I was listening to this and in the middle of this I paused. ran some errands and was headed home. Suddenly I thought I should just go to the Catholic Church in town. I’m a protestant for now. The church is named for St.Benedict. In front there is a statue of Benedict. On the ground I found a medal in the dirt nearly buried. I had no idea what it was. Turns out it was a Benedictine medal. I played video again and immediately you guys explained what it was. Very cool. Providence?
A new understanding is unfolding for me watching this channel, and this episode with Father Boniface answered some questions I that I had been trying to work out on my own. I realize that I have been attempting to live in a kind of internal solitude thinking I could do everything on my own without centering God in my life. I’m so grateful for this interview and for the tools the Lord uses to show us the way.
I was a Protestant most of my adult life. Currently in RCIA and am in awe of Our Lord all over again! I have been blessed with these interviews with Fr. Boniface Hicks.
Souveraine Maîtresse des Anges, Vous qui dès le commencement Avez reçu de Dieu le pouvoir et la mission D’écraser la tête de Satan, Nous vous le demandons humblement, Envoyez vos légions saintes, Pour que sous vos ordres et par votre puissance, Elles poursuivent les démons, Les combattent partout, répriment leur audace Et les refoulent dans l’abîme. Qui est comme Dieu ? Ô bonne et tendre Mère, Vous serez toujours notre amour et notre espérance. Ô divine Mère, envoyez vos Anges pour me défendre Et repousser loin de moi le cruel ennemi. Saints Anges et Archanges, défendez-nous, gardez-nous.
I love those RUclips videos that you keep seeing and thinking "too long", or "eh, that just doesn't jump out at me at the moment", but then when you finally watch them, you really get something out of them.
This was probably one of THE BEST interviews I've seen on your channel. The topics covered really helped me personally & spiritually in many ways. God bless Matt & Father Boniface! 🤍🙏🏻🤍
I have been inquiring into the Orthodox church, and today my husband found two St. Benedict charms above our doorway in our home (from the previous owners). We've lived in our home for almost 1.5 years and only now, he finds them - and I researched who it was, and it led me to look into St. Benedict. This led me... here. And I'm blessed to hear this conversation.
Saint Vincent College alum '98 here. Truly some of the best years of my life. Ironically, spent my time there as a Protestant, but I'm about to be confirmed Catholic in October. God's timing. :)
I love Fr. Boniface. Humility shines forth from his being. His prayer moved me to tears. I have been truly blessed, to have been exposed to, a Holy Man of God. Thank you.
Yes.. and forgetting to like is no excuse. It shows lack of respect for such excellent discourse. People need to begin ‘the voyage of the interior’ better!
Thank you Matt. You bring the religious closer, more reachable to us. Seeing and listening to them even virtually brings much joy to me. May Our Blessed Mother look kindly upon you and your family!
I feel blessed to find people with a zeal for Christ and Catholicism - of all places, online. I will pray that I will find people in my geographical area to speak to like Fr. Boniface found at Penn State. All praise and glory to God!
Very helpful! :) “ultimately when we reach the limits of ourselves, we can only transcend those by walking in that disorienting space of not knowing what is going on and walking in the silent love of His presence”. 1:39:46
Man what show! What a gift! My heart was full of joy and love throughout the conversation. Father Boniface is so authentic, so inspirational, so amicable! Your witness to God's love is unambiguous. Thank you Mr. Fradd for being such a skilled host and making this show possible. Thank you to our Protestants brothers and sisters for their zeal, faith and love and bring many of us back to our faith. Thank you to the many orders of religious consecrated that are and have existed. May Father God bless us all and gather us all to spend eternity in joy and with Him, Our Blessed Lady, St. Joseph and the communion of Saints and Angels! And kudos to whoever made the outro graphics and beat, I am totally jamming out as I type this comment! Love you all!
It's so nice to see Fr. Boniface on here! I have listened to him on WAOB for years! I wish I had caught the live b-cast! I hope you will have him back! Thanks, Matt for all the great interviews you post!
