Keep looking for supernatural things more than we are allow to experience in this life, and try to enjoy all the money you are taking trom people making them belive in prosperity like if it was the biggest thing, cause when all of you enter eternity you will then know how far from the truth you were and all the wealth you accumulated will not be enough to get out your self-made punishment for being deceivers...
After reading all the comments I am not sold on this teaching but it does say in scripture All things are possible for those who believe. It reminded me of a cult I read about called Eckincar not sure of spelling but it had to do with time travel or soul travel. Be aware‼️
Not seeing the definition of stretch for thy hand meaning time travel. My Stong's does not read that way. Any help in this folks? My concordance for Mark 1:25 uses the greek wordexerchomai. I think this greek word is different that the greek word used in Mark 3:5. What am I missing here?
What an interesting topic right here for us to listen to. Thanks for sharing. So Powerful. Hoping to share more content that hits with power on my channel as well and have cool interviews as well.
Gosh, you are really eating this up.The words are changed to decieve so you accept lies and demonic doctrines. You have alot here to test with scripture for yourself.
On this forum, ALL are innocent until proven guilty, and they must be proven guilty by Court-of-Law Level Evidence presentable before Judge and Jury. In Other Words, no more mere vague presumptions, and partial misapplication of few Scriptures, can be used to condemn a person as of a devil, or of Satan. What we have found is that too many Christians in their complete stupidity are pretending to be amateur Bible students and jump to End Times presumptions, when none of the last 100 years of when this ‘easy’ Bible sounding claim was made, the Return of Jesus NEVER HAPPENS. NEVER!!! AND it seems, NONE of these Christians actually believe GOD is more Powerful that Satan. Really, they don’t. The FACT is...God can do SUPERNATURAL anything, any time HE wants. Why? Because He’s under the impression that He’s GOD!!! Imagine That!!! Signs, Wonders, and Miracles are pivotal and central to the Gospel, not peripheral. Because thousands don’t know their Bibles from a hole in the ground, AND They do not pray enough to empower the Presence of God over their situations in life. They have what many Pastors have called “Easy Button Religion”, and therefore have minimum evolvement with God. This is why they never actually see Miracles. They don’t PRAY the way Jesus prayed in his private times, so that’s why the Holy Spirit never shows up in Power, for them.
Del Pushing your agenda on our people’s platforms is disrespectful to the host whether you believe them or not. God is bigger than any agenda take it to the prayer closet if you disagree and discuss it with the Father. We need to stop tearing each other apart in the body. We are more powerful united.
This is not true. I studied Greek in Seminary and the Greek word “eketino” she is referencing, simply means to extend or stretch. This is beyond absurd.
Joel Murrah yip. But people just believe because it touches their emotion. These people are dangerous. They are from the devil. There is no other way to describe this crap. Wow wow wow.
I am wondering about astral projection- someone has been ‘visiting’ me for quite some time now, at least a year. In the beginning it was just blissful, but over time I became concerned I might be allowing something that could have been new age, astral projection, leaving a door open maybe to something not of God. Although I’m still receiving visitations, an open communication, very kind, easy going, gentle- of course I’ll test this and be extremely cautious- I know we only each have pieces of a bigger puzzle. There is revelation according to belief and personal experience, not having to do with doctrine, but illumination. John Paul Jackson one night said he was awoken to be back in time, way way back, viscerally, to Biblical times. Katie seems to have had a revelation, but, when we are tempted to figure out how God does things, I don’t think we’re ever going to be able to figure stuff out, I think faith in Him will always be beyond our intellectual realm of understanding. Daniel 12:3 “Those who are wise shall shine, like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever”. Katie’s insight is remarkable, a very unique grasp, the eyes of her understanding being enlightened..
Del thank you..although this had a basis in reality, the person involved would perhaps, being deceived, be being drawn into paths they would be unaware would not lead them truthfully..spiritual warfare calls us to discern, and the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit, even a “discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” other words, the intents of this person’s heart are good, but this person could be used without their being aware of it..the realm and spheres they are involved in might not be what they are fully aware of. I think we can be used as pawns, all the more important that we keep in perspective God’s larger purposes, and see ourselves in context to the whole within which God has given us our own area to be accountable for. It’s because of how we all connect that we have to be careful not to be either deceived, or forced, into connection. We must use our discernment not to allow any manipulations to mislead us. Satan wants us to fall down and worship him..God wants us to follow relieve us of heavy burdens, to lift us lighten our load, not bear down on us. My conclusion at this time is that the supernatural connection to someone purely spiritually is something that the other person would not be aware could be used in a way that wasn’t of God, in this instance. The realm of new age activities that people stumble into they can be drawn up out from and into God’s kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, of God’s light and truth, the way the truth and the life of Jesus Christ, through Jesus, in Him-freedom in truth and love.
@@katecushingpaley7474 Here are two of many informative & life-changing shows talking about the biblical aspect of astral projection... Praise the Lord for His faithfulness in exposing pagan/demonic practises... God bless you🕊видео.html
This is a complete misrepresentation of the scriptures. Jesus did not minister through time travel. He administered the presently-active Kingdom, and it was the Kingdom that completed the ministry. See Matthew 12:28. She is only promoting herself and her ministry. Beware--know the scriptures and don't follow those that espouse miracles as their credibility. Miracles are normal in the Kingdom, meaning they aren't all that impressive to the Father. Purify your hearts, seek holiness and fellowship with the Lord, and do not give yourself over to this.
