It's interesting we talked about not idolizing things, cause in our reading on day 40--the ⭐1 Kings 12 one--I noticed something interesting. Jeroboam made the promise fulfilled into an idol. We talk a lot about not idolizing God's promised BEFORE they happen but they can also become idols AFTER. Because Jero wasn't secure in his relationship with God, he felt threatened by the idea of the Israelites going to Jerusalem to worship. Jero missed the fact that God set him up for success: the prophecy in ⭐1 Kings 11, Rehoboam acting a fool and the people turning on him, and even Jero coming out from Egypt at the right time and the people recognizing him as their next king. Yet Jero didn't trust God, nor did he recognize how God was already keeping His part of the covenant. So Jero literally created idols-- two golden calves-- and led the people into the very sin God was punishing Solomon's household for. And he clearly knew enough about God's law to pervert it: creating counterfeit feasts on the same day, creating two golden calves and recreating Aaron's sin in ⭐Exodus 32, and assigning random tribes as priests. It would have been possible for him to keep his end of the covenant (or contract) God made with him. Jeroboam was so obsessed with maintaining a throne that God gave him that maintaining his power became more important than honouring God. The promise fulfilled became an idol. May that never be us in Jesus name. May we love God more than we love our spouses, children, jobs, careers, friends, community, church leaders, countries, cars, pets, clothes, land, influence, and any other thing that God gifts us. May we honour our covenants to Him FIRST. May He always be number one on our list in Jesus name. May these promises never become an idol, and may we submit to His process as we wait, *looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith* (⭐Hebrews 12: 2)
Lord Jesus, help me to adopt fasting and praying as a lifestyle. 🙏
I will end In Praise!!👏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💯
Praise God and give Him thanks “On my own”
I will end in praise 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Fragrance Of VICTORY 🙌
I will end in PRAISE‼️
I will end in praise!!!
I will end in praise 🙌🏽
I will end in Praise
Thank you Jesus
I will END in praises.
Praise the Lord
I will end in praise!!!!
On our own
I will in in praise......
Hallelujah!!!!!!!!🎉 I will end in praise!!!
I will end in praise :D xxxx
It's interesting we talked about not idolizing things, cause in our reading on day 40--the ⭐1 Kings 12 one--I noticed something interesting. Jeroboam made the promise fulfilled into an idol. We talk a lot about not idolizing God's promised BEFORE they happen but they can also become idols AFTER.
Because Jero wasn't secure in his relationship with God, he felt threatened by the idea of the Israelites going to Jerusalem to worship. Jero missed the fact that God set him up for success: the prophecy in ⭐1 Kings 11, Rehoboam acting a fool and the people turning on him, and even Jero coming out from Egypt at the right time and the people recognizing him as their next king. Yet Jero didn't trust God, nor did he recognize how God was already keeping His part of the covenant. So Jero literally created idols-- two golden calves-- and led the people into the very sin God was punishing Solomon's household for. And he clearly knew enough about God's law to pervert it: creating counterfeit feasts on the same day, creating two golden calves and recreating Aaron's sin in ⭐Exodus 32, and assigning random tribes as priests. It would have been possible for him to keep his end of the covenant (or contract) God made with him. Jeroboam was so obsessed with maintaining a throne that God gave him that maintaining his power became more important than honouring God. The promise fulfilled became an idol.
May that never be us in Jesus name. May we love God more than we love our spouses, children, jobs, careers, friends, community, church leaders, countries, cars, pets, clothes, land, influence, and any other thing that God gifts us. May we honour our covenants to Him FIRST. May He always be number one on our list in Jesus name. May these promises never become an idol, and may we submit to His process as we wait, *looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith* (⭐Hebrews 12: 2)
On my own
I will end in praise!!!!!!!!
I will end in praise!!!!!!!!
30 mins to only praise!
I will end in praise!!!!🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾
I will end in praise🙌🏾🙌🏾
I will end in praise!!!
I will end in praise
Thank you Lord
I will end in praise!
I will end in praise
I will end in praise🙌🏾
I will end in praise
I will end in praise
I will end in praise!
I will end in praise
I will end in praise
I will end in praise!!