "Nigdy was nie znałem. Odejdźcie ode Mnie wy, którzy dopuszczacie się nieprawości!" Ew. Mat. 7;21-23
Is this a rave? That's exactly what it looks like. Seriously? Mystic communion party? Lugging a gallon jug of cheap wine around, staggering like drunks? This is NOT how our Lord meant for us to commemorate His sacrifice for us. God help those who participate in this.
+Sassy Sue It's been a rather happy wedding party from the first time Jesus turned water into wine, after everyone was already drunk - turned it up a notch with some real joy!
+Guadalupe Esquivel It is wonderful to know that you have the Holy Spirit, and that you, also are filled with God’s joy and peace! Since you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, how you’re unable to distinguish between the blissful joy of our salvation and debauchery, I don't know.
+Guadalupe Esquivel God knew what God was doing to help you find the only source of joy and peace in Jesus, and I rejoice in that! Wonderful! I don’t know your story, but I have experienced drunken, nihilistic parties. I have also experienced such communion services as this, and the difference is night and day - the same wonderful joy and peace I encounter daily in Jesus, whatever challenges I am going through, because of our hope in Jesus, and His restoration and healing through the cross. I’m glad that you found Life and healing in Jesus. Blessings!
so.. apparently the religious are still offended .. this was not unreasonable for a charismatic type event.. _ Question: was this video modified, (slowed/cut) and back track added, for additional 'effect' to diminish what was actually happening?
It seems like the party of Jesus' first miracle: all were hammer drunk at the end (made possible by Jesus who added a great amount of excellent wine to the festivities. I suppose most people here don't like that story ...
Simon Pyza you long for a satanic ritual everyday? That’s exactly what this is. If you take the body and blood of Christ in a guilty matter it’s a very serious sin
this is what we should do 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. I Corinthians 11:27-30 NKJV God forgive them!!
When your heart cries out so badly to the Lord!!! Please have mercy on us and save us. Jesus died for our sins so that we may not have to be eternally separated from Him in eternal death. Please save all these people LORD! I beg you LORD.
+alanna Stelzer Because, DESPITE such ecstatic experiences of God's wonderful presence, Saul still thought he had to do it on his own power, and powers other than those from God (as many supposedly "sober minded" commentators are also doing, on their own strength). David, on the other hand, was wild before the Lord, and the one who despised him was the rather unproductive one after that - who was in Saul's line, who had despised his own encounters.
What's sad is that people who ought to have read in the New Testament about the FEAST of the lord, have only experienced the dry, self-absorbed, funeral that the church all-too-often has to offer up as communion, then they accuse people who are "rejoicing with inexpressible and glorious joy"(1 Peter 1:8), whose minds are guarded by the "mind-boggling peace of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil 4:7 - more traditionally put "peace which PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING) -- accuse such people of being luke-warm!!!??? (Laodiceans). You would all have accused Saul of being demon possessed who, under the old covenant, before the fulness of God's bliss was poured out once and for all through Christ, was actually naked as he prophecied - probably looked as weird or weirder than what's going on here. God did not speak to Saul about being wild, or naked, but about having such a glorious encounter twice and still did not change his mind about God. David dancing rather wildly before the Lord, accused of having a lack of self control, would make himself look even more foolish (2 Sam 6:22). Not to mention half of what the prophets did, getting rather carried away in their zeal (literally, in Ezekiel's case - probably accuse him of demonic levitating, if seen today). And, again, that's under the FADING glory of the old, how much more the far greater glory of the new? 2 Cor 5:13: "If we are ecstatic, it's because of God" - and if we, somehow, unlike Saul, manage to keep our clothes on, it's for the sake of... the Corinthians. Jesus indeed saved the best wine until after everyone was fully drunk. Let us keep the FEAST, not the funeral. --kem--
Stop defending these people what they are doing is wrong clearly u can see they are getting drunk i dont care how many bible verses u spew out what these people are doing is not of God. There doctrine is of the devil. I have study about this man John crowder he is not of God he is with ungodly new age movement. Before u think think this is not lukewarm u better study up about what these people are doing i gaurntee u will be shocked have a blessed evening.😀😀
From a theological and pastoral view, this is very disturbing! We have seen God move in awesome ways, but have never seen this (people walking around like they are high and drunk) . Where does the glory of God come in to this? Please study 1 Corinthians 11. Paul addressed this type of debauchery! "I'm so wasted" really? This is strange fire literally! Crowder and Vaughn will give an answer for this blasphemous act!
