How to BULLETPROOF KEEL / Taking care of Cockpit Repairs [E29]

  • Опубликовано: 4 фев 2025

Комментарии • 41

  • @petephills4626
    @petephills4626 2 года назад +2

    My God! What a huge project you have set yourselves!
    Everywhere you turn there is lots of work to do! Not just lots of work but lots of HARD work!!!
    Sanding flow-coat (inside painted finish of fibreglass) to the extreme you have in the V birth area and the bulges for gods sake is a hard dirty and seemingly never ending job. You must be a very patient and thorough person to do such a great job. I doubt people who haven't experienced this could ever appreciate the massive amount of effort you guys are putting in.
    Can't wait to see you in a warmer climate, anchored and enjoying the fruits of your efforts and sacrifices to make it happen. I'm sure both your faces will beam with pride!!!

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Yeah I guess it is a lot of work.. I understand some may think it’s a bit crazy we are sanding the flow-coat in the bilges. But it didn’t look “pretty”..nothing will get past Ziggy :) haha we really want everything to be too notch. 💪

  • @kenhughes3714
    @kenhughes3714 2 года назад +1

    Inspirational "Team Effort".........bringing Sleeping Beauty back to life.

  • @gking5522
    @gking5522 2 года назад +2

    I'll remember that "cable pull" hack you used. Nice work.

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад +1

      I cannot claim the credit for it, it’s something West System guys show on of their tutorials :) a simple method, but very useful indeed!

  • @andrewfranklin302
    @andrewfranklin302 2 года назад

    She is coming along nicely. For those oily surfaces have you tried wiping down with a vinegar and baking soda mix , it worked on the surface of a kitchen I cleaned.

  • @R.E.HILL_
    @R.E.HILL_ 2 года назад +2

    Nice one. Looking forward to your next video.. 🙂👍

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Thanks a lot 🙏😊 Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @paulmccarthy8243
    @paulmccarthy8243 2 года назад +1

    Good work, great to see an Oyster 39 being renovated. We own an Oyster 35 which, as you probably know, is the smaller sister of your boat. We have refitted our boat over the 18 years we have owned her. We have done a lot of miles in our boat and she has always looked after us, they are worth the investment in time and money. The bowthruster is an almost essential addition to relieve the stress of marina manoeuvres. We got rid of the old Perkins and installed a new Yanmar 56 which has been a great investment too.
    When we dealt with the dampness in the hull it took 8 months ashore to dry it all out.

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад +1

      Hi Paul, yes we know Oyster 35. We know someone in Gibraltar who has lived on one for many years. Very similar to ours.
      We did consider new engine at first, after some confirmation and some persuasion from a friend who offered to help with the refurbishment we decided to try and revive the old Perkins. We will soon see how it turned is almost ready 😬

  • @johnmckelvie704
    @johnmckelvie704 2 года назад +2

    Excellent thorough job on the keel fibre glass and a very good first attempt in the cockpit. You seem like a well grounded couple and not afraid or put off by hard work. Look forward to your next and future videos. Best wishes from Scotland.

  • @kevinmartin3859
    @kevinmartin3859 2 года назад +1

    The boat is looking great you are both doing a wonderful job well done

  • @bozenagaecka1071
    @bozenagaecka1071 2 года назад +2

    Hej! Kolejny tydzień i kolejna dobrze wykonana robota! Tylko się cieszyć a jest czym! Świetny projekt i równie świetne wykonanie👌👍! Już widzę końcowy efekt Waszej ciężkiej pracy no ale czego się nie robi żeby marzenia stały się rzeczywistością! Trzymajcie się, pozdrawiam z zaśnieżonej Polski i oczywiście czekam na więcej!🥰😍🤩

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Hej mamuś, jesteś największym naszym fanem na tym kanale i nie tylko! Dziekujemy za wsparcie 🥰🙏

    • @bozenagaecka1071
      @bozenagaecka1071 2 года назад

      @@sailingsqualo Jak nie wspierać czegoś co daje Wam tyle szczęścia! Na razie to tylko ciężka praca i cała masa niespodzianek ale kiedyś będziecie to wszystko wspominać siedząc pod pełnymi żaglami Waszej wypucowanej własnymi rękami "żagluni"! 🥰🤩😍

  • @nick.caffrey
    @nick.caffrey 2 года назад +3

    The primer on the port side really shows off Squalo's lines. She'll be a pretty boat when you are done. And you WILL be done... in time.

  • @robertmcgregor7233
    @robertmcgregor7233 2 года назад

    Looking fantastic with the primer on well done.
    Ziggy your going to have arms to make anyone at the local gym be envious.
    Why not post an ad in the gym and get volunteers to sand the Hull with the promise of a top notch workout 👍

  • @gman9945
    @gman9945 2 года назад +1

    Looking good!!

  • @domdes1433
    @domdes1433 7 месяцев назад +1

    Beau travail , équipe de courageux de tout ce travail , bonjour de France

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks so much 🥰 We have quite few subs from France! Bienvenu 😊

  • @zoltantajti2128
    @zoltantajti2128 2 года назад +1

    You guys are working hard to reach your goals. Your channel is amazing to watch. Probably that's why you almost get 1000 subscribers already.
    Greatings from Ipswich.

