In case anyone is wondering, the picture at 13:36 is by the artist Neytirix, who does a lot of fanarts of kid's shows with darker themes. She is also a good singer !
Fun fact, THAT specific cow has a tag with Pamela on it, possibly being a reference to rendog, a youtuber who commonly plays Minecraft. Pamela is a mooshroom rendog kept as a companion.
Queen: "you have the choice. Perish, or reign in my bosom" (or something like that) Ralsei: "B-bosom?" Queen: "it means tity" (TOBY YOU SPELLED IT WRONG) Susie: "WE KNOW WHAT IT MEANS"
I like your *sanse* of humor. Though, I find any pun *punderfully* *humerus.* People are gonna hate me a *skele-ton* if I don't stop these puns (imsorry)
9:13 You forgot when ash held Cosmoem in his bare hands. it ways 2204.4lbs (999.9kg) making it the heaviest pokemon in the franchise. Yeah, ash carries that thing like it's a feather. Don't forget lilly doing that in s/m and us/um .
Fun fact: Marge Simpson has long hair because she actually has rabbit ears, a reference to one of Matt Groening's first comics. Edit 1 (10 months after comment was written): Why is this still relevant
It’s become a habit of mine to watch specifically Emkay videos with Robin as the narrator while I brush my hair. I can’t brush my hair without getting distracted unless I’m watching them.🥲
Today i wanna find out what my demon name is My name is Eman Nomed Rouy Writes it backward The guy:Your demon name so my demon name is Your demon name WADDA FUUUUUU- In the end his brain exploded
@@inksansandtheaucrew3506 One thing I always wondered about is who gets to name the AUs. The fandom? You? The AU Crew? Certain "chosen" inhabitants of the AUs? Also, why some timelines get proper names, while some others are just numbered, or dismissed as just "a timeline"? For that matter, how different must a pair of timelines be to count as different AUs rather than two timelines of the same AU? And how do you handle crossovers? How much of Undertale content do they have to have for you to care?
@@lev7509 That’s a lot of questions all at once. Some of them, I don’t even have answers for. But I will answer what I can. AU’s are named by the creators (yes, we can communicate with them, I’m talking literally about the ones from y’all’s reality.) As for crossovers, they are very uncommon, and are commonly met with the reaction of “wtf!?”. And, the multiple timelines make up the AU’s. Here’s how it works: timelines make up an AU, AU’s make up a multiverse, multiverses make up deltaverses, and deltaverses make up the hyperverse.
Kai Kai they said it was an automated message said In a demonic-ish noise doing basic greetings and saying that their turtles came diseased, and that they didn’t disease them. I can’t really remember anything else.
Robin: "A mushroom cow!" Me, a Minecraft veteran and intellectual: "A Mooshroom." Also, clearly Rock Paper Scissors 2 is called "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock" and the rules are quite simple: Scissors cut paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitate lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disapproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as always, rock crushes scissors.
9:46 actually, Goofy is a cow, not a dog. That’s why some people, and I’m pretty sure the show too, thinks that he likes Clarabell cow. Your welcome 🙏🏻
@@nobody7817 Ohhh But for my part it was either a French writing production and I needed to get a high score so that I could go into the English program. I kinda was forced by my parents to go but in the end I got into it and it was fun
Sanana the Skenana: Funny,Hilarious Everything else on here: Horrifying. Edit: For everyone telling me that's why its called tihi i saw the thumbnail and i thought it was funny so i thought the others we're gonna be something like it and i was just wrong.
@@Yser1915 No, is in the name: deltarune. Toby described as a game you might play after UNDERTALE. It is different. From what I heard, deltarune are his ideas that he wants to show us. But we can asume that it will have Toby's handwriting but it might not make you feel the same as UNDERTALE. There even might be unintended alegory about deltarune and UNDERTALE - Kris (deltarune) living in Asriels (UNDERTALE) shadow, never be as good as his older brother. It wont 't be first (un)intentional alegory in his work. Fate of two dead children, ██████ and G-path ████ could be alegory to different types of players. ███ because spoilers, for thsose who are interested in using these symbols Alt+219
Fun fact for anyone who didn’t know: That Scooby Doo fan art was made by a RUclipsr named Neytirix (who is also on DeviantArt). The speed paint video is called, “If Scooby Doo was not for kids”. So if you want to check it out, that’s where to find it.
