Texas Shuts Its Doors to Immigration - VisualPolitik EN

  • Опубликовано: 13 июл 2024
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    Texas has declared war on illegal immigration. In this video, we explain how.
    #Texas #Immigration #America

Комментарии • 272

  • @coleli9018
    @coleli9018 11 дней назад +63

    Regardless of economics, it’s wrong in principle to reward blatant violations of the law.

    • @robertduluth8994
      @robertduluth8994 11 дней назад +4

      Marrying outside of your own race used to be illegal. Does legality decide morality?

    • @coleli9018
      @coleli9018 11 дней назад +14

      @@robertduluth8994 Legality does not equal morality. But immigration control is not immoral. Saying "hey, there's this process you must go through to immigrate into a country" is not immoral. In fact, it's unfair to those of us who went through this painful process for others to be rewarded for their unlawful actions.

    • @mrmr446
      @mrmr446 11 дней назад +1

      So a crackdown on unpaid wages and tax avoidance?

    • @robertduluth8994
      @robertduluth8994 11 дней назад +1

      @@coleli9018 isn’t it painful for victims of scammers to lose all of their money? So because it is painful i mist also lose all my money to make the victim feel better? So what if some immigrants are chumps and do it legally?

    • @coleli9018
      @coleli9018 11 дней назад +3

      @@mrmr446 sure but what does that have to do with immigration?

  • @kucheriya1
    @kucheriya1 11 дней назад +83

    Outsourcing work To outsiders while Giving food stamps to homegrown population is bound to have negative effectS.

    • @m4rkscott
      @m4rkscott 11 дней назад

      Especially when you consider that many of those food stamps will be given to illegal immigrants from past decades and their offspring, you would have thought there were enough unemployed people to cover the missing illegals.

    • @nivision
      @nivision 9 дней назад +3

      Texas' food stamp system is currently so backlogged it takes approximately 6 months to even get to the first review. this is technically way behind federal legal requirements.
      perhaps they could, at this point of success in their border plan, divert a paltry million of their multibillion budget on it to taking care of their own. maybe even finally shore up that flimsy electrical grid thing before winter brings another in a growing pattern of deadly ice storms.
      just spit balling as an actual Texan here.

    • @WadeBanks-fn7ns
      @WadeBanks-fn7ns 3 дня назад

      Your argument makes sense,, therefore it will be thrown in the trash.

  • @StevieFQ
    @StevieFQ 11 дней назад +102

    Quite the success story indeed. Corporations would be happy to run their businesses with indentured slaves, and illegal immigrants are just a stone's throw away from that.
    You bemoan the loss of income for corporations, I bemoan their unwillingness to increase pay to attract the necessary workers.
    I love how supply and demand is praised when talking about it in the abstract but as soon as you try to apply it to the labor market it's somehow something to be ridiculed.

    • @Sam-ir2te
      @Sam-ir2te 10 дней назад

      Yeah. Not to mention the Democrats desperate to legalise migrants who have come illegally and in some cases remain illegal and yet be permitted to vote in local elections.

  • @ashapuhin72
    @ashapuhin72 10 дней назад +27

    So the argument " Let illegal immigrant in or your economy will suffer" really? As in really?

  • @didierduplantier8359
    @didierduplantier8359 11 дней назад +23

    They can still cross at the official border crossings. Texas is only stopping them from crossing any where they want

  • @StevieFQ
    @StevieFQ 11 дней назад +56

    Worth mentioning that TX is majority hispanic state yet Abbot enjoys overwhelming support for his stance on immigration.
    Laws are laws and should be followed, yet when they fail, as they so clearly do here, they need to be updated. The main reason new laws are introduced is almost exclusively because things on the ground change and the legal system needs to adjust before it breaks under the strain. The problem with DC claiming immigration rights is that they see none of the outcome of the decisions of lax border protection while southern states like TX see the brunt of them. In other words the system can break in the southern states while DC doesn't even notice.

    • @JXY2019
      @JXY2019 10 дней назад

      Texas is plurality Hispanic

    • @iloke11
      @iloke11 9 дней назад +8

      That's because those that immigrated legally want others to do the same! Makes sense!

    • @GeorgiaMartin-ll9qg
      @GeorgiaMartin-ll9qg 7 дней назад +1

      It’s 40pc Hispanic so not a majority but still get your point

    • @JeupePaolaZavala
      @JeupePaolaZavala 2 дня назад

      Que bueno! Ya que fue un estado robado a mi país. Me parece justo que las cosas regresen a donde pertenecen y los hispanos tienen todo el derecho de estar o no en Texas. Claro de manera legal... aunque Usa no la obtuvo tan legalmente.