i love when the glory of God shows up. and the rivers of living water pour into and through GODS people..alot of the church doesnt want Gods blessing and will not drink of His cup. OHH GOD WHO EVER HERE ON THIS PAGE DOENT WANT YOUR BLESSINGS I WILL TAKE THEM..ALL OF them..thank you Jesus..
Where is the honor and respect, the love and awe? Reverence? Whats with the club music? The last supper wasn't a drunken partyfest. This is indeed blasphemous. Demonic in nature. Twisted. The devil blinds, is a deceiver a liar! Satan, disguises himself as an angel of light. 11Corin 14-15 For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth, Eph 5:9 And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them. Eph 5:11 Whether, then you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1Corin 10:31 None of this was to the glory of God. Repent! Know God's Word. The devil knows it, even better than you!
Remember me Michael from the , Dreaming with God conference in NorthKent community Church. I saw you doodoling. Any way this video is WoW hahaha you can understand why its critisiced. But man Ive experienced something similar when god took me in joy it was madness and I love it
none of this behavior is in the word, this is a disgrace people turn from this deception the holy spirit gives you control not drunkenness it is a pure mockery of the holy spirit
Bijbelonderzoek Centrum your are so blind. All you see here in this video is Apostasy. Take Heed. There is still time to repent of these wicked and shameful deeds. When I see your comment it reminds me of the following passage. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:22-23 KJV
I pray you will understand one day. This is not of the Lord, this is of the devil. This is exactly what the apostle Paul warmed about when he talked about communion and taking it unworthily. It is a solemn reminder to partake of the bread and cup. Jesus died for our sins a brutal death. He was pierced for our transgressions. There’s a time to rejoice such as in His resurrection but His death is a solemn reminder the cost of sin - a perfect blood sacrifice. They have made it a mockery. He literally said it is the opposite of what it was. I cannot IMAGINE the disciples doing this... I don’t hate this man, my heart cries out for these people because they’re terribly deceived and possibly possessed. That end was so creepy. It was like mocking.
This is exactly what the Apostle Paul warned against in 1st Corinthians chapter 11. But I am pretty sure that the word of God has little authority with this crowd!
I am a Christian, and this is just downright blasphemy! Drunkenness is one of the things on the list of things NOT to do! This is blasphemy of the highest order!
I rebuke this in the name and blood of jesus.... I am a charismatic (mystic) that loves my God.... but this is now where close to biblical... as a charismatic and a Christian mystic I renouce this in the authority of Jesus... all mysticism is, is being one with the father through Jesus alone... we do this througg prayer and meditation on scripture or prayer...
There is no such debauchery found in the bible !!! You cannot combine what is holy with what is evil. Do you forget the magician who tried to buy the power of God from the apostles ??? He was rebuked and commanded to renounce his witchcraft if he truly wanted to follow Jesus. Christian mysticism is witchcraft. You cannot combine mysticism with the body of Christ. Come out of this unholiness and repent.
I always thought that Jesus blue and they were filled with the Holy Spirit! Why is it that he does it!? It reminds me of you will be as God’s going all the way back to the garden!
I feel bad for the people who don't think this is of God. They attack it only because they are afraid to be challenged that perhaps they don't know everything there is to know about God. And for the ones going as far and calling these people devils... I pray you get some joy because you obviously need it since what you choose to do with your free time is go on the internet searching for men of God just so you can slander them. I WILL however say as a video director though, these videos DO NOT paint this in the best light that it could. But to John Crowder's credit, I don't think he cares one bit what anybody thinks. :)
Do you know the Word of God ??? Compare this Verse to what you see in this Video, and then, tell me again! 1 Corinthians 11:27-32 (KJV) Examine Yourself !!! Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. >> For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself,
blasphemy. Not Holy Spirit, Not God, Not Jesus. Death, Hell and the most severe judgement may be ahead for this man and followers if they do not repent.