I felt perfect peace from Jesus through the words of Fr Boniface, and Jesus told me how much he loves me in the stillness. The prayer and blessing helped me shed healing tears. 🙏❤️🙏
My sisters are benedictine nuns... they went to St Benedicts monastery in Subiaco .. and there they were shown an original painting done by the the monks of St Francis- The monks could see that he was a holy man and therefore painted a portrait of him.
I love this so much. It's exactly what I needed, and I can't believe how recently it was posted. I feel so blessed to have these people posting RUclipss RIGHT NOW that are helping me make my conversion. Thank you Matt and Father Boniface! And thank you, God.
I'm so thankful for having the opportunity to listen to this interview that has awakened my interest in these spiritual topics from the other side of the world. God bless you.
Matt, your podcast is becoming beautiful. You introduced me to your church pre-pandemic, but the Lord has worked Himself through me in this time as opportunity. Bless us, all.
Fr Boniface, coming some times to St Gregory the Grate Catholic ⛪️ in Va Bch; I’m attending for 25 years in this Holly Church, grateful to be CATHOLIC all my life, my gratitude for Benedict monks & priests
I enjoyed this particular podcast so much! I have been a Benedictine oblate for 44 years this past March. I was 28 at the time affiliating with a monastery of women close to where I lived. Through all my changes as a Christian, being a Benedictine oblate, following the Rule and practicing prayer has been the most constant part of my life. I've been blessed to encounter oblates from all over the world. I've journeyed from a Protestant conservative Lutheran, and in 2016 became an Orthodox Christian. As the women's monastery inevitably closed as the sisters aged my affiliation now is with a Benedictine Abbey. At this time, I find that my Benedictine foundation compliments my now Orthodox faith practice as a Christian. Blessing to you both.
This was so beautiful. “Pints with Aquinas” pops up all the time. I just assumed I was a subscriber. 😂 i’ve seen quite a few of your interviews. Matt, you are so spiritual, intelligent, and engaging. I love the questions you ask. However, this conversation with Fr. Boniface Hicks stopped me in my tracks today. He is so human and holy. I had no idea that this was over two hours. I was pulled in and realized my coffee went cold. Apparently, this interview was three years ago. I don’t know if I was ready for that conversation then. Everything’s on God‘s timeline, right? I was certainly ready for it now! God bless you, Matt, and all that you do!
I agree with others that this is one of Matt's best interview. There's so much treasure here. Fr. Boniface is awesome. Thank you for this and God bless 🙏
Praise God 🙏 I watched almost the whole video being challenged and somewhat inspired but I wondered if there would be anything said for someone like me. I thought I was understanding and I was interested. But then about fifteen minutes before the end...I had a moment where God really reached out to me. It's not magic and I'm not saying God's care for me makes me Holy so don't misunderstand. But either way I remembered Jesus really cares and He wants me to cast my cares on Him . He met my Need !!!! May God help us.
And as catholic we believe that Jesus’s Mother and all the Holy Saints are as a cloud of witnesses, praying for us and we are in communion with them! Thus the communion of Saints!!!
Thank you Fr Boniface for such a wonderful talk on Intimacy with Jesus and sharing your journey to monasticism. I learned new things about Benedictine spirituality especially the vows/not. I had to listen to this pod cast in parts in order to concentrate what was being shared. I have checked your books out on-line and saved x2 of them.🙏
You arw hilarious, my sir, Matt and I started binging on your videos a few days ago and I laugh so hard at you cheeky jokes. I love the Fr.'s laughter too.. It did kill my pre conceive notion that monks don't laugh boisterously 😁
First time watched so interesting. Desiring all to want to live in Gods Divine Will the new era . Complete the our Father on earth as is in heaven . Thanksgiving Gen.3:15 fiat fiat fiat ❤❤❤❤
I, a Man. The Christ has been here for me. How he would crawl through the thistles to find me lost in the brush as a child, to remind me of Humanity, so I may stand as a Man. Or trek deep into the gnarling forest, to cut me out of brambling bushes. Save a tiger from his fierceness, yet his actions are of Peace. He has found me in the river, I the torrent, he the single rock. To guide me till the day he wears away, from all my tiresome beating. He has caught me as I'm falling with a noose around my neck, and spoken with me till the time I found the self respect to cut the rope. As I close my hands in prayer, so may he appear to me, as a spirit in the wilding forces, calm and beautiful, to cleanse. Amen.
