Non-Alignment & Socialism - with Vijay Prashad

  • Опубликовано: 30 июл 2024
  • #nonalignment #socialism #vijayprashad
    The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) of the 20th century emerged as an anti-colonial "Third World Project". The DDR and other socialist states of the time understood the NAM to be objectively anti-imperialist. Are we seeing the rebirth of a similar force today? Building off the history of the NAM and its relations with the socialist camp, we discuss current shifts in the international order and the implications for progressive forces today.
    More news from the International Research Centre DDR (IFDDR):
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Комментарии • 118

  • @mikebacchus721
    @mikebacchus721 Год назад +37

    Thanks again for Vijay Prashad on history we were never exposed to in the Western world till now 2023..I can learn from Sir Vijay for hours.i am age 72 Born in South America lived in Canada 50 years.everything he covered in Latin America i can remember up to the USA still involved in Latin America i followed Russia and China before the Cuban missile crises.

    • @TacticalMayo
      @TacticalMayo Год назад

      We hate socialism and communism we want nothing to do with that junk.

    • @jonirischx8925
      @jonirischx8925 Год назад +3

      Americo-Turkish missle crisis.

  • @purplelioness5853
    @purplelioness5853 Год назад +32

    Vijay, thanks for the knowledge and reaffirmation of the Socialist ideal.

  • @comradeuu3837
    @comradeuu3837 Год назад +32

    I was there. Great talk! Was asking the question at 1:22:16

  • @brianwheeldon4643
    @brianwheeldon4643 Год назад +14

    Thanks Vijay Prasad. Much appreciated. This talk needs all the circulation we can give it. What thoughtful and pertinent questions from the audience and what terrific exposition and responses by Vijay encompassing grass roots level depth to geopolitical realities. Thanks again, Love your sense of humour and playfulness Vijay, bloody brilliant!

  • @xiaoyanzhang56
    @xiaoyanzhang56 Год назад +20

    More talks like this, please.

  • @waltraudboxall760
    @waltraudboxall760 Год назад +10

    What a tour de force and a Plädoyer for the struggle to continue, face-to-face, on the doorstep, in the work place, and around kitchen tables and strengthen the backbone by doing a bit of reading as a start. It helps to keep the spirit in an upbeat mode. (Monday, July 17, 19.02)

  • @ESuccessMasters
    @ESuccessMasters Год назад +7

    What an amzing informative discussion. When Vijay comes I am attentive. Hei is l;ike an ecyclopedia of real imperial coloniasm history suppressed for so long Thanks you

  • @jayjoseph3104
    @jayjoseph3104 9 месяцев назад +2


  • @mammaliandischarger
    @mammaliandischarger Год назад +11

    Love Vijay!

