Spot on! I agree on everything you’ve mentioned especially the first 2. One of my opportunities i have observed when i was starting or even with my colleagues is they are not investing more time with perfecting the modeling and how the relationship works. Often relating to excel and building a one big fact table with multiple columns then with many to many relationships. It is a learning process, so invest time in learning to navigate and understand how to create a good data model as it will help you along the way in building your dashboard.
Sage words. Good overview, and a fantastic summary at the end. In my 20+ years working with/in IT I've seen so many consultants focus on their "tool" (whether that be governance meetings or a new spreadsheet they've introduced) and not the goal of the piece of work they are consulting on. The most important lesson to learn is to make your tool useful - then it will be used!
Hi Goodly, thanks for the insightful content. I agree with you: modelling is king, insight is king, and people too. Also, I'd like to suggest, to all who want to practice, to choose a business field, even an uncommon one, understand the analytical demand by entering communities of that field, and create a report to attend that demand. It can provides a wider vision over analytical processes and ... turn you ready to have customers in a new field!
Merci de mettre des mots expérimentés sur ce qu'on ressent confusément. Tes interventions sont toujours précieuses et judicieuses et tu éclaires la voie pour énormément de personnes qui, comme moi, se forment par elles mêmes. Merci infiniment
I used to think that it's the numbers that matter. What I've learned, rather painfully, is that how the report looks matters more than the numbers. If it isn't pretty, it won't even get looked at. I spend hours getting the numbers right, create a very informative report and it gets open maybe once or twice. My buddy creates a report that is pretty, with lots of colors and it gets many many uses.
I had learned power BI the very first year it's launch by Microsoft. At that time, you can still use personal email to create an account. Later they required you to use work email which I don't have. That's the time where I give up and completely move to python (which doesn't required me any email to use).
Spot on! I agree on everything you’ve mentioned especially the first 2.
One of my opportunities i have observed when i was starting or even with my colleagues is they are not investing more time with perfecting the modeling and how the relationship works. Often relating to excel and building a one big fact table with multiple columns then with many to many relationships. It is a learning process, so invest time in learning to navigate and understand how to create a good data model as it will help you along the way in building your dashboard.
0:45 Data model planning
4:30 Prefer Insights > dedign
6:40 Crap principle
10:00 Prefer people > dboard
Sage words. Good overview, and a fantastic summary at the end.
In my 20+ years working with/in IT I've seen so many consultants focus on their "tool" (whether that be governance meetings or a new spreadsheet they've introduced) and not the goal of the piece of work they are consulting on. The most important lesson to learn is to make your tool useful - then it will be used!
Hi Goodly, thanks for the insightful content. I agree with you: modelling is king, insight is king, and people too.
Also, I'd like to suggest, to all who want to practice, to choose a business field, even an uncommon one, understand the analytical demand by entering communities of that field, and create a report to attend that demand. It can provides a wider vision over analytical processes and ... turn you ready to have customers in a new field!
Merci de mettre des mots expérimentés sur ce qu'on ressent confusément. Tes interventions sont toujours précieuses et judicieuses et tu éclaires la voie pour énormément de personnes qui, comme moi, se forment par elles mêmes. Merci infiniment
I used to think that it's the numbers that matter. What I've learned, rather painfully, is that how the report looks matters more than the numbers. If it isn't pretty, it won't even get looked at. I spend hours getting the numbers right, create a very informative report and it gets open maybe once or twice. My buddy creates a report that is pretty, with lots of colors and it gets many many uses.
Does your friend also gets the numbers right? If yes he is the winner 😀
Thankyou for the video,Trying to learn that way
Totally agree 🗽
CRAP is key!
Kindly make your power bi course free. Thankyou in anticipation
Great job Chandeep. Your videos are so helpful!
ThankS for your enjoy!
Very good points, Chandeep. Is there a way to make drill through feature available for Grand Totals of Matrix view?
I had learned power BI the very first year it's launch by Microsoft. At that time, you can still use personal email to create an account. Later they required you to use work email which I don't have. That's the time where I give up and completely move to python (which doesn't required me any email to use).
I think there are ways to work around that. You should give it another try.
Hi Chandeep, your sessions are so much helpful... Your courses are available in udemy???
No. He has his own platform
very well summarized.... I was thinking on what next on the revision and here we go... Thank you Goodly.
why to relearn from the scratch, please do not give me a nervous breakdown