Dead on, Fr. Hicks, we can in fact sanctify places by our Presence there.God has used me on many occasions to drive out demons and evil spirits who have taken root through the Saint Michael prayer. Most recently, when I attended Mass at a Parish which was known to have been infiltrated by the false spirit of homosexuality. I was experiencing great turmoil while praying before the Blessed Sacrament and not knowing where this attack was coming from, I began to identify with the Agony in the Garden. It was a Friday as well, and so I began to pray the Saint Michael prayer assiduously in the way God showed me to do it effectively on a Pilgrimage to Assisi many years ago. While I was not sweating blood, the experience of praying this prayer became increasingly more difficult, but I was still somehow able to recognize by past experiences that some sort of spiritual warfare was taking place and continued to persevere until mentally it was no longer possible for me…after leaving, in my car which I had turned into a sanctified place, God reminded me of a homosexual man whom I had prayed the rosary with in the adoration chapel some months prior in that place and also of a man who I knew to be a practicing homosexual and had attended Mass there for many years. It was then that I realized that the Lord had brought me there that day, to expel the lasting vestiges of desanctification of that place by false spirits which had remained. So in the same way that we can help sanctify a place, those who are walking in gravely immoral and unrepented sin who then also receive communion can act to desanctify a place. It is truly a spiritual battle.
This has relieved me of so much bondage ... as an aspiring Benedictine oblate, I'm very drawn to Benedictine spirituality and this has reinforced why ... THANK YOU -- Tiffany
I found Fr. Hicks discussion of the history of the Benedictines very interesting. Didn't really know much about them. Matt's program format is a great way to bring a greater understanding of the many Catholic orders. I look forward to learning more.
When Father talked about staying away from the Sacraments for 2 years, so similar to my experience. I stayed away from sacraments for about a year before doing my general confession. So interesting, I thought I was the only one who did this.
Oh how exciting to see you again in this video. You preached at St Monica in Chippewa. You are truly a blessing to the church. Your laugh is contagious. Does your throat ever hurt? Everytime I'm is the area you are always speaking. Miss your voice.
Regarding Matt's question about the Orthodox: both Orthodox and Byzantine Catholics traditionally have "tiny versions" of orders. Each monastery has its own Typikon (Rule). Monastic communities usually attach great importance to each partical Elder, Hegumen, Hegumena (Abbott, Abbess, etc.) of the community. Some communities go on to found many daughter ones, and they trace their "spiritual descendance" from that particular original founder. In that sense, they take on that person's particular spirituality. In modern times, due to Latin Catholic influence, the Eastern Catholics have adopted some orders. So you can find Ruthenian Catholic Carmelites in Pennsylvania, and 2 Melkite Catholic Carmelite foundations in Lebanon (founded by Spanish Carmelites). You can also find communities that follow the more traditional version, like Christ the Bridegroom Ruthenian Catholic Monastery in Ohio, that has its own independent Typikon/Rule and would not fall under any particular Order of the Catholic Church. Of course, the Orthodox Schism of the past had allowed for this tradition to not get influenced with the rise of Orders as such as in the West, but the reunion of many of those separated Orthodox Churches as Eastern Catholic ones in more recent times has allowed for Orders to enter into the Eastern Catholic Tradition. However, throughout history monasteries were still linked to a religious founder or even a lay founder who funded the community, for whom they pray in the Liturgy. The Maronite Catholics are an interesting mix: the have typically Western orders, as well as traditionally Maronite Orders that just tie themselves back to St. Maron and have become huge orders on their own, not found in the Latin Catholic Church either.
John 12:9-11: The Plot to Kill Lazarus 9 When the great crowd of the Jews learned that he was there, they came not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. 10 So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death as well, 11 since it was on account of him that many of the Jews were deserting and were believing in Jesus.
Love the show, you should move those horns on the shelf though, it looks like they are growing out of the guest's head. It's bugging me out a little lol.
