For some reason my sprite keeps facing to the right when entering the idle state (but if i end moving to left, he faces left). Don't know what i did wrong first time ever making a 8directions
hi Mickey, im having a problem with the movement code, the W and A keys are continous whereas the S and D keys work just fine, both codes are exactly the same apart from the horizontal/vertical x/y stuff, any help would be appreciated and great video!
if you need any more code id be happy to share it with you i basically followed the tutorial step by step, the enumarators script also has the right names for my sprites and directions instead of yours so i dont really see any reason why the sprites just change. also thats the new problem the sprites dont play i fixed the movement problem
The code launch, but when I place my character in the room, it doesn't appear, any help here ?
Hi, what's the name of the theme of the text editor?
Pretty cool! Thank you!
help someone!
my right sprite doesn't change xscale. When i move left (pd is 180) it keeps playing previous sprite (Up, Down, or right)
For some reason my sprite keeps facing to the right when entering the idle state (but if i end moving to left, he faces left). Don't know what i did wrong first time ever making a 8directions
hi Mickey, im having a problem with the movement code, the W and A keys are continous whereas the S and D keys work just fine, both codes are exactly the same apart from the horizontal/vertical x/y stuff, any help would be appreciated and great video!
If you could share your code with me I could take a look for you
@@GameMakerCasts oh brilliant thanks I’ll grab it up
if you need any more code id be happy to share it with you i basically followed the tutorial step by step, the enumarators script also has the right names for my sprites and directions instead of yours so i dont really see any reason why the sprites just change. also thats the new problem the sprites dont play i fixed the movement problem
@@GameMakerCasts ive sorted the movement problem but the sprites wont play at all
is this code free to use for publishing and selling?
You may use it anyway you would like with no attribution required :)
@@GameMakerCasts you da man