The Elegant Universe: Brian Greene in Conversation with Janna Levin

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 156

  • @RiadKhan801
    @RiadKhan801 14 дней назад +2

    In 2015, I randomly purchased this book and finished reading it within a few days, I simply couldn't get enough of it. Thanks, keep up the great work !

  • @MakatiMazz
    @MakatiMazz 27 дней назад +6

    I’m a retired physics teacher now, but I remember using The Elegant Universe to produce PowerPoint presentations on relativity for my AP Physics students back in 2004. Thanks Brian.

    • @Namelastname-o6w
      @Namelastname-o6w 11 дней назад

      And since 2004, has this Brain Green dude said ANYTHING that's new? He has nothing to offer.

  • @fredcrown-tamir698
    @fredcrown-tamir698 Месяц назад +18

    The thing I like most about Brian green besides his ability to explain science so well is his open mindedness that anything is possible.

    • @ossiedunstan4419
      @ossiedunstan4419 29 дней назад

      And that's a false statement, God being real is not possible under any circumstances.
      Which kills your statement dead in the water.

    • @exesexesexesexesexesex
      @exesexesexesexesexesex 20 дней назад

      @@ossiedunstan4419 prove it then. Im an atheist myself but prove god isnt real.

    • @Namelastname-o6w
      @Namelastname-o6w 11 дней назад

      Wow you must be so bright!

    • @CodeCraftingWizard
      @CodeCraftingWizard 7 дней назад

      @@ossiedunstan4419wow you sure showed him

  • @ichbinnasrin
    @ichbinnasrin Месяц назад +32

    I see Brian Greene-I click.

  • @kiwikevnz
    @kiwikevnz 25 дней назад +1

    Brian, over these years, through his online presentations, chats, videos, books has taught me "Everything" I know and understand about the Universe, the Quantum and Classical world, and Physics, because our high school right up till the time of graduation, did not teach us one thing about Physics at all, as strange as that may sound.
    I am forever thankful to Brian for his expert, cutting edge knowledge, updating us with the breakthroughs as they happened and his wonderful, natural skill in making it understandable. Kev

  • @ebrahimsarrami1373
    @ebrahimsarrami1373 Месяц назад +7

    Professor Brian is a phenomena in physics.Hope someday I meet this majesty face to face!All the best and bless to Brian...or you that reading!

    • @tkermi
      @tkermi 29 дней назад

      I'm not sure making this to an idol worship kind of situation is healthy nor what Prof. Green prefers. But of course he's a very talented and insightful person.

    • @ebrahimsarrami1373
      @ebrahimsarrami1373 29 дней назад

      @tkermi Thank u 4 ur comment.I just did not get the point that are refering to.

  • @DirtyMikeACTUAL13
    @DirtyMikeACTUAL13 Месяц назад +55

    Brian Greene and Janna Levin?? Christmas came early.

    • @jinstinky501
      @jinstinky501 Месяц назад +2


    • @arcs.
      @arcs. 24 дня назад


    • @Namelastname-o6w
      @Namelastname-o6w 11 дней назад

      Oh to be stupid like you, I wish I was happy like you, getting impressed by two extremely dull people.

  • @OigresZevahc
    @OigresZevahc Месяц назад +4

    Prof. Greene speaks softly but his eloquent explanations resonate profoundly with all audiences.

  • @ShubhamKumar-uv6ri
    @ShubhamKumar-uv6ri Месяц назад +2

    So exciting to be back!!!!

  • @Churchofexponentialgrowth
    @Churchofexponentialgrowth Месяц назад +3

    This interview got me thinking about SMUT (Spinor-Mediated Universal Transition theory) and how it might offer another perspective on the problems Brian discussed. While string theory looks to extra dimensions, SMUT suggests spinors and spacetime torsion could achieve similar goals while staying in 4D. The cool thing is we might be able to test this soon - SMUT predicts specific patterns in gravitational waves from black holes that LIGO could potentially detect. Would love to hear Brian's thoughts on whether we really need those extra dimensions if spinors could do the heavy lifting!
    The most exciting part is that SMUT makes lots of testable predictions across different scales - from quantum effects to galaxy patterns. This seems to align with Brian's emphasis on experimental validation in physics. Not saying it's right, but it's fascinating how different mathematical approaches can suggest different solutions to these deep puzzles about our universe. Thanks Brian for always making us think bigger! 🌌🤔

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад

    A deeper understanding of physical reality, or creation. Wonderful.

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад +2

    What a great book! He tells us that at the bottom of material world is a six-dimensional shape, of which there are only 10,000 or so arrangements. Mr. Greene asked "But why 6 dimensions?" I would suggest that it's ... because ... the six days of creation ... A wonderful book, I can't imagine the mathematics involved to make this discovery in group theory, etc.

    • @edh.9584
      @edh.9584 26 дней назад

      Or the 6 extinctions of Elizabeth Kolbert. The number 666 means evil, but it means the world (here in the negative sense, as opposed to the physical), so it might be telling us also that the number 6 plays a large role in the nature of physical reality, as in the 6 dimensions he speaks of.

    • @edh.9584
      @edh.9584 25 дней назад

      In other words, if one asked "Does the Bible suggest how many dimensions are in physical reality?", one could say that creation and the physical world are associated with the number 6 as above, so one could say the Bible suggests that there are six dimensions, which is is what Mr. Greene incredibly discovered.

    • @edh.9584
      @edh.9584 23 дня назад

      And three visible dimensions (Christ) and three invisible (the Holy Spirit) to make an analogy.

    • @rebeccadubois8270
      @rebeccadubois8270 11 дней назад

      ​@@edh.9584thanks for the religious nonsense it really added to the conversation.