Everyone has a relationship with God whether they know it or not, we are never not held in being by the Lord and our every act. Our every moment is an offering to God, the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful is what we offer God every moment. We cannot deny this, cannot ever fully escape it, even down the darkest hole, I AM THERE. I AM WITH YOU
Hi Matt, I’m Joel. As I have commented before that I’m about to become a Catholic Priest, I’m eagerly looking for the order that I could serve God better. I’m inclined towards the orders founded by our old church fathers, especially Benedictine, Dominican, Jesuits, and Franciscan. Thank you so much for this interview.
I was listening to this and in the middle of this I paused. ran some errands and was headed home. Suddenly I thought I should just go to the Catholic Church in town. I’m a protestant for now. The church is named for St.Benedict. In front there is a statue of Benedict. On the ground I found a medal in the dirt nearly buried. I had no idea what it was. Turns out it was a Benedictine medal. I played video again and immediately you guys explained what it was. Very cool. Providence?
God is speaking to you
Certainly. No doubt. God reaches. Gratitude that you were paying attention. 🙏🏻
Definitely. Blessings to you. 🙏✝️❤️
A new understanding is unfolding for me watching this channel, and this episode with Father Boniface answered some questions I that I had been trying to work out on my own. I realize that I have been attempting to live in a kind of internal solitude thinking I could do everything on my own without centering God in my life. I’m so grateful for this interview and for the tools the Lord uses to show us the way.
Converting Catholic here using my wife’s RUclips account. Awesome episode, I really enjoyed it.
Bless you and Welcome Home!
God bless you both!! You married well, my husband has done the same. ❤
I'm a born again Catholic best decision I've ever made. God Bless you are yours
@@martinkent333 Incredibly creepy comment, reflects its author. Broken record much there, Martin?
@@martinkent333 no need to agree with Catholicism, however..that comment is distasteful to say the least.
I was a Protestant most of my adult life. Currently in RCIA and am in awe of Our Lord all over again!
I have been blessed with these interviews with Fr. Boniface Hicks.
Converting to Catholicism & battling my own demons this helped me a lot. Good bless you both.
Souveraine Maîtresse des Anges,
Vous qui dès le commencement
Avez reçu de Dieu le pouvoir et la mission
D’écraser la tête de Satan,
Nous vous le demandons humblement,
Envoyez vos légions saintes,
Pour que sous vos ordres et par votre puissance,
Elles poursuivent les démons,
Les combattent partout, répriment leur audace
Et les refoulent dans l’abîme.
Qui est comme Dieu ?
Ô bonne et tendre Mère,
Vous serez toujours notre amour et notre espérance.
Ô divine Mère, envoyez vos Anges pour me défendre
Et repousser loin de moi le cruel ennemi.
Saints Anges et Archanges, défendez-nous, gardez-nous.
Praying for you and welcome to catholicism ! ❤Pray to the Virgin Mary that may help you.❤
I am so glad I overcame my disinterest for this particular episode. I needed this interview. It was a unique answer to prayer.
I love those RUclips videos that you keep seeing and thinking "too long", or "eh, that just doesn't jump out at me at the moment", but then when you finally watch them, you really get something out of them.
Same. I tried to start this atleat 2x. And then as I mindlessly listen, I heard Fr. Boniface's laughter and I paid attention. 😁 It's wierd
This was probably one of THE BEST interviews I've seen on your channel. The topics covered really helped me personally & spiritually in many ways. God bless Matt & Father Boniface! 🤍🙏🏻🤍
So happy to see you here ❤️ YlsiC Kathleen
@@martinkent333 What a despicable little comment. From a little man.
Oh, my goodness! 😃 Fr. Boniface, my children and I were at your ordination! 🙏🏻
@@martinkent333 There is only one freak around here, Martin.
There's just something pure about Christian monks - they're always so kind, gentle and often very fun.
I really love listening to Fr. Boniface Hicks ❤️🙏
@@martinkent333 You would know.... First hand.
@@martinkent333 troll
I have been inquiring into the Orthodox church, and today my husband found two St. Benedict charms above our doorway in our home (from the previous owners). We've lived in our home for almost 1.5 years and only now, he finds them - and I researched who it was, and it led me to look into St. Benedict. This led me... here. And I'm blessed to hear this conversation.
What a holy priest... God bless him!