Brian Kittrell >> On this forum, ALL are innocent until proven guilty, and they must be proven guilty by Court-of-Law Level Evidence presentable before Judge and Jury. In Other Words, no more mere vague presumptions, and partial misapplication of a few Scriptures, can be used to condemn a person as of a devil, or of Satan, or even condemned as making ‘misrepresentations’ of scripture. One issue we have found is that too many Christians in their complete stupidity are pretending to be amateur Bible students and jump to End Times presumptions, when none of the last 100 years of when this ‘easy’ Bible sounding claim was made, the Return of Jesus NEVER HAPPENS. NEVER!!! AND it seems, NONE of these Christians actually believe GOD is more Powerful that Satan. Really, they don’t. The FACT is...God can do SUPERNATURAL anything, any time HE wants. Why? Because He’s under the direct impression that He’s GOD!!! Imagine That!!! Signs, Wonders, and Miracles are pivotal and central to the Gospel, not peripheral. Because thousands don’t know their Bibles from a hole in the ground, AND They do not pray enough to empower the Presence of God over their situations in life. They have what many Pastors have called “Easy Button Religion”, and therefore have minimum evolvement with God. This is why they never actually see Miracles. They don’t PRAY the way Jesus prayed in his private times, so that’s why the Holy Spirit never shows up in Power, for them. And by the way, The Ship ‘translocation in time’ to which
@@daverogg1090 How do you think Moses knew how the universe was created as recorded in Genesis? Was he there to witness it first-hand or did he enter into a timeless realm to learn?
@@ManOnFire071781 Great example. I wish Katie shared more examples like this. Unfortunately, she didn't. Her examples were of healing miracles, which I don't believe that has to do with time travel. She also created her own definition for ἐκτείνω (ekteinó). She just did a very poor job in this interview teaching on this subject.
“The Sun Does Shine” by Anthony Ray Hinton..Oprah interviewed Mr. Hinton, probably having an exclusive..she never once allowed him to say Whom he had faith in..we even got into a bit of a tiff about it..This is a beautiful testimony of how God provided Mr. Hinton with miraculous fellowship during the time he was wrongfully imprisoned..and, to deny this man his truth, after having being mercilessly denied his freedom and justice for 2 decades, I found to be the same sort of injustice he’d just been and written this amazing book- which as Christians we would be celebrating the true message. And this was not astral projection either, it was a weird series of the absolutely miraculous life he encountered through faith in Jesus Christ.
Time travel is not mentioned once in the bible and those are false teachings. If you gonna use Hebrew and Greek language then use the definition the way it truly says it not by how you want it. I pray Jesus brings clarity, truth and convicts your heart to learn the truth!
ektano means nothing of the sort, there is not one reference in any lexicon that renders the definition of that word with the definition that she just used. This is nothing more than a mishandling of the Word of God.
That’s why there are TWO Passover nights in the gospels, the first on the night of His betrayal in the three synoptic gospels, and the second in Gospel of John when Jesus is put in the tomb 24 hours later... which is totally impossible but scripturally true!!! Also just the fact when Jesus walked on water when Jesus entered the boat that Jesus and the disciples immediately got to the other side, that’s going into the future! :)
You had an excellent message concerning the Todd Bentley situation. Now you have removed it. Honestly Patricia, that makes it seriously look like more cover up!
John Mead IMPORTANT STATEMENT Today, Dr. Michael Brown has posted a statement informing the Body of his position to lead the "Tribunal" who will review and investigate the alleged allegations concerning Todd Bentley and also review the process. (see statement posted below) All are being asked to remove posts concerning this issue. I have complied and will continue to do so during this investigation. I invite you to do the same. Thank you for your prayers. I believe with great hope for a God-ordained outcome. Patricia king Official Statement Concerning Allegations Against Todd Bentley by Dr. Michael Brown Dear friends in the Body of Christ, Last month, a long list of serious charges against evangelist Todd Bentley was posted online, leading to a firestorm of controversy and confusion. In turn, this has unleashed a wave of gossip, slander, and innuendo against others in the family of God. Along with this, many are asking the question: Is there any accountability in the Church? In response to this, I have been tasked by a number of senior leaders in the Body to assemble a group of trusted and respected men of God who will review the charges against Todd and make a determination, in accordance with 1 Corinthians 6. While we do not have judicial authority over Todd’s ministry, we do have the support of a wide range of leaders in the Body, who will be stating in advance that they will back the decision of the panel. It is our hope that this will set an example of a righteous way to handle disputes and accusations such as these for others in the Church, especially in non-denominational circles where it is often more difficult to establish patterns of accountability. We will be working with an investigator who will help us vet ALL charges. The panel of leaders will then review the evidence and make a determination of guilt or innocence in accordance with the facts presented. Based on that determination, conclusions will be made in terms of how the charges against Todd have been handled, whether he should be in ministry, and whether others are guilty of falsely accusing him or misrepresenting the facts. While we are deeply grieved that this has become a public spectacle being played out online for the entire world to see, we believe that God will use all this for His glory and the good of His people. The reputation of Jesus before the Church and the world is at stake, and it is imperative that we follow a godly, biblical process in order to set things right. It is out of jealousy for the Lord’s honor and the health of the Body that I urge every leader who has posted videos or blogs - etc., etc. - about Todd’s situation, either accusing him or defending him or simply airing an opinion, to remove all such material while we give ourselves to this process. Right now, gossip and slander and accusation are flying in every direction, defiling many. In the fear of the Lord, I appeal to my colleagues in Jesus to be circumspect and prayerful, not giving room to the adversary of our souls. While it is wrong and ungodly to sweep things under the rug, it is also wrong and ungodly to turn serious accusations into an internet show. Following God’s order will result in compassionate and righteous outcomes rather than chaos, pain, and confusion. Please pray for the leaders who will be involved in this sacred process, as well as for God’s best for Todd Bentley and those against whom he allegedly sinned. (We will be releasing the names of the leaders involved in this procedure shortly.) May the Lord’s will be done, for His glory and for our good, and may healing, righteousness, and honor be restored to His Church.