  • @sablina_nv
    @sablina_nv Год назад +11

    0:12:30 Правые повсюду. В Бразилии, например. Премьер-министр Индии Нарендра Моди руководит неофашистским государством.
    0:15:00 Как марксист, я постоянно ищу в мире: какие есть противоречия, как продвигаются дела, каковы законы движения истории. Просто узнавать факты о том, что происходит в той или иной стране не достаточно.
    Новое настроение/течение появилось на глобальном Юге. Какое понимание мы имеем тех исторических процессов, которые породили это настроение? Является ли это возрождением движения неприсоединения?
    0:18:06 История движения неприсоединения.
    Основание Антиимпериалистической лиги в 1927 году в Брюсселе на всемирном антиимпериалистическом конгрессе, последователем которой стало Движение неприсоединения, созданное в 1961 году в Югославии. На конференцию по созданию Движения неприсоединения съехались представители стран Третьего мира с очень разной политической ориентацией. Их объединяло неприятие империализму, стремление к суверенитету их стран и отчаянная попытка создать новую международную систему.
    0:33:29 Об американском перевороте в Японии против Хатоямы в 2009 году, который был избран с программой по закрытию военных баз США на Окинаве.
    Роль Кубы в расширении Движения неприсоединения (ДН).
    Фидель Кастро понял, что ДН ограничено, поскольку являлось межправительственным органом. Он предложил создать радикальный орган вне этой структуры. В результате в 1966 году была созвана Трехконтинентальная конференция народов Азии, Африки и Латинской Америки, на которую съехались борцы за национальное освобождение, в т.ч. ведущие вооруженную борьбу. Таким образом, было создано что-то вроде левого крыла Движения неприсоединении - Организация Солидарности Народов Азии, Африки и Латинской Америки (OSPAAAL).
    0:39:33 О Лагере мира. Об идее избавления от оружия: если вы от него избавитесь, в вашу страну вторгнутся. Это урок, который народы извлекли из опыта Ливии.
    0:42:30 Новое Движение неприсоединения. Неоконсервативный мозговой центр в США фонд «Наследие» оценивает новое ДН, как инструмент «для подрыва и без того серьезно подорванных усилий по построению устойчивого, возглавляемого США, основанного на правилах порядка», и считает, что «свободный мир кровно заинтересован в том, чтобы предпринять согласованные усилия, чтобы предотвратить появление нового движения неприсоединения».
    0:44:06 Почему Запад так боится появления нового Движения неприсоединения. Что такое основанный на правилах порядок?
    0:48:17 Новый появляющийся блок стран, преимущественно из глобального Юга, но те только оттуда. Они хотят создания новой мировой архитектуры. Африканцы открыто заявляют, что не хотят, чтобы их запугивали внешние силы. Народы не хотят основанного на правилах мирового порядка под руководством США. И это объективный исторический процесс.
    0:50:40 Это стало возможным благодаря подъему Китая. Отношение американского сенатора Марко Рубио к дедолоризации: мы потеряем нашу силу накладывать санкции, если страны откажутся от доллара. Рост Китая подрывает силу МВФ, силу Парижского и Лондонского клубов кредиторов.
    Движение неприсоединение было сильно, когда был силен социалистический лагерь, и ослабло после разрушения СССР. Теперь, когда растет Китай, наблюдается подъем Движения.
    0:54:35 Об экономической основе нового настроения/течения, об Индии.
    Индийская буржуазия в то время была мала и смотрела на Запад, стремясь во всем подражать американцам: перенимала их привычки, образ жизни, отправляла своих детей учиться в США. Но с годами индийская буржуазия стала более уверенной в себе, произошел культурный сдвиг: люди теперь гордятся быть индийцами. И это произошло во многих странах. Сначала народы заставили думать, что культурный центр находится в США. Но теперь народы понимают, что они имеют свою культуру, историю, обычаи.
    1:01:11 После 2007-2008 гг. стало понятно, что США не смогут стабилизировать мировую экономику самостоятельно. С образованием БРИКС сотрудничество Юг-Юг стало материальной силой, поскольку оно было в интересах буржуазии стран Третьего мира.
    1:06:30 В США открыто заявляют, что они сейчас не контролируют добычу некоторых важных природных ресурсов (например, лития), и если они не получат этого контроля, то производители могут объединиться в картели. Это, в свою очередь, уменьшит возможность США доминировать в экономике.
    ОПЕК - дитя Движения неприсоединения.
    О банке HSBC, одном из крупнейших банков мира, который начинал свою деятельность как «наркотический банк» - банк для торговли опиумом.
    1:14:42 Запад имеет большую силу, чтобы искажать информацию, они контролируют каналы информации. Люди не понимают, что происходит на Украине. Но когда ты начинаешь говорить что-то, тебе говорят, что ты - марионетка Путина.
    Запад доминирует в военной сфере и информационной. Для противостояния мы должны быть вместе.

    • @TacticalMayo
      @TacticalMayo Год назад

      The United States stays number one or you will get a nuclear war, there is no other option.

    • @pausereflect5911
      @pausereflect5911 Год назад +2

      Thank you!

    • @sharliz2
      @sharliz2 Год назад +2


  • @supernsansa
    @supernsansa 11 месяцев назад +2

    A truly inspired speaker. Always a pleasure to listen to Vijay talk

  • @jann9507
    @jann9507 5 месяцев назад +1

    Fantastic discussion
    Am surprised of the lack of views despite the global hegemony of the US
    Thanks for hosting it

  • @bankimkulshreshtha8695
    @bankimkulshreshtha8695 8 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent discussion and best intellectual enrichment to the youth by Vijay Prasad 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @allahdinosamo7654
    @allahdinosamo7654 Год назад +19

    Thanks Parsad! You are political GPT . World needs alternative history .