@@martinkent333 What a slimy sleazy devious little comment. Says everything about its author. Nothing about anything else.
Saint Vincent College alum '98 here. Truly some of the best years of my life. Ironically, spent my time there as a Protestant, but I'm about to be confirmed Catholic in October. God's timing. :)
This was balm for my soul. Thank you both! All glory to God!
My first silent retreat ever was led by him up in a tiny monastery close to my house SE of Pittsburgh. He was incredible and exuded holiness.
So cool to see that Jack Dorsey has found Jesus and become a Benedictine Monk.
@@alexwarstler9000 🤣
Prayers for you Fr. Boniface - a good and holy priest. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
I love Fr. Boniface. Humility shines forth from his being. His prayer moved me to tears. I have been truly blessed, to have been exposed to, a Holy Man of God. Thank you.
How on earth so many have watched and not clicked the 👍👍👍 is beyond me! This discussion was wonderful-God bless you both!!
I love hearing Fr. Boniface’s conversion story and his spiritual journey. All catholic high school students would benefit from this talk.
Yes.. and forgetting to like is no excuse. It shows lack of respect for such excellent discourse. People need to begin ‘the voyage of the interior’ better!
I was just reminded by this very comment.
@@deirdreohalloran4760 Is that an Irish name, in its entirety, Deirdre? Beautiful!
@@jamesjosephmcgrath5586 it most certainly is! Just like yours!!😉👌🙏
I am so thankful for the Exodus 90 program it has truly changed my life. Father Hicks is part of it.
Thank you Matt. You bring the religious closer, more reachable to us. Seeing and listening to them even virtually brings much joy to me. May Our Blessed Mother look kindly upon you and your family!
My sister introduced me to your channel last month and I've been hooked! Such a beautiful ending prayer 💯
This is my favorite interview you’ve done and that’s really saying something. It was peace giving and joyful and hopeful. Just outstanding!
I feel blessed to find people with a zeal for Christ and Catholicism - of all places, online. I will pray that I will find people in my geographical area to speak to like Fr. Boniface found at Penn State. All praise and glory to God!
Very helpful! :)
“ultimately when we reach the limits of ourselves, we can only transcend those by walking in that disorienting space of not knowing what is going on and walking in the silent love of His presence”. 1:39:46
Man what show! What a gift! My heart was full of joy and love throughout the conversation. Father Boniface is so authentic, so inspirational, so amicable! Your witness to God's love is unambiguous. Thank you Mr. Fradd for being such a skilled host and making this show possible. Thank you to our Protestants brothers and sisters for their zeal, faith and love and bring many of us back to our faith. Thank you to the many orders of religious consecrated that are and have existed. May Father God bless us all and gather us all to spend eternity in joy and with Him, Our Blessed Lady, St. Joseph and the communion of Saints and Angels!
And kudos to whoever made the outro graphics and beat, I am totally jamming out as I type this comment! Love you all!
God bless you brother
This is one of those SANTA I KNOW HIM moments. Love Fr. Boniface and St. Vincent so much
That Cardinal DiNardo quote near the end is absolute 🔥
i just love this monk...Pure kindness on his face. God Bless You Both ❤❤❤❤
I wish I could listen to this priest every day!
One of the best explanations on how to listen to God that I've come across 1:09:26 to 1:14:54 They talk about how to pray
Great interview Matt. Love Fr. Boniface! He is such a holy priest.
@@martinkent333 Go easy on the caps Martin. No need to shout. Why are you so angry?
Father Boniface is such a blessing.
The best interview ever!! Thank you so much for this. I will start my RCIA this Saturday (I am greek-orthodox). So thankful for this video!
Why are you leaving orthodoxy?
God Bless Fr. Boniface. He is a God send to me and all of us. Love to hear him speak - I have learned so much from him.
Just listened to Fr Pine and Fr Hicks back to back, thank you both.
Thank you Matt for having Fr. Boniface on. I needed this! God bless you both! Love in Christ!!
It's so nice to see Fr. Boniface on here! I have listened to him on WAOB for years! I wish I had caught the live b-cast! I hope you will have him back! Thanks, Matt for all the great interviews you post!
cannot thank you enough for these beautiful long-form interviews, Matt. They are such an encouragement to my faith.