Dear Patricia, thank you for having so many great guests. But I have a request for your consideration: it would be much easier for us the listeners if you would give your guests the freedom to speak without commenting or interrupting them during almost every sentence they say. Your excitement bubbles over to a sense of control, as if you are afraid that they're going to hijack your show and you want to constrain it so that you're still in control at every moment. Thank you and God bless!
@@kentfink9509 you get delivered when you get saved ? That is heresy. Do you get healed when you get saved ?? Can a Christian have cancer and all sorts of evil illnesses?? . Of course. Jesus said cast this stuff out , It was the great commission after all .
What Jesus has showed me through the years and shared with me in my secret place is that he goes beyond the bible...he created the bible so there fore he is powerful enough to create time travel. Been there done that.....Katie prophesied years ago I would when I was a volunteer in her ministry.....amen and amen
Every thing we are to know or understand is written. There is no going beyond the Bible. Of course if you don't have the fear of God, you'll not test these manifestations with scripture.
Never go beyond what is written... It's the thing that is suitable for bringing correction to us they want to hear Him say well done. The first thing the enemy comes for before bringing us into deception is the credibility of God's word. Don't compromise your view of scripture. I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another. 1 Corinthians 4:6 ESV All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV
@@brandonrobinson2163 didn't Jesus teach us to go beyond what was written when He talked about the verse committing adultery but He took it further to the heart of the issue.. if you look upon someone sexually who is not your spouse you have committed adultery in your heart. I believe that as we stay submitted to the Holy Spirit, He will show us great and unsearchable things we do not know--which means they can't be found only in the bible. I believe in order to truly worship God in Spirit and in Truth we subject His word to Him, not to our understanding which means we have to go beyond it. I believe the Bible is meant to be a launching pad into God's heart,not a box to keep Him in (that would be self righteousness). Blessings to you.
@@merrittascott3323 I see you leaving these types of contrarian comments under this video. Jesus Christ is The Word of God. The ONLY reason why the Bible is also called *THE* Word of God is because it is *A* Revelation of Jesus Christ. There are others ways Jesus can reveal Himself. It is your responsibility to be open to these other ways (which are backed by the Bible, btw). If you choose to stay closed off, fine but don't bother those of us who choose to allow the Lord to reveal Himself whichever way He pleases besides the Bible. Yes, believers saying things like "God goes beyond the Bible" is not the best way to put it, but the meanining is clear and understood by those of us who choose to be open. Don't be a hindrance to others faith!!
Oh yes, and breaks my heart. People are so decieved because they are enjoying the supernatural even though it's witchcraft. Oh that they would be seekers of Truth.
Colin Whitfield This is beyond the pale..I had to force myself to watch the whole thing. What people need to know is that Satan can counterfeit everything , and comes as an angel of light. He can also manifest as a false “Jesus”. Satan does not mind that you have some knowledge of the Word as long as he is able to twist it to suit his will. We are to try the spirits to see if they line up with the Word of God, and sometimes it is very difficult to detect the real from a deceiving one. What we have here is ear tickling at its best.God help all the gullible people who fall for this perversion of truth.
Merritta Scott The part Patricia said about Moses having to go back in time to live thru hundreds of years of history to be able to write the first 5 books of the Bible about blew my mind !!!! my God what are these people smoking ?? sounds like some bad marijuana..That was completely off the rails to suggest such an idiotic thing that was clearly a work of the Holy Spirit that wrote the Bible thru the men of God. I would say that is close to blasphemy..
@@rethastoneking4680 Hi Retha, amazing isn't it? Saying something not even in scripture and people will be like they don't hear the wickedness of what they say No ears to hear what the Spirit is speaking to the church.
Merritta Scott Exactly !! Not one shred of what they are saying can be found in the Bible...Making doctrines of devils out of a desire to be more “spiritual “ . These are not to be partakers of, but should be avoided like the plague..
This is not amazing, it is false teaching. Souza's handling of the greek is beyond terrible. Not only is she lying about the meaning of words, she's also lying about what words are actually used in these texts. Please, don't be fooled by these wolves.
Shifting one's spiritual awareness to and exercising authority at a specific time and place isn't 'time traveling' ; it is operating in a visual word of knowledge and operating in a gift of faith. Calling this 'time travel' is a misappropriation of terminology, it is deception. Time travel is suppose to be about moving an entire person back in time not just their spiritual awareness. Please stop bastardizing language to make yourself seem more spiritually advanced than those who operate in Biblically supported manifestations of the Spirit.
This teaching is scriptural, it's terrible that wherever teaching on the Supernatural is taught, the carnal Christians turn up to warn people against those who are sharing their experiences based on how Jesus and the apostles lived. My advice against these carnal, anti supernatural people is that look at the level of victory in their lives compared to the people they come to warn against and often you will know who one should follow, who is demonstrating a life of tangible power and who is not, then make your choice and then be warned against these carnal defeated Christians.
onetwothree fourfive it’s not carnal Christians. It’s bible believing Cristians. My victory is in Christ not in the super natural. A wicket and adulterers generation. That is what these witches are. Directly from their father the devil
@@shaunlouw1518 Biblical Christianity is supernatural. Jesus did miracles the apostles did miracles contemporary believers do miracles. The "wicked and perverse generation wanting a miracle" was to pharisees that wanted a miracle on demand. Jesus didn't cater to such arrogant demands. Nevertheless He did miracles; so ought we. But guided imaginations and calling it time travel is far less than what Jesus, the disciples and even contemporary revivalist have accomplished.
Ron Johnson yes. I agree. But what we see now especially here in Africa is exactly what this clip is showing. Witchcraft and new age. If I can see all these faith healers in the children’s hospitals or better yet getting rid of corona virus. Go forth and make disciples of all nations. That is what we must do. Even Pharos people performed miracles.
@@shaunlouw1518 If the devil is doing miracles, signs and wonders how much more ought the saints of God in these days? The heresy is that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit have ceased. Mind you there is a higher level of function that is possible and ought to be aspired to. :)
A brother fasting for a year and was taken to the future where Christians were in a concentration camp here in America. Not a time travel for entertainment.
