That means people in the past charged with some felony crime for harming a Bald Eagle were not really committing a crime, other than against an 'endangered species', but not because it was some national bird. I bet that is a few people, so let's hear from them and what they have to say about this.
Come on everybody knows it should be a pigeon. Have you ever been to New York. Or New Orleans.... pigeons everywhere... Have you ever heard of Mike Tyson.... He's a famous professional pigeon master
Even though the eagle has been our National bird since 1782.
That means people in the past charged with some felony crime for harming a Bald Eagle were not really committing a crime, other than against an 'endangered species', but not because it was some national bird. I bet that is a few people, so let's hear from them and what they have to say about this.
Come on everybody knows it should be a pigeon. Have you ever been to New York. Or New Orleans.... pigeons everywhere... Have you ever heard of Mike Tyson.... He's a famous professional pigeon master
Well, at long last it's now the case. Everyone should get the opportunity to soar in life.
Up next on: news that nobody cares about