WoW Noob Tries PvP For The First Time

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 324

  • @rooxwastaken
    @rooxwastaken  10 месяцев назад +17

    Thanks for watching! Come catch me live and join the discord if you want to help me with PvP :)

    • @galaxxygodplays639
      @galaxxygodplays639 10 месяцев назад +1

      How did you comment on ur vid 2 days ago when it came out today and I started watching from day 1 :D I started at the same time as you did lol

    • @joezar33
      @joezar33 9 месяцев назад

      As a old school 2004 vanilla player , PvP the meat and Potatoes of WoW lol no really either a person into endgame raiding or perfers too PvP and earn high end gear ..

    • @joezar33
      @joezar33 9 месяцев назад

      WSG & AV should try out those 2 classic pvp areas

  • @Nightstalker314
    @Nightstalker314 10 месяцев назад +245

    Problem with the Inn: Everyone's AFK 95% of the time.

    • @HadoukenHero
      @HadoukenHero 10 месяцев назад +2

      Legit only go there for the rested exp buff.

    • @shadowbanned3044
      @shadowbanned3044 10 месяцев назад +10

      @@HadoukenHeroYou don't need the inn for that. Everyone is afk in the inn because they simply use their HS after the finished activity and do stuff irl.

  • @teej143
    @teej143 10 месяцев назад +242

    Fun! Kudos to that orc who led you to the “pvp store” 😊

    • @pisulya_edinoroga
      @pisulya_edinoroga 10 месяцев назад +21

      "slay some alliance for me" - yeah this guy is awesome :D

    • @Yerdone92
      @Yerdone92 10 месяцев назад +5

      The real mmo heroes we need

    • @theforgeryttv6449
      @theforgeryttv6449 9 месяцев назад +3

      That player was so nice and humble that's just too good to be true. If only more people were like that.

    • @Extremalityx
      @Extremalityx 6 месяцев назад

      Old classic community orc guy hahaha

    • @teej143
      @teej143 6 месяцев назад

      @@Extremalityx it's retail. sorry.

  • @Nyxi_gg
    @Nyxi_gg 10 месяцев назад +97

    "Attacked by a literal zoo" got me pretty good boss LOL

  • @Danilove22
    @Danilove22 10 месяцев назад +78

    I'm really looking forward to this new journey you're about to take. watching you win your first skirmish was awesome. your joy is such a vibe. can't wait for the next video.

  • @BattlestarHavoc
    @BattlestarHavoc 10 месяцев назад +54

    As an experienced player this was a joy to watch, looking forward to more.

  • @IceCrystalWolf
    @IceCrystalWolf 10 месяцев назад +35

    Well done. Honestly impressed by how well you did

  • @joshlebeter1070
    @joshlebeter1070 10 месяцев назад +15

    best wow youtuber i've seen for a while, i'm an old-school wow player and still enjoy it too this day but too see someone new too the game going through the journey of learning what too do is amazing too see, also would love to see and be a part of a raid where you try too lead people next patch

  • @krisumusic
    @krisumusic 10 месяцев назад +18

    The friendly PvP orc was wholesome. I love that!

    • @Burial18
      @Burial18 5 месяцев назад +1

      That's what i want from a MMO

  • @Rhukzy
    @Rhukzy 10 месяцев назад +14

    IMPORTANT! 20% more Stamina and Damage if you equip both types of PvP trinkets. It’s a must for PvP.