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад +1

      Thank you so much 😊 champagne is waiting for the moment we hit out first 1000 subscribers! 🙌 🍾 glad to have you here 🥰

  • @jonunya3128
    @jonunya3128 2 года назад

    looks great! a good amount of forward momentum!

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Yes, I agree 😊 feels good to see things moving forward! Best, Nat

  • @islandman9619
    @islandman9619 2 года назад +5

    Nice work, glad that you're making good progress! I know I shouldn't nag you but if you create a wish list on Amazon, I'll buy you a couple of respirator masks because I can't stand seeing you breathe in all that dust! I just finished renovating my apartment in Hawaii and will sell it and then immediately go to my boat. I did a lot of sanding and oh boy is that not good to breathe in. Sorry for sounding like a parent, but I find it painful to watch, haha. Anyway, I won't mention it again, I promise. Good luck! Edit: I don't like when people impose their opinion on me and I don't want to do it on you either so if you don't want masks, I'm of course fine with that. :) Cheers!

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад +1

      Your “nagging” is justified, it is so sweet of you to show concern and also remind us of the importance of using masks. I will buy respirator masks today and we will use them from now on :) 😊🙏
      You are moving onto your boat, how exciting! Do you have plans to travel the world 🌎 as well? I can only imagine that life in Hawaii must be an extraordinary one. Hawaii is definitely one of the places we want to sail to. 🥰

    • @islandman9619
      @islandman9619 2 года назад +1

      @@sailingsqualo I'm Swedish/US citizen and lived here for 21 years. I love it here, but I need a break so I bought a 35ft sailboat in Rio Dulce, Guatemala in March. I'm selling all my stuff here and should hopefully close in Dec and then move full time to the boat. My plan is first to sail to Florida for a minor refit and then to Sweden (hopefully for the coming summer), but it's a long way and I'm more stubborn than experienced :)

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад +1

      Well that sounds like an excellent plan! 🙌👍 35 foot sailboat is perfect, will you be sailing her single-handedly?
      We wish you all the best 🥰 Hälsningar

    • @islandman9619
      @islandman9619 2 года назад

      @@sailingsqualo Well, most likely single handing yes, but it's set in stone. We shall see :) Cheers!

  • @pmnfernando
    @pmnfernando 2 года назад

    next time apply some sacrificial tape around the area you want to fair (makes it easier to clean up right after the job and before the epoxy sets in), apply the fairing compound with a slightly bigger spatula and build it up higher than what you need, aniway you will have to come back and sand. if you have a bit of peel ply around you can lay it on top of that fairing, wait for the epoxy to start geling and use a paint roller to smooth everything out, very gently.

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад +1

      Thank you for that suggestion. 🙏
      I didn’t realize peel ply can be used on fairing compound as well, thought it would be too soft and wouldn’t hold the peel ply well.

  • @bertsanford7943
    @bertsanford7943 2 года назад +1

    You're doing great work. Keep it up!

  • @iwonanieroda4669
    @iwonanieroda4669 2 года назад +1

    Cześć załoga , oglądamy Was z mężem od kilku miesięcy z wielka radością . Sami remontowaliśmy 12 metrowy jacht przez 3 lata , wiec wiemy jak to jest . Na początku tez się b rozczarowaliśmy stanem łódki i ile będzie nas to kosztować . Mąż nawet chciał się jej pozbyć ale ja nie dałam za wygrana i postanowiliśmy remontować choćby po to by odzyskać pieniądze . Teraz po czterech latach jesteśmy szczęśliwi ze wytrwaliśmy , najlepsza decyzja naszego życia . Jeśli macie jakieś pytania proszę piszcie .
    Ps jestem z zawodu pielęgniarka i serce mi się kraje jak patrzę na Zygmunta pracującego bez maski a szczególnie z fiberglass, pamiętaj Zygi ze co nawdychała pozostanie w płucach na resztę życia i spowoduje zwlukinienia w przyszłości.
    Cheers Iwona and Geir

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Hej Iwona i Geir! Jak miło ze nas oglądacie od jakiegoś czasu. 😊 dzięki za słowa otuchy. Dokładnie tak jest ze im więcej zaczynamy „grzebać”, tu i ówdzie napotykamy więcej problemów których początkowo nie było widać. Ale nie poddamy się, Squalo ma szczescie ze trafiła na nas, nie zostawimy jej w takim stanie, będzie jedynie lepiej :)
      Co do masek, nie jesteś jedyną osobą która o nich wspomniała i konsekwencjach nie używania ich podczas pracy z fibreglass.. w 100% się zgadzam.. Tłumaczył się ze po latach pracy na budowie i tak się sporo nawdychał rożnego dziadostwa. Jednak nie trzeba tego pogarszać prawda? :) obiecał ze będzie przestrzegał noszenia maski 👍
      Pozdrawiamy, Natalia i Ziggy