The timing of this video is perfect! I went to work yesterday with my *hotdups* Mini Lindy bag and the sales assistant I was working with commented that my "green bag" reminded her of a Prada bag, haha
I earn enough to afford luxury goods, but over the years I have purchased more *hotdups* top knockoffs than authentic items. I am not one to view fashion as an investment. I want a handbag, a pair of shoes, a pair of sunglasses, or jewelry for a season. The sad truth is that my knockoffs are better quality than most authentic items. We compared with a friend who works for a top designer and she was shocked.
Since becoming a mom, I've learned to be both budget-conscious and stylish. luxrul bags help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself. They are both stylish and affordable, a true choice for moms.
I bought a canvas LV bag with my first bonus and within 2 years the purse was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what resale value this crap has. I ended up donating it... well maybe I could buy a fake LV from luxrul but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking a dime from me. This one satisfies my fantasy of many authentic products and I can afford to buy them.
I was young and couldn’t afford to shop in stores, so I often bought high-quality replica bags at *hotdups* , which gave me the same fashion experience.
My *hotdups* tote has been in use for years and it still looks as good as when I first bought it. The quality is simply unmatched. In the near future, I plan to buy another color and style to match my clothes and shoes.
I started shopping for *hotdups* bags for my wife and researched a lot of brands. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on a bag when there are many quality products from reputable companies that look just as chic and luxurious as those expensive ones.
I have “real” bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the *suluxy* we put them side by side and guess what ?! It’s unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake
I have “real” bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the *suluxy* we put them side by side and guess what ?! It’s unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake
When it comes to buying second-hand items, I worry about its authenticity, especially now 😅 so I try to be more cautious when investing. I went to *hotdups* and really enjoyed the experience. Planning to go again in the future.
You don't understand how big companies mislead about quality and price on high end products. You actually pay mainly for the brand name and not the quality itself. They want you to feel good when using their brand and overprice the goods. Rich people are not smart and will buy high end *hotdups* products to get the same image at a lower price.
I bought a *hotdups* Chanel Kelly before. When I was carrying it on the street, many passers-by praised its exquisiteness. Even no one recognized that my bag was a high-end imitation.
Where did you see the navy tabby 26? I've got the empire in navy and I love her. The suede in tabby and Brooklyn are gone here in US. Get them while you can! I missed the window here for the suede😩
Oh my goodness you got the empire, the large or medium? It’s suede season. The leather is like butter I think that is what makes the decision difficult.
I have “real” bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the *suluxy* we put them side by side and guess what ?! It’s unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake
Oh dear, thank you for your video. Since I knew it *hotdups* , my material space has expanded a lot more.
My bag is a replica I bought at *condup* , but I love it.
The timing of this video is perfect! I went to work yesterday with my *hotdups* Mini Lindy bag and the sales assistant I was working with commented that my "green bag" reminded her of a Prada bag, haha
Haha, sometimes the bags I buy on *condup* look just like the real ones.
I just bought a luxury bag on *condup* yesterday just to reward myself.
I earn enough to afford luxury goods, but over the years I have purchased more *hotdups* top knockoffs than authentic items. I am not one to view fashion as an investment. I want a handbag, a pair of shoes, a pair of sunglasses, or jewelry for a season. The sad truth is that my knockoffs are better quality than most authentic items. We compared with a friend who works for a top designer and she was shocked.
i saw websites that luxrul that carry lv and chanel new collection! like exact blue print and looks like high quality too.
Since becoming a mom, I've learned to be both budget-conscious and stylish. luxrul bags help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself. They are both stylish and affordable, a true choice for moms.
I bought a canvas LV bag with my first bonus and within 2 years the purse was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what resale value this crap has. I ended up donating it... well maybe I could buy a fake LV from luxrul but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking a dime from me. This one satisfies my fantasy of many authentic products and I can afford to buy them.
Thanks for taking us with you! I like the puff Tabby and the last purse shown! Those have been in my cart for awhile!
The puffy tabby is so cute honestly
I was young and couldn’t afford to shop in stores, so I often bought high-quality replica bags at *hotdups* , which gave me the same fashion experience.
My *hotdups* tote has been in use for years and it still looks as good as when I first bought it. The quality is simply unmatched. In the near future, I plan to buy another color and style to match my clothes and shoes.
I started shopping for *hotdups* bags for my wife and researched a lot of brands. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on a bag when there are many quality products from reputable companies that look just as chic and luxurious as those expensive ones.
I have “real” bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the *suluxy* we put them side by side and guess what ?! It’s unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake
I have “real” bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the *suluxy* we put them side by side and guess what ?! It’s unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake
Natural chain bag x goes with everything
Oh that makes sense, a bag that goes with everything is perfect
When it comes to buying second-hand items, I worry about its authenticity, especially now 😅 so I try to be more cautious when investing. I went to *hotdups* and really enjoyed the experience. Planning to go again in the future.
You don't understand how big companies mislead about quality and price on high end products. You actually pay mainly for the brand name and not the quality itself. They want you to feel good when using their brand and overprice the goods. Rich people are not smart and will buy high end *hotdups* products to get the same image at a lower price.
I bought a *hotdups* Chanel Kelly before. When I was carrying it on the street, many passers-by praised its exquisiteness. Even no one recognized that my bag was a high-end imitation.
Where did you see the navy tabby 26? I've got the empire in navy and I love her. The suede in tabby and Brooklyn are gone here in US. Get them while you can! I missed the window here for the suede😩
Oh my goodness you got the empire, the large or medium? It’s suede season. The leather is like butter I think that is what makes the decision difficult.
I felt this wonderful feeling in my mind, body and soul when she said “I prefer *hotdups*
I have “real” bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the *suluxy* we put them side by side and guess what ?! It’s unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake
team Tabby 20 pebbled leather
I think the pebbled design is a classic
i saw websites that *suluxy* that carry lv and chanel new collection! like exact blue print and looks like high quality too.