  • @terlondre
    @terlondre 10 месяцев назад +20

    1. those items you got from quest at 3:42, those are for crafted pvp gear. some of the crafted items are best in slot so use them. as warrior you should get crafteed boots that give strenght after interupt and helmet that gives stats. you can have theese items crafted normaly, but when you add theese tokens to crafting order, those items will get that ilvl increase in pvp battles
    2. if you already have PvE tier pieces of decent ilvl, you should use them instead of honor gear, untill you get pvp version of those pieces. you get pvp tier sets by converting the equipment you buy for conquest points. the conversion happens at the same place as PvE
    3. you should change your talents for PvP. build that are used for PvE are not best for PvP and vice versa, since PvE focuses on pure damage while in pvp you need survivabilty and utility aswell. You also might try Arms spec since its better than Fury, but Fury will do aswell
    4. in rated pvp (2v2, 3v3, solo shuffle, rated battlegrounds), game will match you with players of similar rating. there is your personal rating and your match making rating. MMR is determined by your rating and whether or not you have won last few matches, if mmr drops bellow your rating, you will loose rating.
    5. Solo shuffle is the only rated mode you can sign in for alone. the others you can only sign in as a group
    Bonus info to motivate you: there is even cooler looking armor for conquest points and even cooooooler looking armor for when you get your rating above 1800 *wink, wink*

    • @tyth3akwardgam3r57
      @tyth3akwardgam3r57 10 месяцев назад

      trying to say arms is better then fury is like trying to say samsung is better then apple😂😂😂😂😂

    • @itrow9526
      @itrow9526 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@tyth3akwardgam3r57 Samsung is better than apple, in every way.

    • @tyth3akwardgam3r57
      @tyth3akwardgam3r57 10 месяцев назад

      @@itrow9526 lmaaao keep dreaming bud, sure they make good refrigerators and tvs but there phone are not it hate to break it to you😂😂😂😂 copium at its finest

    • @rickroll9705
      @rickroll9705 10 месяцев назад

      @@tyth3akwardgam3r57 samsung is more affordable but less secure, just like a fury warrior. Arms is the pvp spec by standart.

    • @tyth3akwardgam3r57
      @tyth3akwardgam3r57 10 месяцев назад

      @@rickroll9705 you wish lmao arms is by far the worst spec, hence why fury can dual wield two handers, whats more badass then that? who wants to run around with only 1 2 hander lmaoo, lame asf, and prot war? best tank by far in classic, in retail. like shit dawg you want a spec that wrecks in every way? fury warrior. you wanna top dps regardless of bis or boa gear. fury war. you want survivability? fury war. regardless of what you say a fury warrior that knows his class and his rotation will destroy arms regardless. your little bladestorm is useless in pvp too against any fury that has common sense to hamstring, and how many talent points is that dawg? pretty sad spec compared to fury and prot, dps will never compare and you will always get rekt in pvp because sorry bud but for one arms dont got BT and any smart fury that knows how to use recklessness and dw?... sorry bud but thats ggs, with the mass dps and survivability fury has plus on top of that the pure sexiness of dual wielding two handers in classic.. nun beats it. and your enraged regen wont even save you😂😂😂 cause guess what, YOU DONT HAVE BT which is #1 on fury roto you goon😂😂😭😭😭😭😭

  • @abadbm2player
    @abadbm2player 10 месяцев назад +8

    As an 1800 arms warrior it's great seeing a pvp baby (in a good way) seeing them experience the game. A tip for you with the armor and such is you should buy your weapons first before armor for the damage I look forward to seeing the pvp videos in the future and I followed the twitch.

    • @Shotzeethegamer
      @Shotzeethegamer 2 месяца назад

      1800 is baby level bud

    • @abadbm2player
      @abadbm2player 2 месяца назад

      @@Shotzeethegamer I know, but since he's new it might seem good lol

  • @sweetbabylilo
    @sweetbabylilo 10 месяцев назад +6

    Been following your journey since the beginning. Really glad you're diving into the only activity I enjoy in the game. Hope you stay a while

  • @OG_Loudermilk
    @OG_Loudermilk 10 месяцев назад +4

    Here from Supa’s react, keep goin at it man! I started in shadowlands season 1, and I was hard stuck 1300, but now I’ve been all the way up to 2400. Learn your class first and go from there! GL 💪🏻👏🏻💯💯

  • @MI-wf1lw
    @MI-wf1lw 10 месяцев назад +4

    WoW PvP is still most fun competitive game for me. Its very complex and there is so mutch to learn, but its rewarding. Keep it going man !

