The Genesis and Transformations of General Relativity - J. Renn - 3/10/2016

  • Опубликовано: 4 фев 2025

Комментарии • 14

  • @j18ter
    @j18ter 10 месяцев назад

    Wow, I'm blown away. This is an amazing talk about the creation of GR. Both contents and presentation are excellent.

  • @JulienBorrel
    @JulienBorrel 10 месяцев назад

    GR and bacon, the best things in life reunited, at last !

  • @coastwalker101
    @coastwalker101 9 лет назад +7

    This is a fascinating talk which investigates the history of the ideas in GR. Where did they come from, how did Einstein get it right and where have they lead. This is a very interesting story.

  • @kevinhanley3023
    @kevinhanley3023 5 лет назад +2

    Awesome talk

  •  8 лет назад +3

    TY for upload

  • @kaiserahmed2629
    @kaiserahmed2629 3 года назад +1

    Love from Bangladesh may bestow uopm Albert

  • @BlueSoulTiger
    @BlueSoulTiger 7 лет назад +2

    Caltech: how about getting a microphone out into the audience at question time? This time, the audience questions cannot be heard. Good questions, along with the answers they engender, are often just as revealing as the talk itself.

  • @lubomirvlcek9888
    @lubomirvlcek9888 7 лет назад

    A particle moving in a transmission medium.
    Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) moving at the velocity of v has two different values:
    Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge)
    Tkin id =mc^2 [ln |1-v/c|+ (v/c) / (1-v/c) ] in direction of motion of a particle ( charge)
    It is realy as Newton´s kinetic energy,
    where v is velocity of a particle ( charge) .
    Kinetic energy of a particle ( charge) Tkin ad = mc^2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c) / (1+v/c) ] against direction of motion of a particle ( charge)
    It is realy as Maxwell´s electromagnetic wave energy,
    where v is velocity of a particle ( charge).
    Corrected Third Newton's law of motion :
    All movements in physics are based on principle of action - reaction and on velocity of stable particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, α ).
    Action, as a motion of stable charged particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, α ), is characterized speeds up in source along ellipse or quasi- elipse ( excentricity e -> 0 ).
    Action creates unstable particles ( leptons μ−, τ−, baryons, mesons ), bosons W +, W-, Z (= particles = β electrons moving at nearly the speed of light )in direction of motion of stable particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, alfa ).
    Reaction creates into transmission medium, the electromagnetic waves, as unstable “particles” - neutrínos νe, νμ, ντ , mesons π0, π+ , π- , η , K and gamma rays (=waves of extremely high frequency >10^19 Hz ) - against direction of motion of stable particles ( e-, p+,n0, D, He-3, alfa ).
    Accompanying activity of reaction on movement of stable particles in the transmission medium are waves, or “unstable particles“ respectively , i.e. neutrinos and mesons.
    Extraordinary proofs:
    New Trends in Physics CD Rom /book, Elementes Pictures, Spheres in Nuclei, Forecasted Nuclei
    One Blink of Electron is the Basis Amount of Kinetic Energy 6.62606957x10-34 Js
    Confirmation of the Theory Under Discussion Wave-Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and in Direction of Motion in Discussion Group Theoretical Physics !!!! Eureka !!!!
    Einstein's Theory of Relativity Can not Explain ...
    Corrected Newton´s Laws of Motion
    Principles for the Theory and Its Agreement with Experiment
    Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion.
    Improvement of Classical Physics
    Kinetic Energy According to Einstein and According the Latest Knowledge
    Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field is Asymmetrical.
    Form of the Interference Field is Non-Linear