What on earth is happening. This is the height of debauchery. The complete absence of the Holy Spirit of the bible. What should frighten us the most is the fact that these heathens are confidence that what they are doing is fine. May god have mercy on us all.
My friend, I say this with he greatest respect for you, but they are not having fun with God. No where in scripture is there a command or even an example of people having fun with God. They have been swept with the tide of feeling and emotions and not the objective truth of Jesus Christ and that free gift of salvation. Another point, this is not the character of the Holy Spirit, this drunken hysteria is devoid from the spirit of God.
Royzoner Yes I'm well aware that Jesus came for the sick, however my friend the mystery of the will of God has been revealed through Christ in scripture and that will is to repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and be ambassadors of that message of salvation. It's seems that this type of behaviour and culture wants to do away with scripture and pursue their own desires, in drunkenness, lewdness, profanity and blasphemy. I don't know how a regenerate child of God could be involved in this.
I bet if there was a fire alarm they'd all of a sudden stop being "drunk."
1 Corinthians 11:27.. Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in a unworthy manner will be guilty of of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord ...For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the Lord , eats and drinks judgment on himself .. This is God's warning to those who do such ungodly things ..
Amen and Crowder does not know God for if he did he would not dare tempt Him in such fashion as he constantly and consistently does.
That verse is in relation to sin, there is no sin in this video so how on earth can you apply that verse here?
Gene Messer I forgot all about that in Scripture! very true, scary for them. yikes
TheBurningOil this video is nothing BUT sin against the Holy Spirit.
This is the most disrespectful thing I have ever seen. The body and blood of Jesus should not be treated like a drunken brawl.
+LaNora Morin The bliss of our sins being removed as far as the east is from the west need not be treated like a funeral service.
+kemiim Megahan Of course it doesn't need to be a funeral service. It is a celebration and a remembrance of His covenant with us.Joy is one thing...this is completely different. If you just watch this without any explanation,it would look like a rave party.
+LaNora Morin Yes, just as the early church agape feast might have been mistaken for a symposium or an orgy (hence Paul's admonishment not to depend on alcohol for your spiritual bliss, but on the Holy Spirit, and having to remind people to share as equal partakers in the bread and the cup, and not have some go away stuffed and drunk, while others went away hungry and thirsty).; Indeed, joy IS one thing -- the rejoicing of the angels over one individual being found (Luke 15:7) must make this look tame by comparison! Simon certainly saw only one thing when he saw a prostitute at Jesus' feet, with her particular behavior. Without Jesus' explanation, that might be all we would see. (Luke 7:36-50). In fact, without the proper context, a modern person observing David dancing around in his bloody underwear might mistake that for a rather bizarre ritual (2 Samuel 6:13-14). And David was only shedding the blood of bulls, in joyful anticipation of the feast to come. (1 Cor 10:16-18)
I just cried watching this-the heart of our beloved saviour must be grieving for these people who are searching for Him but being so deceived-I never saw any evidence of worship and praise for God-it was all about 'making me feel good'-so sad and so frightening - margaret
So you never feel good about anything in life?
Jeannie Overall just shut up . Don't be a hypocrite even in crying
I absolutely agree with you. These people are being drugged with MDMA.
I honestly don't know what to make out of this stuff. I know that God is the God of Joy unspeakable but then it seems like people are so puffed up about this stuff. I don't want to fight God, if it is Him doing it, but I also don't want to be focusing on bliss bombs and getting drunk in the spirit. The focus is on God/Christ/Holy Spirit and not my experience of Him.
Lol yes Sir. Its just when the main focus is God Christ and the Holy Spirit it hard to escape an experience. Ps.16:11 You make known to me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy. In your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.🔥💙🔥Our God is Alive. He is to be known and experienced.
I have been deceived by John Crowder , praise God i have my REAL relationship with God back. God is holy, and he loves us , we must truly seek God for ourselves .