    • @kallashnykov
      @kallashnykov Год назад +1

      World needs true scientific history. The alternative one is the capitalist one.

    • @pervaiziqbal5471
      @pervaiziqbal5471 Год назад

      /amo😮❤2mml9l.5 7😮😅e 3😅

    • @jelenakatic1778
      @jelenakatic1778 Год назад

      Alternative history is the current American/NATO neoliberal/fascist propaganda history. We need factual history.

  • @huntress_9441
    @huntress_9441 Год назад +4

    You can get Thums Up here in Melbourne. Me and my friends used to drink it after school because it was cheaper than Sprite

  • @luisinharamos
    @luisinharamos 11 месяцев назад +2

    Facisnating! 🕊✊️

  • @NestaVision2007
    @NestaVision2007 6 месяцев назад +1

    International Greetings from Houston Texas...this for me, was very engaging and a valuable learning experience. I was with you from the beginning and throughout the entire session. My foundational knowledge of the topic is minimal. However, V.J . has the valuable ability to make the deep history he shared accessible to all of us... Keep up your great work...

  • @katalepsykills
    @katalepsykills 10 месяцев назад +1

    I remember the first time I heard the term rules based order. I stopped on the side of the road and researched it until I figured out what the meaning was. What freaks me out now is that almost everyone uses it. And not ironically. Still drives me nuts.

  • @DrOSami
    @DrOSami Год назад +4

    1:14:22 When you are an Iraqi and listening to this 💔

  • @pauldebruijne64
    @pauldebruijne64 Год назад +4

    vijay sould be a world leader with real power.

  • @d1m18
    @d1m18 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great discussions

  • @minhng7208
    @minhng7208 11 месяцев назад +3

    Wow such a good lecture thanks ❤

  • @LeoiCaangWan
    @LeoiCaangWan Год назад +7

    Does anyone know who Vijay was referring to by 'Madame Bin' and can point me in the right direction?

    • @petermathews1515
      @petermathews1515 Год назад +5

      Nguyễn Thị Bình

    • @tymanung6382
      @tymanung6382 Год назад +1

      @@petermathews1515 She was. Vietnamese.woman activist.+ diplomat
      during US gov war vs. Vietnam Laos Cambodia.

  • @peternyc
    @peternyc 11 месяцев назад +1

    The audience question that ends at 1:30:28 is a very good question. He's curious about whether the fracturing of the neoliberal dollar hegemony can be seen as a move towards socialism by first dismantling imperialism's grip on individual countries, which would then reveal the struggle within countries of their own bourgeoisie and their own working class. At least this is what I understood him to be asking about. His question makes me want to know whether Chinese communist party officials after Mao saw this as a way to bring development to the exploited countries of the world without formally creating communist party satellites of China. We certainly seem like we are at the end of the 19th century all over again, with capitalist nation competing against capitalist nation without a clear leader enjoying exorbitant privilege as the US has/had been doing until the 2000's.

