2nd Place Winner - High School Video Contest

  • Опубликовано: 19 май 2024
  • The western pond turtle is one of many native inhabitants of the Russian River watershed. These reptiles rely on clean water for their survival. But sadly, their habitat is under threat due to pollution and runoff from urban areas. Low water quality can harm these turtles affecting their health and ability to thrive. But there’s hope! Introducing low impact development. The sustainable approach to managing stormwater. Low impact development mimics natural processes allowing rainwater to infiltrate the ground filtering out pollutants before they reach our water. Rain gardens, permeable pavement, Bioswales… these innovative solutions mimic nature, filtering out pollutants before they reach the river. Reducing runoff and improving water quality LID benefits not only the western pond turtle but the entire ecosystem. Let’s put a LID on it for a cleaner, healthier, Russian River watershed. For more information about your water, please visit rrwatershed.org/.
    This video showcases the 2nd Place winner of the 2024 High School Video Contest, coordinated by Sonoma Water and sponsored by the Russian River Watershed Association. The intent of the contest is to increase awareness of the importance of water, and water-related issues within the Russian River watershed. This year's contest asked students to address the prompt: "What is Low Impact Development (LID) and how can it protect the Russian River watershed?" Learn more about the contest: www.sonomawater.org/video-con...

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