  • @rosacabrero5005
    @rosacabrero5005 Месяц назад +3

    Estoy enamorada de Brian Greene desde que leí su “Universo Elegante”.

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад

    What a great gift for explanation.

  • @WaitingforGodel
    @WaitingforGodel Месяц назад +2

    That last question was vital. In explaining the importance of the Maldacena paper string theorists in particular can give the impression that we already can map string theory to the standard model, which is not true at this point. In fact the duality is a conjecture at this point, not rigorously proven yet

  • @supersteven3434
    @supersteven3434 28 дней назад +2

    I see Janna. I click 😍

  • @Justhanginout283
    @Justhanginout283 Месяц назад +2

    36:36 Brian Greene that’s very wise and kind

  • @anselmogrc
    @anselmogrc 29 дней назад

    This was an awesome video! 👌🏼

  • @user_375a82
    @user_375a82 28 дней назад +1

    His last explanation about the Holographic Principle is on the right path. I think Greene gets it! Expanding Universe? - doesn't matter so much, its just a trivial topological or Twistor explanation (and we all love Twistors don't we?). Multiverse? Oh please lets not get stuck on infinite Universes and all that, again its trivial - the "right" Universe or cosmological constant can evolve and all the wrong ones get lost because they are no good. Maybe there are other Universes if they can evolve. Evolution is not even math, its simple logic. Even rocks and chemicals evolve, its not a conundrum. How do Universes evolve? Easy peasy - via information and back to the Holographic Principle. Information never lost? It doesn't matter, information only is worth it if it does something and can evolve. Don't worry about information being like energy that can never be "lost". Information is not like that. Lose it or not lose it - who cares?
    So, in a Holographic nutshell we have Bekenstein sphere, probably rotating which could be the time clock, and the information on the sphere paints out 3D x y z and time physical universe that we see but what's really really running it is the informational substrate under neath (quantum reality, if you like).
    This view is philosophically correct and mathematics might be able to describe it but information, which is very happy with evolution makes the whole shebang in the end. Mathematics goes wrong with its infinities and zeroes not to mention its negatives, multiplication and has to invent "i" to get its negatives and squares correct. Its not consistent. Have a look at Twistor Theory - its such a messy tool. Information theory is what the universe actually uses.

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад


  • @cosmosaic8117
    @cosmosaic8117 29 дней назад +1

    Brian…couldn’t I make the same argument that trying to detect the Aether can never be ruled out either just because we haven’t found it yet? Would you accept my argument?

  • @querywizard
    @querywizard 25 дней назад +1

    I can't imagine any weight to the idea that "there's someone out there who's now is my past." Because saying they're "out there" surely means out there "now" for the speaker.
    Using the twin paradox, after they are reunited, it's clear they are not in two different times. It is reasonable that they never were in different times. Time doesn't work like that. It's just entropy.
    Entropy happening can be labelled effectively with the term "action". The trick with actions, is they don't happen at same rate in inertial frames as they do non-inertial.
    While one twin is very far away, half-way through their round-trip, their now is the same as the still-at-home twin's now. There was never a past or future. There was just actions being relatively quicker or slower depending on how their relative frames are traversing space.
    The past doesn't exist.

    • @isitme1234
      @isitme1234 17 дней назад

      The past doesnt exist? Hahaha so tell me what you did 5 minutes ago?

  • @isatousarr7044
    @isatousarr7044 25 дней назад +1

    The Elegant Universe invites us to explore the intricate tapestry of nature, where the fundamentals of string theory weave together the vast expanses of space and the tiniest particles of matter. It tells a story of harmony, suggesting that beneath the chaotic dance of galaxies and the minutiae of quantum mechanics lies a profound simplicity a unifying force that connects all aspects of existence. This cosmic symphony challenges us to look beyond the observable and embrace the beauty of theoretical physics, inspiring a deeper appreciation for the mysteries of the universe.

  • @NicholasWilliams-uk9xu
    @NicholasWilliams-uk9xu Месяц назад +2

    The problem is we have to develop real world theories based of differential detection of energy extent. String theory is trying to redefine itself as the scientific method, it needs to be derived from reality, it can't define it's own and claim to be the end all description, it's not even complete energy accounting based on real energy measures and differentials between observers.

  • @Artie_D
    @Artie_D 9 дней назад

    18:11 I love how the black hole goes into the Brian’s glass on the table 👍

  • @pacorrodelgadillo8429
    @pacorrodelgadillo8429 Месяц назад


  • @viewer3091
    @viewer3091 Месяц назад +3

    Does the size of the universe change when you travel through the universe at different speeds ? !

    • @Joseph-fw6xx
      @Joseph-fw6xx Месяц назад +2

      Good question beyond me

    • @leoc.2869
      @leoc.2869 Месяц назад

      Get a tape measure and you will find out all by yourself. The universe is your mind. Expand your mind and you will expand your universe.

  • @jessemontano762
    @jessemontano762 Месяц назад +1

    BG is cool AF. I see BG, i click

    • @Oddysey182
      @Oddysey182 Месяц назад +1

      I see him too. Video quality is adequate 😅😅😅

  • @wicekwickowski3798
    @wicekwickowski3798 23 дня назад

    😡😠🤬RUclips has disabled subtitles!!! Even though the "subtitles" icon is on, there are no subtitles, and that's in all videos!!!!

  • @RizwanNazirAhmed
    @RizwanNazirAhmed 12 дней назад

    Janna Levin, my forever crush!

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад

    I always liked one.