  • @conqueeftador4021
    @conqueeftador4021 10 месяцев назад +1

    Its so enjoyable/entertaining to watch a new players journey in wow for some reason. Keep it up

  • @Nightstalker314
    @Nightstalker314 10 месяцев назад +6

    Glad you got the full exposure to the regular PvP experience.

  • @OverlordMoon
    @OverlordMoon 10 месяцев назад +9

    Having been in the WoW PvP scene for a few years and getting competitive with it, it makes my heart happy to see new players giving it a go. I feel like there's been points where I've taken the game (especially rated) a bit too seriously, and seeing your perspective and finding joy in the things I take for granted like the battleground modes, interactions with other players, learning what classes are doing in the PvP sense, etc. is super wholesome and I definitely needed to see this. Love your content!

  • @dharmse01
    @dharmse01 10 месяцев назад +7

    Welcome to PvP! The true fun part of the game. I don't even pve anymore - as a 16 year veteran of the game, PvP is all that its about.
    And to hear your excitement reminds me of me when I started playing PvP. Good luck with the journey and everything you will learn.

  • @spindoggytheexplorer2915
    @spindoggytheexplorer2915 10 месяцев назад +15

    I really enjoyed this, as a PvPer I’ve been waiting for you to dive in just to see how it went being new on the scene. It went quite well for you hopefully more people see this and are willing to dive in, it’s not always easy but should any game be?

    • @Sqippy
      @Sqippy 10 месяцев назад +2

      That's because it's incredibly unbalanced.

    • @spindoggytheexplorer2915
      @spindoggytheexplorer2915 10 месяцев назад

      @@Sqippy yeah it’s evident that the devs enjoy the flavor of the month style of this is broken now that’s broken or they straight up pay 0 attention to what’s actually going on balance and mmr wise, either way if you don’t love to pvp it’s practically unplayable

    • @smurf8646
      @smurf8646 10 месяцев назад

      @@spindoggytheexplorer2915 weird that u say this when theres only like 4 specs that are just not viable in the entired game (and tanks but that doesnt count) , just cuz somethings meta doesnt mean other things arent also good and able to push rating

  • @McLeann242
    @McLeann242 10 месяцев назад +3

    love the content - always a great watch!

  • @KhairulAnwar-mp8lo
    @KhairulAnwar-mp8lo 9 месяцев назад +1

    Nice channel. Great gameplay and narrative. Awesome fun.

  • @YoDirk
    @YoDirk 10 месяцев назад +1

    That was a nice entertaining video. Happy to see fresh blood jump into PvP and enjoy it 😊

  • @JohnFury429
    @JohnFury429 4 месяца назад

    Happy to see the journey of a new player keep it up !!

  • @kennybaukchoi
    @kennybaukchoi 10 месяцев назад +2

    PvP has a steep learning curve but once you get the hang of it, it’s so rewards and fun cause you’re actually interacting with other enemy players.
    When you outplay someone it’s one of the best feelings in wow imo

  • @anto.1098
    @anto.1098 10 месяцев назад

    So glad to see someone really enjoying wow as a new player and not just tryharding. This video is great, I love wow pvp. Keep enjoying the game, dude! :)

  • @ahmedalnaji1329
    @ahmedalnaji1329 10 месяцев назад

    So happy you make fun chill wow vids. Need more like you

  • @costelinha1867
    @costelinha1867 10 месяцев назад +11

    "It seems this quest will give me 2000 honor"
    Damm, Zuko would be overjoyed looking at this.

  • @reactionjunkie7891
    @reactionjunkie7891 10 месяцев назад

    This was really fun to watch. Thanks Roox.