Chara: why do you always have your eyes closed?! Frisk: umm Chara: lemme see them Frisk: are you sure... Chara: YES Frisk: **lazer eyes activate** Chara: wtf?!
Sanana: *Exists* Me: *Rapid Shaking* Me: *Raises Stick* Me: I'm bout to comit *Genocide* because of this. *You feel like you are gonna have a bad time.
@@pinetree320 you fal into the underground meet flowey, flowey try kil yea but toriel save yes, toriel shows hoe to do puzzles and leaves. you explore and go find toriel and go to her house with her and go to you new room. BOOM next day you wake up you you can eat the pie. you ask toriel about leaving, she goes to basement to try to break door, you fight her, you win and walk tho, flowey talk and leave. walk tho snow and shake hands with sans. you hdie and papyrus comes and they talk. need i say more?
@@thanoss47 so if he was a human his head would be not round and he might not have a neck and his organs would be short space so his organs could be in a short cloged up space or his organs would be smaller
13:40 *That's from Neytirix and here's the story she gave to this,* Mystery inc., was made up of a teenage group of friends, who would solve mysteries and battle monsters, always managing to save the day. This was their reality. They didn't see the white sterile walls as confining. Their meals, always colorful and easy to swallow and the daily check ups from the nurses and doctors were seen as their friends and family. The hospital had tried everything to get them to escape this dreamland of theirs. They even let the group keep the Great Dane they had found in the same facility they were rescued from as children. It was medical mystery that the dog was still alive after having a human voice-box implanted. Instead of rejecting the foreign organ, he was able to use it, which would result in this repeated warbled human cry. Even though unsettling to hear for others, the group would find delight in thinking the dog could understand them. It was a mistake that day for the nurses to try and remove the dog after seeing no progress in their recovery after all these years. The group had always been relativity docile to them, so they were unprepared when suddenly they themselves had turned into the 'monsters'.
Did you know my demon name would be “mail”? In hell, I would open a post service to let demons message living people and let them scare the living heck out of everybody.
Therapist: Banana sans doesn't exist
Sanana: *Meglovanianana* *intensifies*
Edit: Oh good now it has a shitload of likes, but still underatedвидео.html
*megalovania noises getting louder*
"why do I hear boss music?"
In case anyone is wondering, the picture at 13:36 is by the artist Neytirix, who does a lot of fanarts of kid's shows with darker themes. She is also a good singer !
It's great art!
I know them
@@EmKay what does the first post about dora mean?
“Mushroom cow”
Minecraft players: so you have chosen *death*
Ikr it’s clearly a mooshroom with RTX on.
Fun fact, THAT specific cow has a tag with Pamela on it, possibly being a reference to rendog, a youtuber who commonly plays Minecraft. Pamela is a mooshroom rendog kept as a companion.
It’s a reference to Hermitcraft!
@@christophernelson3516 yes! Finally someone knows what it is! :D
Fun fact: that horror Scooby drawing is by Neytirix! She’s an amazing artist here on RUclips :3
So true!
no wonder i fet like i sew that before-
Not to be that guy but no one really cares
@@RackBrissell63 _oookay.. you could’ve just ignored my comment..._
Knowing sanana exists fills you with determination
Knowing that someone actually thought of this fills you with determination and banana mush
no its denanana
Hey kid. Want a banana?
and so much fear
Robin: Calls a Mooshroom mushroom cow.
Minecraft Players: So you have chosen... Death.
I didn't expect to see a hermitcraft reference in a reddit reading video.
@@natschlamp a little late though, rip pamela
@@Aphyli She'll be back. The emperor of the renpire has promised Rendog the secret to resurrecting her.
@@natschlamp true, we can never underestimate the emperor
“And then he turned himself into a banana. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.”
Pls no Undertale 2 spoilers
Undertale 2 is a video game
*undertale 2 is deltarune-*
No spoilers
“Sans: Im sanana the banana”
Queen: kris get the banana
"Oh No What That"
Susie : *"Why Is This Banana Looks Like Sans"*
Noelle : **confused sound**
Queen: "you have the choice. Perish, or reign in my bosom" (or something like that)
Ralsei: "B-bosom?"
Queen: "it means tity" (TOBY YOU SPELLED IT WRONG)
3:10 Considering Sans's *sanse* of humor, this could be canon at some point.