  • @jason8434
    @jason8434 Год назад +1

    Excellent lecture, thanks, especially enjoyed Vijay's discussion of the long-term economic basis of the current moment in Indian politics. That type of context is important for understanding any national politics, which are hard to translate to outsiders. In the US, the Reagan revolution of the 1980s, together with the failures of the American Left in the 1960s/70s, gave birth to a revolutionary generation i.e. children of the Reagan revolution. These are the people usually referred to as Millennials. But one can't understand American politics and society now without understanding that the young people now leading the country were the children of a revolution. The empire was already there, today's Americans are not shaped by imperialism, in fact it was 9/11 which even woke Americans up to the imperial world outside the national territory. Right-wing Americans are not imperialists, they're largely neoliberals although their heroes are not Smith and Burke but Ford and Reagan. Left-wing Americans have become a well-organized industry since the 1980s, but little more than that. The successful political movements (Occupy, BLM) were more like industrial actions than real challenges to the political system. The 1/6 revolt was conservative and shocked the world at the state of American national politics. IOW, the empire and the nation are very different sectors in American society. But the crucial economic context to understand today's Millennial generation is the Reagan revolution of the 1980s. What America is deciding right now is what it will choose to replace that dead regime of the 1980s. And as the historian Stephen Kotkin has pointed out, the crucial year globally is 1979 even more than 1989. The Iran revolution, the Deng Xiaoping revolution in China, and the neoliberal/Reagan/Thatcher revolution in the US. Three fundamentalisms won out in 1979: religious fundamentalism (Iran), political fundamentalism with economic liberalization (China), and market fundamentalism with political democracy (US). That's the historical determinants of today's politics in those countries as the generation of the 1950s finally dies off and the generation of the 1980s assumes power and wealth.

  • @nadiawheeler4772
    @nadiawheeler4772 Год назад +2

    Thank you 🙏🏾 Gentlemen

  • @maheshmattanur
    @maheshmattanur Год назад +5


  • @rodolfosaluto8344
    @rodolfosaluto8344 11 месяцев назад +1

    Debt is not the problem, the problem is in the conditions imposed on countries along side the debt. Foreign privatisation ecct.

  • @hazelwray4184
    @hazelwray4184 Год назад +2

    10:25 Vijay

  • @7swordmary567
    @7swordmary567 Год назад

    2hrs? Can we get some edited by topic excerpts (10-20min) ?

  • @danw6406
    @danw6406 10 месяцев назад


  • @Zayden.Marxist
    @Zayden.Marxist Год назад +1

    2:01:16...really? why not? What about the mass insurrectionary movements we've seen over the past few years? Like in Ecuador, Chile, Lebanon, Iran, Sudan and Sri Lanka? Why can't these be revolutionary breakthroughs in the situation?

  • @sebastianbalbo1906
    @sebastianbalbo1906 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @binnahgondwe5158
      @binnahgondwe5158 11 месяцев назад

      Re industrialization, socialist worker power,
      Subjugation and retaking of the oligarch's wealth under a worker's government. Welfare state anywhere in the EU just means imperialism for the rest of us, including those who lose benefits as welfare is dismantled and jobs in a non-industrial finance economy are hard to come by!

  • @truthaboveall7988
    @truthaboveall7988 11 месяцев назад

    If hate is so powerful Y can’t we use hate against the evil as a weapon against the greed that is destroying our world
    It seems the despair is what leads people to fall off a fascist cliff so we can reverse this despair w hope which must b more powerful I have to believe

  • @margaretliu3409
    @margaretliu3409 Год назад +2


  • @heathcliffearnshaw1403
    @heathcliffearnshaw1403 10 месяцев назад

    Maybe they meant “baissez les règles » ! ( got their English muddled with French) ! 50:00

  • @navdasone4710
    @navdasone4710 Год назад

    Dominique de Villepin!

  • @treelibrarian4741
    @treelibrarian4741 Год назад +1

    Guy in the middle looks like Morrissey

  • @craigrik2699
    @craigrik2699 Год назад

    New Zealand, we were part of SEATO, gone!

  • @ingejustavanderhelm5208
    @ingejustavanderhelm5208 Год назад +4

    Is that a freemason logo?

  • @navdasone4710
    @navdasone4710 Год назад +1

    There is also the massacre of the Jews in Brussels in 1370!!!

  • @navdasone4710
    @navdasone4710 Год назад

    Anything about the DRUG TRADE undermining countries and people?

    • @tymanung6382
      @tymanung6382 Год назад

      What about 2,900 intl billionaires, described in
      & book.The Giants.which found that they think &
      one entity, almost like heir own country. Are they still
      united in Unipolar vs. Multipolar intl.coalitions?

