8 Directional Movement in GameMaker Studio 2

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @enzolaroche27
    @enzolaroche27 Год назад +1

    The code launch, but when I place my character in the room, it doesn't appear, any help here ?

  • @AidinZolghadr
    @AidinZolghadr Год назад +1

    Hi, what's the name of the theme of the text editor?

  • @GrrrVahrrr
    @GrrrVahrrr 4 года назад +1

    Pretty cool! Thank you!

  • @Spoungebobsquarepan
    @Spoungebobsquarepan Год назад

    help someone!
    my right sprite doesn't change xscale. When i move left (pd is 180) it keeps playing previous sprite (Up, Down, or right)

  • @Henryzila
    @Henryzila 2 года назад

    For some reason my sprite keeps facing to the right when entering the idle state (but if i end moving to left, he faces left). Don't know what i did wrong first time ever making a 8directions

  • @alphattus1503
    @alphattus1503 3 года назад

    hi Mickey, im having a problem with the movement code, the W and A keys are continous whereas the S and D keys work just fine, both codes are exactly the same apart from the horizontal/vertical x/y stuff, any help would be appreciated and great video!

    • @GameMakerCasts
      @GameMakerCasts  3 года назад +1

      If you could share your code with me I could take a look for you

    • @alphattus1503
      @alphattus1503 3 года назад

      @@GameMakerCasts oh brilliant thanks I’ll grab it up

    • @alphattus1503
      @alphattus1503 3 года назад

      if you need any more code id be happy to share it with you i basically followed the tutorial step by step, the enumarators script also has the right names for my sprites and directions instead of yours so i dont really see any reason why the sprites just change. also thats the new problem the sprites dont play i fixed the movement problem

    • @alphattus1503
      @alphattus1503 3 года назад

      @@GameMakerCasts ive sorted the movement problem but the sprites wont play at all

  • @holidayturnpike
    @holidayturnpike 3 года назад

    is this code free to use for publishing and selling?

    • @GameMakerCasts
      @GameMakerCasts  3 года назад +2

      You may use it anyway you would like with no attribution required :)

    • @starrgummy
      @starrgummy 3 года назад +1

      @@GameMakerCasts you da man