Norman Lowell Meeting @ Safi, Malta - 22/01/2005 (Part 1)

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
  • This is the full uncut version of Norman Lowell's famous meeting held in the village of Safi, Malta on the 22nd of January 2005. There are five parts... this is part one.

Комментарии • 96

  • @christianfarrugia8337
    @christianfarrugia8337 5 лет назад +11

    He was so right! Back in the early stages of the crises; 2003, 2003, 2004..we never gave attention to his calls 😓

    • @relegaldesigns1
      @relegaldesigns1 9 месяцев назад +1

      he is STILL right, and always will be ;)

    • @AJGigante
      @AJGigante 16 дней назад

      cause the sheep people are so blinded and still prefer to suck up to their tormenter the mainstream media and be gaslighted

  • @SammutMalta
    @SammutMalta 17 лет назад +8

    Norman Lowell:
    A poet,
    A painter,
    A philosopher,
    A prophet,
    A patriot,
    A politician,
    A pan-European
    A preacher,

  • @jamiepace
    @jamiepace 17 лет назад +3

    Norman Lowell will become a famous man of great importance to the whole world.

  • @AJGigante
    @AJGigante 17 дней назад +1


  • @julianpace7597
    @julianpace7597 3 года назад +1

    2021 and more relevant than ever

  • @clintcaruana6239
    @clintcaruana6239 10 лет назад +25

    I challenge anybody to find a single lie in what he said . remember this was 9 years ago and still seams like its today.

  • @josephbuttigieg7986
    @josephbuttigieg7986 Год назад +1

    Seeing this in 2023 and I realize how true you were! Now it is worst. We are filled with poor third country nationals!

  • @theresegrech1685
    @theresegrech1685 8 лет назад +3

    A perfect leader.

  • @maltesefireworks
    @maltesefireworks 4 года назад +3

    13 years later its 2020 and hes 100% right. waqajna ghaz zufjet

    • @amyzarb8417
      @amyzarb8417 Год назад

      And the foreigners they tell you themselves, that there will be a time that they will rule Malta😢

  • @ericattard8792
    @ericattard8792 6 лет назад +5

    Il kliem li kien jajd ilu , illum il gurnata kollu minnu !! Ara jek issibux kelma wahda li illum 2018 ma saritx !!

  • @paulskiidotjpg
    @paulskiidotjpg 11 лет назад +1


  • @andrazz90
    @andrazz90 17 лет назад +1

    well said

  • @tiefnu
    @tiefnu 17 лет назад +2

    Prosit Norman.
    ONLY YOU can save this Spiritual Island!
    Dawn l-erba boloh li qed jikritikawk b''mod bazwi, jekk huma irgiel bizzejjed izommu l-immigranti go darhom. Dawn nies Tradituri ta Pajjizna.
    Prosit Norman. Looking Forward for another Meeting.

  • @FLOYD2420
    @FLOYD2420 12 лет назад +4

    we love Norman Lowell

  • @markcassar1796
    @markcassar1796 9 лет назад +12


  • @Sengleaboy
    @Sengleaboy 17 лет назад +1

    The King!!

  • @trancound027
    @trancound027 11 лет назад +4

    Racism if you try to defend your own country? And what are called those who betray it? Traitors? So what you prefer to be - a defender of your own country or a traitor?

  • @PeteCamilleri
    @PeteCamilleri 17 лет назад +1

    Hey Norman I am a citizen of Malta, which makes me as much as a Maltese as you, so on that front you wouldn't mind me living in your village with my African wife. And for a couple of Italian friends of mine, to visit as well as my friend who has a disability. What a wonderful world we live in. Get on with your life stop and offer love to all people who wish to come and live in Malta.

    • @AJGigante
      @AJGigante 16 дней назад

      He never said he was against immigrants. If it’s a legal immigrant, and as long as he don’t disrupt the culture or torments society it’s perfectly fine. And why would italians be a problem, seeing that maltese are in a way italians/sicilians, i mean you’re last name is literally italian…
      this was about MASS immigration and the rapists, not individual migrants - you can live however you want to

  • @andrazz90
    @andrazz90 17 лет назад +1

    they can be together, they should be together, it allows the maltese to comunicate with foreigners, its is important that ppl are tought their heritage though, tought to love their country, tought even the language!