  • @argibonaventure4199
    @argibonaventure4199 Месяц назад

    My inspirations ❤❤

  • @FreestyleSport101
    @FreestyleSport101 Месяц назад

    I’m not a mathematician or an intellectual but I read the “Fabric of the cosmos”, blew my mind but instantly recognized the parallels with eastern philosophy….”the dancing wu li masters” better unifies eastern and western philosophy….

  • @AdamGNordin
    @AdamGNordin 20 дней назад

    Levin Janna live in paradise 😄 elegant name❤

  • @jackwt7340
    @jackwt7340 Месяц назад

    String theory is much like the specialty of Chenming Calvin Hu, winner of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, "Characterization of semiconductor devices."

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад

    And the question What is time will help us understand what it means to say that in heaven we will be "outside of time."

  • @ArsMoriendiSynthPop
    @ArsMoriendiSynthPop 25 дней назад

    Still "stringing" us along 🎉

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад

    That the universe is understandable to the human mind.

    • @edh.9584
      @edh.9584 26 дней назад

      And he is a physicist, not a theologian. What he finds is data for the theologian.

  • @carlbell2226
    @carlbell2226 Месяц назад

    had the book for years

  • @azharalibhutto1209
    @azharalibhutto1209 Месяц назад

    Great ❤❤❤

  • @reeves5000
    @reeves5000 Месяц назад

    James Beacham has said we need a collider the size of our solar system to answer that question.

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 29 дней назад

    (/--)/Floyd. This is an artistic proof of a created universe. When you paint a shadow it's the opposite color of the object that made the shadow. Nobody knew what the opposite color of white was so the artists avoided painting white on white. The opposite color of white is baby blue and baby pink. The first artist to figure it out was Norman Rockwell. I was the second artist to figure it out. I saw it in the corner of a white room. The lighting was perfect to see it.

  • @Monkismo
    @Monkismo 29 дней назад

    Nostalgia used to be so much better.

  • @KaliFissure
    @KaliFissure Месяц назад

    Time is a compact dimension.
    This is why there are limits.
    And why we can't move around in time. Not physically.
    The limits are lambda and event horizon. And the gradient from minima to maxima, deep void to event horizon, is gravity.
    Geometric flows are real.
    And because closed compact single sided..... the closure is at the limits. Maxima and minima connect. Modulo infinity.
    Where have we seen that before?
    Quantum Cyclic Cosmology (Neutron decay cosmology)
    Inevitable because geometry requires it. 🖖

  • @stephenarmiger8343
    @stephenarmiger8343 Месяц назад

    Interesting the clothing that scientists choose to wear. Brian might possibly choose to wear something very athletic exposing his shoulders. However he might be concerned about how he would look. Strong, powerful shoulders? Maybe yes.

  • @ajavierb2078
    @ajavierb2078 Месяц назад

    Partij voor de vrijheid

  • @JRichardson711
    @JRichardson711 Месяц назад

    50:36 As Brian is describing how our 3D world would be the projections of a distant sphere of 2d information I was trying to relate how that structure would work physically and then it hit me hard, that sounds like the inside of a black hole.
    I've long thought our universe is the inside of a black hole and I've never realized ADS/CFT correspondence or the holographic principle is the physical theory of it.

  • @darwinlaluna3677
    @darwinlaluna3677 Месяц назад

    Yes and bcoz it is spinning in a opposite direction and that’s creating a holographic direction

  • @HannahMontan
    @HannahMontan 21 час назад

    I've always had this strange notion that we're all the same thing, just exploded and sprinkled around the world, and timelines. Like a God that was obliterated into tiny bits, and we're all trying to figure out how to put all the pieces together again. Lol essentially, a humpty dumpty 😅

  • @devalapar7878
    @devalapar7878 28 дней назад +1

    I like women like that. She has everything! Charisma, humor, strong and smart.

  • @zack_120
    @zack_120 28 дней назад

    Well, the so-called super BH M87 is still in debate, so is an open Q.

  • @KostadinIvanov-ik9qs
    @KostadinIvanov-ik9qs Месяц назад +1


  • @skwankulon4535
    @skwankulon4535 Месяц назад

    How do photons evade the Higgs Field?

  • @MrHubadub
    @MrHubadub Месяц назад +1

    All the string theorists have been back pedaling and trying to make themselves look less dogmatic than they were in reality.

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад

    But in goodness your past and present and my past and present differ by a tiny amount, unless it's under extreme circumstances.

  • @tkermi
    @tkermi 29 дней назад

    12:36 Terrence Howard woke up! 🤭

  • @truebones
    @truebones Месяц назад


  • @LouieLandsCandyTreat
    @LouieLandsCandyTreat 29 дней назад

    Love listening to him, but he could live another 1000 years and still be trying to prove string theory

  • @darwinlaluna3677
    @darwinlaluna3677 Месяц назад

    Maybe like we r inside the bubble and that bubble The 1/4 of that is spinning in opposite direction

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 29 дней назад

    !Σ(×_×;)! Consciousness is the particle and wave double slit experiment. The cones and rods of your eyes preserve the particle and wave duality so your vision don't look like a flat screen television. It's supposed to be a violation of physics but it is the only exception in the whole universe.

  • @HammadKhalid-r2p
    @HammadKhalid-r2p 28 дней назад

    brain greene has the suit since the begning of time😂

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 29 дней назад

    ( ゚д゚) The human body is burly, gnarly and surly like a fractal.

  • @glennpaquette2228
    @glennpaquette2228 Месяц назад +4

    How many experimental results has Brian Greene predicted?

    • @zelmoziggy
      @zelmoziggy Месяц назад +1

      According to this video, everything that quantum field theory has predicted.