God wants to encounter us speak to us pour his love over us . Not justin emotional i dont know...stuff. but real spiritual encounters that bring you closer to him in every matter of conversation. Crowder denys many truths and the heart of the bible . May the Lord open his eyes and save him out of the pit of hell . Jesus Christ is Lord . ❤🌊🌋⚡ God bless you beloved !!! We must pick up our cross and follow Christ alone .he is our rock and foundation
Focusing in on God and not your experience of him doesn’t make sense they’re both one in the same. God never says do not enjoy me too much if you experience our relationship on deep levels it’s a wrong thing it just doesn’t make sense. Any way You need to never stop drinking in his presence because of those who will drink and experience love of The bridegroom will have such a joyful powerful life in Christ and in these turbulent times we need to be gripped by God ecstatic Ways. You have to figure this out on your own and I hope you don’t lose out over mentally trying to figure things out. Godbliss you
God is very specific on how we should worship Him...He also is very clear when he says in His scripture not to be deceived. These morons are not of the God of the Bible. It is very clear...
it looks like hypnotism
Vanessa from His Infinite Mercy Ministries declares -
Woe (judgment is coming) to the wicked! It shall go badly with him, For what his hand has done shall be done to him... Isaiah 3:11
We need to pray for these people
This makes me sick to my stomach!! OH FATHER FORGIVE THEM!!!!!! >
It is an abomination, Crowder borrows his concepts from the RCC and it's popes he is an apostate reprobate currently bound for the lake of fire!
@@ASeedSower234 nice you must be Jesus in the flesh.....lol
what kind of drugs are they taking?
Thyre mocking Christ!
Human beings are so wacky.
No one is going to hell for acting silly (drunken, laughing, etc). There is NO scripture to support that idea at all. However, Matthew 7 does say that many people will go to hell because they were relying on their miracles, their acts of righteousness and their religious sacrifices to earn them a place in heaven. Self-righteousness and religion will always send way more people to hell than silliness or fun in Jesus name. God bless these men of God, and let God refine them if it is needed! Amen.
1 Corinthians 11:27-32 (KJV) Examine Yourself !!! Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. >> For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself,
name one place in the bible that jesus and his people had a big FLESH communion party! Satan is all over this place.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
I feel bad and scared for the kids that are allowed in those "communions"
Its demonic
I take part in communion and this doesn't happen,and I have pace and joy because I know the father.Just because I don't act like I'm on LSD does not mean I don't know who the Lord is,when people using discernment (which God's word tells us to do) and question things like this that person is always told the same thing you told me.Aren't Christians always to be sober minded and not drunk?
matt salazar boombi boombi
21 Nie każdy, który Mi mówi: "Panie, Panie!", wejdzie do królestwa niebieskiego, lecz ten, kto spełnia wolę mojego Ojca, który jest w niebie. 22 Wielu powie Mi w owym dniu: "Panie, Panie, czy nie prorokowaliśmy mocą Twego imienia, i nie wyrzucaliśmy złych duchów mocą Twego imienia, i nie czyniliśmy wielu cudów mocą Twego imienia?" 23 Wtedy oświadczę im: "Nigdy was nie znałem. Odejdźcie ode Mnie wy, którzy dopuszczacie się nieprawości!" Ew. Mat. 7;21-23
Is this a rave? That's exactly what it looks like. Seriously? Mystic communion party? Lugging a gallon jug of cheap wine around, staggering like drunks? This is NOT how our Lord meant for us to commemorate His sacrifice for us. God help those who participate in this.
+Sassy Sue It's been a rather happy wedding party from the first time Jesus turned water into wine, after everyone was already drunk - turned it up a notch with some real joy!
+Guadalupe Esquivel No void to fill. The Holy Spirit takes up all the space. Joy and peace!
+Guadalupe Esquivel It is wonderful to know that you have the Holy Spirit, and that you, also are filled with God’s joy and peace! Since you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, how you’re unable to distinguish between the blissful joy of our salvation and debauchery, I don't know.