    • @JeupePaolaZavala
      @JeupePaolaZavala 2 дня назад

      Mexico has not any resposability to help Usa about the immigration. They want to get to Usa not to Mexico so... the problem is of Usa.

  • @Panda00034
    @Panda00034 11 дней назад +75

    im not a trumper but the boarder does need to be closed its as simple as that I also agree on that goofy ass wall being built sadly

    • @BusesAreFatCars
      @BusesAreFatCars 11 дней назад

      Just build the wall. The total cost was due to be something like 6 billion. A drop in the bucket in US budgets these days. What's the worst that could happen? It doesn't work? Then people could tell Trump that he was wrong.
      If people were sure it wouldn't work then they'd just let it be built and use it against Trump. They're not doing that.

    • @kyledrake9208
      @kyledrake9208 11 дней назад

      Texas is passing a 6 billion dollar just for Texas. I fail to see why the Feds can't do the same when they have the taxes.

    • @_anansi2146
      @_anansi2146 11 дней назад +17

      No need to explain yourself this is a common sense issue that goes beyond just agreeing with Trump

    • @malcire
      @malcire 11 дней назад +3

      The wall is an expensive project that likely isn't going to be super effective (to much space to properly keep people from bypassing it).

    • @BusesAreFatCars
      @BusesAreFatCars 11 дней назад +7

      @@malcire Let's just build it anyway and then everyone can shut up about it.
      The cost for it was around 6 billion. US spending bills are only in trillions now.
      It would put the issue to bed. Either it will help or it won't. Though at least it would be done and if it's not effective then people can move on to something that is.
      Though many of the people opposed to it don't convince me that it wouldn't work. Quite the opposite.

  • @makeshiftgamer6909
    @makeshiftgamer6909 11 дней назад +13

    I agree with the laws Texas and Florida have done. While yes it’ll hurt economically in the short term the long term benefits while be worth it as illegals immigrants won’t be such a hassle and it’ll actually help the economy in the long run.

    • @SincerelyFromStephen
      @SincerelyFromStephen 11 дней назад +1

      Who is taking the jobs left behind?

    • @unathorizedbargain8862
      @unathorizedbargain8862 10 дней назад

      more like they will lose to other states with different policies in the long run its just a shift cuz blue states arent going to comply

  • @FaustsKanaal
    @FaustsKanaal 11 дней назад +17

    Restricting cheap illegal labour is a good incentive to innovate. American farming is not really keeping up with productivity gains. Over here in the Netherlands we are seeing the slow roll out of harvesting robots, basically small threaded tanks with picking hands and cameras, trained on self learning algos what to pick.

    • @tonylam9548
      @tonylam9548 10 дней назад

      That is exactly what I said.

    • @unathorizedbargain8862
      @unathorizedbargain8862 10 дней назад

      yeah in the meantime they are eating the loses tho

    • @GeorgeWashingtonLaserMusket
      @GeorgeWashingtonLaserMusket 10 дней назад

      Yeah and who has them? I doubt a small farm of only 200 acres does, it's probably a corporate mega farm with 200,000 acres.

    • @Antonis-mo7ov
      @Antonis-mo7ov 10 дней назад

      netherland is full of mega farms and goverment funded farms how is this the same?Yes robots are the best solution and its something i am looking into getting in the future my self for my greenhouses but they are way too expensive and slow atm

    • @tonylam9548
      @tonylam9548 8 дней назад +1

      The US is ahead of the Netherlands in robot technology, they already have a robot , siting at the White House , as president !

  • @williammosley8026
    @williammosley8026 11 дней назад +12

    Keep your hungry tired and poor . We have our own we need to help

    • @iloke11
      @iloke11 9 дней назад +1

      And criminals

  • @richardquintero1980
    @richardquintero1980 11 дней назад +86

    Too little too late biden's done especially after the debate

    • @BMWE90HQ
      @BMWE90HQ 11 дней назад +8

      Trump 2024 MAGA!

  • @RSGEProductions
    @RSGEProductions 10 дней назад +4

    To illegal immigration , not immigration in general. I can see there is no bias at all here 😒

  • @malcire
    @malcire 11 дней назад +6

    To be fair, the Jurrasica Park guy clearly spared a number of expenses.
    Since he has one software engineer (who betrays him over pay that he is loudly complaining about) running the entire network and security system doesn't seem to have much in the way of redundancies for a power outage.

