I didnt really "get" McCarthy when I read him the first time (The Road). Years later I read The Passenger, Stella Maris and Blood Meridian in quick succession. Then it clicked: finally, an American novelist actually writing for adults! At 65, I've seen a lot of life. Reading McCarthy is like seeing it all over again ... not always pleasantly, but definitely refreshed. What has come with the years is the slightly morbid realization that there are likely not so many novels I will be able to read in whatever time is left me. I am confident that any precious time left me to read another novel will not be squandered if I'm reading him.
Thank you, just caught this am only in 15 min? Addressing the characters as often set up to voice a philosophy. I didn't feel it in BloodMeridian, but do feel it in The Passenger ,
Great interview.
I didnt really "get" McCarthy when I read him the first time (The Road). Years later I read The Passenger, Stella Maris and Blood Meridian in quick succession. Then it clicked: finally, an American novelist actually writing for adults! At 65, I've seen a lot of life. Reading McCarthy is like seeing it all over again ... not always pleasantly, but definitely refreshed. What has come with the years is the slightly morbid realization that there are likely not so many novels I will be able to read in whatever time is left me. I am confident that any precious time left me to read another novel will not be squandered if I'm reading him.
One of your better guests.
Thank you, just caught this am only in 15 min? Addressing the characters as often set up to voice a philosophy. I didn't feel it in BloodMeridian, but do feel it in The Passenger ,
Maybe, if civilization survives, people in 200 years may understand string theory. Mathematics and Music often ahead of their time
Blood Meridian is massively overrated. But this is likely the most proper, consistent reading of the Judge.