  • @mounopatsas
    @mounopatsas 10 месяцев назад

    a small tip ! there is also a vendor in the pvp building (as you enter on your left ) called Fieldmaster Emberath ! that sells pvp gear with bloody tokens , these tokens are from pvp world quests that appear once you have war mode ON ! and they can fill up slots that you might miss easier imo !

  • @YappowTV
    @YappowTV 10 месяцев назад +2

    nice to see new people enjoy pvp😊

  • @aubreyshirley4620
    @aubreyshirley4620 10 месяцев назад

    Love the video cant wait to see part 2

  • @Ripcoilx
    @Ripcoilx 10 месяцев назад

    Dude this is awesome to see new blood at it. I hope you keep at it once you get the hang of it you'll love it. I've been playing wow for over 16 years so I love to see new people come into the fray. Wow is finally on the upswing after a desperate rough patch. We need new folks like never before.

  • @jeffhull6844
    @jeffhull6844 10 месяцев назад

    Love to see a new player getting into a pvp! You might already have it but I didn't see it on your bars so ignore me if i'm wrong, but don't neglect pvp trinkets. The medallion is an on use crowd control break, and when you wear 2 different pvp trinkets (the other ones are either dmg or a health trinket) you get bonus stats. GL!

  • @J.Arnold
    @J.Arnold 10 месяцев назад

    Lol this was a great watch! As someone who has been pvp'ing for 19 years, this was a delight. Gear is incredibly important for PvP. Fighting players with more gear than you can sometimes feel like an impossible task. Secondly, WoW PvP is more-so a game of knowledge than hyper-precise reaction speed, so the more you learn about other classes and your own, the more strategy you can implement into your matches.

  • @tomselby24
    @tomselby24 10 месяцев назад

    im excited to see your solo shuffle experiences

  • @Kedustrolder
    @Kedustrolder 8 месяцев назад

    As a pvp player, I'm really impressed by your first matches, usually ppl are getting destroyed with their first match undergeared, you did well !!

  • @3dge7
    @3dge7 10 месяцев назад

    You make really decent fun content. I hope you keep going! I just came back to the game since not playing since BFA. And I fucking love it. It's so much more polished and fun!

  • @stroud5755
    @stroud5755 8 месяцев назад

    Awesome to see, that you try out PvP!
    I started back at the end of WoD and never really played PvP, maxbe 1 or 2 BGs but not more.
    But the Elite (1.800 raiting in Arena or RBG) Paladin and the DK Set from Shadowlands Season 3/4 looked so damn good that i said to myself, okay boy, its time to learn how to PvP and play Arena.
    And since then, i really enjoy PvP. I also got the 1.800 with my Shaman this Season, because i really, really wanted that Set, and tbh i really proud of it.

  • @ramza675
    @ramza675 10 месяцев назад

    I remember in cataclysm being such a PVP addict. I was too broke to repair my gear. I stick to PVE now but glad to see you enjoyed the journey.

  • @androshernandez7515
    @androshernandez7515 10 месяцев назад

    Can’t wait for the next PvP video

  • @santiagocardenasfuquen7180
    @santiagocardenasfuquen7180 10 месяцев назад

    I just watched all your videos, dude you are amazing, happy for you to be enjoying wow so much :3

  • @mgk0586
    @mgk0586 10 месяцев назад

    just saw this video from Supatease channel. Love that new ppl are trying it out and hope more pve people will do rated. I know it's hard to learn and you get destroyed at first especially once you get up past 1600 rating for the first time. Please stick with it and bring others with you. Coming from an ex mythic raider, once i found arena i fell in love and i haven't done a single bit of pve once i found pvp. The amount of skill to be a top pvper is just insane. great vid! stick with it please

  • @Somber_Bear
    @Somber_Bear 10 месяцев назад

    There's something so fun to watch about "noobs" learning a game you've known for 10+ years. it kinda reinvigorates my interest for the game

