akhirnya dipost juga, makasih mbak buat videonya...ini kebilangnya worth banget sih pake adj drpd spend buat purity vdj tapi ujung2nya ditroll berlin mending build adj modal sabar wkwk, terus yg udh spend buat vdj+15 pun ga rugi2 banget karena beda tipis sama adj ini
this will ultimately come down to class diff since some classes have BMJ/VDJ as their primary damage .like Smashers with BMJ damage and Barbarian on their VDJ. on cases like that, i'll choose to get ADJ+15 instead since it's relatively cheaper than enhancing +15 another skill jade. so as an Artillery main on SEA, BMJ is very clunky so i'll just go with VDJ+ADJ
In stg u can time and use every skill properly, but how about in nests? or dungeon or raids? hero skills can also be cancelled or boss may move away and we miss the skill.
kak mau tanya skrg adept masih bagus bgt untuk di build? soalnya baru comeback, rencana mau terusin build adept tapi masih bingung mau pilih adept atau ss 😅
for me ADJ is best when you have those pen on your conversion armor and if none just stick to usual things which will not cost you more but still can dps...
akhirnya dipost juga, makasih mbak buat videonya...ini kebilangnya worth banget sih pake adj drpd spend buat purity vdj tapi ujung2nya ditroll berlin mending build adj modal sabar wkwk, terus yg udh spend buat vdj+15 pun ga rugi2 banget karena beda tipis sama adj ini
this will ultimately come down to class diff since some classes have BMJ/VDJ as their primary damage .like Smashers with BMJ damage and Barbarian on their VDJ. on cases like that, i'll choose to get ADJ+15 instead since it's relatively cheaper than enhancing +15 another skill jade. so as an Artillery main on SEA, BMJ is very clunky so i'll just go with VDJ+ADJ
In stg u can time and use every skill properly, but how about in nests? or dungeon or raids? hero skills can also be cancelled or boss may move away and we miss the skill.
that why u have to know basic timing when to hit bro
and i think ADJ really good for blue bar mechanism, which really need fast dps at that time.
kak mau tanya skrg adept masih bagus bgt untuk di build? soalnya baru comeback, rencana mau terusin build adept tapi masih bingung mau pilih adept atau ss 😅
Adept udah bagus sih skrg kalau mau enak SS aja sih soalnya critical adept ngeselin bgt
@@tamwaraa_ oke kak, mksi sarannya
hi tamwara, is the board damage of ice beam in this server boosted compared to sea? thank uu
yes 👍
@@tamwaraa_ ooh okeh thanks, i was shocked with the ice beam demek so op wkwkwk ice beam demek in sea so shet lollll
for me ADJ is best when you have those pen on your conversion armor and if none just stick to usual things which will not cost you more but still can dps...
love your adept tamara
Thank 😃
hi tam is adept now good dps in sea?
Yes adept better now after got balancing
ill try adept hehe
Hello. Can also do ripper?
Sorry i dont have ripper with +15 adj 🙁
@@tamwaraa_ its fine if ever you get it id hope you can show us.
Maaf ci efek ADJ selain mempercepat Hero skill, terus apa lagi ci?
Cuma nambahin atk hero skill aja sih ga mempercepat
Buatin video tempa adj +15 mbak please 🙏
Ok nanti yah
request adj +15 ML mba
Nanti yah adj di ML belom +15 sama bosen main ML mulu 😃
berarti adj useless yah mbak masih sama meta skill jade
Mungkin ada beberapa job yg better pake adj sama kek skrg ada job yg better pake heavenly ketimbang kilos
serem bgt itu hero skill pake adj
Iya apa lgi andaikan bisa 3jade 😃
job yg sepi peminat sakit juga yah
Physician please. ❤️
Dont have physician with +15 adj 🙁
@@tamwaraa_ sad :( still DDJ VDJ :(
Kalo cj ke shooting star lebih mantap itu char
Males ah SS banyak saingan 😂
gampangan build VDJ v
lama build ADJ materialnya kalaupun pake duit abisnya byak banget D
kekurangan adept cuma di critical ratenya kalo ngga crit yah ampas 💀
Benar sekali 😂
job ml kurang cocok y amake ADJ XD
pake adj = hero skill nge burst , pake vdj = vdj nya sakit
Iya 😂
beda dikit ga ngaruh