  • @Huminahumina465
    @Huminahumina465 11 дней назад +44

    If Florida is struggling so much due to a lack of illegal immigrants, then why is everyone going there? The states that are losing the most in population are ones like NY and Cali, y'know, states that aren't having this "stopping illegal immigrants problem"

    • @amirhosseinhosseinzadeh7627
      @amirhosseinhosseinzadeh7627 11 дней назад +5

      Because it doesn't have income tax, so people who have high paying remote jobs in CA or NY can easily go live in Florida for much cheaper!

    • @Huminahumina465
      @Huminahumina465 11 дней назад +4

      @@amirhosseinhosseinzadeh7627 so that’s still a way for Florida to bring in money that those two states don’t have. Thanks for helping the point

    • @bibby3027
      @bibby3027 11 дней назад +6

      the americans coming to Florida to dodge taxes have nothing to do with the illegal immigrants that harvest our food. Not being able to harvest food that gets exported to other states has no effect on the finance or tech employee who just came from NY. In other words, just because people are coming here doesn’t mean we don’t have problems.

    • @Huminahumina465
      @Huminahumina465 11 дней назад +3

      @@bibby3027 You don’t absolutely need farmhands for all forms of Agriculture. Liberal people have been pushing for hanging gardens for ages, and that’s a small area with plenty of food growing. Also, not every state needs to grow plants and food when, if rich, you can just buy the food. Like what the Saudis do

    • @malcire
      @malcire 11 дней назад +2

      ​​@@Huminahumina465which isn't a current system that we have. And additionally is often costlier to use at scale.
      And given various federal agriculture programs, it seems the US wants food to be cheap.

  • @StevieFQ
    @StevieFQ 11 дней назад +18

    Also worth pointing out that we're fine with criticizing lack of facilities with comments like where are we going to put all these prisoners but it's never discussed that policing is largely a show of force with the average police department being completely unable to respond to a significant change in the criminal behaviors of the citizenry.
    This from a channel that pointed out that Denmark is effectively keeping away immigrants by having slightly harsher laws than its neighbors.

  • @leonli1642
    @leonli1642 10 дней назад +7

    Is the farm labor shortage in Florida comparable with asylum seekers crossing in the Southwest though? Recent waves of migrants who were allowed entry en-mass (the 10,000+ per day at times) have shifted demographically from historically majority latin-american to Indian, Chinese eastern european middleclass professionals. I doubt many of these new asylum seekers would accept strawberry picking positions. One driving factor in bringing these unprecedent amounts of migrants from all over the world is false narratives produced on social media (predominantly TikTok) that give these people false hopes to try the US border. Yes, they've been granted entry. But how many of them can actually sustain themselves once they get inside in the long term.

    • @ZoomZoomMX3
      @ZoomZoomMX3 21 час назад

      Exactly most are not willing to do labour work for income

  • @Mauther
    @Mauther 10 дней назад +1

    The word missing from the title is "Illegal". Legal migration is unaffected.

  • @jamespostlewate2776
    @jamespostlewate2776 8 дней назад +2

    Mexico has offered many times to hold criminals in prisons subsidized by the US at a much cheaper cost than housing them domestically...
    The US has turned them down repeatedly, afraid that rights garaunteed as a US citizen would not be respected by Mexican authorities...
    However, this concern should not be applied to the housing of illegal migrants...
    A simple solution is a US, Mexican partnership to house illegal migrants...

  • @Chinger98
    @Chinger98 11 дней назад +39

    Immigration without assimilation is a problem. Since 1965 Hispanic, Asian, and African migrants have not assimilated and that has caused a myriad of issues as the country lacks cohesion (to any extent it can exist in a multiethnic society). On top of that crime from illegals is easy to battle, they can’t commit crimes if they are not here. Whatever happens next, expect a lot of movement: if Trump wins or Abbott is given more power deportations will surge.

    • @RobotWithHumanHair.
      @RobotWithHumanHair. 11 дней назад +1

      immigration is the problem

    • @robertduluth8994
      @robertduluth8994 11 дней назад +3

      What happened in 1965? Please define assimilation.

    • @fanniemaeurmom3752
      @fanniemaeurmom3752 11 дней назад +5

      Define assimilation. It's not like immigrants will become a white guy eventually.

    • @Freakingbean
      @Freakingbean 11 дней назад +2

      Bro my grandparents and my dad came here illegally. They vote Republican I vote libertarian. What you talking about assimilation? We can have different cultures and all want the government small to leave us alone.