+Guadalupe Esquivel God knew what God was doing to help you find the only source of joy and peace in Jesus, and I rejoice in that! Wonderful! I don’t know your story, but I have experienced drunken, nihilistic parties. I have also experienced such communion services as this, and the difference is night and day - the same wonderful joy and peace I encounter daily in Jesus, whatever challenges I am going through, because of our hope in Jesus, and His restoration and healing through the cross. I’m glad that you found Life and healing in Jesus. Blessings!
so.. apparently the religious are still offended ..
this was not unreasonable for a charismatic type event..
Question: was this video modified, (slowed/cut) and back track added, for additional 'effect' to diminish what was actually happening?
It seems like the party of Jesus' first miracle: all were hammer drunk at the end (made possible by Jesus who added a great amount of excellent wine to the festivities. I suppose most people here don't like that story ...
I want it and I long for this experience every day.
Simon Pyza you long for a satanic ritual everyday? That’s exactly what this is. If you take the body and blood of Christ in a guilty matter it’s a very serious sin
this is what we should do 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
How about be lit on fire by the Word 🎉🎉🎉
Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.
I Corinthians 11:27-30 NKJV
God forgive them!!
This is defilement of the holiness of Communion. This is not sacred. This mocks the cross.
wow this looks like a blast! God is happy!
Noah Watts
😄 glory
"Heresy! Blasphemy! Satan!" so said the church against Martin Luther.
Tek Jack Martin Luther would say just that to this video.
Fleshy bafoonary
very Nice!!! God Bless Brother John Crwoder!
When your heart cries out so badly to the Lord!!! Please have mercy on us and save us. Jesus died for our sins so that we may not have to be eternally separated from Him in eternal death. Please save all these people LORD! I beg you LORD.
He has answered 🎉🎉🎉🎉
This is crazier than an illegal acid house rave.
This is so wrong....
" I'm so wasted" I mean really...?
this is not wasted on God. This is horrible
+Jonny Last Would you say the same thing about Saul, who ended up lying naked all day and night? (1 Sam 19:24)
How does this even compare? So you're saying you agree with this...?
+KandI Megahan saul was ended being a wicked man too why do you think God too the kingdom from him and gave it to David
+alanna Stelzer Because, DESPITE such ecstatic experiences of God's wonderful presence, Saul still thought he had to do it on his own power, and powers other than those from God (as many supposedly "sober minded" commentators are also doing, on their own strength). David, on the other hand, was wild before the Lord, and the one who despised him was the rather unproductive one after that - who was in Saul's line, who had despised his own encounters.
What's sad is that people who ought to have read in the New Testament about the FEAST of the lord, have only experienced the dry, self-absorbed, funeral that the church all-too-often has to offer up as communion, then they accuse people who are "rejoicing with inexpressible and glorious joy"(1 Peter 1:8), whose minds are guarded by the "mind-boggling peace of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil 4:7 - more traditionally put "peace which PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING) -- accuse such people of being luke-warm!!!??? (Laodiceans).
You would all have accused Saul of being demon possessed who, under the old covenant, before the fulness of God's bliss was poured out once and for all through Christ, was actually naked as he prophecied - probably looked as weird or weirder than what's going on here. God did not speak to Saul about being wild, or naked, but about having such a glorious encounter twice and still did not change his mind about God.
David dancing rather wildly before the Lord, accused of having a lack of self control, would make himself look even more foolish (2 Sam 6:22). Not to mention half of what the prophets did, getting rather carried away in their zeal (literally, in Ezekiel's case - probably accuse him of demonic levitating, if seen today).
And, again, that's under the FADING glory of the old, how much more the far greater glory of the new? 2 Cor 5:13: "If we are ecstatic, it's because of God" - and if we, somehow, unlike Saul, manage to keep our clothes on, it's for the sake of... the Corinthians. Jesus indeed saved the best wine until after everyone was fully drunk. Let us keep the FEAST, not the funeral. --kem--
Stop defending these people what they are doing is wrong clearly u can see they are getting drunk i dont care how many bible verses u spew out what these people are doing is not of God. There doctrine is of the devil. I have study about this man John crowder he is not of God he is with ungodly new age movement. Before u think think this is not lukewarm u better study up about what these people are doing i gaurntee u will be shocked have a blessed evening.😀😀
Oh and by the way John Crowder is a very wicked man look him up.