Seems to me that while God demonstrates His transcendency over the natural realm through manifestations of supernatural displays , is it really "time travel" that these testimonials are substantiating ..? I reserve the right to question those conclusions. Conclusions that while sincere are predicated upon a likely misunderstanding of the very transcendency that we as believers attribute to this most gracious Heavenly Father . Scripture speaks of visions, dreams & prophetic utterances. It also gives us a few examples of what outsiders to the faith would call teleportation. To equate the concept of "time travel" to any of these biblically supported manifestations of Gods grace is to me a bit presumptuous ....
Then you do not read the Bible. The Bible says Joshua stopped time and the sun did not set and the moon stopped until the Israelites had completely defeated their enemy for a full day. Joshua 10:13(NLT) Study your word before you stand to oppose a concept you do not understand.
@@huiosofgod5486 Well Jeff , what has "time travel" to do w/a moment IN time when God intervened into the natural scheme of things through Joshua ..? Seems to me it is not I who am struggling w/this "concept" ...
I am not exactly sure what you are struggling with. The personal examples they gave are indeed time travel examples, where God took them back in time and provided healing and/or restoration. I have heard other Christians share similar experiences. I too have had examples of what I would describe as God going back into my past and healing a particular memory so that it stopped negatively affecting me in the present. It seemed more to me like time travel than actual inner healing, even though I didn't physically go anywhere. Like it didn't seem like He was healing whatever was going on with me presently-as a result of the past experience-but more like He was going back in time and removing the hurt, shame, anger or whatever negative emotion that was occuring in that moment in time....hopefully I am making sense. That was how the experience was to me anyways. More about going back in time and giving me healing in the moment the memory occurred than healing me of the past hurt or whatever in the present. Plus there are Biblical examples of time travel that were discussed in this video as well. You mention teleportation being Biblical. I would argue it is pretty much the same thing as time travel. Or at the very least inter-connected.
@@howardrosenbaum8514 God worked that time warping miracle through Joshua, a true christian has the Holy Spirit and has been renewed as the new man in Christ, how is time traveling impossible to such? Men like Philip teleported from one place to another, men like William Branham had a crown of fire over his head. Men like T L Osborn used to heal multitudes without touching them. If you do not understand a matter, study it first, if you do not believe, go to the word and prove it wrong. God is working in and through man. Ignorance of that fact does not change that very truth. Jesus Himself said the believers shall do greater things than he did, if he raised the dead, what could be greater?? Study the word and don't be a heretic, disqualifying only yourself.
@@thekingslady1 Fact!! Some think that God can only do what they can comprehend. That the believer in Christ is powerless, that comfort zone is what robs them of the realities of the kingdom of God. *Let them who have ears to hear and them who have eyes to see*
Scripture, the True Word of God, is the only source. And context of the Scripture is everything. Any clear Scripture on this 'teaching'? Astral projection is New Age. Also commanding certain things to happen in the Name of Jesus is blasphemous. This is false teaching and two false teachers.
Amen I receive this sovereign God anointing ACTIVATION and protection and empowerment birth rights and healing providence invoked rendered sovereign rights suddenly to reverse the existence of the curse of the law 3and AILMENT and all it's consequences and all unbelief and DOORWAYS taken over by The Aleph and Tov Angels will of the Lord to rewinding and reversals immediately at once demystifying all concerns for ever in Jesus blood Covenant and name hallelujah amen
God can do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think!GOD CAN DO MORE THAN WE CAN IMAGINE . God is amazing🙌🏾🙌🏾
This isn’t of God.
Keep looking for supernatural things more than we are allow to experience in this life, and try to enjoy all the money you are taking trom people making them belive in prosperity like if it was the biggest thing, cause when all of you enter eternity you will then know how far from the truth you were and all the wealth you accumulated will not be enough to get out your self-made punishment for being deceivers...
This is not true!
Amen I receive it in Jesus name
I thank you Lord for healing my mum and auntie for the trauma they had from being removed from her mother as children. In Jesus name. Xo
So many false teachings... May God have mercy on our souls🕊видео.html
this is blatant nonsense, rank heresy
Holy Spirit wrote the Bible through human vessels. It wasn't a biography. Definately not time travel.
This is new age crap
Dawn Stead. Nonsense. Nonsense. Get a life
After reading all the comments I am not sold on this teaching but it does say in scripture All things are possible for those who believe.
It reminded me of a cult I read about called Eckincar not sure of spelling but it had to do with time travel or soul travel. Be aware‼️
Not seeing the definition of stretch for thy hand meaning time travel. My Stong's does not read that way. Any help in this folks?
My concordance for Mark 1:25 uses the greek wordexerchomai. I think this greek word is different that the greek word used in Mark 3:5.
What am I missing here?
What an interesting topic right here for us to listen to. Thanks for sharing. So Powerful. Hoping to share more content that hits with power on my channel as well and have cool interviews as well.
Gosh, you are really eating this up.The words are changed to decieve so you accept lies and demonic doctrines.
You have alot here to test with scripture for yourself.
Vdmkosie Wow, amen thanks for this topic. This is supernatural!видео.html
So many false teachings... May God have mercy on our souls🕊видео.html
Thank you Lord.
Christ in us! Heals our emotional wounds and physical pain. Heal the sick and cast out devils preaching the gospel. 1 Corinthians 11:1
OnewtChrist Wow, amen thanks for this topic. This is supernatural!видео.html
On this forum, ALL are innocent until proven guilty, and they must be proven guilty by Court-of-Law Level Evidence presentable before Judge and Jury. In Other Words, no more mere vague presumptions, and partial misapplication of few Scriptures, can be used to condemn a person as of a devil, or of Satan.