    • @Calikid331
      @Calikid331 10 дней назад

      Bros just yapping.

  • @jbstarkiller4626
    @jbstarkiller4626 2 дня назад

    Someone should tell this guy that Roe V Wade was approved by the Supreme Court despite it being unconstitutional🤣

  • @Vincentovich89
    @Vincentovich89 7 дней назад +2


  • @CarloDRTrafficante
    @CarloDRTrafficante 11 дней назад +29

    God bless Texas 🇺🇸

    • @NoRockinMansLand
      @NoRockinMansLand 11 дней назад +4

      That's funny

    • @robertduluth8994
      @robertduluth8994 11 дней назад +2

      Texas used to be a different country and almost broke off from the US. dont use the american flag

    • @scarscar9278
      @scarscar9278 11 дней назад

      God bless amarca and Texas

  • @m4rkscott
    @m4rkscott 11 дней назад +2

    I don't understand how illegal immigrants would affect labour force, surely they can just approve more legal applications.
    I wouldn't have thought this is about migration so much as being in control of it.

  • @paulgoodridge2269
    @paulgoodridge2269 10 дней назад +5

    Please do me a favor. Stop using "undocumented" and use the term illegal immigrant. They entered illegally without asking. Therefore illegal immigrant.

    • @tonylam9548
      @tonylam9548 10 дней назад

      TSMC build a new chip plant in Texas, they are looking for skills, there are supposed to be many engineers, rocket scientists, computer experts among the illegal migrants, they cannot find any, and the jobs pay really good. No TSMC do not need any more sweepers, its automated and the mail room and food service are full.

  • @mrspeigle1
    @mrspeigle1 10 дней назад +1

    Hrmmm, florida economy seems to be doing just fine. A few industries got hit, but those industries are part of the problem.

  • @jordanmaerz7852
    @jordanmaerz7852 11 дней назад +23

    Omg the propaganda out of this channel. Just stop man

    • @bastisonnenkind
      @bastisonnenkind 11 дней назад +2

      What propaganda? Please elaborate.

    • @SEAZNDragon
      @SEAZNDragon 11 дней назад +1

      I'm not sure about calling it propaganda but I definitely think he's giving Abbott too much credit for passing a state level immigration law giving it has a very low likelihood of passing the federal courts.

    • @unathorizedbargain8862
      @unathorizedbargain8862 10 дней назад

      they are anti immigrant but even they have to acknowledge the loses

    • @user-rv3pp8ei8z
      @user-rv3pp8ei8z 8 дней назад

      Yeah stop propaganda

  • @dragosstanciu9866
    @dragosstanciu9866 11 дней назад +6

    Can the US integrate the immigrants?

    • @RobotWithHumanHair.
      @RobotWithHumanHair. 11 дней назад +5


    • @kyledrake9208
      @kyledrake9208 11 дней назад +1

      The gender gap for people coming over is heavily male. And too many have come too fast.

    • @phoneluke1
      @phoneluke1 11 дней назад +7

      The US has tried, but largely failed. Integration is primarily the burden of the immigrant (learn the language, adopt the customs, etc.), and recent waves of immigrants have increasingly refused to do so. It has reached a breaking point where American culture in some areas is breaking down. This is only possible because so many immigrants have come in so quickly, that they can form their own separate communities and survive that way.

    • @PeterPichler-xt1il
      @PeterPichler-xt1il 11 дней назад +3


    • @robertduluth8994
      @robertduluth8994 11 дней назад

      @@phoneluke1what an American response. In Europe social services guaranteed assimilation. Exclusion only breeds more exclusion. When people with immigrant backgrounds are denied opportunities, they will creat their own illegal opportunities.

  • @boldjawad
    @boldjawad 10 дней назад

    Hey! Your previous intro was cool and unique.

  • @legendary7957yahoo
    @legendary7957yahoo 10 дней назад

    florida businesses finding trouble finding workers i.e refusing to pay more for the poorest americans

  • @Caseds
    @Caseds 10 дней назад +1

    Of course companies would not be happy with losing labor that can't complain about pay or working conditions.

  • @MasterYota1
    @MasterYota1 9 дней назад

    11:26 we shouldn’t have to pay one dollar for anybody that’s not a taxpayer in our country. If you don’t pay into the system, you don’t get anything.

  • @bringerofword4644
    @bringerofword4644 4 дня назад

    That’s not true, it doesn’t restrict illegal immigrnats coming through ports of entries.