TISHI (Thanks I still hate it)
Reminds me of that one picture of a banana with a skeleton inside and I don't like itвидео.html
@@kidcliffordsalac7116 I will personally fight you on this.
I like your *sanse* of humor. Though, I find any pun *punderfully* *humerus.* People are gonna hate me a *skele-ton* if I don't stop these puns (imsorry)
“I kid you not Frisk, he used the gaster blaster on him and turns himself into a banana, funniest shit I’ve ever seen.”
Gabe Himself?
*gaster blaster? Tsk..more like commit none existence blaster*
9:32 *T H E T R U E S A N S H A S B E E N D I S C O V E R E D*
*and then he turned himself into a banana*
*funniest shit I’ve ever seen*
@@lil_goat_man1535 ;o
Wubba lubba dub dub
*bananalovania intensifies*
I legit haven’t seen anyone else comment this so if someone else did then it’s a coincidence
I love her art.
“A mushroom cow”
The realistic mooshroom:
on the tag is written pamela, its ren`s cow rip Pamela
I guess that was actually a fan art for pamela at r/hermircraft (If i dont remember false)
*And then he turned himself into a skenana, funniest shinanas I’ve ever senana*
I'm laughing the shinanas out of myself after that shinanas
I will skinana your faminana
I will ripnana and tearnana demanas
We're all on firnanas with our punanas
Whyana theana fuanana thisana isanana soanana fanana
*_and he turns himself into a Banana, he’s Sanana Sans_*
Funniest shit ive ever read
"I kid you not, he turned himself into a Banana. He calls himself sanana sans, Funniest shit I have ever seen"
i know this is technically self promoting but can some of you watch my montage i made and let me know what you think about it
that goes r/cursedimages
but it is kinda funny
You forgot when ash held Cosmoem in his bare hands. it ways 2204.4lbs (999.9kg) making it the heaviest pokemon in the franchise. Yeah, ash carries that thing like it's a feather. Don't forget lilly doing that in s/m and us/um .
He didn't make the memes
Fun fact: Marge Simpson has long hair because she actually has rabbit ears, a reference to one of Matt Groening's first comics.
Edit 1 (10 months after comment was written): Why is this still relevant
I refuse to believe this
@@positivelynegative9749 this is the truth
My whole life has been a lie.
It cost you NOTHING to not say that.
Sanana: Sanana is not ready for this
They're related to cyclops from X-men
Actually, according to Toby Fox, those actually aren’t his/her eyes, those are actually his/her eyebrows, she just has very small eyes
LMFAO The hacker Thanks! I hate it
Your name in reverse is your demon name
People named Bob: Confused Demonic screaming
Dave's Codes no no no he is confused his name is Bob and the demons name is boB
Imagine someone’s name was Lana and turned into a demon...
people named Neveah: >:(
The kid that you didn't know their name that you nicknamed them "kid"
It’s become a habit of mine to watch specifically Emkay videos with Robin as the narrator while I brush my hair.
I can’t brush my hair without getting distracted unless I’m watching them.🥲
"Write your name in reverse! It's your demon name."
People Named Eman Nomed Ruoy: *correct.*
my eyes hurt trying to figure out what this is saying
im giving a like
Today i wanna find out what my demon name is My name is Eman Nomed Rouy
Writes it backward
The guy:Your demon name so my demon name is Your demon name WADDA FUUUUUU-
In the end his brain exploded
@@justamountaindontmindmee1669 thanks
@@froggers8945 ok...
Your name backwords is eman ruoy not "your demon name".
Is that why Frisk’s eyes are always closed?!
Genocide rethought
When she opens her eyes, its red eyes like chara.
Holy co-
Wait i has a sans plush too
I kid you not, he turned himself into a banana, funniest shit I’ve ever seen
His names Banana Sanana
I legit wheezed to that for 5 minutes
It's because he's *sansantional*
13:40 art is by Neytirix, she draws some cool shit
I’m so sad that Robin hasn’t seen “POV: Peppa Pig Kidnaps You.”
When i say this this comment has 69 likes
pls no one break it
Ultrapika $
aslynnbraddy oh, it’s a beautiful video.
aslynnbraddyвидео.html here it is if you haven’t already seen it
"*I'm sanana."
"*sanana the skenana" is killed me already,im not eating banana anymore or im not fan of undertale
But you at least like it or think it's half good, right?