    Kinetic Energy of a Charge Moving at the Velocity of V Has Two Different Values
    Three Objections to Modern Physics
    Protons Are Perfectly Stable or Their Lifetime is Enormous
    Please Read my Articles in More Detail.
    Movement Principles of Ufo
    Kinetic Energy
    Who is Right?
    What is Quark?
    L.vlcek Vixra, Getcited, Book, CD, Conferences 14.5.2014
    Superheavy Spherical Nuclei. Island of Stability
    Neutrino Oscillations
    Physics is Easy
    Particles, Waves and Trends in Physics
    Physics is Beautiful
    Introduction to my Two Articles Physics is Easy and Physics is Beautiful
    Orbit Radius and Speed of the Sun Around the Center of Gravity of the Solar System
    Spectral line Hα
    Shortened Great Table of Elementary Particles
    Great Table of Elementary Particles
    Movement Principles of the Fast-Spinning Bodies
    Nuclear Fusion
    Critical examination of fundamentals in physics
    L. Vlcek, : New Trends in Physics, Slovak Academic Press, Bratislava 1996,
    ISBN 80-85665-64-6.
    Presentation on European Phys. Soc. 10th Gen. Conf. - Trends in Physics ( EPS 10) Sevilla ,
    E 9. -13 September 1996,
    This paper presents two new coordinate systems (s, t, u, v) and (s*, t*, u*, v*). There is a transformation of relations between (s, t, u, v) and (x, y, z) - cartesian between (s*, t*, u*, v*) and (x, y, z), between (s, t, u, v) and (s*, t*, u*, v*). The theory is an attempt to account for the existence of magic numbers in terms of interactions between an individual nucleon and a force field produced by all the other nucleons. Combination of the cartesian coordinate system with our news coordinates arise as very firmly fastening structure for description of nuclear spheres (shells).
    New Trends in Physics CD Rom /book, Elementes Pictures, Spheres in Nuclei, Forecasted Nuclei
    67 Pages. New Trends in Physics /book, elementes pictures, spheres in nuclei, forecasted nuclei, ZOO-3D editorfor interactive inspecting of nuclei spheres/, Academic Electronic Press, Bratislava, 2000, CD- ROM, ISBN 80-88880-38-6.
    Superheavy Spherical Nuclei. Island of Stability
    In the present paper we show, that nuclei Os 192, Pt 198, Hg 198, Hg 200, Hg 201, Hg 204, Tl 205, Pb 206, Pb 207, At 210, Pa 231, Th 232, AcU 235, Np 237, Pu 240, Am 242, Cm 247, Ku 261, and more create an island of stability. Keywords: superheavy spherical nuclei, island of stability, sphere 192 PACS number: 21.60.-n
    Spheres in nuclei
    Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Operations Research, Vol. 1, No. 1
    Page 1 - 11.pdf
    The New Coordinate Systems in Physics and Magic Numbers
    Lubomir Vlcek Rokytov 132, 086 01, Slovak Republic
    ISSN 2377-6404 (online)
    Einstein's theory of relativity can not explain ...
    1. Movement principles of the fast-spinning pulsars, (
    Movement Principles of the Fast-Spinning Bodies )
    2. Nuclear Fusion , ( )
    3. Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion
    4. the 4th Maxwell's equation, (2.38) in
    5. Lorentz equals without the help of Space-Time,
    (2.23) - (2.27) in
    6.Confinement of quarks ( What is Quark? )
    7. Great Table of Elementary Particles ( )
    8. Spectral line Hα ( ň
    9. Neutrino Oscillations ( )
    10. Form of the interference field must be non-linear. ( )
    11.Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field must be asymmetrical.
    ( )
    12.Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values:
    Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave Tkin ad = mc2 [ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)]
    Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle Tkin id = mc2 [ln|1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)]
    ( , , Three Objections to Modern Physics )
    13. Yukawa potential
    Why relativity works in some cases and fails in others ?
    Like Newton's theory works for small speeds v