  • @guydreamr
    @guydreamr 8 дней назад

    As the video mentioned, most of the labor flight consists mostly of undocumented workers. The solution - shock, horror! - hire Americans instead. Since they'll be working legally, they'll also be paying taxes into state and federal coffers. And if the labor shortage continues, why not try something really out of the box like, you know, paying higher wages.

  • @mellissatompkins4323
    @mellissatompkins4323 9 дней назад

    What ever needs to happen to get them out of the US.

  • @stephenhester7354
    @stephenhester7354 10 дней назад

    You mean *illegal* immigration. Texas is among the most diverse states in the U.S., which is easily one of the most diverse countries.

  • @lucashurt1143
    @lucashurt1143 10 дней назад +1

    Bexar county is pronounced Bear

  • @bbalila
    @bbalila 4 дня назад

    Simple solution is what Australia has done. Any one cross the border illegally will never get the legal immigration status. Second introduce a point base system for immigration & for labor/Low skill jobs to get permits very easy (same what Middle East countries do) if some one from get enough points then they get legal immigrants.

  • @RickNYC732
    @RickNYC732 11 дней назад +5

    Sensible immigration policies go hand in hand with a secure border … the problem in the US is both parties represent the extremes of the issue

  • @everypitchcounts4875
    @everypitchcounts4875 10 дней назад

    The Alien Acts comprised two separate acts: The Alien Friends Act, which empowers the president to deport any alien whom he considers dangerous; and the Alien Enemies Act, which allows the deportation of any alien who hailed from a country at war with the United States.

  • @eaphantom9214
    @eaphantom9214 11 дней назад +1

    04:57 - RIP Richard Attenborough 😔

  • @ZoomZoomMX3
    @ZoomZoomMX3 21 час назад

    Use Texas's gas and oil sectory to have a 5%tax to pay for security brought by securing the border

  • @MohdHilal
    @MohdHilal 6 дней назад

    Maybe, just maybe migration rates are receding because US didnt do much sanctions and interventions in Central and South America lately

  • @recramorcenlemniscate7945
    @recramorcenlemniscate7945 9 дней назад

    This was friggin hilarious.
    "Losing illegal migrants meant 5% of the total available jobs are now back to the citizens"
    "Hey, immigrants use substantially less than citizens for the welfare state."...."What do you mean they shouldn't be using any?"

  • @KrytoRift
    @KrytoRift 10 дней назад +1

    The constitution doesnt cover foreign nationals does it?

  • @Suchtel10
    @Suchtel10 8 дней назад

    Can you please explain why Mark Reicher of the german sister channel was fired?
    Will you leave too?

  • @princefever
    @princefever 10 дней назад

    I love the misinformation from Brits who do not live in the USA and obviously do not understand Laws

  • @kinai01
    @kinai01 10 дней назад

    Mmmm i have this really strong feeling when as an American some with a British accent is talking to me about my own Country. Its weird I wonder where it's coming from 🤔🤔🤔

  • @mztokyo7630
    @mztokyo7630 9 дней назад

    I want the benefits of asylum, sneaking in soon. thanks taxpayers!!

  • @MyMrGreedy
    @MyMrGreedy 10 дней назад

    We might have to use a Quotas system on Migration, doesn't matter which country you from, especially from UK Migration, just to be fair.

  • @armorbearer9702
    @armorbearer9702 День назад

    Couldn't some illegal immigrants be imported from other states to save the harvest?

  • @hudsonaable
    @hudsonaable 6 дней назад

    Down in Texas where they dont take to Kindly to things

  • @user-hk3bg9lc8s
    @user-hk3bg9lc8s 11 дней назад +1

    hi i love your video's

  • @adcaptandumvulgus4252
    @adcaptandumvulgus4252 11 дней назад +1

    If they didn't have enough people to harvest them how are they going to throw them in the garbage you need someone to do that too why would they have someone pick them just to throw them away if they're already picked they're going to sell it or unless you were just being facetious, yes?

    • @malcire
      @malcire 11 дней назад +1

      Because you are less tied by time and fragility to dispose of the produce.
      I may need someone to pick tomatoes almost immediately when ripe. To toss it it just needs to go from point a to point b.
      You can probably just handle it as part of the cleanup at the end of the season if you want.

    • @adcaptandumvulgus4252
      @adcaptandumvulgus4252 10 дней назад

      @@malcire You're not wrong but I thought any food that wasn't going to be used was supposed to be donated to the needy & not just thrown away, right?

