Bubble Stitch Heart Pillow: Knitting Pattern

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 41

  • @taria4eva
    @taria4eva 2 года назад +6

    Would love to see a detailed video of you doing the knitting. Wonderful pillow!

  • @sadiecapewell7191
    @sadiecapewell7191 2 года назад +6

    Thank you so much I love it ❤️I am going to try and knit this for my lovely mom for her birthday next month love from the UK ❤️

  • @ruthlynaaron6725
    @ruthlynaaron6725 2 года назад +9

    Ah there's my new favourite stitch 😊 it was a bit daunting at first but I have to say, I'm hooked. I can't wait to make this cushion it's absolutely lovely 💕💕💕

    • @studioknit
      @studioknit  2 года назад +1

      Yes, the Bubble Stitch can be a little scary... then super addictive and fun! Happy you plan to make this pillow, too!

  • @pay4fish
    @pay4fish 2 года назад +1

    Beautiful, will do in my favorite colors fushia and bright teal!!

    • @studioknit
      @studioknit  2 года назад +1

      Sounds super cool, enjoy!

  • @lottiel3418
    @lottiel3418 2 года назад +3

    Love this pattern. I have almost memorized the pattern because I have used it so much!

    • @studioknit
      @studioknit  2 года назад

      So great to know you've been knitting this heart bubble pillow up so much!!

  • @mommadirt3557
    @mommadirt3557 2 года назад +2

    What an adorable pillow with a fun stitch. Thank you so much for this awesome piece!

    • @studioknit
      @studioknit  2 года назад +1

      Hi, Momma Dirt!! Thanks so much!

    • @narutoninjagoandtheflashar4256
      @narutoninjagoandtheflashar4256 Месяц назад

      @@studioknitI only have a size 5 knitting needles. Dk if that’ll work for this pattern? This looks so nice and I want to try it. But dk if my needles size is appropriate

  • @willquinndeb
    @willquinndeb 2 года назад

    wish this had been put up before... I am going to make one on these for my grandbaby next yr. My little one was born on Feb 14 with lovely red hair. Valentines means sooo much to me now. I am always looking for stuff so it combines the day and her birthday together... she can put this on her bed... adorable

  • @livinginAmsterdam
    @livinginAmsterdam 2 года назад

    You are amazinggggg❤

  • @doorway2fandom459
    @doorway2fandom459 2 года назад

    Beauty! Cheers! Happy Galentines and Valentines! :)

    • @studioknit
      @studioknit  2 года назад +1

      Thank you! Yes, and PALentine's Day, too!

  • @energyvive731
    @energyvive731 2 года назад

    Incredible! I love it! Gonna make one for my childhood best friend! Thank youuu!

  • @evabazan1966
    @evabazan1966 2 года назад

    I’ve made your smaller hearts. Can’t wait to try this one

    • @studioknit
      @studioknit  2 года назад

      Wonderful, happy knitting to you!

  • @ataredhassan6814
    @ataredhassan6814 Год назад

    It is lovely pattern really enjoying it but how can I make it bigger please thank you so much 😊

  • @jennglow4647
    @jennglow4647 2 года назад

    Very pretty😃

  • @shruisgood4542
    @shruisgood4542 2 года назад

    Thankyou Kristen
    Just in time for Valentine’s Day ❤️
    I was looking to knit bubble stitch and heart pillow

  • @jesussavedmissy
    @jesussavedmissy 2 года назад

    Great idea

  • @yasiradesai1995
    @yasiradesai1995 2 года назад

    Pls can u show Ramadan knitting project ps I love your vids ❤

  • @alejandraacosta2692
    @alejandraacosta2692 2 года назад

    Bello muy bonito!!!!!!!!

  • @missmcmccollum6038
    @missmcmccollum6038 Год назад +1

    As I was working the pattern I noticed that Row 41 ended with 31 stitches. Row 42 reads K1, P31, K1. The P31 throws off the pattern it should read P29.

  • @EvelynGalang-q9u
    @EvelynGalang-q9u Год назад

    Can you help me how they do that maam.thank you.

  • @narutoninjagoandtheflashar4256
    @narutoninjagoandtheflashar4256 2 года назад

    It’s so beautiful, but I have only size 5 knitting needles 😭. Dk if that’s going to work

  • @lizv.418
    @lizv.418 2 года назад +5

    What a beautiful pillow!!💕😍

  • @Tawadeb
    @Tawadeb 2 года назад

    Hi can anyone translate the needle size and yarn size for a Kiwi please
    Id love to knit this pillow sometime

  • @celinestlaurent2397
    @celinestlaurent2397 2 года назад

    Est-il possible d’avoir les instructions en français merci

  • @ataredhassan6814
    @ataredhassan6814 Год назад

    I tried to get the free pattern but couldn’t how can I get it please 😊

    • @studioknit
      @studioknit  Год назад

      The pattern information is on my website for you here www.studioknitsf.com/bubble-heart-pillow/

    • @ataredhassan6814
      @ataredhassan6814 Год назад

      It is not free it said PDF download for $4.80

  • @filmedwlily
    @filmedwlily 2 года назад