  • @matthewaxiaq2347
    @matthewaxiaq2347 11 лет назад +4

    enoch powell was right.
    norman lowell is right!

  • @marisacassar1221
    @marisacassar1221 3 года назад +1

    His the king of the voice of the true story of molta

  • @jamiepace
    @jamiepace 17 лет назад +1

    We will fight for Norman Lowell and for Malta. We will fight with him, everywhere. Fox omm dawk il liba that oppose NL.

  • @NormanLowell
    @NormanLowell 15 лет назад +2

    Imperium Europa:
    The Book that changed the world.
    Amazon Books

  • @simonattard2818
    @simonattard2818 11 лет назад +1

    king of kings

  • @pompeyboymalta
    @pompeyboymalta 5 лет назад +2

    Fit-2005 dal-ragel fethilna ghajnejna imma il-poplu kien ghama u ma ghamel xejn , issa billi ghaw hafna gid u hafna xoghol u dalwaqt il barani jigi joghod iktar mil-Malti bhala numri qed nitkellem , jekk jibqaw dehlin bla ebda kontroll il-baranin mhux ghal-klandestini biss qed nejd imma ghal dawk bil-permes ukoll sa 5 snin ohra ha nigu indaqs 400,000 Malti u 400,000 barani bejn wihed u ihor qed nejd jien unbad xha jigri??? La ma nibqawx magoranza tal-Maltin.

  • @Texocracy
    @Texocracy 8 лет назад


  • @NormanLowell
    @NormanLowell 14 лет назад

    Voice of Reason
    The Sunic Journal
    Dr Tom Sunic interviews Norman Lowell

  • @SammutMalta
    @SammutMalta 17 лет назад

    WHY ??
    Can you give us reasons for your claim?

  • @jamiepace
    @jamiepace 17 лет назад +2

    Vote PN and MLP, and cry because they have no solution for illegal immigration.
    You are not worth the honour of having Norman Lowell takig part in the next electon.

  • @ClubzZRecords
    @ClubzZRecords 12 лет назад

    xsar minu da aa ??

  • @ilmalti93
    @ilmalti93 15 лет назад

    et tifem?

  • @Ismaelmt1
    @Ismaelmt1 13 лет назад +4

    itfawom lura pajjizom,hadd ma jridom..naqa ohra bhal america nispicaw

  • @IlMija100
    @IlMija100 11 лет назад +3

    Sa ftit snin ilu konna nghidu dan mignun u llum qed naraw li kull ma qal qed isehh fil-prezent!

  • @smartbella1
    @smartbella1 14 лет назад +2

    dan vera bniedem jhoss ghal maltin ta vera...u jgib rispett lilna kollha....hawn xi hadt li ma jaqbilx mieghu?forsi da xi hadt l anqas jirrispetta lilu nnifsu ahseb u ara kemm ha jirrispetta l uliedu jew l ulied hadtiehor...l isptar t tifel tieghi fil kuritur lui missieru mifni bit taxxa u wiehed minn dawn bil kamra tas sodda ...eee go l isptar hekk sewwa ux?

  • @natmar2677
    @natmar2677 10 лет назад +3

    Li kieku ma baqax jissemma daqshekk kont ngħid li hu profeta. Għad m'għandix id-dritt għall-vot, imma nittama li sa 4 snin oħra jkolli l-privileġġ nivvutalek. Kieku qatt toħroġ xi gidba jew kelma żejda minn fommu dal-bniedem !

  • @pompeyboymalta
    @pompeyboymalta 6 лет назад +1

    Dak iz-zmien kenna nies ta karnagjon skur biss dehlin , il lum gejna united nations ghawn Malta !

  • @gianlucacaruana3465
    @gianlucacaruana3465 7 лет назад +2

    kemm ghandu ragun jahasra!!

  • @Cietru
    @Cietru 17 лет назад

    ifimni fuq il profile andek miktub MALTA daqs dinja

  • @rrrose1000
    @rrrose1000 3 года назад +1

    Dak li qal gara u ed ikompli .
    Il haddiema maltin jitlilfu il jobs
    u ihadmu il foqra mil nepal bankladex fillipini
    afrkani u kill pajjiz em il faqar.
    Joqodu al kollox msieken daqs liskjavi u abbuzati bil pulit.
    Is sinjur jajdlek lest li tahdem phalom malti jekk le italq lem.
    Huma mandomx tort imma EU ek trid. EU as sinjuri qeda.