I felt perfect peace from Jesus through the words of Fr Boniface, and Jesus told me how much he loves me in the stillness. The prayer and blessing helped me shed healing tears. 🙏❤️🙏
My sisters are benedictine nuns... they went to St Benedicts monastery in Subiaco .. and there they were shown an original painting done by the the monks of St Francis- The monks could see that he was a holy man and therefore painted a portrait of him.
I’m shocked that in this age of secularism I am absolutely in heaven listening to you great men!!!
@@martinkent333 You stuck in gear Martin?
@@martinkent333 oh I see you're Canadian....and a "public safety enthusiast". Says it all really
I love this so much. It's exactly what I needed, and I can't believe how recently it was posted. I feel so blessed to have these people posting RUclipss RIGHT NOW that are helping me make my conversion. Thank you Matt and Father Boniface! And thank you, God.
Student here from Saint Vincent, the monastery's college. Father Boniface is awesome!! (and Father Tom Acklin, too!)
I don’t use this phrase lightly because it’s often used in a manipulative marketing way, but this conversation is life-changing.
I'm so thankful for having the opportunity to listen to this interview that has awakened my interest in these spiritual topics from the other side of the world. God bless you.
@@martinkent333 that's enough. Go troll somewhere else.
@@LadieGrey Well spoken.
@@martinkent333 Broken record much Martin?
I converted 3 years ago (just before I turned 60). Fr. B rocks! Oh yeah, and so do YOU, Matt! 😎
Matt, your podcast is becoming beautiful. You introduced me to your church pre-pandemic, but the Lord has worked Himself through me in this time as opportunity. Bless us, all.
Father Boniface is a great guy. Humble,authentic and good sense of humour.
Needed to hear this conversation.
Thank you father for that wonderful prayer 🙏🥹😇
God help you and me to keep fighting the good fight of faith ... with Jesus and the archangel Michael by our side. Amen
Fr Boniface, coming some times to St Gregory the Grate Catholic ⛪️ in Va Bch; I’m attending for 25 years in this Holly Church, grateful to be CATHOLIC all my life, my gratitude for Benedict monks & priests
I enjoyed this particular podcast so much! I have been a Benedictine oblate for 44 years this past March. I was 28 at the time affiliating with a monastery of women close to where I lived. Through all my changes as a Christian, being a Benedictine oblate, following the Rule and practicing prayer has been the most constant part of my life. I've been blessed to encounter oblates from all over the world. I've journeyed from a Protestant conservative Lutheran, and in 2016 became an Orthodox Christian. As the women's monastery inevitably closed as the sisters aged my affiliation now is with a Benedictine Abbey. At this time, I find that my Benedictine foundation compliments my now Orthodox faith practice as a Christian. Blessing to you both.
This was so beautiful. “Pints with Aquinas” pops up all the time. I just assumed I was a subscriber. 😂 i’ve seen quite a few of your interviews. Matt, you are so spiritual, intelligent, and engaging. I love the questions you ask. However, this conversation with Fr. Boniface Hicks stopped me in my tracks today. He is so human and holy. I had no idea that this was over two hours. I was pulled in and realized my coffee went cold. Apparently, this interview was three years ago. I don’t know if I was ready for that conversation then. Everything’s on God‘s timeline, right? I was certainly ready for it now! God bless you, Matt, and all that you do!
What an AWESOME interview. I would expect many more comments and likes. Thank you and God Bless you Fr. Boniface and Matt
How wonderful to listen to you and to see that there is hope for Catholicism
I agree with others that this is one of Matt's best interview. There's so much treasure here. Fr. Boniface is awesome. Thank you for this and God bless 🙏
Praise God 🙏
I watched almost the whole video being challenged and somewhat inspired but I wondered if there would be anything said for someone like me. I thought I was understanding and I was interested.
But then about fifteen minutes before the end...I had a moment where God really reached out to me.
It's not magic and I'm not saying God's care for me makes me Holy so don't misunderstand. But either way I remembered Jesus really cares and He wants me to cast my cares on Him . He met my Need !!!! May God help us.