    • @tymanung6382
      @tymanung6382 Год назад

      There are several.videos on You Tube.
      Major W banks launder intl drug money

    • @samaval9920
      @samaval9920 5 месяцев назад

      There is continuing research, such as earlier books like
      Politics of Heroin in SaE Asia, 1960s
      Glass House Tapes, US 1970
      Dark Alliance, 1980
      any more recent videos or book
      For earlier, see any book about o
      including, 2 1800s Opium Wars vs. China.
      Japans use of red pill before all out invasion of China, 1930s
      ETC. ??

  • @stavroskarageorgis4804
    @stavroskarageorgis4804 11 месяцев назад

    I literally cannot believe Vijay said what he said about the US Govt, re "piles of cash". That's a profoundly ignorant statement. The PRC's "pile of cash" refers to its Fx reserves. Not its RMB financial assets. The US Govt doesn't need to accumulate piles of cash in its own fiat, unpegged currency, the US Dollar. Moreover, since the USD remains the world's top reserve currency, it has no need to accumulate (nor the means, given its structural and required current account deficit) Fx reserves. Money taxes, taxes finally payable in a country's own unpegged fiat currency, are not imposed and collected to procure that very currency. The very last thing the sovereign issuer and net supplier of an unpegged fiat currency needs is (more of) its own currency. Ensuring that everyone else has recurring, inescapable liabilities finally payable in one's unpegged fiat currency guarantees that currency's (and that if its issuer, as well as that of the holders of balances in it) "power of command" over goods and services, as well as docility and compliance.

  • @PhiloSurfer
    @PhiloSurfer 10 месяцев назад

    Hmmm IF DDR's logo is similar to the Masonic symbol.

  • @dumupad3-da241
    @dumupad3-da241 Год назад +1

    Why would Prashad never quote Trotsky besides that one line? Trotsky has a lot of valuable things to say about what went wrong in the USSR (and about what happened before, too). I'm getting the impression that Prashad hasn't really come to terms with everything that went wrong in Soviet communism and its imitators. And with the value of things like freedom of speech, electoral democracy, the rule of law and so on. (Yes, they are corrupted under capitalism. That doesn't mean that removing them completely is a workable way to fight for socialism.)
    Also, Putin is bad not just because he said some nasty things about communism. He is bad in internal Russian politics in many of the same ways in which Modi is bad, even though he at least doesn't antagonise domestic ethnic/religious minorities in the same way. And, of course, he did commit aggression against Ukraine.

    • @samaval9920
      @samaval9920 5 месяцев назад

      US England In 1945 saved Ukraine fascist & Bazi collaborator Stephan Bandera after his massacres vs. Ukraine Jews, Poles, Russians, etc. in WW ll.
      CIA & MI6 worked + Bandera
      to run 1950s rebellion in Ukraine
      vs. USSR til it found & poisoned
      him in W Germany in1959.,
      1989. Ukraine left USSR & NATO
      already trained Ukraine nei Nazis.
      2014 US NATO paid $5 billion to carry out coup with puppet gov.
      that was dominated by pro--
      Bandera nei Nazis, who slowly killed some 14,000 ethnic Russian
      in then E of Ukraine. People there
      lament that Russian gov did not intervene at start of 8 years of killing, President Putin now agrees with them. He follows SaMO that CP of Russia, now main opposition party, planned.
      NATO provoked Russia to cross border to trick it in to getting bogged down, bled, later to be overthrown & returned to 6 year
      of NATO WH IMF destruction under’Yeltsin.This is origin of
      current war.

  • @jean6872
    @jean6872 Год назад +3

    *_What happened to the sheafs of grain in your logo that once encircled the compass, I wonder. Have you something against agricultural workers? You want to be merely Petite bourgeoisie? Please do not misrepresent the aspirations of the DDR. . . . John Kennedy was not an architect of the Bay of Pigs attack on Cuba as claimed by Vijay Prashad (_**_11:57_**_). Kennedy did not support the Bay of Pigs attack and refused American air power for it although he inherited the plan from Eisenhower and the CIA and because of it, he fired Allen Dulles. There was a mutual hatred between Kennedy and Dulles. Furthermore, the Cuban ex-patriates in Florida hated Kennedy for his lack of support._*

    • @huwpatt3817
      @huwpatt3817 Год назад +1

      Citations please
      rather than assertions

    • @jean6872
      @jean6872 Год назад

      @@huwpatt3817 Well observed. Vijay Prashad gave not a single citation to support his false claim that John Kennedy was an architect of the Bay of Pigs and those who were got fired by him. They ended up blowing his brains out and then Vijay Prashad kicks his reputation. Do some research.