+alanna Stelzer Have an evening full of God's bliss!
+KandI Megahan i will and may the lord jesus bless u and keep u and may his face shine upon u and give u peace.
+alanna Stelzer thanks!
From a theological and pastoral view, this is very disturbing! We have seen God move in awesome ways, but have never seen this (people walking around like they are high and drunk) . Where does the glory of God come in to this? Please study 1 Corinthians 11. Paul addressed this type of debauchery! "I'm so wasted" really? This is strange fire literally! Crowder and Vaughn will give an answer for this blasphemous act!
i love when the glory of God shows up. and the rivers of living water pour into and through GODS people..alot of the church doesnt want Gods blessing and will not drink of His cup.
Do you truly believe these people are drunk on the spirit?
If you are deceived by this....you will be deceived by ANYTHING.
Where is the honor and respect, the love and awe? Reverence? Whats with the club music? The last supper wasn't a drunken partyfest. This is indeed blasphemous. Demonic in nature. Twisted. The devil blinds, is a deceiver a liar!
Satan, disguises himself as an angel of light. 11Corin 14-15
For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth, Eph 5:9
And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them. Eph 5:11
Whether, then you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1Corin 10:31
None of this was to the glory of God.
Repent! Know God's Word.
The devil knows it, even better than you!
Where is Dave Vaughan
Did they put drugs on the wine ?
Remember me Michael from the , Dreaming with God conference in NorthKent community Church. I saw you doodoling.
Any way this video is WoW hahaha you can understand why its critisiced. But man Ive experienced something similar when god took me in joy it was madness and I love it
none of this behavior is in the word, this is a disgrace people turn from this deception the holy spirit gives you control not drunkenness it is a pure mockery of the holy spirit
Doctrines of devils.
+Bijbelonderzoek Centrum They don't look all that lukewarm to me
+KandI Megahan Even that not, Kandl?
+KandI Megahan then your blind open your eyes.
Bijbelonderzoek Centrum your are so blind. All you see here in this video is Apostasy. Take Heed. There is still time to repent of these wicked and shameful deeds. When I see your comment it reminds me of the following passage.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:22-23 KJV
Tyrone Powell Coconut.
12:04 sneaky devil moon sign
araregoodguy i like peanut butter :)
No one is saying that this is anything but a smoke machine right?
looks fun
Didn’t the religious Jews say that The 120 faithful followers of Jesus on The Day Of Pentecost who had been baptised with The Holy Spirit were drunk!?
The final fruit of the Holy Spirit is "Self Control!
What he _meant_ to say twas "communion is a pot fest". Sad!
@5:10 and beyond, has anyone notice paper money on the floor?
tithes and offering
So why are these people pretending to be on drugs?
I'm not shore what to think but at least there happy which I'd more than we can say for most Christians.
I pray you will understand one day. This is not of the Lord, this is of the devil. This is exactly what the apostle Paul warmed about when he talked about communion and taking it unworthily. It is a solemn reminder to partake of the bread and cup. Jesus died for our sins a brutal death. He was pierced for our transgressions. There’s a time to rejoice such as in His resurrection but His death is a solemn reminder the cost of sin - a perfect blood sacrifice. They have made it a mockery. He literally said it is the opposite of what it was. I cannot IMAGINE the disciples doing this... I don’t hate this man, my heart cries out for these people because they’re terribly deceived and possibly possessed. That end was so creepy. It was like mocking.
gone for vacations
Yuck, get thee behind me satan
Get some joy man...little hypocrite
Ugh, such blasphemy.
Another gospel. A different spirit.
Is this a fruit of ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED?
This is exactly what the Apostle Paul warned against in 1st Corinthians chapter 11. But I am pretty sure that the word of God has little authority with this crowd!
Does someone want to explain to me the difference between this nonsense and straight up paganism?