Reject the aus stay holy
Well your profile is still
*ya lied*
"Shes not gonna be my girlfriend anymore" she is going to be my wife
No she’s gonna be a corpse
Emkay: *doesn’t read the bad words in the memes*
Also emkay:*says bad words himself*
“A mushroom cow.”
Every veteran Minecraft player: *You dare oppose me mortal*
Its a hermitcraft cow
Im Out Of Names _ i’m the artist bahha, it’s pamela from hermitcraft
Andy An *YES!*
Clueseeker Cool. Your a good artist btw
“Ketchup counts as a drink.”
Sans will remember that.
i already did
@@kakateboi42 Heya Classic! Didn’t expect to see you on this side of the internet. It’s me, Ink.
Ink Sans And The AU Crew yeah, i know
@@inksansandtheaucrew3506 One thing I always wondered about is who gets to name the AUs.
The fandom? You? The AU Crew? Certain "chosen" inhabitants of the AUs?
Also, why some timelines get proper names, while some others are just numbered, or dismissed as just "a timeline"?
For that matter, how different must a pair of timelines be to count as different AUs rather than two timelines of the same AU?
And how do you handle crossovers? How much of Undertale content do they have to have for you to care?
@@lev7509 That’s a lot of questions all at once. Some of them, I don’t even have answers for. But I will answer what I can. AU’s are named by the creators (yes, we can communicate with them, I’m talking literally about the ones from y’all’s reality.) As for crossovers, they are very uncommon, and are commonly met with the reaction of “wtf!?”. And, the multiple timelines make up the AU’s. Here’s how it works: timelines make up an AU, AU’s make up a multiverse, multiverses make up deltaverses, and deltaverses make up the hyperverse.
* Undyne turns herself into an apple, just because she can.
*appldyne the appldying*
* Pineappyrus
* 9999 ATK 9999 DEF
* He turned himself into a pineapple.
Undyne yes
@@Peppermynt. I said no.
So that’s how Sans truly gets his energy for the battle… 0:18
so when he does it it’s funny
but when i eat the bottle im crazy
10:09 "A Mushroom Cow, Alright" Little did he know they are called Mooshrooms
Omg I forgot abt them years ago
Pamela is now cursed
Comment :)
ludilyn irish panuelos
Isnt it fanart for Rendog and his dead Pamela?
So my Friend actually called the number in the Ricky's Diseased Turtles Poster, and he was not disappointed.
Kai Kai they said it was an automated message said In a demonic-ish noise doing basic greetings and saying that their turtles came diseased, and that they didn’t disease them. I can’t really remember anything else.
"Your name backwards is your demon name!" People named Nerak: *big sigh*
It isnt wrong
I had to spell it out
@@emilysanders3560 same
@@Lylahmyluv unfunny
9:31 the live action undertale movie looking fresh as ever.
Robin: "A mushroom cow!"
Me, a Minecraft veteran and intellectual: "A Mooshroom."
Also, clearly Rock Paper Scissors 2 is called "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock" and the rules are quite simple: Scissors cut paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitate lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disapproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as always, rock crushes scissors.
??? Warframe
Spock op
Ah I see your a man of *big bang theory* as well
@@cherylvollen8426 Bazinga.
@@HunhowsShadowStalker was that sarcasm?
what the trailer for shrek 5 belike:
he took donkey.
he took my wife.
he took my swamp.
and now,
What's your pfp from
gwitr it’s fanart of a game called Changed
@@theshapeshifter5389 thanks i hate it
@@xc_gwpl if I remember correctly, the character’s name is Puro.
@@shawnburke-hutchinson5901 i know
“De de de d- OH MY GOD” -Best intro of the year
*shivers in corner after intro pic*
D-d-d DEAR GOD NO would've been better
Holy crap I didn’t expect to got a bunch of likes lol
This entire subreddit fills me with an unstoppable, *PRIMAL* rage.
*"Now my brother **_Papple,_** he's a human hunting FANATIC"*
Oh god no why
@@Theoncestsystem *f r u i t t a l e*
😈more..more names😈😈😈
@@idontlikehumansthatmuch -Alphys- *A l p e a r*
@@idontlikehumansthatmuch -Asgore- *A s g r a p e s*
Everyone:Undertale joke and memes is dead
*SaNaNa ThE sKeNaNa*
Skenana: oxygen and potassium went on a date it was OK
@@marothastuga2552 *I approve of this*
But it refused to die
I actually know the script of undertale I’ve played it 15 times.