    • @pausereflect5911
      @pausereflect5911 Год назад +1

      Yes, I've heard that there were several events he inherited including Lumumba's assassination and others in the East.
      The Dulles were killers all round (heard from Vijay that they tried to assassinate Castro too!).
      Got him killed and his brother.
      Let's hope the current Kennedy can get to the bottom of his family's killers.

    • @tymanung6382
      @tymanung6382 Год назад

      President John Kennedy.reluctantly
      agreed to Bay of Pigs invasion--- naval + ground forces, but he refused air forcewhich caused CIA backed invade
      rs, defeat..This angered them, so .they
      blamed him.for betrayal + defeat. There
      is evidence that some were involved in
      his killing + many US factions.

  • @istiaqmujibtafader
    @istiaqmujibtafader Год назад

    Recent events, including India's participation in opposing factions, demonstrate its internationalist foreign policy. The other BRICS nations view India's membership in several geostrategic international organizations with divergent foreign policies with suspicion. Some academicians are concerned that India may weaken the BRICS nations.
    Since Trump advocated choosing a border conflict with China, Putin has been criticized for Ukraine conflicts before him for attempting to appease Western audiences.
    Russia attempted to engage China and India more through its managed relationships. Their selfishness would have severe consequences for India.
    Some academics argue that Russia refuses to trade in Indian rupees because India has tacitly opposed the establishment of the RMB by preferring the rupee over the yuan. Now also opposing the establishment of BRICS currencies.
    According to China and Russia, the United States would violate international nuclear non-proliferation norms if it followed its AUKUS proposal to provide Australia with nuclear-powered submarines and WMD technologies. India, however, supported this. India's reversal in BRICS indicates apprehension regarding the emerging multipolar world order.
    As America seeks to counter a rising China, no nation is more important than India. India has already bent herself under colossal pressure from the EU and the USA. Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has openly pursued, maintained, and abused hegemony, supported subversion and infiltration, and actively sought conflict. When assisting in destroying other nations, the United States has never hesitated. India must have endured the United States' excessive hegemony. Does it not?

  • @Snukt
    @Snukt Год назад +6

    Daddy Communism

  • @navdasone4710
    @navdasone4710 Год назад

    Germany's colonising of Namibia!

    • @michelegosse7116
      @michelegosse7116 Год назад

      you mean genocide,.... to give it to the zionists...

  • @tipupakoro5729
    @tipupakoro5729 11 месяцев назад +1

    Very informative guest. Awesome show gentlemen.

  • @jinjin4411
    @jinjin4411 11 месяцев назад

    Irag, Libya, and Afghanistan, but Russia and China have the capacity to destroy Nato they have weakness too ,Nato destroy weak countries, and you hype Nato too much ,I don't agree with some of your opinions,

  • @thepagalpanti2004
    @thepagalpanti2004 6 месяцев назад

    😂 what is non alignment
    I only know multiple alignment

  • @Flawed381
    @Flawed381 Год назад +1

    Joining the so called Lesser evil in hopes that it will give you that idealistic world is nothing but wishful thinking , the lesser evil will too become the very thing you are hoping to replace it with. I feel pity for Mr Vijay another broken & misguided individual who is being used to dismantle & recreate the very thing that made him broken in the very first place. That doesn't necessarily mean you dont have a mind of your own fyi. Something to think about.