  • @pacajalbert9018
    @pacajalbert9018 4 года назад

    v stave bez vedomí som videl vo sne ako sa vesmír sužuje z ľavé strany z práve strany smerom do výšky hore 🔝 kde zdvíha zem 🌏 ja som vo vedomí bol dole 👇 kde zdvíhlo zem a videl som ďalšie planéty ktoré stály na svojom mieste tak som sa otočil na späť k slnku ☀ a Spital sa prečo ne spadne lebo bol som v stave že som dole kde mňa zdvihlo zdola hore 🔝

  • @kaiserahmed2629
    @kaiserahmed2629 3 года назад +1

    Just something ultra dimensional creature

  • @Igdrazil
    @Igdrazil 5 лет назад

    This is HARDLY a serious "historian" work, but rather an extremely poor rootless arbitrary propaganda! Every claim could crowl under fatal criticism. To target few crucial ones over all, lets simply water wash this pseudo "historian" propaganda historically false, by simply recalling (what is now well known except from zomby blind denyers), that it is NOT AT ALL Einstein who discover the "Theory of Relativity" in 30 th August 1905, but first Giordano BRUNO in the paradigm of Mechanics, confirmed and deepened by Galilei GALILEO in the XIV th century. Then J.C MAXWELL who stressed out that the speed of light and EM waves should coïncide and equal the inverse square root of two UNIVERSAL CONSTANTS product : permittivity and permeability of "vacuum". So it is MAXWELL (and NOT AT ALL EINSTEIN) who "demonstrate" the theoreticall justification of CONSTANCY OF LIGHT SPEED INDEPENDANT OF OBSERVATIONAL REFERENCE FRAMES! Further it is Henry POINCARÉ, soon as 1885, who stresses out the cornerstone remark that Fresnel and Hertz theory and expriments made no more than attavic rethoric use of the concept of Aether, since all their theory wouldn't be affected by its suppression. It is thus POINCARÉ (not at all EINSTEIN) who stresses out since 1890's, the actual obsolescence of Aether concept, and thus of ABSOLUTE CHIMERIC REFERENCE FRAME. More over it is VOIGT, and independently little later Hendrick LORENTZ, who found the way in 1887, to explain the apparently oxymorus null results of MINCHELSON and MORLEY. LORENTZ than building during almost 20 YEARS IN TIGHT COLABORATION WITH POINCARÉ, the constant clarification, construction and achievment of THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY up to IT'S FINAL TOUCH given by POINCARÉ, in his magistral final breakthrough of 5 JUNE 1905. Poincaré had enterely solved the still half blind 1901 ans 1904 capital breakthroughs of LORENTZ, by named since 1900, and raising it to UNIVERSAL VALIDITY since 1904, the corner stone PRINCIPLE OF RELATIVITY that generalised Bruno and GALILEO purely Mechanic one, to EM waves and electrodynamic. Thus the PRINCIPLE OF RELATIVITY is POINCARÉ decisive achievment stressed out since 1900 and sacred since 1901, 1902, 1904, 1905 in repeated official occasions. More, it's alone POINCARÉ who name since 1900, this radically new revolution in Physics : THE NEW MECHANIC. It is also POINCARÉ alone who forged since 1895 the correct interpretation of LORENTZ "LOCAL TIME" MATHEMATICAL ARTIFACT, by laying out in full details, since 1895 THE CORRECT CLOCKS SYNCHRONISATION ALGORITHM, stressing out it's revolutionary conséquences of apparent time dilation and length contraction. All this is POINCARÉ magistral work of 1995's, popularised in his BEST SELLER world wide known and admired "LA SCIENCE ET L'HYPOTHÈSE" wrinten in 1902, and extensively stutied by EINSTEIN between 1902 and 1904 in his Bern home friends Academia (SOLOVINE testimony). Thus the pittyfull plagiat of POINCARÉ made by EINSTEIN needs no more to be demontrated, but only wider spred, in respectfull regards to the transcendant nobelty of Thuth, and exactness rigor. These few LEATHAL HISTORIC KEY POINTS could be so vastly continued, that they would, and do drive, EINSTEIN claims under the "Niagara falls" of an ocean of respected and numerous, even more LEATHAL criticism : PAINLEVÉ, KRETSCHMANN, BONDY, SINGE, FOCK, LANDAU, CARTAN, WHITTAKER, WEYL, MISNER, SOURIAU...
    It is thus sadly under the same tumb of conformal mediocrity, that this pseudo "historian" lecturer falls in a cataract of lies and historical scandalous twists. What à pitty, and what a shame!

  • @gsanewphysics8902
    @gsanewphysics8902 8 лет назад

    Unfortunately, Albert Einstein had been poor in Astronomy when he was young. New finding in 2010 you don't know before, Einstein proving method for his hypothesis in general relativity "deflection of light by the Sun" isn't scientific and deeply wrong. Einstein ignored refraction of light: ie. astronomical refraction and terrestrial refraction. Actually, the first experimental of general relativity by Arthur Eddington in the year of 1919 was error. That is why Einstein never received a Nobel Prize for Relativity.
    Einstein proving method (EPM) via eclipse is 100 % domain of Astronomy, it’s not domain of Physics. Someone those who had been experiences in Astronomy: ie.measuring the altitude of celestial bodies using sextant, know exactly EPM isn’t astronomical scientific method, the result will always be an error.
    General relativity has been wrong since the beginning. General relativity violate the modern astronomy. General relativity violate the standard model of physics. Einstein’s gravity is wrong. Gravitational lensing is false. Lensing is caused by refraction, not gravity. Gravitational redshift (Einstein’s shifts) is false. Redshifts is caused by refraction, not gravity. GPS doesn't need and doesn't prove general relativity.
    In the case of special relativity is the same with general relativity: Einstein ignored refraction of light
    And more ……..Time dilation, Shapiro delay is false. Time delay of light
    (Shapiro radar signal) is caused by refraction, not gravity ..
    (More info in the books: Albert Einstein Failed In Three Classical Tests, Eclipse 1919 and the
    General Relativity Theory).