Full Growth! 2024.9.29
- Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025
- 방송상의 이유로 금일 영상은 중간부터 시작됩니다.
[좋아요], [구독], [알림] 을 눌러주세요.
섬기는 모든 분들께 큰 힘이됩니다. ^^
주관 : 대구동신교회 영어유치부
카페 : cafe.naver.com/...
장소 : 교육관 2층 202호
시간 : 주일 오후 2시 ~ 3시
제목 : Full Growth
Memory verse:
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52
Summary of the sermon:
A full human life is not unbalanced. It was important to Jesus, and it should be important to all believers, to develop fully and harmoniously in each of these key areas: body, mind, and relationships.
In terms of development, Jesus went through the same process as we do. He grew physically and mentally; he lived in relationships with others; and he was loved by God.
All of us, especially children, need to learn from Jesus and ask for his help in order to grow fully.
Heavenly Father, We pray that you will care for us so that we may grow in wisdom, grow in body, and live lives that are pleasing to God and others. We pray that our families will be a good environment for us to grow to our full potential. We pray that God will use our churches to nurture us in a good way. We also pray that God will use our schools to help us grow in wisdom, and not to spread thoughts that are against God. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen!
Memory words: Full, Grow, Love
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교회명 : 대구동신교회
CCL License #616357
CSPL License #3452102