He never played a Selmer before? There's another post from this date where he's playing an older-than-dirt Conn, and I assume that's his regular horn - but NEVER?
@@Baribrotzer Before this set he told me he's only ever played Conns his whole life. I also found it hard to believe, but friends of mine that have studied with him have said the same thing he did.
Joe what a beautiful player
Was honored to be in the room for Gary Smulyan's first ever performance on a Selmer saxophone.
Fuck yeah
It doesn't matter what brand he plays but it's nice to know don't forget he's a quadruple Aries that might explain why he plays so good
He never played a Selmer before? There's another post from this date where he's playing an older-than-dirt Conn, and I assume that's his regular horn - but NEVER?
@@Baribrotzer Before this set he told me he's only ever played Conns his whole life. I also found it hard to believe, but friends of mine that have studied with him have said the same thing he did.
@@ThomAvella What about Yamaha YBS-61 (with Woody Herman's band)?
Wonderful keyboard player
Ian is also fantastic at bass and guitar. Great talent!
Mags is soo relaxed here
Drummer's time is very good. Very stable. Must be vey comfortable to play with him.
Thanks for the kind comments, IRACEMABUBU
very nice
Thanks, grahamm5789!
Great to hear this song played again! Anyone know Gary´s mouthpiece?
A custom Yanigasawa apparently. 9*!
@@noahpettibon Noah, I think it's just a stock metal 9, the biggest tip Yani makes, and that is only .110.
Reincarnation of Pepper Adams, swinging hard
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