  • @Rosell-h5g
    @Rosell-h5g 24 дня назад


  • @theuniversewithin2065
    @theuniversewithin2065 Месяц назад


  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад

    I suppose he feels we can't know physical reality in itself. Hmm.

    • @edh.9584
      @edh.9584 26 дней назад

      That would be a loss.

  • @jamesfarmer-jn4gy
    @jamesfarmer-jn4gy Месяц назад

    Tails of the incident waves
    How can we begin to explain the characteristic of nature?
    Time/mass entanglement
    entropy $ Gravity is permittivity
    Wavelength, Redshift, Higgs Field, and Temporal Wavefunction Interactions
    • Initial and Current Wavelengths:
    • Initial wavelength (CMB emitted at 3000 K):
    \lambda_{\text{initial}} \approx 9.66 \times 10^{-7} \, \text{m}
    • Current wavelength (CMB observed):
    \lambda_{\text{current}} \approx 1.07 \times 10^{-3} \, \text{m}
    • Redshift Calculation:
    z = \frac{\lambda_{\text{current}} - \lambda_{\text{initial}}}{\lambda_{\text{initial}}}
    Substituting values:
    z = \frac{1.07 \times 10^{-3} - 9.66 \times 10^{-7}}{9.66 \times 10^{-7}} \approx 1097
    • Primordial Vacuum Context:
    The primordial vacuum stretched the CMB wavelengths due to rapid expansion during inflation, amplifying \lambda_{\text{current}}.
    2. Age Calculation from Redshift
    • Relationship Between Redshift and Age:
    The age of the universe is approximated by:
    t_0 \approx \frac{1}{H_0} \ln(1 + z)
    where H_0 \approx 2.3 \times 10^{-18} \, \text{s}^{-1}.
    • Steps to Calculate Age:
    1. Compute \ln(1 + z):
    \ln(1 + 1097) \approx \ln(1098) \approx 7.002
    2. Substitute into the formula:
    t_0 \approx \frac{7.002}{2.3 \times 10^{-18}} \approx 3.043 \times 10^{18} \, \text{s}
    3. Convert seconds to years:
    t_0 \approx \frac{3.043 \times 10^{18}}{3.154 \times 10^7} \approx 96.6 \, \text{billion years}
    • Conclusion:
    The theoretical age of 96.6 billion years reflects idealized conditions. The actual universe’s age is closer to 13.8 \, \text{billion years} when dark energy and relativistic effects are accounted for.
    3. Higgs Field as the Vacuum
    • Vacuum Expectation Value (VEV):
    The Higgs field has a VEV of v = 246 \, \text{GeV}, setting the energy scale for mass generation.
    • Vacuum Energy Density:

    ho_H \approx \frac{1}{2} v^4 \approx 1.52 \times 10^{35} \, \text{J/m}^3
    This energy vastly exceeds observed dark energy (
    ho_{\text{dark energy}} \approx 6.91 \times 10^{-10} \, \text{J/m}^3).
    • Higgs Potential and Stability:
    V(\phi) = \lambda(\phi^2 - v^2)^2
    • Governs electroweak symmetry breaking and vacuum stability.
    • Quantum tunneling could lead to vacuum decay, influencing time evolution.
    4. Time as a Wavefunction Interaction
    • Wavefunction Overlap and Temporal Interactions:
    • Total wavefunction:
    \Psi_{\text{total}} = \alpha \Psi_1 + \beta \Psi_2, \quad |\alpha|^2 + |\beta|^2 = 1
    • Energy uncertainty defines temporal shifts:
    \Delta t \sim \frac{\hbar}{\Delta E}
    where \Delta E relates to the Higgs boson energy (E_H \approx 2.00 \times 10^{-8} \, \text{J}).
    • Temporal Coupling Parameters:
    • Higgs decay time scales (\tau_H \sim 10^{-22} \, \text{s}) suggest temporal dynamics are tied to Higgs interactions.
    5. Cosmological Implications
    • Dark Energy and Higgs Field Connections:
    If time emerges from Higgs field interactions, dark energy could be a diluted form of vacuum energy:

    ho_{\text{dark energy}} \ll
    • Temporal interactions smooth
    ho_H into observable dark energy.
    • Temporal Decay and Epochs:
    Vacuum transitions, influenced by Higgs-field interactions, may define cosmological epochs (e.g., inflation, reheating).
    6. Open Questions and Research Directions
    • Wavefunction Overlap:
    • Experimental confirmation of |\Psi_H|^2 + |\Psi_T|^2.
    • Temporal Coupling Constants:
    • Define equivalent constants for time (g_T) in temporal interactions.
    • Higgs Perturbations and Cosmology:
    • Can Higgs perturbations explain the fine-tuning of dark energy?

    • @debranelson1987
      @debranelson1987 Месяц назад +2

      You need to go back to the drawing board.

    • @jamesfarmer-jn4gy
      @jamesfarmer-jn4gy Месяц назад

      @@debranelson1987 in which regards? you believe in an invisible energy name anything that doesn't directly couple the electromagnetic spectrum or equillibriums

    • @jamesfarmer-jn4gy
      @jamesfarmer-jn4gy Месяц назад

      @@debranelson1987 any force that isnt related an oscillation or electromagnetism you wanna get collapsed a singularity that bad lol

    • @jamesfarmer-jn4gy
      @jamesfarmer-jn4gy Месяц назад

      @@debranelson1987 theres an intermediatory reaction between i dont think everyone really needs too know of

    • @jamesfarmer-jn4gy
      @jamesfarmer-jn4gy Месяц назад

      @@debranelson1987 and for whatever the reasoning people arent looking at the primordial vacuum as if its acting a semi conductor we are massless

  • @Ai-he1dp
    @Ai-he1dp 24 дня назад

    A physisist mentioned a collider on the moons circumference would be sufficient?... continued to say that it should be paramount whatever the cost to unite the world for that one purpose, that the sacrifice to humanity to find the answers? at any cost is justified that living without know is not living at all... Scientists in general need careful oversight, they can become monsters when not constrained, they have in the past commited henious crimes against humanity.