And as catholic we believe that Jesus’s Mother and all the Holy Saints are as a cloud of witnesses, praying for us and we are in communion with them! Thus the communion of Saints!!!
Thank you Fr Boniface for such a wonderful talk on Intimacy with Jesus and sharing your journey to monasticism. I learned new things about Benedictine spirituality especially the vows/not. I had to listen to this pod cast in parts in order to concentrate what was being shared. I have checked your books out on-line and saved x2 of them.🙏
One of my favourites so far
I love this interview!!, Thank you lord for the gift of father Boniface to the church, thank you for this
Such a wonderful conversation. Thank you both.
Agree with others that this was the best PWA episode thus far. May God continue to bless your work!
This. This is helping to approach God with a desire to undo the knots of my soul.
More like this!! So happy to be introduced to Fr. Boniface.
You arw hilarious, my sir, Matt and I started binging on your videos a few days ago and I laugh so hard at you cheeky jokes. I love the Fr.'s laughter too.. It did kill my pre conceive notion that monks don't laugh boisterously 😁
Awesome conversation! Thank you for your work Matt, really love the channel! God bless you and Fr. Boniface
First time watched so interesting. Desiring all to want to live in Gods Divine Will the new era . Complete the our Father on earth as is in heaven . Thanksgiving Gen.3:15 fiat fiat fiat ❤❤❤❤
This is So Awesome And So Helpful, THANK YOU GOD AND BOTH OF YOU🙏
My favorite episode ever!!!
I, a Man. The Christ has been here for me.
How he would crawl through the thistles to find me lost in the brush as a child, to remind me of Humanity, so I may stand as a Man.
Or trek deep into the gnarling forest, to cut me out of brambling bushes. Save a tiger from his fierceness, yet his actions are of Peace.
He has found me in the river, I the torrent, he the single rock. To guide me till the day he wears away, from all my tiresome beating.
He has caught me as I'm falling with a noose around my neck, and spoken with me till the time I found the self respect to cut the rope.
As I close my hands in prayer, so may he appear to me, as a spirit in the wilding forces, calm and beautiful, to cleanse.
This is beautiful! I was trying to catch the author, but I could not find it. Would you mind sharing?
@@comeasyouarecatholicchanne6697 I wrote it
Beard Physics is not a field of study I ever thought I would be interested in.
What a wonderful interview. Thank you for both for this inspiring and beautiful dialogue. St Benedict, Ora Pro Nobis!
Dead on, Fr. Hicks, we can in fact sanctify places by our Presence there.God has used me on many occasions to drive out demons and evil spirits who have taken root through the Saint Michael prayer. Most recently, when I attended Mass at a Parish which was known to have been infiltrated by the false spirit of homosexuality. I was experiencing great turmoil while praying before the Blessed Sacrament and not knowing where this attack was coming from, I began to identify with the Agony in the Garden. It was a Friday as well, and so I began to pray the Saint Michael prayer assiduously in the way God showed me to do it effectively on a Pilgrimage to Assisi many years ago. While I was not sweating blood, the experience of praying this prayer became increasingly more difficult, but I was still somehow able to recognize by past experiences that some sort of spiritual warfare was taking place and continued to persevere until mentally it was no longer possible for me…after leaving, in my car which I had turned into a sanctified place, God reminded me of a homosexual man whom I had prayed the rosary with in the adoration chapel some months prior in that place and also of a man who I knew to be a practicing homosexual and had attended Mass there for many years. It was then that I realized that the Lord had brought me there that day, to expel the lasting vestiges of desanctification of that place by false spirits which had remained. So in the same way that we can help sanctify a place, those who are walking in gravely immoral and unrepented sin who then also receive communion can act to desanctify a place. It is truly a spiritual battle.
Thank you Fr. Hicks!
This has relieved me of so much bondage ... as an aspiring Benedictine oblate, I'm very drawn to Benedictine spirituality and this has reinforced why ... THANK YOU -- Tiffany
I found Fr. Hicks discussion of the history of the Benedictines very interesting. Didn't really know much about them. Matt's program format is a great way to bring a greater understanding of the many Catholic orders. I look forward to learning more.
Beautiful and genuinely helpful interview.