Please help
"Your name backwards is your demon name."
The one person named Nomed:
*"Maybe I am a monster."*
The one person named retsmon:
@@AfiqaWasH3r3 nomster
@@dickddickson160 wot!?
o o f y
anna backwards = anna
9:46 actually, Goofy is a cow, not a dog. That’s why some people, and I’m pretty sure the show too, thinks that he likes Clarabell cow.
Your welcome 🙏🏻
Me seeing there is a picture that neytirix made on TIHI: This doesn’t belong here
But I was still happy cause I love her art!видео.html
Someones with my same lenguage
Was it 13:40 that looks like their style
squidwob look like my teacher when i cried in middle school when i told her that she made a mistake while correcting and changed my 97% to a 99,5%
Your profile pic explains alot then lol
H m m m m m m m m m m
@@lil_fox0585 idk how to take that
@@nobody7817 i mean i would of but i didn't want the whole class to think that i was "that" kid
@@nobody7817 Ohhh But for my part it was either a French writing production and I needed to get a high score so that I could go into the English program. I kinda was forced by my parents to go but in the end I got into it and it was fun
Sanana the Skenana: Funny,Hilarious
Everything else on here: Horrifying.
Edit: For everyone telling me that's why its called tihi i saw the thumbnail and i thought it was funny so i thought the others we're gonna be something like it and i was just wrong.
What about this 2:29 😏
@@d3vx371 Horrifying
this was the video that got me into this channel- great job emkay
Toby fox: undertale 2 is coming out today
Everyone: YAY
undertale 2: 3:11
His name is Toby Fox
@@Yser1915 No, is in the name: deltarune. Toby described as a game you might play after UNDERTALE. It is different. From what I heard, deltarune are his ideas that he wants to show us. But we can asume that it will have Toby's handwriting but it might not make you feel the same as UNDERTALE.
There even might be unintended alegory about deltarune and UNDERTALE - Kris (deltarune) living in Asriels (UNDERTALE) shadow, never be as good as his older brother.
It wont 't be first (un)intentional alegory in his work. Fate of two dead children, ██████ and G-path ████ could be alegory to different types of players.
███ because spoilers, for thsose who are interested in using these symbols Alt+219
Karak Dalík why is it in black bars
@@littlebirdanimations5843 Spoilers :), but you can guess who I by number of symbols. Another hint: Both were a dead child once.
4:11 is that why frisks eyes are closed and why undyne has an eye patch?
probably lmao
*Spear Of Justice plays*
Tyuii yay
Sonny-Lee Froud You spelled genocide wrong.
“We can’t let penguins know this they’ll be too powerful”
Me: *laughs in penguin*
Pengi Playz 66 likes lol
68th like
69th like!!!!
How do u get that many likes in that less time
*save* “knowing that there is a banana skeleton, you are filled with.... BANANA-ATION”
Everyone: talks about undertale
Me: still hung up on the Shrek poster
Love the pansexual flag profile picture :D
Palm Designs ah yes, the fellow pansexuals will rise
*There are only two genders*
@@mrjolibee7973 ok boomer
@@wildfire9280 okay zoomer
Love that Robin’s voice sounds like the narrator in the English dub of JoJo’s part 3
Ah yes
Jojo is straight trash
@@moderateday3467 in your opinion-
@@ga69y that's not how you spell europe
“your name backwards is your demon name”
people named natas: *D E M O N I C L A U G H I N G*
natas = satan
*oh shit*
What’s my name backwards
Grace: ecarG
I lov it
I had a bad day today but this video has me laughing so hard I was crying lol thank you I needed this 😂
Fun fact for anyone who didn’t know:
That Scooby Doo fan art was made by a RUclipsr named Neytirix (who is also on DeviantArt). The speed paint video is called, “If Scooby Doo was not for kids”. So if you want to check it out, that’s where to find it.
time stamp?
@@x0v8 13:36
:O a person who knows neytirix
Thank you, I love Neytirix's "was not for kids" videos and it was honestly surprising to see this in a video-
oh my god i have seen that person before, why am i such a forgetful idiot
Alright, keep your -secrets- eyes closed I don't want to see lazer eyed Frisk ever
@@v2sauce **walks up to frisk**
Imma open their eyes >:3
**opens frisks eyes and ducks**
Chara: why do you always have your eyes closed?!