  • @tkermi
    @tkermi 29 дней назад

    35:12 I very much agree. I'm a christian myself but think that physics shouldn't be used for either trying to prove or disprove religious views. That would be fruitless waste of resources.

  • @RealQinnMalloryu4
    @RealQinnMalloryu4 Месяц назад +1

    What comes frome string theory Fuzzballs

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 29 дней назад

    !!( ; ロ)゚ ゚ The universe was created in 1976. It is too hot to make a universe at the time of the big bang. It can be created at anytime. God is slow and easy. A human can do a lot with their lifespan. I got the hunk. God got the chunk. Everyone else can have the rest. That is song spirit of ''76 by The Alarm.

  • @jamesfarmer-jn4gy
    @jamesfarmer-jn4gy Месяц назад +1

    Wave function collapse or normalization follows a curb we are a phase modulation contained in 180• a mirror equal and opposite fractal found in the light speed N1.5
    Amplification fine edges crystalline reverberations couple traditional and quantum angle of entry’s

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 26 дней назад

    Of course the answer to "Why is there anything" probably can't be answered by physics.

    • @edh.9584
      @edh.9584 26 дней назад

      In theology, there always has been something, or someone, namely God. And the rest exists because it was created out of love. But that can't be found by physics, though physics can reflect it. But that's outside of physics.

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 29 дней назад

    ( ゚A゚ ) It's intelligently designed that if you master evolution it just makes you a baby doctor.

  • @edh.9584
    @edh.9584 25 дней назад

    Why is there something rather than nothing? This assumes that there is no God. If there is a God, then there was never a time when there was nothing. Then the question is why did God create something rather than not. And the answer there can only be: out of love. If there is no God (which is impossible), it doesn't really matter.

    • @edh.9584
      @edh.9584 25 дней назад

      I shouldn't be so harsh. If there is no God, I guess one would look to physics to see how it created itself, which sounds difficult.

    • @theuniversewithin2065
      @theuniversewithin2065 10 дней назад

      I think your assessment is slightly misguided, thinking that eternal properties, such as deities or presumably eternal entities, depend on a defined starting point in a linear fashion. Infinities, both in mathematics and metaphysics, depend on circular/spherical conjunctions. Ultimately, linearity is a human notion and invention.
      A proposed god or gods operate outside linear thinking. The Bible, for instance, is a linear construct - if you think primarily in a linear fashion. There are countless other ancient texts, philosophies and traditions that have a circular relationship to creation and time and therefore don't have the equivalent issues with beginning and end.
      I'm a theoretical physicist with a main focus on astrophysics and my team has been working on a thesis for years that sort of adresses the non-linearity of math and physics. It's a 4 parter that is short formatted in order to present the main findings in a somewhat simple way. If you don't follow most of the technicalities, it doesn't matter - the general overview should still be palpable.
      It's a very brief introduction to HH - HyperTensored Holigraphy and the math, physics and derivations are incredibly solid, well founded and verified. The main findings have been peer-reviewed over the last years by the very best in the field and although the thesis is in its final stages, it's still 1-2years until finalisation.
      An absurd amount of work is behind each of the finds in the model and me and my team have been working incredibly hard for a loooong time to arrive at these results, which BTW coincide with most of what Brian & Janna are discussing here. The math, logic, physics and derivations are extremely complex and it's obviously impossible to present in this format, but this should enable you to get the jist of it.
      I'll post the 4 parter, read if you want! 😊

    • @theuniversewithin2065
      @theuniversewithin2065 10 дней назад

      The multiverse is more or less a given. There is more logical evidence for than against, but also empirically - with QM, Double Slit, Virtual Particles, Spontaneous Quark Doubling, etc etc.
      There are close to an infinite number of universes within this universe and holographic principles alone should be sufficient enough.
      But regardless - try to entertain this thought: Given an infinite amount of parallel and/or asymmetrical universes, there must be a universe where entropy is reversed. It is a 100% mirrored replica of our universe, but with “time” going backwards. The inhabitants of this universe perceive everything just like us - it is a total carbon copy of our universe. But observed from the outside, that entire universe would flow backwards.
      Who can say that WE don’t live in such a universe? The only way to even begin to understand that our own entropy is reversed, is to observe it from another universe.
      From the outside a flashlight would catch the light and the waterfall would flow upwards. How can such dimensionality be understood within the confines of our own entropy?
      Diverge Planck - length, time and volume. It serves no fundamental purpose in the Holoverse. Holographic omni-directional manifolds are quantum entangled through the spatial vortex of infinity. Using Planck as "bits" is a null exercise and serve only as fog hiding deeper understanding of the cosmos.
      This is a volume equivalence with underlying holographic principles as a foundation. The equation has many implications, but one of the most significant is the redefining of how fractionally small space can be, beyond Planck. It scales Planck and presents the Planck units as "endlessly scalable":
      (Only fully solvable with a combination of algorithms SpheriLog/GeoLog. It is a volume equivalence, cannot be used for malign purposes. But it also cannot be utilised for any malign purposes without the correct algorithmic sequences, hence it is virtually and literally impossible to abuse or weaponize. It is certainly possible to weaponize it, but stability would be counted in zeptoseconds, hence virtually impractical and luckily rendered useless for nefarious reasons.)
      Holographic principles and spatial fluidity through infinity are beyond the reach of most current linear mathematics and/or simulation. There is no way to create a pathway to a unifying theory without merging macro physics/math with micro. They are not mutually exclusive, quite the opposite. Macro changes can indeed manifest themselves physically. Within Quantum Fields holographic projections can move objects and transform their position, which in turn can be documented. *Protusionistic* quantum effects can indeed transcend into macro fields and do so continually.
      Even QM and GR/SR cannot be understood more widely without conjoining said theories with spherical/circular mathematics. Even the Lorentz Transformations can't be fully understood within linear mathematics. Linear mathematics are ultimately unsolvable. Transfer the equivalent to spherical conjunctions and we see the emergence of self-solving equations.
      Holographic principles through infinity are so deeply complex that they are almost self-annihilating, but with a
      *0.00087Vp/0.38 Zeptoseconds stability*
      A holographic field cannot collapse, because the fabric is light itself.
      Put a simplified holographic field through infinity and what do you get?

