I hope that the original manuscript of Anastas Mikoyan's memoirs has survived to learn much of what happened from the point of view of a first-hand witness. The very fact that he survived the Moscow Trials seems incredible, most of the Bolshevik cadres of the October revolution did not. Perhaps having been such an efficient steward of food was the reason. There was something moral in this efficient bureaucrat to fight for the complete rehabilitation of so many victims. I did not know that.
This is a sample of thousand,s Armenian who believed Russian and they give there heart and soul to Russia but who get the credit people like Stalin and Putin. There is no Mikoyan today to save Russia .and i hope that country become on pieces after what they did to Armenia last 100 year they give peace by peace to Turkey .
I hope that the original manuscript of Anastas Mikoyan's memoirs has survived to learn much of what happened from the point of view of a first-hand witness. The very fact that he survived the Moscow Trials seems incredible, most of the Bolshevik cadres of the October revolution did not. Perhaps having been such an efficient steward of food was the reason. There was something moral in this efficient bureaucrat to fight for the complete rehabilitation of so many victims. I did not know that.
He survived because he concealed his true nature
At least, the first volume of Anastas Mikoyan's memoirs has been published in English and Russian in 1988 though.
This is a sample of thousand,s Armenian who believed Russian and they give there heart and soul to Russia but who get the credit people like Stalin and Putin. There is no Mikoyan today to save Russia .and i hope that country become on pieces after what they did to Armenia last 100 year they give peace by peace to Turkey .
Armenia shouldn't have consorted with NATO.
Ruslarda siz ermənilərə Qafqazda Azərbaycan torpaqları hesabına dövlət yaratdı ruslara minnətdar olun
One of the few who was smart enough not to take 'the bag.'
Плохо отношусь к союзу. Но Микояна Уважал всегда ❤
In a mum I’m representing him😊
Are they making one also about Lazar Kaganovich?
Iron lazar
yes they made
God I wish.
Saumyan ölməyib Hindistana qaçıb tülkü daşnak
Rəhmətlik atam deyirdi mikoyanla stalin Şimali və Cənubi Azərbaycanı birləşməyə qoymadı gürcü və ermənilər ayaq altda qalar