  • @emanoooo86
    @emanoooo86 17 лет назад

    Norman il king !! dawn is suwed qisom pesta ha jeqirdulna pajjiz

  • @alister1851
    @alister1851 2 года назад

    Ghiduli kellu ragun il profeta norman? Ave Norman jien dejjem warajk

  • @CAnon-mg1xm
    @CAnon-mg1xm 8 лет назад +1

    I would like to know his DNA RESULTS!

  • @pecilaable
    @pecilaable 11 лет назад

    Araw xinu jigri Bermuda ,u hekk ha jigri go Malta.

  • @RobertCallus
    @RobertCallus 17 лет назад

    Lowell is no geo-politician (I suggest Immanuel Wallerstein as a primer). He just got knowledge probably from reading and travelling, which is good, but unfortunately ruins it by making a hodge podge out of it.

  • @SF-rr4xw
    @SF-rr4xw Год назад

    Dan li qal kollu qed nghixuh illum,sfortunatament. Cuc min tnejjek bih u mhux min sema' minnu bis-serjeta'

  • @robertcalleja6639
    @robertcalleja6639 Год назад

    Ragel gbijr ax li qet kollu minnu ax qet induqu limrar tijew iluwm pajijz mizbla gi . Well said king

  • @drin5656
    @drin5656 17 лет назад

    If he is so strong to his principles why is it that after the elections for the European Parliament he went off silent? He never speaks in tangible terms, all he does is criticize and his 'solutions' are all either inhumane or virtually impossible...he stereotypes people continously, he is a racist (or racialist as he says)also to Maltese who do not follow his ideologies, and to get people to agree with what you say you can't call them idiots and go around thinking you're a god.

  • @TheChampionofthepeople
    @TheChampionofthepeople 14 лет назад

    issa ada iz zmien u ndunajt li ftit mili qal huwa vra!
    u ftit minu et isir issa.....u ftit minu adu jibda!!

  • @SeanGrech
    @SeanGrech 14 лет назад


  • @jasonkarwana
    @jasonkarwana 15 лет назад

    ajdilom Norman lowell imma alavolja awn certu nies qatt ma tfemom izda kompli sejjer ek ax ikun awn min irid jisimak...andek kompetizjoni kbira izda taqtax qalbek...dejjem warajk

  • @smartbella1
    @smartbella1 14 лет назад

    aqlalhom norman ax dawk mhux ha taghmel li trid f pajjizhom ax ihanxruk....dawk kif jidthlu malta jahsbu li ahna arab bil lingwa taghna ..mur ghinhom ha jinsulentawna hey

  • @ArpaSunrise
    @ArpaSunrise 14 лет назад

    Hares hbieb Cucati jajd Is Sur Norman Lowel ta hafna mill kien jajd gejna fi kliemu ta u jekk il poplu Malti jibqa jejn lil barrani biex jissoda fuq saqajh quddiem il Maltin irridu jibku il biki tad demm ta....u... umbad uniku haga li poplu jkun jista jamel hu li jhabbat fuq sidru u jlissen Mea Culpa
    Il Maltin hemm bzonn li il generosita u l ghajnuna taghom jibdew juruwa biss bejnietna il Maltin qabel ikun tard wisq ghall futur ahjar ghall ulidna u ulied uliedna.

  • @bobomafi
    @bobomafi 15 лет назад

    miskin miskin imma andu ragun ikalma guz

  • @Lukergamer
    @Lukergamer 15 лет назад

    @jeslatin naqbel 100% - nies bhal dawn ghall-manikomju tajbin!

  • @clubking01
    @clubking01 15 лет назад


  • @davidgauci11
    @davidgauci11 Год назад

    Issa idhaq Gahan

  • @christuimbirek
    @christuimbirek 14 лет назад

    ejjj thumbs up for malta being a " jamacia " ejjj

  • @wannabeangusyoung
    @wannabeangusyoung 17 лет назад

    u l ghada ghamlitlu l Brejjjjkfast is soru!!
    l ostra kif jaqsam dan!