I am a Christian, and this is just downright blasphemy! Drunkenness is one of the things on the list of things NOT to do! This is blasphemy of the highest order!
What do you think they are drunk on? Alcohol? I don’t think so.
13:43 look at the table enough said!
I love it.
This isn't going to do anyting but confuse the heck out of you..😢
I rebuke this in the name and blood of jesus.... I am a charismatic (mystic) that loves my God.... but this is now where close to biblical... as a charismatic and a Christian mystic I renouce this in the authority of Jesus... all mysticism is, is being one with the father through Jesus alone... we do this througg prayer and meditation on scripture or prayer...
Adam Gunari just rebuke yourself man
There is no such debauchery found in the bible !!! You cannot combine what is holy with what is evil. Do you forget the magician who tried to buy the power of God from the apostles ??? He was rebuked and commanded to renounce his witchcraft if he truly wanted to follow Jesus. Christian mysticism is witchcraft. You cannot combine mysticism with the body of Christ. Come out of this unholiness and repent.
the Gospel leaves no room for mysticism. Please renounce all forms of witchcraft and repent of these things. Spoken in love.
Wine maketh the heart merry I guess.
Lets get high and drunk and then do communion!?! FTW 7:26 he breaks off a snack for himself. Obviously a fake.
mmm Sangria and sourdough
I always thought that Jesus blue and they were filled with the Holy Spirit! Why is it that he does it!? It reminds me of you will be as God’s going all the way back to the garden!
I feel bad for the people who don't think this is of God. They attack it only because they are afraid to be challenged that perhaps they don't know everything there is to know about God. And for the ones going as far and calling these people devils... I pray you get some joy because you obviously need it since what you choose to do with your free time is go on the internet searching for men of God just so you can slander them. I WILL however say as a video director though, these videos DO NOT paint this in the best light that it could. But to John Crowder's credit, I don't think he cares one bit what anybody thinks. :)
CASTLE ROCK you are deceived. The bible warns of great deceptions !! This is not of God. This is inherently antichrist. Humble yourself and repent.
Do you know the Word of God ??? Compare this Verse to what you see in this Video, and then, tell me again! 1 Corinthians 11:27-32 (KJV) Examine Yourself !!! Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. >> For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself,
blasphemy. Not Holy Spirit, Not God, Not Jesus. Death, Hell and the most severe judgement may be ahead for this man and followers if they do not repent.
Looks like they high on something. I would think you need to be praying and repenting and not looking for a experience to feel something.
This sure looks like dissipation to me…
Not of God ... SMH
This disgusting
disturbing... very disturbing. this is straight from hell.
The church of satan with Crowder as the high priest.
1 CORINTHOS 10 ; 9 .....
These people are deceivers and deceived.
I believe they’re possessed! Possessed by holy spirit!
Absolutely disgraceful
What on earth is happening.
This is the height of debauchery. The complete absence of the Holy Spirit of the bible.
What should frighten us the most is the fact that these heathens are confidence that what they are doing is fine.
May god have mercy on us all.
Alexi Cremer they're just having fun with God.
My friend, I say this with he greatest respect for you, but they are not having fun with God. No where in scripture is there a command or even an example of people having fun with God.
They have been swept with the tide of feeling and emotions and not the objective truth of Jesus Christ and that free gift of salvation.
Another point, this is not the character of the Holy Spirit, this drunken hysteria is devoid from the spirit of God.
6:36 mins, Is the type of behaviour you see from people on drugs in a night club, the Holy Spirit does not do this.
Alexi Cremer these are the folks jesus would be hanging with if he were here today. The wine bibbers and the clubbers dude
Royzoner Yes I'm well aware that Jesus came for the sick, however my friend the mystery of the will of God has been revealed through Christ in scripture and that will is to repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and be ambassadors of that message of salvation. It's seems that this type of behaviour and culture wants to do away with scripture and pursue their own desires, in drunkenness, lewdness, profanity and blasphemy.
I don't know how a regenerate child of God could be involved in this.
This is not the spirit of God 😮
Ironic that Dave has now left the religion
Nope- he’s back
Devil !
this is demonic