What we have found is that too many Christians in their complete stupidity are pretending to be amateur Bible students and jump to End Times presumptions, when none of the last 100 years of when this ‘easy’ Bible sounding claim was made, the Return of Jesus NEVER HAPPENS. NEVER!!! AND it seems, NONE of these Christians actually believe GOD is more Powerful that Satan. Really, they don’t.
The FACT is...God can do SUPERNATURAL anything, any time HE wants. Why? Because He’s under the impression that He’s GOD!!! Imagine That!!!
Signs, Wonders, and Miracles are pivotal and central to the Gospel, not peripheral.
Because thousands don’t know their Bibles from a hole in the ground, AND They do not pray enough to empower the Presence of God over their situations in life. They have what many Pastors have called “Easy Button Religion”, and therefore have minimum evolvement with God. This is why they never actually see Miracles. They don’t PRAY the way Jesus prayed in his private times, so that’s why the Holy Spirit never shows up in Power, for them.
So many false teachings.... May God have mercy on our souls🕊видео.html
I believe my husband & I are receiving restoration for our finances.видео.html
I had four places crack. The one was an old broken toe injury. I couldn’t bend that toe. Now it works like brand new. God is good. Thank you!видео.html
Del Pushing your agenda on our people’s platforms is disrespectful to the host whether you believe them or not. God is bigger than any agenda take it to the prayer closet if you disagree and discuss it with the Father. We need to stop tearing each other apart in the body. We are more powerful united.
May our loving God open eyes to see, ears to hear... May God have mercy on our souls🕊 God bless you!
This is not true. I studied Greek in Seminary and the Greek word “eketino” she is referencing, simply means to extend or stretch. This is beyond absurd.
Joel Murrah yip. But people just believe because it touches their emotion. These people are dangerous. They are from the devil. There is no other way to describe this crap. Wow wow wow.
Heresy. Pure heresy.
I am wondering about astral projection- someone has been ‘visiting’ me for quite some time now, at least a year. In the beginning it was just blissful, but over time I became concerned I might be allowing something that could have been new age, astral projection, leaving a door open maybe to something not of God. Although I’m still receiving visitations, an open communication, very kind, easy going, gentle- of course I’ll test this and be extremely cautious- I know we only each have pieces of a bigger puzzle. There is revelation according to belief and personal experience, not having to do with doctrine, but illumination. John Paul Jackson one night said he was awoken to be back in time, way way back, viscerally, to Biblical times. Katie seems to have had a revelation, but, when we are tempted to figure out how God does things, I don’t think we’re ever going to be able to figure stuff out, I think faith in Him will always be beyond our intellectual realm of understanding. Daniel 12:3 “Those who are wise shall shine, like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever”. Katie’s insight is remarkable, a very unique grasp, the eyes of her understanding being enlightened..
kate paley ask the “person” who is visiting you if they are coming in the name of Jesus Christ or of satan. There is no middle ground.
Is that person doesn't Jesus is the son of God you rebuke that spirit in Jesus name!!!
Astral projection is demonic... it's not from God. If you want to learn more, listen to Steven Bancarz. May God have mercy on our souls🕊
Del thank you..although this had a basis in reality, the person involved would perhaps, being deceived, be being drawn into paths they would be unaware would not lead them truthfully..spiritual warfare calls us to discern, and the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit, even a “discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” other words, the intents of this person’s heart are good, but this person could be used without their being aware of it..the realm and spheres they are involved in might not be what they are fully aware of. I think we can be used as pawns, all the more important that we keep in perspective God’s larger purposes, and see ourselves in context to the whole within which God has given us our own area to be accountable for. It’s because of how we all connect that we have to be careful not to be either deceived, or forced, into connection. We must use our discernment not to allow any manipulations to mislead us. Satan wants us to fall down and worship him..God wants us to follow relieve us of heavy burdens, to lift us lighten our load, not bear down on us. My conclusion at this time is that the supernatural connection to someone purely spiritually is something that the other person would not be aware could be used in a way that wasn’t of God, in this instance. The realm of new age activities that people stumble into they can be drawn up out from and into God’s kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, of God’s light and truth, the way the truth and the life of Jesus Christ, through Jesus, in Him-freedom in truth and love.
Here are two of many informative & life-changing shows talking about the biblical aspect of astral projection... Praise the Lord for His faithfulness in exposing pagan/demonic practises... God bless you🕊видео.html
This is a complete misrepresentation of the scriptures. Jesus did not minister through time travel. He administered the presently-active Kingdom, and it was the Kingdom that completed the ministry. See Matthew 12:28. She is only promoting herself and her ministry. Beware--know the scriptures and don't follow those that espouse miracles as their credibility. Miracles are normal in the Kingdom, meaning they aren't all that impressive to the Father. Purify your hearts, seek holiness and fellowship with the Lord, and do not give yourself over to this.
Brian Kittrell >> On this forum, ALL are innocent until proven guilty, and they must be proven guilty by Court-of-Law Level Evidence presentable before Judge and Jury. In Other Words, no more mere vague presumptions, and partial misapplication of a few Scriptures, can be used to condemn a person as of a devil, or of Satan, or even condemned as making ‘misrepresentations’ of scripture.
One issue we have found is that too many Christians in their complete stupidity are pretending to be amateur Bible students and jump to End Times presumptions, when none of the last 100 years of when this ‘easy’ Bible sounding claim was made, the Return of Jesus NEVER HAPPENS. NEVER!!! AND it seems, NONE of these Christians actually believe GOD is more Powerful that Satan. Really, they don’t.
The FACT is...God can do SUPERNATURAL anything, any time HE wants. Why? Because He’s under the direct impression that He’s GOD!!! Imagine That!!!
Signs, Wonders, and Miracles are pivotal and central to the Gospel, not peripheral.