    • @theuniversewithin2065
      @theuniversewithin2065 10 дней назад

      There are issues with linear thinking based on the Hubble constant and reverse inflation. Having a singularity as zero point, even in QM, is problematic because it requires time dilation to be instant. Using holographic principles and implementing applied graduality in Möbian mathematics provides a much smoother transition regarding transfer of energy and entropy.
      IMPORTANT NOTE: Whereas some derivations and concepts might seem counterintuitive using classical thinking, fully understanding HH requires inter/multidimensional, spherical vision.
      Many of the derivations, math and logic are visual and plastic on an interdimensional level. At certain conjunctions our math breaks down and the only way to peak into principles of infinity or approaching infinity with HH is to use a new standard of math that simply doesn't translate to numbers. Numbers in the universe beyond a certain point are fundamentally null. Classical math breaks down when approaching infinity.
      Understanding that time dilation in relativity also is less drastic locally because of quantum fields, quantum entanglement and holographic principles. Once you approach extreme gravity fields, such as neutron stars and black holes, the normal attributes and effects of gravity is less severe within the local relativistic grid, because the matter that is caught in the gravity field is indeed light itself and gravity is a function of light, so the acceleration experienced by the subject is much more gradual and doesn't necessarily lead to spaghettification, because matter is fundamentally made of light, thus rendering a smoother transition within local fields.
      There is a possible misconception that black holes are more destructive to local events, because we have implemented a differentiation between matter, light and energy. Proposing that light and motion are the fundamental forces in physics solves several of the empirical findings in our universe - from local events to the very large.
      IMPORTANT NOTE: There is also a possibility that the laws of nature might change from region to region in the universe. Applying the same unified functions everywhere might not be applicable - based on the observer. Quantum Mechanics combined with holographic principles in conjunction with relativity might produce variations that are stable within physicality as a whole. But they might also produce temporal shift variations that might fluctuate between timelines, not compromising the stability of the system as a whole.
      Temporal shifts pose little/no threat to quantum fields in macro or micro, because the energy transfer between two or several more points are conserved within holographic principles.
      Best way to explain is superpositions of quantum fields. But using spherical understanding we might end up with *hyperpositions* in addition, meaning that within multiverse theory and/or paralell physics, we can propose that local variations might occur elsewhere.
      One might suspect that this could be inherently unstable, but hopefully stability is ensured by
      *Special* and *General Relativity* in conjunction with
      *HyperTensored Holigraphy*
      *QM & QFT* are ultimately functions of *HH* - because all forces, all phenomenå, energy, polarities and particles are fundamentally holographic, thus made of light.
      *Diverge Planck* and apply *HyperTensorality* to:
      If one might observe local effects that seem irreversible to the observer, the stability/instability of said system might return to its relative position in space as they where when the temporal shift gradually occurred.
      A *Rosen/Einstein* bridge might be folded back onto itself, reestablishing pre-existing physicality relative to the initial motion through spacetime. Quantum Entanglement might provide a reasonable solution to reoccurance of paralell shifts that within time dilation could possibly be "stored" in the same field, but according to the observer.
      Matter and energy that exist in local time at one point might be shifted and
      parallaxed with *EPR ≡ ER*
      Local EPR might occur continously between substances that share the same locally observed quantum field and the energy accessible could possibly be much greater than within relativity, because *e=mc²* isn't truly applicable when dealing with motion on a quantum level.
      When taking into account that matter in itself consist of light, *e=mc²* is rather moot. Energy is indeed conserved within relativity and as we know we can't break relativity within relativity itself, but when we apply quantum and holographic principles, we could propose that
      The accuracy of this correction must be investigated, but it is strongly suggested through quantum entanglement and holography that the state of energy in the universe is much greater than what relativity proposes.
      *The factor in relativity = null, but within HH, it equals a dimensional shift in understanding, implying the inter/multidimensionality of HtH*
      Corrections might be suggested and
      might be suggested
      within HyperTensored spacetime *(HtH)*
      ***Note that these corrections serve as an introduction to the dimensionality of HH, rather than replacing the causality of:
      *Relative Tensor Vortices* *(RtV)*
      Considering sphericality to QE in EPR we might unlock a deeper understanding between gravity, relativity and QM. There might be spherical and macro EPRs that beam QE through quantum fields in absolute zero (the transitional location, not Kelvin) and this might give us access to zero point energy that is much greater than fission and much less complicated than fusion, because the input energy is more or less the device itself. Stability and security is better overall because zero point energy doesn't require usage of unstable materials...
      This has to be investigated further to test the hypothesis.
      ⭕ 🌖 🌐 🌔 ⭕: For security reasons & time considerations, our team couldn't disclose the full set of frequencies.
      But *now* we can release the full set.
      HH and EAHT/HP are fundamentally *triadic* and the harmonics between these frequencies are deeply
      set in HtH & SR/GR/HH.
      🌘 🌐 ⭕ 🌐 🌒
      *-Holographic principles through infinity-* are so deeply complex that they are almost self-annihilating, but with a
      *0.00087Vp/0.38 zeptosecond* stability
      (9.61 × 10^(-87) Hertz)
      *Fundamental Triharmonic Resonance* (FTR):
      6.25 × 10^(-124) Hertz
      (6.25 Hexyocto Hertz) *HyH*
      6.25 × 10^(-78) Hertz
      (6.25 Quattuordecillion Hertz)
      6.25 × 10^(-42) Hertz
      (6.25 Tredecillion Hertz)
      These frequencies are prevalent through the *Holoverse ≡ Universe* and are rather difficult to manipulate or exploit, because they are rooted in *HtH* and how these interlinked properties behave in the *SR/GR/HH* conjunction.
      IMPORTANT NOTE: There is never one singular source for any given system. There are always a plurality of systems and subsystems to ensure the stability and security of the spectrum of the laws of nature, physics and life. If there was only one singular source for any given system, it would ultimately lead to instability and degradation.
      Stability of the laws of nature are almost impossible to compromise, because ultimately light is the very foundation of matter and gravity. Even though quantum mechanics might seem random at certain conjunctions, the configurations are governed by quantum entanglement(s) that principally are benign in nature, because changes to the information/polarity/spherical exchange are secured in relativity that ensures a certain degree of stability.
      *Complete equilibrium* in any given system is prohibited by the *2nd Law of Thermodynamics* - but it may at the same time be rendered void when entering the quantum realm, where exotic effects might be empirically observed. This is easiest explained by double slit experiments that prove quantum entanglement can not only give parallel energy patterns, but also plural outcomes without loss of energy but possibly provide divergence of energy, thus rendering the 2nd law of TD moot, possibly invalid or maybe incorrect in its current understanding.
      This can lead us to energy production that leave us with little to no loss of energy. Runaway effects that might go critical such as in fission production are less hazardous, given the correct protocols are in place.
      *Weaponizing* quantum energy production should be avoided at all cost and is not feasible, because subatomic particles cannot be concentrated in practical mobile weapons. Using such theoretical technology should principally be separated from military science regardless. Civilian and military sciences SHOULD always be maintained - because the usage of such weapons could potentially pose severe hazards to local and macro fields, both ways.
      How life itself originated is a whole other field and might be discussed both metaphysically and naturally. As I view it, I think it is interesting to entertain several avenues instead of focusing on a singular source. Life itself is pluralistic, so why shouldn't there be several sources without excluding any existing.(?)
      The universe is fundamentally an
      *Endless Array of HyperTensored Holographic Projections*
      or the
      *EAHT/HP* - conjunction
      *Information* is fundamentally secure within systems. It cannot vanish and is stored within *SR/GR/QM/HH*