  • @redstar1162
    @redstar1162 Год назад

    1:00 gibt nichts deutscheres was er hätte sagen können lach

  • @user-ti1ck3gd2g
    @user-ti1ck3gd2g Год назад +1

    have a boss under capitalism still have a boss under socialism nothing changed what if i want to be my own boss

    • @jonirischx8925
      @jonirischx8925 Год назад +6

      Unless you're a multi-billionaire capitalist, the term "being your own boss" doesn't really mean anything. Even if you're a small business owner, your endeavours are dependent on the people around you, whose taxes pay for the roads and other infrastructure you use, who will be your employees, the regulation of your industry through laws etc... Without the collective you have no business.
      The purpose of the managerial class under capitalism is to discipline the workers, and safeguard the interests of the company owners. Under socialism the people democratically own the 'companies' (means of production) through the state, so if you have issues with your boss due to some systemic issue, you, together with your fellow citizens and workers, can democratically change that.
      So under socialism you (majority of people) have more power, not less. Unless you're talking about some asshole manager, I don't know what your issue is? There's gonna be rude assholes no matter what form of governance there is. That's not a political issue...
      Or you can always move to the wilderness and remove yourself from society... No bosses then.

    • @netizencapet
      @netizencapet 11 месяцев назад

      Right on. Enemies of freedom are enemies of the Left, be they Capitalist, Communist, whatever else. Sometimes a boss is necessary but let's not overdo a necessary evil!

    • @netizencapet
      @netizencapet 11 месяцев назад

      @@jonirischx8925 What do you mean by "socialism"? Screw your crap society without the right to vote. Anyone that wants to limit your power and hand it over to a small group is NOT on the side of the people. Period. He praises cynical thug kleptocrats like horrible Fidel Castro. Been to Cuba several times and help fund ppl there, know many Cuban emigres, here and in other countries. I can fully assure you and (explain in detail how) that the criminal regime exacerbates rather than ameliorates El Bloqueo (and yes, most US presidents are war criminals, so I'm not shielding them). The Castro family had major off-shore bank accounts and have been caught by the AP on luxurious yachts etc. That's petty stuff I realize but if it only stopped there I wouldn't be upset: it is so much more. I'm against the embargo, obviously, but that is by no means the source of all of Cuba's problems. Did you know state officials run an airline to Nicaragua which is the only country in Latin America that offers easy travel visas to Cubans, for which exorbitant prices are charged so they can personally profit off of their own people's desperation, as they attempt to flee the island and run to the US (that is before Biden changed the amnesty law for Cubans)? A lot of first hand stories here so spare me the "you're an outsider or propagandist" malarky. I like Breakthrough News because of its great anti-Imperialist work. I also think the US is getting too anti-China at this point... moving from healthy skepticism and maybe a bit of needed protectionism into outright counterproductive, self-defeating containment, war mongering etc. - i.e. the New Cold War has gone too far and will just impoverish and endanger both Americans and Chinese. So the "Left" part of me likes these folks' great anti-Imperialist and non-aligned work, but I fundamentally bristle at the free pass and even praise they give for Communist regimes which were and - in Cuba and N. Korea, are - brutal, anti-Left garbage cans that should vanish from the earth forever. China and Vietnam have reformed a lot, so while their awful non-democratic regimes still need democracy (not that the US has a real democracy), they offer a more diverse and open set of possibilities for their people than did the classic Bolshevik models.

  • @TacticalMayo
    @TacticalMayo Год назад

    Bunch of tankies.

  • @Msparx187
    @Msparx187 Год назад +5

    Vijay Prashad ✊🏽👨🏽‍🎓🥂🍾 Respect Abolish Anglo Terrorism 🎯 Arian Nazi' Imperialism 🏴‍☠️🇺🇲🏴‍☠️🇪🇺🇺🇳🇬🇧🇮🇱🇲🇫🇩🇪🇨🇦🇭🇲☢️🇺🇦🏳️🇵🇱🚮🚩🚩🚩 Never Forget 😠😡🤬

  • @Shashank.singh1993
    @Shashank.singh1993 Год назад

    marxist is an abusive word .

    • @samaval9920
      @samaval9920 5 месяцев назад

      Marx was asked what sort of socialist he was, to which he
      “ All I know is that I am not a
      He always argued hard for his views, but also said that his ideas
      we’re meant as guides to action, not a new social science.

  • @green2stayecoswdmarketingn339
    @green2stayecoswdmarketingn339 Год назад +2

    Thankyou from Sydney, Australia 🦘, #THENEWECONOMY💲