To pay with a credit card without a PayPal account, make sure you aren't logged in to PayPal before clicking to add the item you are purchasing to the cart. Then, click "Checkout with PayPal". Next, click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" below the login button. You can then pay with a credit card without a PayPal login. Thank you for your support of!
You are the best econ teacher ever!
Aw! Thank you! 😄
Thanks for this video! very helpful.
You're very welcome! 😄
thank you for making this video :D
You're very welcome! 😄
How can I purchase the booklet with visa not PayPal
To pay with a credit card without a PayPal account, make sure you aren't logged in to PayPal before clicking to add the item you are purchasing to the cart. Then, click "Checkout with PayPal". Next, click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" below the login button. You can then pay with a credit card without a PayPal login.
Thank you for your support of!
Can you please do a video about taxes?
Yes! Taxes are found here:видео.html
Good luck!
@ReviewEcon thank you! Your videos are so helpful! My teacher isn't good explaining it or showing the math portion of the class.
@@ashleighjohnson0420 I'm glad my videos have helped. Good luck with your studies!
G! but the triangle was grey! XD
As long as you know what the area is, you'll be all good.