Frisk: umm
Chara: lemme see them
Frisk: are you sure...
Chara: YES
Frisk: **lazer eyes activate**
Chara: wtf?!
Cheeseburger Kitty where? I didn't read your comment then
"If I ever caught my girlfriend wearing that, she wouldn't be my girlfriend."
Me: Same, She would be MY WIFE
she would be in my basement
@@itsbrandyboi6333 r/cursedcomments
@@itsbrandyboi6333 In the basement insulating the pipes 🤗🤗 Get yourself a girl who can do Basement Maintenance
@@EmKay i already have.
She's called grandma.
Manuduta Wedharma Shes also called sister
Knowing sanana exist fills you with potassium
“Your name backwards is your demon name”
People who are called bob: *maybe I’m a monster*
Amelia alimea
xolboR rotaerC
that piece of art is made by Neytirix, who happens to be one of my favourite youtubers
deltarune:am i a joke to you?
UPPERTALE: am I a joke to you?
@Hizykus undertake au are fans games
Whenw ill Toby Fox make Undertake 5. Comment if u know
@@EmKay undertake 5 wilwn releavse in 2022
@Hizykus not the official so not really
This was the first EmKay vid I ever watched, returned to it to be nostalgic or something
Sanana: *Exists*
Me: *Rapid Shaking*
Me: *Raises Stick*
Me: I'm bout to comit *Genocide* because of this.
*You feel like you are gonna have a bad time.
banana time
@@jellydad6113 *Oh no*
@@kraken_hunter117 oh no
"Your name in reverse is your demon name!"
Every Anna, Hannah, Ava, Eve, (ect.): "Am I a joke to you"
etc is tce in reverse. so i don't know what your talking about funniest reply ive ever seen
Looks like I’m a demon ;-;
My demon name is Dlanor
What's your demon name?
"Your name backwards is your demon name"
People named emannomedruoy: Thanks I never noticed
W h a t
emma-nome-dru-oi is how you would say that name but it mean yourdemonname
My brain at 2 am
Sleep? Inessential
They attacc
They protecc
But most importantly.....
They buff as hecc
"-a pregnant Vegeta"
Me: *chokes on my multi-vitamin gummy*
Anifauqa tuv is you reverse
How many have you taken
@@baggervic the amount doesn't matter, just the effect
Tfw you choke on your multi-vitamin gummy smh.
"Your name in reverse is your demon name!"
Everyone named Sarah: *demonic laughing*
Everyone named nevaeh: *visible confusion*
Everybody named Anna: *Crusified*
Me being named Elizabeth : *Fuck*
Every fnaf fan ever : *Y E S*
Me named amina: ANIME!!
But acul is such a shitty demon name
Knowing that undertale is still popular fills you with DETERMANATION
Hp fully restored
“And I kid you not, he turned himself into a banana, funniest sh*t i’ve ever seen”
Source of your pfp pls
@@cartoonfantasy4541 source:Raymond in babe town
By afroninna360
He turns himself into a banana, funniest Shit I’ve ever seen.
@Bruh only intellectuals can understand this meme
- sees undertale - whomst have summoned the all knowing one?
I'm the all knowing one
All bow to the all knowing one
@@pinetree320 nu i ammm
@@voxtek-enterprise prove it ÙWÚ
@@pinetree320 you fal into the underground meet flowey, flowey try kil yea but toriel save yes, toriel shows hoe to do puzzles and leaves. you explore and go find toriel and go to her house with her and go to you new room. BOOM next day you wake up you you can eat the pie. you ask toriel about leaving, she goes to basement to try to break door, you fight her, you win and walk tho, flowey talk and leave. walk tho snow and shake hands with sans. you hdie and papyrus comes and they talk. need i say more?
I think this was my first Emkay video I've ever watched
“Your demon name is your name backwards”
Me: my job is my name backwards...haras
What kinda job is a spillihP haraS?
@{•} a random idiot {•} Congratulations, you can read backwards. My demon name is Fear Gaming.
Harassment my friend, harassment
*“I’m Senana, Senana the skenana” funniest shit I’ve seen*
edit:kris get the sanana
Over tale
the prequal to slump the skebump
You commented before watching the vid
@@Red-ot2zw 😐
@@Cinnigen gotem
Mushroom cow: exists
Minecraft players:hey, i’ve seen this one
Everyone else: what do you mean you’ve seen this one, it’s brand new!