    • @malcire
      @malcire 10 дней назад

      @@adcaptandumvulgus4252 nope. Distribution has costs and donating has liability. So most just gets tossed.

  • @giljones6090
    @giljones6090 2 дня назад

    No, the question is to YOU, we're waiting to hear your solution. It's easy to criticize other peoples efforts.

  • @verdiacollins3674
    @verdiacollins3674 9 дней назад +1

    Good job Abbott

  • @joelaldodiaz
    @joelaldodiaz 2 дня назад

    Bexar is pronounced “bear” or “behar”

  • @anthonykulit
    @anthonykulit 10 дней назад

    Legal migrants and native born American can fill up those jobs vacated by illegal immigrants. All policies have consequences, it takes time for equilibrium to set in once the correct policy is set in place. I think most Americans understand the difference between legal and illegal immigrants. Biden's policy of legalizing these illegal immigrants is an insult to those legal immigrants who took the proper route and process and stayed in their country of origin while waiting for their immigration to become legal.

  • @hughjass1044
    @hughjass1044 10 дней назад

    Bexar = behr (or "bear" if you like), not becks-ar.

  • @snackplissken8192
    @snackplissken8192 10 дней назад

    Cartel-owned slave labor is cheaper than paying a living wage to underprivileged citizens who are not in the workforce. It's a twofer of disgusting behavior that this channel would not support under any other circumstances.

  • @Khneefer
    @Khneefer 10 дней назад

    11:12 - Show it by country of origin and lega/illigal status.

  • @larrydugan1441
    @larrydugan1441 10 дней назад

    Exactly what were the years under Trump that illegal immigration soared?

  • @vojtapergl858
    @vojtapergl858 9 дней назад

    I am really excited for the elections. Either way it goes, it will be a shitshow and a lot of fun.

  • @sharabhshukla7918
    @sharabhshukla7918 11 дней назад

    I suppose Jhonny Sins would have to start farming or construction now that immigrant workers are leaving

  • @CollinsNOLA
    @CollinsNOLA 11 дней назад

    He might have made the order but like what the law says he doesn't enforce that either.

  • @Pyratemime
    @Pyratemime 10 дней назад

    Listening to Visual Politik discuss American politics is like listening to a virgin describe how sex feels.
    Yhey may have watched lots of porn and have the base mechanics down but their frame of reference is scewed to the extremes and lacks any personal experience to filter it through.

  • @fabiandmello
    @fabiandmello 11 дней назад

    Besides people moving from NY and California r not going in there to pick strawberry/ produce and construct houses

  • @weirdhero180
    @weirdhero180 10 дней назад

    I'm not sure you guys really understand US politics

  • @EvelineFlowercrown
    @EvelineFlowercrown 11 дней назад

    Eine Obergrenze?? Horst Seehofer wäre stolz auf ihn! 😂

  • @ionut3118
    @ionut3118 10 дней назад

    Is it legal to hire illegal immigrants in the us?

    • @CoolHand273
      @CoolHand273 9 дней назад

      it isn't but fake IDs or stealing someone else's social security number and using it are commonplace. There is no incentive for anyone to check more thoroughly. plenty of people work off the books for cash as well.

  • @Chinger98
    @Chinger98 11 дней назад +2

    Also Governor Reynolds of Iowa did sign the immigration law SF 2340, but like Texas SB4, its stuck in courts. Oklahoma also took a similar step and Louisiana passed something recently but it won’t go into effect unless the Supreme Court approves the Texas law that began this

  • @russellburgan9023
    @russellburgan9023 10 дней назад

    You could have done so much better with your information. You showed a graph that says individual Americans draw more aid than illegals, but you didn't total the amount that is being paid out by the tax payers for the illegals. 300,000 in one month alone. That's 300k drawing the max on every benefit. I like the issues you try to tackle, but you can do a much better job at presenting the information for the purposes of the viewer to make up their own minds. In not against immigration. At the same time, I know that we can't afford the number of ppl coming. There are laws in place for a reason. If they want to support this type of immigration, then they need to pass laws, and make plans on how to support them. Personally, it seems like they are just trying to break the system. It is what it is. While I feel for every suffering human being, whether it's actually escaping a tyrannical political system, escaping hunger stricken poverty, or escaping violent cultures, in truth, I'm just passing thru this world.