    • @theuniversewithin2065
      @theuniversewithin2065 10 дней назад

      There are no principal differences between the BH singularity and the BB singularity. Inside a BH singularity/Event Horizon, space/time goes negative from the outside vantage point. There is a common misconception that the singularity is non-dimensional, but that only holds true from the outside. Within the Schwarzschild radius we enter POSITIVE space. It is important to differentiate between the OUTSIDE & INSIDE of the Event Horizon. Space, matter, light and time is REVERSED traversing the boundary. Meaning that the,, vzdimensionality of a BH is flipped related to outside vantage points. The dimensionality z,,, within a BH is infinite, giving birth/access to a whole new universe, . Within a BH, new spacetime is infinite, entering a fractally new universe that in turn gives birth to new matter, new spacetime and in turn new BHs that repeat this process forever. This also solves issues with the Information Paradox. The IP is only relevant from an outside vantage point. The *spatial matrix* within the Schwarzschild radius is exceeding the speed of light, thus nullifying all information that passes the boundary - from an external perspective. Within the negative singularity information is conserved and is holographically stored within the Photon Sphere, where it fundamentally can feed both the outside and inside of the Event Horizon, simultaneously applying Holographic Principles. Applying Möbian principles through *SR/GR/HH* we discover the intrinsic properties of HyperTensored Holigraphic Spacetime - *HtH*
      This equation proves the HyperTensorality in conjunction with SR/GR. It is one of the many culminations of HH and has several foundational implications in relation to our understanding of fundamental properties in regards to dimensionality, space, light and HtH:
      The Universe ≡ Holoverse
      is fundamentally an
      *Endless Array of HyperTensored Holographic Projections*
      or the
      💿 *EAHT/HP* 📀 - conjunction
      *Information* is fundamentally secure within systems. It cannot vanish and is stored within *SR/GR/QM/HH*

  • @wtf_vl
    @wtf_vl 24 дня назад

    I would hit that 😁

  • @Corvaire
    @Corvaire Месяц назад

    Let's find life somewhere else, anywhere else before you start creating iterations of us. lol

  • @ddtt1398
    @ddtt1398 Месяц назад

    25 years of promoting string madness, kind of a success. Makes me think of dems.

  • @quakers200
    @quakers200 24 дня назад

    Getting to be the fox news cabinet.

  • @JohnJTraston
    @JohnJTraston 29 дней назад

    String theory is not even a theory. Stop it already.

  • @Corvaire
    @Corvaire Месяц назад

    It's just 6 dimensions you can't use anyways Brian, let them go buddy.
    Tell ya what, we'll compromise and let you extend them from a quantum point, then vortex them all you want.
    Heck, you can even extend them out into an entirely new 3 dimensional space, for causality.