Because thousands don’t know their Bibles from a hole in the ground, AND They do not pray enough to empower the Presence of God over their situations in life. They have what many Pastors have called “Easy Button Religion”, and therefore have minimum evolvement with God. This is why they never actually see Miracles. They don’t PRAY the way Jesus prayed in his private times, so that’s why the Holy Spirit never shows up in Power, for them.
And by the way, The Ship ‘translocation in time’ to which
Are you guys serious?! This is one of the most insane things I've ever heard
You are right on. It's so off I can't imagine how anyone could fall for this as being Christian.
@King J-dub yes unfortunately. Watch at least up to about the 7 minute mark so you can hear about Moses time traveling.
@@daverogg1090 How do you think Moses knew how the universe was created as recorded in Genesis? Was he there to witness it first-hand or did he enter into a timeless realm to learn?
@@ManOnFire071781 Great example. I wish Katie shared more examples like this. Unfortunately, she didn't. Her examples were of healing miracles, which I don't believe that has to do with time travel. She also created her own definition for ἐκτείνω (ekteinó). She just did a very poor job in this interview teaching on this subject.
@@ManOnFire071781 or did God tell him, you know, that old chestnut called revelation
“The Sun Does Shine” by Anthony Ray Hinton..Oprah interviewed Mr. Hinton, probably having an exclusive..she never once allowed him to say Whom he had faith in..we even got into a bit of a tiff about it..This is a beautiful testimony of how God provided Mr. Hinton with miraculous fellowship during the time he was wrongfully imprisoned..and, to deny this man his truth, after having being mercilessly denied his freedom and justice for 2 decades, I found to be the same sort of injustice he’d just been and written this amazing book- which as Christians we would be celebrating the true message. And this was not astral projection either, it was a weird series of the absolutely miraculous life he encountered through faith in Jesus Christ.видео.html
May God have mercy on our souls🕊
Time travel is not mentioned once in the bible and those are false teachings. If you gonna use Hebrew and Greek language then use the definition the way it truly says it not by how you want it. I pray Jesus brings clarity, truth and convicts your heart to learn the truth!
Patricia, you mentioned how God helped you re-create the scenario with your children. Do you have any resources to help with this?
ektano means nothing of the sort, there is not one reference in any lexicon that renders the definition of that word with the definition that she just used. This is nothing more than a mishandling of the Word of God.
So many false teachings... May God have mercy on our souls🕊
Amen Amen Amen
That’s why there are TWO Passover nights in the gospels, the first on the night of His betrayal in the three synoptic gospels, and the second in Gospel of John when Jesus is put in the tomb 24 hours later... which is totally impossible but scripturally true!!! Also just the fact when Jesus walked on water when Jesus entered the boat that Jesus and the disciples immediately got to the other side, that’s going into the future! :)
Fantastic...bless youвидео.html
May God have mercy on our souls🕊
Can you put me 20 years back in time?
You had an excellent message concerning the Todd Bentley situation. Now you have removed it. Honestly Patricia, that makes it seriously look like more cover up!
John Mead
Today, Dr. Michael Brown has posted a statement informing the Body of his position to lead the "Tribunal" who will review and investigate the alleged allegations concerning Todd Bentley and also review the process. (see statement posted below)
All are being asked to remove posts concerning this issue. I have complied and will continue to do so during this investigation. I invite you to do the same.
Thank you for your prayers. I believe with great hope for a God-ordained outcome.
Patricia king
Official Statement Concerning Allegations Against Todd Bentley
by Dr. Michael Brown
Dear friends in the Body of Christ,
Last month, a long list of serious charges against evangelist Todd Bentley was posted online, leading to a firestorm of controversy and confusion. In turn, this has unleashed a wave of gossip, slander, and innuendo against others in the family of God. Along with this, many are asking the question: Is there any accountability in the Church?
In response to this, I have been tasked by a number of senior leaders in the Body to assemble a group of trusted and respected men of God who will review the charges against Todd and make a determination, in accordance with 1 Corinthians 6. While we do not have judicial authority over Todd’s ministry, we do have the support of a wide range of leaders in the Body, who will be stating in advance that they will back the decision of the panel. It is our hope that this will set an example of a righteous way to handle disputes and accusations such as these for others in the Church, especially in non-denominational circles where it is often more difficult to establish patterns of accountability.
We will be working with an investigator who will help us vet ALL charges. The panel of leaders will then review the evidence and make a determination of guilt or innocence in accordance with the facts presented. Based on that determination, conclusions will be made in terms of how the charges against Todd have been handled, whether he should be in ministry, and whether others are guilty of falsely accusing him or misrepresenting the facts.
While we are deeply grieved that this has become a public spectacle being played out online for the entire world to see, we believe that God will use all this for His glory and the good of His people. The reputation of Jesus before the Church and the world is at stake, and it is imperative that we follow a godly, biblical process in order to set things right.
It is out of jealousy for the Lord’s honor and the health of the Body that I urge every leader who has posted videos or blogs - etc., etc. - about Todd’s situation, either accusing him or defending him or simply airing an opinion, to remove all such material while we give ourselves to this process. Right now, gossip and slander and accusation are flying in every direction, defiling many. In the fear of the Lord, I appeal to my colleagues in Jesus to be circumspect and prayerful, not giving room to the adversary of our souls.
While it is wrong and ungodly to sweep things under the rug, it is also wrong and ungodly to turn serious accusations into an internet show. Following God’s order will result in compassionate and righteous outcomes rather than chaos, pain, and confusion.
Please pray for the leaders who will be involved in this sacred process, as well as for God’s best for Todd Bentley and those against whom he allegedly sinned. (We will be releasing the names of the leaders involved in this procedure shortly.)
May the Lord’s will be done, for His glory and for our good, and may healing, righteousness, and honor be restored to His Church.
@@PatriciaKingpage thank you for clarification
Dont blame Patricia King concerning Todd Bentley. Mind your own business
Thank you so much for the revelation and prayers.Always a blessing to listen to Patricia and Katie
This is garbage and heresy.
