A Lay Buddhist's Dharma Musings, #1 (Skillful Means in The Lotus Sutra)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @revanthchaudhary1825
    @revanthchaudhary1825 7 месяцев назад +3

    Great video and great to see you, John! Your Dharma rain has nourished this bonbu in India. Namu Amida Butsu /\

    • @namoamidabuts
      @namoamidabuts  7 месяцев назад +1

      I really appreciate your feedback and our friendship. Namu Amida Butsu. -John

  • @marksmusings6122
    @marksmusings6122 7 месяцев назад +1

    glad to see and hear you.

    • @namoamidabuts
      @namoamidabuts  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks, Mark. Interesting that you used the same word, "musings". -John

  • @johnm1030
    @johnm1030 17 дней назад

    John l can see your generous genuine earnest yearning and innocence in
    the Dharma. All necessary
    in having the penny drop if you will. How wonderful to know Awakening relies on
    right effort and not any religious rituals or mantras.
    Even in simply believing in Buddha won’t get you there. In fact if you see the Buddha on the way “cut him down !” But l will say this - My heart is full of gratitude to Buddha , yes l do have a Buddha altar, yes l do light incense yes l do bow. It all sounds contradictory. And it’s all mind and no Mind.
    May the benefits of your karmic goodness ripple endlessly John.🙏😊

    • @namoamidabuts
      @namoamidabuts  16 дней назад

      Thank you John, for your kind remarks and good wishes. And may your right effort bear fruit consistent with your great intention in the Dharma; that is, Awakening. Our common denominator, or at least one, is certainly "gratitude to Buddha". Namah Tathagata. -John 🙏

  • @JuliaWagner5d
    @JuliaWagner5d 7 месяцев назад +1

    I was thinking this morning about "relativity" and how Einstein's explanation and Buddhism seem (to me) to go together. The forward seems to express what I was thinking. I don't know why I hadn't thought of "skillful means"- even though I've chanted about it enough! Thanks for putting these puzzle pieces together/passing along this information.

    • @namoamidabuts
      @namoamidabuts  7 месяцев назад

      I am glad the skillful means message resonated with you, Julia. As for Einstein, there are accounts of him having conversations about Buddhism and finding some of its concepts, like the emphasis on the interconnectedness of all things, to be compatible with his scientific worldview.

  • @JuliaWagner5d
    @JuliaWagner5d 7 месяцев назад +1

    The importance of having a similar doctrine is just to have relative terms/context by which to EXPLORE this relationship/doctrine. We can expand as we share a similar language. In my opinion, anyway. Sorry for the multiple comments, but I'm truly enjoying this. :)

    • @namoamidabuts
      @namoamidabuts  7 месяцев назад

      You make a great point as to one of the benefits of having a similar doctrine. It also lends itself to all the interpersonal benefits of personal sharing and mutual support. I have many virtual online sangha connections, but wish I had more in-person opportunites for this kind of connection.

  • @stevenbelzer9768
    @stevenbelzer9768 7 месяцев назад

    Glad you ❤did this

  • @JuliaWagner5d
    @JuliaWagner5d 7 месяцев назад

    Good to see you, friend!

    • @namoamidabuts
      @namoamidabuts  7 месяцев назад

      Good to see you as well, Julia. -John

  • @sifurayshepard5254
    @sifurayshepard5254 7 месяцев назад

    As we've discussed, Chinese Lure Land shares our devotion to the Lotus Sutra.
    Namo Amituofo

  • @paulengel4925
    @paulengel4925 6 месяцев назад

    Just curious as to whether you practice any "self power" meditation? i've read that many traditions did combine Pure Land chanting with self-power meditation - or, in any event, your thoughts on the subject? Thank you for your musings ... i find them along the lines of Brad Warner and Jack Haubner's zen musings on their youtube channels ... i think your personal video essay coupled with your knowledge of the Pure Land tradition is powerful, relatable, human and much needed! So much zen, so little Shin!

    • @namoamidabuts
      @namoamidabuts  6 месяцев назад

      I "dabble" some with Zen friends, but officially I do not engage in any practice, as I do not believe that I am capable of attaining enlightenment via self-power practices. The combination approach to which you are referring is common in many traditions, Pure Land, Tendai, and others, that evolved prior to Shinran's version of Jodo Shinshu. In some of those traditions, recitation of Amida's name and/or visualizaion of him, is a more secondary practice. Meanwhile, Paul, thanks for your kind feedback. -John

  • @vladimirnachev324
    @vladimirnachev324 7 месяцев назад

    Please John read for me the Vajrasamadhi sutra or at least excerpts so I can listen while I walk! Please!

    • @namoamidabuts
      @namoamidabuts  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for the suggestion. I will try to learn about it, and will consider reciting from it if I can find a translation.

  • @sifurayshepard5254
    @sifurayshepard5254 7 месяцев назад

    Hi John:
    I thought that I would share comments on your videos, like this excellent example. This way others might find out shared musings at the least entertaining.. Maybe conversations would even be struck, more by your wisdom than anything this dazed and confused raggamuffin could offer.

    • @namoamidabuts
      @namoamidabuts  7 месяцев назад

      Thanks for your comments and encouragement of others to chime in, Ray. Gassho, John