  • @sebxsu
    @sebxsu 10 месяцев назад

    just picked up wow this month and instantly hopped into pvp once max level, been a blast but man is there A LOT of EVERYTHING to learn and keep track of

  • @pitchbass2731
    @pitchbass2731 10 месяцев назад

    Wholesome video. New players to wow pvp are very rare, we gotta protect you at all costs :D

  • @mistermakebelieve
    @mistermakebelieve 10 месяцев назад +3

    I'm not like you. I do envy you greatly! When I play pvp, I lose. When I lose, I rage. Yes, I'm adult baby with rage issues. This is why I try to avoid pvp. You are a winner for not being a rage baby like me.

  • @cypherdroid
    @cypherdroid 10 месяцев назад

    This was so good to watch with the arena first arena match nice video enjoy

  • @petro9955
    @petro9955 7 месяцев назад

    7:12 if u bind heroic jump you can use it to get back to land when your getting booped off the map

  • @elirionn
    @elirionn 10 месяцев назад

    I never reply, but as a long time WoW player, it's so much fun to see new players give different aspects of the game shot!
    To be honest, I wish I was a new player again!

  • @Seraph924
    @Seraph924 10 месяцев назад

    Nice vid dude, hilarious commentary and fun editing. PvP can be quite a steep learning curve for new players, also there is an elite pvp set that you can look up.

  • @Shimnjii
    @Shimnjii 7 месяцев назад

    wonderful video keep going

  • @CkayCinematic
    @CkayCinematic 9 месяцев назад

    @7:52 is crazy. Shows how messed up Rated Queues are.
    You've never played Rated before, but it put you into a 1,600 rated lobby.
    It now makes sense that you get bots (bad players throwing) in medium rated games because they can literally be first time players.

  • @zagzig5559
    @zagzig5559 10 месяцев назад

    Welcome to the PvP club. You're going to have the time of your life as u get better and better everyday and im not even overexaggerating. At some point u will start to experiment with other classes for fun and one day u just realize that ur a multiclasser PvP god out of nowhere teaching noobies how to play the game. We've all been through this lmao.

  • @ondrejrubas7268
    @ondrejrubas7268 5 месяцев назад

    for some reasson am all done with high end pvp, and this brings soo much fun to see, awsome!

  • @androshernandez7515
    @androshernandez7515 10 месяцев назад +2

    Congrats on the new journey to PvP, trust me that is a completely different experience than pve, hope you enjoy it😄😁

  • @nomoaiight
    @nomoaiight 10 месяцев назад

    Been pvping for 20 years and this was rly funneh to watch mate. Keep goin and first of all get the pvp trinket set. It helps alot :D

  • @evage99
    @evage99 9 месяцев назад

    Trying PvP strictly to get a transmog set...that is hilarious to me. I suck at PvP, therefore it's terrifying. And your first foray straight into an arena was also terrifying to watch. xD

  • @bondi_69
    @bondi_69 10 месяцев назад

    The orc part was awesome, because online games nowadays tends to be singleplayer experiences

  • @Sp.Be.W
    @Sp.Be.W 10 месяцев назад

    This was great man. Subbed.

  • @calvinfrazier_
    @calvinfrazier_ 9 месяцев назад

    u inspired me to play pvp for the first time. im on fury warrior and got all my honor gear and its a lot of fun. ty bro w vid

  • @notfromhere7-z8v
    @notfromhere7-z8v 8 месяцев назад

    Well keep playing keep learning horde ... You have plenty of time !