It’s the urrnitud states of umuricurr
dA UrniDuD staTs oV MurcA
They are bedrock players or Java
you feel the potassium crawling up your spine
He turnes himself into a banana, funniest sh*t i ever seen.
So that means his dna is 60% human
GLaDOS RE-PROGRAMMED now you shut up. Shut up now. R/TIHI
@@thanoss47 so if he was a human his head would be not round and he might not have a neck and his organs would be short space so his organs could be in a short cloged up space or his organs would be smaller
GLaDOS RE-PROGRAMMED what. I’m fonfysed. You hurts ma Brian. Tree and bob roos. Lov yu
“Your name spelled backwards is your demon name”
People named Natas: *crying*
These names are a bit weird
@@meh-o1n your name is literally pump
@@maxlikestodraw96 shut up
btw its spooky month
10:08 If you read the tag, you find out that the Mooshroom is actually Pamela, Ren's pet in the start of Hermitcraft Season 7.
a wise one is among us
There's a subreddit for that?!
Oh my god I love Hermitcraft lol
I didnt notice that. Thank you.
Oh no, this, this, POTASSIUM?!
Sanana : *exists*
me : r/thanksIloveit
Yeah I think it’s cool
Yup skanana is real
Where is his bronana Papana the Skenana
@@disgust2120 your right
69, nice
10:06 "A mushroom cow, alright" I thought Robin played Minecraft 1.8
It's not just any cow. it was rendogs mooshrrom on the hermitcraft 7 server. she died when a tnt job went wrong and destroyed a base.
Rest in Peace Pamela
3:22 "Hey Dwight, want a sprite cranberry?" *Thirstiest time of the year starts playing*
Please no-
This is the first emkay video I ever watched and rewatching it was amazing
3:26 actually... ostrich translates as "devekuşu" in turkish which means camel bird
I kid u not frisk,he turns himself into a banana,he’s called sanana sans,funniest S**t I’ve ever seen.
The potato sad cat: actually a bunny
Me in the corner of the room crying: WHYYYYYYY.
The milk is blood or urine of the cow
"You’re name backwards is your demon name”
Bob: 😇
boB: 😈
*That's from Neytirix and here's the story she gave to this,*
Mystery inc., was made up of a teenage group of friends, who would solve mysteries and battle monsters, always managing to save the day. This was their reality.
They didn't see the white sterile walls as confining. Their meals, always colorful and easy to swallow and the daily check ups from the nurses and doctors were seen as their friends and family.
The hospital had tried everything to get them to escape this dreamland of theirs. They even let the group keep the Great Dane they had found in the same facility they were rescued from as children.
It was medical mystery that the dog was still alive after having a human voice-box implanted. Instead of rejecting the foreign organ, he was able to use it, which would result in this repeated warbled human cry. Even though unsettling to hear for others, the group would find delight in thinking the dog could understand them.
It was a mistake that day for the nurses to try and remove the dog after seeing no progress in their recovery after all these years. The group had always been relativity docile to them, so they were unprepared when suddenly they themselves had turned into the 'monsters'.
*I need the link*
I dunno how to copy and paste on a laptop so just type in "Neytirix If Scooby Doo wasn't for kids"
•Soviet Boba• I found the link on another comment, so it’s alright
oh oky
What the actual hell.
day 1 of asking Robin to say: “i’m Robin and reading posts is my hobbin”
that be Neytirix's art from her "if scooby doo wasnt for kids"
it's really god damn cool :D
I will NEVER forget the way he says “ D-d-d-d-oH MY GOD
Imagine a pickup line
"I'm gonna Skinana you Banana"
That's what you say before circumcising your son
@@Zestisonline lol
@@Zestisonline r\cursedcomments
@@vuxify this will be my first time
I have gotten several heart attacks in the span of 15 minutes...
bro the momo one scared the shit out of me. I wasn't ready for it lmao
@BattleTank 69 oh. oh no,,
How many Sheer heart attacks were there
"A mushroom cow"
*The council of gamers*
You have disappointed us gamers and now you shall be banished.
The mooshrooms!
Last night I changed my discord profile pic to your profile pic & it startled me when I was parusing through the comment section. Lmao
Did you know my demon name would be “mail”? In hell, I would open a post service to let demons message living people and let them scare the living heck out of everybody.