Hallelujah! I appreciate the illumination and testimony of this. I have felt it was true for a long time by the spirit!видео.html
So many false teachings... May God have mercy on our souls🕊
Wow! Just amazing!! May this anointing rest upon me too!!
Test what you are hearing with scripture. This is demonic teaching, but do the hard work to test it in context with scripture.
So many false teachings... May God have mercy on our souls🕊видео.html
Dear Patricia, thank you for having so many great guests.
But I have a request for your consideration: it would be much easier for us the listeners if you would give your guests the freedom to speak without commenting or interrupting them during almost every sentence they say. Your excitement bubbles over to a sense of control, as if you are afraid that they're going to hijack your show and you want to constrain it so that you're still in control at every moment. Thank you and God bless!видео.html
So many false teachings... May God have mercy on our souls🕊
So good!видео.html
May God have mercy on our souls🕊
Jesus can deliver you from bloodline curses. You don't have to time travel.
You're delivered when you get saved. This is heresy.
@@kentfink9509 If you fall away and put your cross down you can open yourself up.
@@wildernessvoice4013 open myself up to what? False doctrine? Ok
@@kentfink9509 you get delivered when you get saved ? That is heresy. Do you get healed when you get saved ?? Can a Christian have cancer and all sorts of evil illnesses?? . Of course. Jesus said cast this stuff out , It was the great commission after all .
@@chrissyperry1968 you're a heretic
What Jesus has showed me through the years and shared with me in my secret place is that he goes beyond the bible...he created the bible so there fore he is powerful enough to create time travel. Been there done that.....Katie prophesied years ago I would when I was a volunteer in her ministry.....amen and amen
Every thing we are to know or understand is written. There is no going beyond the Bible.
Of course if you don't have the fear of God, you'll not test these manifestations with scripture.
Never go beyond what is written... It's the thing that is suitable for bringing correction to us they want to hear Him say well done. The first thing the enemy comes for before bringing us into deception is the credibility of God's word. Don't compromise your view of scripture.
I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another.
1 Corinthians 4:6 ESV
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV
@@brandonrobinson2163 didn't Jesus teach us to go beyond what was written when He talked about the verse committing adultery but He took it further to the heart of the issue.. if you look upon someone sexually who is not your spouse you have committed adultery in your heart. I believe that as we stay submitted to the Holy Spirit, He will show us great and unsearchable things we do not know--which means they can't be found only in the bible. I believe in order to truly worship God in Spirit and in Truth we subject His word to Him, not to our understanding which means we have to go beyond it. I believe the Bible is meant to be a launching pad into God's heart,not a box to keep Him in (that would be self righteousness). Blessings to you.
We do not go beyond the Bible, yes we are a supernatural people.Steven
was translated
@@merrittascott3323 I see you leaving these types of contrarian comments under this video.
Jesus Christ is The Word of God. The ONLY reason why the Bible is also called *THE* Word of God is because it is *A* Revelation of Jesus Christ.
There are others ways Jesus can reveal Himself. It is your responsibility to be open to these other ways (which are backed by the Bible, btw). If you choose to stay closed off, fine but don't bother those of us who choose to allow the Lord to reveal Himself whichever way He pleases besides the Bible.
Yes, believers saying things like "God goes beyond the Bible" is not the best way to put it, but the meanining is clear and understood by those of us who choose to be open.
Don't be a hindrance to others faith!!
scripture twisting witches
Oh yes, and breaks my heart. People are so decieved because they are enjoying the supernatural even though it's witchcraft.
Oh that they would be seekers of Truth.
Colin Whitfield This is beyond the pale..I had to force myself to watch the whole thing. What people need to know is that Satan can counterfeit everything , and comes as an angel of light. He can also manifest as a false “Jesus”. Satan does not mind that you have some knowledge of the Word as long as he is able to twist it to suit his will. We are to try the spirits to see if they line up with the Word of God, and sometimes it is very difficult to detect the real from a deceiving one. What we have here is ear tickling at its best.God help all the gullible people who fall for this perversion of truth.
Merritta Scott The part Patricia said about Moses having to go back in time to live thru hundreds of years of history to be able to write the first 5 books of the Bible about blew my mind !!!! my God what are these people smoking ?? sounds like some bad marijuana..That was completely off the rails to suggest such an idiotic thing that was clearly a work of the Holy Spirit that wrote the Bible thru the men of God. I would say that is close to blasphemy..
@@rethastoneking4680 Hi Retha, amazing isn't it? Saying something not even in scripture and people will be like they don't hear the wickedness of what they say
No ears to hear what the Spirit is speaking to the church.
Merritta Scott Exactly !! Not one shred of what they are saying can be found in the Bible...Making doctrines of devils out of a desire to be more “spiritual “ . These are not to be partakers of, but should be avoided like the plague..
Can you please share the spelling of this word you’re describing, otono (sp?). Thanks so much.видео.html
Send me back to the past.
This is so amazing many of us do experience it without knowing it.we need to take off d limit off God n allow him to work in His awesome creative way.
This is not amazing, it is false teaching. Souza's handling of the greek is beyond terrible. Not only is she lying about the meaning of words, she's also lying about what words are actually used in these texts. Please, don't be fooled by these wolves.
Shifting one's spiritual awareness to and exercising authority at a specific time and place isn't 'time traveling' ; it is operating in a visual word of knowledge and operating in a gift of faith. Calling this 'time travel' is a misappropriation of terminology, it is deception.
Time travel is suppose to be about moving an entire person back in time not just their spiritual awareness. Please stop bastardizing language to make yourself seem more spiritually advanced than those who operate in Biblically supported manifestations of the Spirit.
