Grorlam Lured & GOOD LOOT [15+kills] (Honera 2007 7.92)

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 37

  • @bmk_style3095
    @bmk_style3095 2 года назад +49

    this is why we love oldschool Tibia.

  • @Dark-ed8ni
    @Dark-ed8ni 2 года назад +68

    03:32 GREED KILLED HIM xD and he lost his own plate legs chasing the other plate legs O M G

    • @adam.kadziela
      @adam.kadziela 2 года назад +2

      *125 gp. XDDDDDD

    • @drmugg5208
      @drmugg5208 2 года назад +23


    • @stabbynuggets
      @stabbynuggets 2 года назад +1

      He's so fucking slow too, he took his sweet ass time.

    • @counturblessings1179
      @counturblessings1179 2 года назад +4

      @@stabbynuggets I mean the creator of this did too he got dropped cuz he got the shakes when he saw the boh. Lol

  • @jonbradley4044
    @jonbradley4044 Год назад +21

    I love the guy cosplaying as a dragon and spamming firewaves. The game had such a charm back then.

  • @andreaskuusisto7964
    @andreaskuusisto7964 Год назад +9

    Dude gets so excited over a pair of boh that he forgets to heal himself and dies.

  • @fredericovieira2645
    @fredericovieira2645 2 года назад +37

    Imagina o maluco q dropou a boh, 3 BP uh e a dragon lance. Tudo pq tava afk

    • @imveryape
      @imveryape 2 года назад +11

      Agora, 16 anos depois, ele está vendo esse vídeo e finalmente entendendo como morreu

  • @ukaszs4671
    @ukaszs4671 2 года назад +30

    Good time when 20 lvl could wreak havoc with his pet in the middle of Thais

  • @thebonejarmer
    @thebonejarmer 2 года назад +2

    Wooow what a massacre haha. And that loot.. crown helmet and knight axe. Back than this was seriously expensive. Insane!

    • @mytomanen_bre
      @mytomanen_bre 11 месяцев назад +4

      And boh.. you forgot the only thing that was worth more than everything else combined.

  • @drmugg5208
    @drmugg5208 2 года назад +9

    This might be the Best Grolam video:-D

    • @DaviAreias
      @DaviAreias 2 года назад

      Nah there are so many of them, I can’t even remember all, there’s one for example where the guy who is filming it gets trapped and killed by his own Grolam, it was an older version where you could still heal it 😂

  • @matheuscamargo9187
    @matheuscamargo9187 2 года назад +5

    Knight of Adventure was rooked practically. I think his younger brother was playing.

  • @sophiacristina
    @sophiacristina 2 года назад +4

    I'm amazed by how much people died more than once by this...

  • @luisfbjunqueira5837
    @luisfbjunqueira5837 2 года назад +3

    love grorlam videos!!

  • @jarvsonsecond4939
    @jarvsonsecond4939 Год назад

    wand of plague how I miss those old wands and rods...

  • @viniciusmoruz920
    @viniciusmoruz920 2 года назад +8

    CUSTA usar a porra do anel direito?

  • @Cinek747z
    @Cinek747z 2 года назад +1


  • @manuellps1284
    @manuellps1284 2 года назад +1

    Algún video pk del 2003 ?
    Y si es de Amera mucho mejor :D

  • @Grzybexiak
    @Grzybexiak 6 месяцев назад +1

    So this is how you are having fun on the non pvp servers :v

  • @alagado666
    @alagado666 2 года назад +3

    7:26 LOL

  • @LucasLc369
    @LucasLc369 11 месяцев назад +1

    Eu lembro em 2003, vi um DL na frente do dp de venore, se o gorlam fazia esse estrago, imagina um dl na frente do dp HAHUAHUAUH

  • @rodrigotorres532
    @rodrigotorres532 2 года назад +8

    Cara matou um monte, mas que cara horrível ainda morreu com o ring... Só puxar o ring na hora que o cara morrer... Fica na sede do loot e sendo espancado em vez de puxar a porra do ring

    • @gabrielpierriknives
      @gabrielpierriknives Год назад


    • @findout-YGO
      @findout-YGO Год назад

      assim ele trollou nesse ring, mas cara as mecânicas do povo antigamente eram lixosa mesmo... os caras tinham medo de tudo, morriam em choque sem nem curar... só ficou bom mesmo la pra 2007 o povo começou ficar esperto...
      e tem que ver também porque eu por exemplo comecei em chimera, o ping era tão alto que o boneco dava 1 passo por vez, era muito travado, as hotkey também tinha um delay de pelo menos meio segundo pra sair
      talvez pra gringo fosse melhor mas pra br era muito lag, a gente só não reclamava tanto porque era o que tinha, mas quando eu ia jogar jogos em servidor br tipo metin ou the duel da level up dava pra sacar a diferença que um ping decente fazia

  • @Abradabingg
    @Abradabingg 2 года назад +2

    HAHAHAHA lovely, knight of ultimate died like 5 times lmao

  • @jitsuNaja
    @jitsuNaja 2 года назад

    Uma vez tava no depot de thais de madrugada e tinha um lvl 120 afk.. isso quando isso era high level. Lurei dois mino guard e matei o cara. O loot foi uma merda, mas fiquei em extase de conseguir matar um cara nesse nivel kkk.

  • @vaspia19
    @vaspia19 2 года назад

    absolute rampage

  • @Skjutabless
    @Skjutabless 2 года назад

    That made me lol

  • @Dark-ed8ni
    @Dark-ed8ni 2 года назад


  • @xNeedthc
    @xNeedthc 2 года назад +1

    so funny hahaha , inocent noobs getting smashed by monsteres . that was so beautiful in non pvp servers