  • @JJ-si4qh
    @JJ-si4qh День назад

    11:20. Doesn't matter. Economy should be secondary to social unity

  • @saviorvx1883
    @saviorvx1883 11 дней назад

    ohhh 2500 ppl has crossed guys stop.... is fxn riducolous
    do theyy get a chucke cheese stamp to count??- and you just stop -bill maher

  • @adhiroham
    @adhiroham 10 дней назад

    Quite a biased take. Common sense missing. Go into why voters want this, rather than just say “politics”

  • @MordernDayTsomo
    @MordernDayTsomo 9 дней назад

    Why do you not cover African politics. South Africa 🇿🇦 just is from elections and for the first time it finds itself in a coalition government. Was it covered? NO!

  • @TheeRomantic
    @TheeRomantic 11 дней назад +1

    First time in a long time people from both parties want a serious change or shut down at the border. See those recent actions of those immigrants who broke our laws and were so bold with it.. it all has actions

  • @townrumor
    @townrumor 11 дней назад +1

    Naw to late baby 🫳🏽🗳️🔻

  • @m4rkscott
    @m4rkscott 11 дней назад +2

    Are they going to finish Trumps wall off, it wasn't such a bad idea after all and possibly cheaper than illegal immigrants even short term.

  • @nkugwamarkwilliam8878
    @nkugwamarkwilliam8878 11 дней назад +3

    These arguments are a bit weak! Picking fruits seems to be the strongest argument but the USA has a lot of mechanization Now pickers in many modern farms are a thing of the past one policy change such as the government reducing taxes or subsidizing such machines kills this argument. Killing the texas Economy really ???

    • @malcire
      @malcire 11 дней назад +3

      A lot of farming isn't economic with mechanization. A number of fruits and other plants are either to hard to do with current tech or to fragile.
      Standing plants like corn and wheat is the easiest.

    • @PenguinInguinLodge
      @PenguinInguinLodge 11 дней назад

      Illegal immigrants are over 10% of the population of Harris and Dallas countries and over 7% in all the major counties. That is going to be a massive labor vacuum if they all disappear.

    • @SincerelyFromStephen
      @SincerelyFromStephen 11 дней назад

      Berries and things that bruise easily would be all but impossible to pick with current automation. And the construction industry isn’t exactly a weak argument. Things need to be built and automation can’t do that

    • @unathorizedbargain8862
      @unathorizedbargain8862 10 дней назад

      He isnt arguing a position he is reporting loses

  • @sowpur
    @sowpur 10 дней назад

    I don't understand why there's so much resistance to US building some sort of barrier to mark it's territory / prevent illegal migration. Almost every single country with illegal migration problem has some sort of barrier in place. It's just a common sense thing, similar to requiring an ID to vote

    • @roncrump5090
      @roncrump5090 10 дней назад

      The left blocks all border restrictions for the same reason. They don't like voter ID laws. They see these people as future democrat voters.

  • @joselopez-kx3sm
    @joselopez-kx3sm 10 дней назад +1

    if the u.s. invested that money in its own citizens instead of illegals then life for americans would be better.

    • @iloke11
      @iloke11 9 дней назад

      Right! But Biden needed to replace Democrats (knowledgeable blacks) that were leaving the party with illegals that would be happy to vote as told.

  • @polreamonn
    @polreamonn 11 дней назад +1

    Good luck getting your lawn mowed or toilet cleaned Texas.

    • @guardianoffire8814
      @guardianoffire8814 10 дней назад

      A lot of people clean their own toilets and mow their lawns. Only wealthy elites don't like doing normal house chores. The majority of Texas are middle class and below.

  • @user-rv3pp8ei8z
    @user-rv3pp8ei8z 8 дней назад

    👎👎👎 stop pls

    @JUAN_OLIVIER 10 дней назад +1

    Democrats: Just ignore how we practically have open borders and focus on how we say we don't have open borders.