This teaching is scriptural, it's terrible that wherever teaching on the Supernatural is taught, the carnal Christians turn up to warn people against those who are sharing their experiences based on how Jesus and the apostles lived. My advice against these carnal, anti supernatural people is that look at the level of victory in their lives compared to the people they come to warn against and often you will know who one should follow, who is demonstrating a life of tangible power and who is not, then make your choice and then be warned against these carnal defeated Christians.
onetwothree fourfive it’s not carnal Christians. It’s bible believing Cristians. My victory is in Christ not in the super natural. A wicket and adulterers generation. That is what these witches are. Directly from their father the devil
@@shaunlouw1518 Biblical Christianity is supernatural. Jesus did miracles the apostles did miracles contemporary believers do miracles. The "wicked and perverse generation wanting a miracle" was to pharisees that wanted a miracle on demand. Jesus didn't cater to such arrogant demands. Nevertheless He did miracles; so ought we.
But guided imaginations and calling it time travel is far less than what Jesus, the disciples and even contemporary revivalist have accomplished.
Ron Johnson yes. I agree. But what we see now especially here in Africa is exactly what this clip is showing. Witchcraft and new age. If I can see all these faith healers in the children’s hospitals or better yet getting rid of corona virus. Go forth and make disciples of all nations. That is what we must do. Even Pharos people performed miracles.
@@shaunlouw1518 If the devil is doing miracles, signs and wonders how much more ought the saints of God in these days? The heresy is that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit have ceased.
Mind you there is a higher level of function that is possible and ought to be aspired to. :)
i agree, believe and receive it in Jesus nameвидео.html
May God have mercy on our souls🕊
Absolute rubbish Patricia King get your facts right from the Bible Jesus did not time travel how ridiculous.видео.html
So many false teachings... May God have mercy on our souls🕊
A brother fasting for a year and was taken to the future where Christians were in a concentration camp here in America. Not a time travel for entertainment.
Thank you for sharing this.
Good info....try to speak more slowly and not interrupt each other.
It doesn't matter with these two. They are both false teachers. Don't listen to them.
This is satanic new age garbage
Seems to me that while God demonstrates His transcendency over the natural realm through manifestations of supernatural displays , is it really "time travel" that these testimonials are substantiating ..?
I reserve the right to question those conclusions. Conclusions that while sincere are predicated upon a likely misunderstanding of the very transcendency that we as believers attribute to this most gracious Heavenly Father .
Scripture speaks of visions, dreams & prophetic utterances. It also gives us a few examples of what outsiders to the faith would call teleportation. To equate the concept of "time travel" to any of these biblically supported manifestations of Gods grace is to me a bit presumptuous ....
Then you do not read the Bible. The Bible says Joshua stopped time and the sun did not set and the moon stopped until the Israelites had completely defeated their enemy for a full day. Joshua 10:13(NLT)
Study your word before you stand to oppose a concept you do not understand.
@@huiosofgod5486 Well Jeff , what has "time travel" to do w/a moment IN time when God
intervened into the natural scheme of things through Joshua ..?
Seems to me it is not I who am struggling w/this "concept" ...
I am not exactly sure what you are struggling with. The personal examples they gave are indeed time travel examples, where God took them back in time and provided healing and/or restoration. I have heard other Christians share similar experiences. I too have had examples of what I would describe as God going back into my past and healing a particular memory so that it stopped negatively affecting me in the present. It seemed more to me like time travel than actual inner healing, even though I didn't physically go anywhere. Like it didn't seem like He was healing whatever was going on with me presently-as a result of the past experience-but more like He was going back in time and removing the hurt, shame, anger or whatever negative emotion that was occuring in that moment in time....hopefully I am making sense. That was how the experience was to me anyways. More about going back in time and giving me healing in the moment the memory occurred than healing me of the past hurt or whatever in the present.
Plus there are Biblical examples of time travel that were discussed in this video as well. You mention teleportation being Biblical. I would argue it is pretty much the same thing as time travel. Or at the very least inter-connected.
@@howardrosenbaum8514 God worked that time warping miracle through Joshua, a true christian has the Holy Spirit and has been renewed as the new man in Christ, how is time traveling impossible to such? Men like Philip teleported from one place to another, men like William Branham had a crown of fire over his head. Men like T L Osborn used to heal multitudes without touching them.
If you do not understand a matter, study it first, if you do not believe, go to the word and prove it wrong. God is working in and through man. Ignorance of that fact does not change that very truth. Jesus Himself said the believers shall do greater things than he did, if he raised the dead, what could be greater?? Study the word and don't be a heretic, disqualifying only yourself.
@@thekingslady1 Fact!! Some think that God can only do what they can comprehend. That the believer in Christ is powerless, that comfort zone is what robs them of the realities of the kingdom of God. *Let them who have ears to hear and them who have eyes to see*
I'm researching everything I'm discovering that's for me threw Jesus. I also notice sometimes Mrs.Souza twitches the mouth area what's up with that.
Scripture, the True Word of God, is the only source. And context of the Scripture is everything. Any clear Scripture on this 'teaching'? Astral projection is New Age. Also commanding certain things to happen in the Name of Jesus is blasphemous. This is false teaching and two false teachers.
you are not jesus
no he was is and shall be
Absolutely nothing Christian about any of this.
This is just confusing..
your face shows lots of time patricia
Would you do your viewers a favor...stop talking over one another. All this sounds like and all you can hear is babblingвидео.html
So many false teachings... May God have mercy on our souls🕊
Amen I receive this sovereign God anointing ACTIVATION and protection and empowerment birth rights and healing providence invoked rendered sovereign rights suddenly to reverse the existence of the curse of the law 3and AILMENT and all it's consequences and all unbelief and DOORWAYS taken over by The Aleph and Tov Angels will of the Lord to rewinding and reversals immediately at once demystifying all concerns for ever in Jesus blood Covenant and name hallelujah amen
stop it man
Wow wow wonderful