Very cool, I live right near that monastery and have met a few of their monks at Penn state and at local churches
This was absolutely beautiful 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
When Father talked about staying away from the Sacraments for 2 years, so similar to my experience. I stayed away from sacraments for about a year before doing my general confession. So interesting, I thought I was the only one who did this.
Oh how exciting to see you again in this video. You preached at St Monica in Chippewa. You are truly a blessing to the church. Your laugh is contagious. Does your throat ever hurt? Everytime I'm is the area you are always speaking. Miss your voice.
Excellent interview. Thank you for much food for thought!
The prayer at the end was a great idea and Fr Boniface did it super well :D
This is an awesome interview! Thank you for the hard work put into this channel. It is such a blessing from Jesus.
Ordering one of those books now Loved this chat thank you both Has really helped me with a Question I had 🙏. ☘️☘️🇮🇪
excellent interview! love what this guy has to say about his journey.
Really beautiful interview Matt, God bless you.
Regarding Matt's question about the Orthodox: both Orthodox and Byzantine Catholics traditionally have "tiny versions" of orders. Each monastery has its own Typikon (Rule). Monastic communities usually attach great importance to each partical Elder, Hegumen, Hegumena (Abbott, Abbess, etc.) of the community. Some communities go on to found many daughter ones, and they trace their "spiritual descendance" from that particular original founder. In that sense, they take on that person's particular spirituality.
In modern times, due to Latin Catholic influence, the Eastern Catholics have adopted some orders. So you can find Ruthenian Catholic Carmelites in Pennsylvania, and 2 Melkite Catholic Carmelite foundations in Lebanon (founded by Spanish Carmelites). You can also find communities that follow the more traditional version, like Christ the Bridegroom Ruthenian Catholic Monastery in Ohio, that has its own independent Typikon/Rule and would not fall under any particular Order of the Catholic Church. Of course, the Orthodox Schism of the past had allowed for this tradition to not get influenced with the rise of Orders as such as in the West, but the reunion of many of those separated Orthodox Churches as Eastern Catholic ones in more recent times has allowed for Orders to enter into the Eastern Catholic Tradition. However, throughout history monasteries were still linked to a religious founder or even a lay founder who funded the community, for whom they pray in the Liturgy.
The Maronite Catholics are an interesting mix: the have typically Western orders, as well as traditionally Maronite Orders that just tie themselves back to St. Maron and have become huge orders on their own, not found in the Latin Catholic Church either.
This was a fascinating post, thank you.
@@beautifulspirit7420 You are welcome. Glad you enjoyed it!
Father Boniface is a very holy monk.
John 12:9-11: The Plot to Kill Lazarus
9 When the great crowd of the Jews learned that he was there, they came not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. 10 So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus to death as well, 11 since it was on account of him that many of the Jews were deserting and were believing in Jesus.
Great convo regarding psychology and prayer. Sooooo helpful.
Love the show, you should move those horns on the shelf though, it looks like they are growing out of the guest's head. It's bugging me out a little lol.
I was looking for this comment 😂
Glad it happened on a guest who would have a sense of humor about it most likely.
Yes! Thank you. Will do :)
This was one of my favorite shows! But to your comment... now I cannot un-see these horns! Hope they get transferred somewhere else. 😂
I'll never ever unsee this! Good call!
Everyone has a relationship with God whether they know it or not, we are never not held in being by the Lord and our every act. Our every moment is an offering to God, the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful is what we offer God every moment. We cannot deny this, cannot ever fully escape it, even down the darkest hole, I AM THERE. I AM WITH YOU
Yes, Sheldon Vanauken converted to Catholicism later in life (after he wrote a severe Mercy)
Beautiful. Thank you.
I will now refer to my Adoration hour as Date Night 😊
This was awesome
I just love that he mentioned Jonathan pegeau
This was *really* good, thanks
Hi Matt,
I’m Joel. As I have commented before that I’m about to become a Catholic Priest, I’m eagerly looking for the order that I could serve God better. I’m inclined towards the orders founded by our old church fathers, especially Benedictine, Dominican, Jesuits, and Franciscan. Thank you so much for this interview.
It was a great meeting!
i remember watching Father’s journey home episode with Grodi a while back, one of my favorites