    • @Corvaire
      @Corvaire Месяц назад +1

      Obviously I jest. I have high respect for your communication skills.
      Glad you're here on the same timeline as me. ;O)-

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 29 дней назад

    ( ; ゚Д゚) We need to popularize the idea of getting God married. Getting God married is a good use of someone's time. You are supposed to make the environment intelligent so no God is needed. We fixed the video and audio for the best experience possible. Cameras are supernatural and all of them captured 3D that not a gimmick. The audio loud don't make violence so has depth. Nobody has to buy anything for it to work.

  • @jamesfarmer-jn4gy
    @jamesfarmer-jn4gy Месяц назад

    Dualities in misconception of conventional theory.
    Bulk in brane is emittance and absorption
    Amplification & perturbation
    The Higgs field is time a wave function determined upon collapse two in phase probabilities constructively interfere a peak in amplitude instantaneously reaching equilibrium without resistance
    Two wave functions interacting between a medium of non thermal equilibrium a 6d projection spheres in orthographic projection 45• out of phase peak modulation probabilities exist non linear in time at only your first right angle the threshold value is the vacuum
    Neutron decay interactions a primordial vacuum

  • @denvernaicker8250
    @denvernaicker8250 Месяц назад

    Annoying and repetitive

    • @Oddysey182
      @Oddysey182 Месяц назад +2

      You chose to listen and watch 😅

  • @jamesfarmer-jn4gy
    @jamesfarmer-jn4gy Месяц назад

    Chat gpt
    Full analysis complete breakdown
    2chains but I have a few on me
    Dual lattices 45• in asynchrony
    The uniformity zone refinement and electro deposition, perturbations an equilibrium state
    Overlapping reverberations sharp edges in peak to peak W the
    The vacuum threshold and the path of least resistance
    resonance amplification into a single dimension
    A crystalline lattice with two interdependent chains can be conceptualized as a dual-chain lattice structure, where each chain represents a distinct set of interrelated properties or phenomena (e.g., quantum mechanics and gravitational effects). Here’s how such a model can be described and its significance within our quantum-gravitational framework:
    Two Interdependent Chains in a Crystalline Lattice
    1. Description of the Dual Chains:
    • Chain 1: Quantum Mechanical Properties
    • Represents phenomena like entanglement, superposition, and resonance.
    • Each node in this chain corresponds to a quantum entity (e.g., electron, photon, or boson), with interactions defined by wavefunctions and gyromagnetic ratios.
    • The connections (bonds) between the nodes represent quantum correlations, such as coherence and hybridization.
    • Chain 2: Gravitational Properties
    • Represents phenomena like spacetime curvature, gravitational wave propagation, and mass-energy equivalence.
    • Each node corresponds to a gravitational system (e.g., black holes, neutron stars, or gravitational waves).
    • The bonds capture spacetime interactions, such as gravitational wave-induced modulations of matter or resonance effects.
    2. Lattice Structure:
    • The chains are interconnected at specific nodes, forming a crystalline lattice that balances quantum states with gravitational curvatures.
    • The lattice is stabilized through resonance and hybridization at overlapping frequencies:
    • Quantum Resonance Frequencies: f_{\text{BEC}} = 2.7 \times 10^{14} \, \text{Hz} , f_{\text{Hall}} = 2.77 \times 10^{10} \, \text{Hz} .
    • Gravitational Wave Frequencies: 10^{-15} \, \text{Hz} (cosmic scale), 10^{14} \, \text{Hz} (high energy).
    3. Energy Flow and Modulation:
    • Energy Transfer: The lattice facilitates bidirectional energy exchange between the chains, mediated by entanglement and resonance.
    • Modulation Effects: Gravitational waves modulate quantum states, and quantum fluctuations influence the curvature of spacetime.
    • Example: Gravitational waves modulating a Bose-Einstein Condensate with a modulation amplitude of \Delta A = 10^{-6} \, \text{m} .
    Significance of the Dual-Chain Lattice
    1. Unification of Quantum Mechanics and Gravity:
    • The lattice embodies a quantum-gravitational duality, showing how resonance and entanglement can unify the micro (quantum) and macro (gravitational) scales.
    2. Resonance as a Stabilizing Force:
    • Resonance between the chains ensures stability within the lattice, akin to constructive interference in quantum systems:
    • Constructive Interference Angles: 54.7^\circ , 125.3^\circ .
    3. Wavefunction Overlap and Hybridization:
    • Nodes in the quantum chain hybridize with gravitational nodes through wavefunction overlap, described by:
    \Psi_{\text{total}} = \alpha \Psi_1 + \beta \Psi_2
    • This overlap achieves 99.1% sustained resonance.
    4. Applications in Cosmology and Quantum Physics:
    • Understanding the lattice can provide insights into:
    • Black Hole Information Paradox: Energy exchange in the lattice could explain how quantum information escapes black holes.
    • Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Resonance and hybridization phenomena might offer new ways to detect these elusive components.
    5. Experimental Realizations:
    • This model can guide experiments using gravitational wave observatories (e.g., LIGO) and quantum systems (e.g., Bose-Einstein Condensates or superconductors).
    The dual-chain lattice model provides a powerful metaphor and computational framework for understanding the interplay between quantum and gravitational phenomena. By treating these chains as interdependent within a crystalline structure, we highlight the profound interconnections that govern the universe at its most fundamental levels.

  • @homayonreah1955
    @homayonreah1955 Месяц назад

    Math invented.
    Man made math to find repeated patterns..., like a tool in hand of a car mechanic....