  • @enjuaihara2576
    @enjuaihara2576 11 дней назад +2

    i mean you saying is 2500 robbers to few or to many 1 is to many

  • @priceharris7715
    @priceharris7715 11 дней назад

    Illegal immigration that isn't reformed to allow a more strenuous pathway to those immigrating legally to the US, the land with the best aggregate conditions to increase someone's opportunities without any cronyism or partisanship, must be changed.
    Before 50 years ago, you could make a case those arriving to the US via non-ports of entry without proper visa pathways were subject to either deportation or a much further path to prosperity by overcoming undocumented hurdles.
    Plus the extreme difficulty in arriving here.
    The demand since then has incredibly outstripped any Long Run Aggregaate Supply of labor.
    This causes strains on all layers of government while be a main contribution to depressing wages.
    And as circumstantial as New arrival figures of illegals is to muddle different policy effectiveness, keep in mind Trump had progress with Remain in Mexico along with maaking obstacles (a wall) where no ports of entry were to deter illegal and dangerous crossings facilitated by organized crime.
    And that's the core of this. Biden reversed both Remain in Mexico and border wall approve & funded construction.
    These by themselves don't solve immigration but certainly contributed to the solution.
    And the bill the administration advocated for saying federal agencies can do something only after an average daily illegal crossing threshold was met helps nothing.
    Especially when you can just begin border wall construction again, restart a Remain in Mexico policy (though you have to renegotiate it), and most importantly order & direct federal resources to detain, try, & deport in a speedy way illegals.
    All things you can do.
    When the federal government fails to act & actively encourages illegal crossings for political purposes of increasing census numbers for reapportionment of political districts, provide welfare benefits in exchange for voter loyalty, or other 200 year old tricks Democrats have used since Andrew Jackson it is clear as day citizens are harmed by wage theft and loss of opportunity.
    Quote all economic measures together, not just top line figures.
    States are enacting policy in the absence of federal enforcement. This is unprecedented bc since independence, strong border control was a hallmark of the one job the federal government must do.
    What happens when they refuse to do so?
    This is a novel and tragic situation that calls for federal agencies to do their job and quite whining about states doing something, anything really after the federal government has consistently failed to do so.
    Federal immigration reform is still needed without any benchmark to first allow so many illegal crossing a day.
    0 illegal crossings a day is the threshold, using federal agency administrative action enacted by officers can shorten deportation instead of waiting for judges solely to adjudicate every single case when the vast majority are straight forward, increase judge working hours / number of judges, and detain illegal immigrants until their hearings.
    Put them to work for pennies on the dollar and allow some in to meet labor demand rather than depress labor with a longer but reasonable pathway to citizenship. Such as they pay higher local sales tax, higher income taxes, and become citizens after passing the citizenship tests ten years from crossing illegal and being granted a work visa to live and work but ensuring they pay the penalty for using informal and illegal means to the US compared with those who came legally.
    Reform legal immigration to be far more efficient from what it is today and this goes a long way to stabilizing for the long term the problems of organized crime funneling in people for exploitation by gangs, employers, and politicians.
    -Price Matthew Harris

  • @javonhubert7968
    @javonhubert7968 11 дней назад +1


  • @sikemo9432
    @sikemo9432 10 дней назад

    F. Abbot, Trumo, putin, xi jingping and the mullahs. Not necessarily in that order

  • @GeorgeWashingtonLaserMusket
    @GeorgeWashingtonLaserMusket 10 дней назад +1

    Screw Biden
    Screw Trump
    We deserve better.

  • @tatianatavares2083
    @tatianatavares2083 9 дней назад

    Illegal means ILLEGAL. NOT undocumented.

  • @victorhugofeitosa2908
    @victorhugofeitosa2908 9 дней назад

    Its not always about money... its about social cohesion

  • @egg174
    @egg174 11 дней назад

    Yee haw

  • @bulliontoy
    @bulliontoy 10 дней назад

    The loss numbers $36b is totally bs. Get real numbers.

  • @robertsylvis1676
    @robertsylvis1676 10 дней назад

    Slam the door on Biden and his cronies.

  • @townrumor
    @townrumor 11 дней назад

    I do get it why not let the prisoners? of sate harvest the strawberries 🍓

    • @malcire
      @malcire 11 дней назад +2

      Because forced labor when implimented is often unpopular and first implementing it is more public and with more growing pains.

    • @unathorizedbargain8862
      @unathorizedbargain8862 10 дней назад

      why would prisoners work for you lol the state that threw them in jail they hate you

  • @paulwarren796
    @paulwarren796 11 дней назад


  • @user-ie7qj8ol3o
    @user-ie7qj8ol3o 11 дней назад +1

    take all federal money away form texas.

  • @johnq5284
    @johnq5284 11 дней назад

    Abbott for President. 😁

  • @dannylive3000
    @dannylive3000 11 дней назад +3

    I'm only hearing common sense policy

    • @robertduluth8994
      @robertduluth8994 11 дней назад +1

      Commons sense is wrong any scientist will tell you

  • @shivendrasingh4631
    @shivendrasingh4631 10 дней назад

    Trumph was right guy to tackle this issue.