  • @nightlystalkers
    @nightlystalkers 17 лет назад


  • @gustavtonna7407
    @gustavtonna7407 9 месяцев назад


  • @chrizid
    @chrizid 17 лет назад

    istrina xandu tal fans... imbad mandomx bajd jivvutawlu =) alkem dal bniedem andu certu principji tajba... andu id-doppju hziena

  • @Rita1307
    @Rita1307 17 лет назад

    imma ghalfej nghidu ghal klandestini afrikani biss a? iwa hadd ma jarahom lil daw ir rusi u c-cinizi l-haw jahxu z-zwigiejiet tal maltin??? ma jigux bid dghajasa daw imma xorta mhumiex maltin jigu haw biex jghamlu l-flus min fuq l-irgiel!!! hekk sew allura?

  • @sandromilan
    @sandromilan 13 лет назад

    heheheheeheheheheheehehh 6:58

  • @samuelcutajar9565
    @samuelcutajar9565 3 года назад

    l amount ta nies li qedin jaqblu mieghu jamluni nitlef kull fidi li kelli f dan il pajjiz

    • @julianpace7597
      @julianpace7597 3 года назад +1

      Norman Lowell kellhu ragun. Iz-zewg prostituti lesbici ta’ Malta imlewna b’klandestini. “Malta is not multicultural enough” - Jason Azzopardi. “Pushback was a mistake” - Joseph Muscat. Norman Lowell biss baqa’ consistenti

    • @SF-rr4xw
      @SF-rr4xw Год назад +1

      @samuelcutajar9695 ara naqra x'inhu jigri f'Malta u kompli ghid li m'ghandux ragun ta ghax nahseb fir-raqda ghadek

  • @robertskathryn21
    @robertskathryn21 14 лет назад +1

    For all the homogeniousity we have, in Malta we have a super high incidence for genetic diseases like Down's Syndrome. Without a little refreshing to the gene pool, this incidence WILL get higher. Multiculturism not sounding so bad now huh...

  • @alexattard4851
    @alexattard4851 6 лет назад

    ask the dutch kemm qatlu minna l maltin ask mossolini ask the normann lowel at the end

  • @RobertCallus
    @RobertCallus 17 лет назад

    very far right actually

  • @mrpolo666
    @mrpolo666 14 лет назад

    qisu Adam Crowley tal loghba nightmare creatures

  • @christuimbirek
    @christuimbirek 14 лет назад

    lowell postok fil kazin patata fox il puluzijja il boys in blue qatt ma gejt arrestat jew fox il puluzijja kolla kem intkom liba mafjuza casa nostra ejj !! fox ommkom ul mibeda li tajtu u li thassru dinja bija

  • @aaxiby
    @aaxiby 17 лет назад

    I won't say that illegal immigration is not a problem cause it is. However, just think for a second, that you were in their shoes; that a military order or tribal conflict has taken over your country and completely raped your rights; where every day is a struggle to survive. I'm sorry but this speech is not about courage and patriotism - it is more about fear and hate. A true Maltese patriot is one that reaches out with helping hands and one that promotes peace not xenophobia.

  • @Lukergamer
    @Lukergamer 15 лет назад

    Ara kemm gejna sew ukoll... biex dan ma jisthix min nies! Ghal manikomju tajjeb dan! Ja razzist li hu!

  • @alexattard4851
    @alexattard4851 6 лет назад

    wara dal kliem ta dal bniedem manafx kemm il lghaqa saret bhala nazi u hawn min baqa fiha

  • @alexattard4851
    @alexattard4851 6 лет назад

    halla mibeda twahxekk dal bniedem u razzismu kbir

  • @alexattard4851
    @alexattard4851 6 лет назад

    dijk itabella tal -lislam mijiex minna ghax jien malti musulman imma iheggu kemm jifilhu qedin bil mibeda li zergha dal bniedem

  • @alexattard4851
    @alexattard4851 6 лет назад

    ask the dutch jekk ejnuhomx ukoll bhall maltin generozisimi .mella ghadna fzmien hitler dutch issa

  • @PeteCamilleri
    @PeteCamilleri 17 лет назад

    Your argument of immigration into Malta please remember that you are speaking a language of many cultures, some of which you are proud of and display this with a selected view of history. If you were a true nationalist to your cultura you would only speak in Maltese not in English. They are the ones who have raped your identity as people. Your racial bigoted views are out dated out of touch. Wake up

  • @qwertt-tg8rd
    @qwertt-tg8rd Год назад