  • @UnusualFellow
    @UnusualFellow 10 месяцев назад

    hey long time pvper here. i started pvp back in cata and have been obsessed with it ever since. i follow a lot of rank 1 players and watch all the tournaments and in general id say i know a lot about pvp. love to see you enjoying it! a "problem" with wow pvp is that if you wanna be successful you need some knowledge first. you need to learn about all the classes and specs and their most important offensive and defensive cds. so i recommend to do that and then practice a lot. focus on unrated pvp first like skirmishes and random bgs. at least thats what you should do first if you wanna tryhard in rated arena later :D if you wanna keep it casual which is completely fine aswell just stick to bgs and skirmishes and mash your buttons :D im not saying that wow pvp is rocket science because its definitely not but like i said if you wanna be successful you need some knowledge first. the good thing is there are a trillion guides for everything these days so you should have no problem learning if you really are interested

  • @rave0077
    @rave0077 10 месяцев назад

    Just found u before going to bed. You got a new sub friend!

  • @IsaacFNghost
    @IsaacFNghost 8 месяцев назад

    That Ele shaman single handedly made me want to come back to wow and pick my old ele shaman up 😂 I remember how much fun it was back in bfa to toss the lava and pop those huge earth shocks

  • @Combat-Titan
    @Combat-Titan 10 месяцев назад

    Loving the videos man!!

  • @Good_guy__
    @Good_guy__ 10 месяцев назад

    nice video! would love to see more

  • @guisilva019
    @guisilva019 6 месяцев назад

    insane video made me laugh so much keep it up!

  • @WoWDontu
    @WoWDontu 10 месяцев назад

    Came here from Supatease’s channel. Great video. Would love to answer any of your questions. If you’re on NA we can play some games.

  • @EMdragonKnight
    @EMdragonKnight 10 месяцев назад

    Supetese reviewed your pvp video and so I came over here to comment and drop a like.

  • @eldinjusic7478
    @eldinjusic7478 10 месяцев назад

    I remember when i was a kid i couldn’t afford to play wow so i played on a pvp private server so i just played arena and bgs. The players were so strong i had to play for months untill i understood how to play. I became one of the best players on the server as a mage and rogue. Great memories

  • @suksori
    @suksori 10 месяцев назад

    This was so wholesome!

  • @kaddiloc1
    @kaddiloc1 10 месяцев назад

    Great to to see you venturing into pvp! I suggest doing a little research on stats for pvp so you know how to best optimize your toon for maximum wreckage! Happy killing!

  • @Erosin
    @Erosin 10 месяцев назад

    as a wow playr i find this ery interesting and awesome, first time experimenting something in wow is awesome hopefully you will understand more about the game and love it as we all do

  • @Suiqq
    @Suiqq 10 месяцев назад

    It's crazy how easily accessible pvp all is now to new people

  • @brandonclarke5775
    @brandonclarke5775 10 месяцев назад +1

    @Rooxwastaken different honor levels gives you different mounts and tittles. Honor level 15 is the first horse. You should also try rated pvp. Use the conquest to buy the gear.

  • @OBlockLikesKfc
    @OBlockLikesKfc 5 месяцев назад

    “Just go in and button mash and hope I don’t die”-How to play fury warrior

  • @hugoalves2770
    @hugoalves2770 10 месяцев назад

    for the first time, u did very well dude!

  • @xhlb69x
    @xhlb69x 6 месяцев назад

    I tried battlegrounds sometime last year and got so infuriated by being farmed by affliction warlocks that I gave up on bg's. But I've also been too wimpy to try arenas and missed out on the S3 priest gladiator/elite mog. Maybe next xpac I'll give it a shot. Also, you can farm comp stomp to semi-quickly farm the honor needed to buy the basic gear, or to farm the tokens to buy legacy pvp xmog.

  • @povved161
    @povved161 9 месяцев назад

    This literally made me play PvP for the first time since SL again and i had a blast on my Destro Lock... living in pugged m+ only (3.5k+) made my brain lose too many cells.

  • @Shax1
    @Shax1 10 месяцев назад

    Great video roox. Pvp is actually harder to master than pve content and you did great for your first try. ❤

  • @nonchalantgamer5046
    @nonchalantgamer5046 10 месяцев назад

    Love your videos man! more pvp ones please :D

  • @mzgo3956
    @mzgo3956 10 месяцев назад

    keep up the pvp grind bro :)

  • @tomconroy5670
    @tomconroy5670 10 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome to see another noob doing PVP. I have been wanting to try but im too scared lol. What were your wait times on skirmish & BGs?

  • @toastghost7621
    @toastghost7621 10 месяцев назад

    “Attacked by another zoo” had me dying lmao

  • @Zaelize
    @Zaelize 2 месяца назад

    always love seeing more people pvping. If you want any tips im a 1800cr warrior with 2k xp. Can send you some good macros and help teach you some mindset for arenas

  • @envixouss
    @envixouss 10 месяцев назад

    Does anybody know if thats an Addon at 03:50? Like how his window with the quest description looks like. I searched for a while now and still have no clue. Thanks in advance :)

    • @rooxwastaken
      @rooxwastaken  10 месяцев назад

      It's the immersion add-on :)

    • @envixouss
      @envixouss 10 месяцев назад

      thank you very much, im actually in pvp que rn because of your video :) (never played pvp before)@@rooxwastaken

    • @rooxwastaken
      @rooxwastaken  10 месяцев назад

      ayyy let's go, good luck@@envixouss

  • @nadiko00
    @nadiko00 10 месяцев назад

    Hey man I’ve been loving your videos keep up the good work

  • @wesleysoloduik2037
    @wesleysoloduik2037 10 месяцев назад

    this was pretty funny youve gained yourself a sub

  • @Alanflores24
    @Alanflores24 10 месяцев назад

    Love it, nice vid. You gave me some good laughs. 🤣

  • @hermit44
    @hermit44 10 месяцев назад

    The hunter Teabagging summarises the majority of wow PvP. But thanks for bringing new blood in the PvP scenario, god knows we need it so desperately, and thanks for the wholesome opinion about it much better than the people who keep constantly whining about it all the time.

  • @AsianAmerican113
    @AsianAmerican113 10 месяцев назад

    I remember watching your first video. Other than that and maybe 1 more when you was still omega trash. I gotta say you came a long way since the and it’s refreshing to see. The guy who helped you out was just awesome, it even got me in my feelings for a second there. I Can’t remember If you had key binds setup on that first video or not. I use to click my spells and it puts you at a huge disadvantage. It was a night and day difference when I got use to it, and I’m glad you did the same and it looks like it’s working out for you.

  • @arcanefire8056
    @arcanefire8056 9 месяцев назад

    Idk why but seeing you mount up on a mouse after your teammates mount made me lol

  • @tomforealz4482
    @tomforealz4482 10 месяцев назад

    did my man get wrecking ball on his second ever bg? what the fuuuuck XD congratz man thats nuts!

    • @tomforealz4482
      @tomforealz4482 10 месяцев назад

      also quick tip: if you get knocked off a ledge quickly use heroic leap to jump back on. :)

  • @artaunavarri2583
    @artaunavarri2583 10 месяцев назад

    You are making me feel like when i discorvered pvp for the firts time. Keep it up nice video and you will see how fun is pvp

  • @kritter22burson42
    @kritter22burson42 10 месяцев назад

    grate vid my guy love it

  • @puppylord5459
    @puppylord5459 5 месяцев назад

    6:52 what song is that

  • @arqv1
    @arqv1 10 месяцев назад

    The dnb music in the bg clips is:
    bbno$ - mathematics

  • @AndresPerez-md9ic
    @AndresPerez-md9ic 9 месяцев назад

    Long time, decent I will add, PvPer. Don’t be afraid looking for guilds for builds and for just not caring about rating when learning. PvP is fun as hell and it’s never gotten boring for me but definitely don’t follow meta, if you do go for it but go for what you find fun too! Best of luck

  • @Stykz369
    @Stykz369 10 месяцев назад

    Sorry what is the sound please I love it!