Memories of love [ID:Invaded Ep. 10 Insert Song] (English lyrics/Letra en español)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 120

  • @sovereignsupremeethereal2481
    @sovereignsupremeethereal2481 4 года назад +247

    "Me? Leaving?
    "It's not like that"
    "You are the ones who left"
    Gets me hard 😭

  • @white_wolf4110
    @white_wolf4110 3 года назад +78

    This scene was one of the saddest in anime history 😔

  • @Munto-Z
    @Munto-Z 3 года назад +133

    This never fails to make me cry

  • @jhonesath3150
    @jhonesath3150 2 года назад +44

    July, 18 2022
    This ost scene was very sad. But tbh the fact that we can't officialy get this song are more sad than the scene itself.

    • @cmcchai
      @cmcchai 2 месяца назад

      Oct, 04 2024
      dang, this hit me hard

    • @ryuzakil6932
      @ryuzakil6932 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@cmcchaiit does

  • @Lefy2007
    @Lefy2007 2 года назад +45

    I freaking appreaciated this anime. No matter what everyone said, I will always love this anime and how it change me.

    • @HazeEmry
      @HazeEmry 2 года назад +2

      Was it badly received??? I watched it as it aired and found it great

    • @Lefy2007
      @Lefy2007 2 года назад +6

      @@HazeEmry Some people just don't like graphic content and how heavy it was. Some people just don't like it despite the great story, they prefer fantasy isekai anime where they can imagine themselves as an MC and enjoy it rather than suffering as the MC. I wouldn't really say that it was badly received but it's definitely underrated.

  • @SarveshShree
    @SarveshShree 3 года назад +32

    Dude I cried 5 times in a row after listening to this

  • @hendrix6888
    @hendrix6888 4 года назад +62

    remember now,
    the days with you,
    were filled with happiness,
    and miracles.
    On a normal day;
    On a special day.
    I loved holding you.
    Where are you now?
    Finding reasons not
    Being with you makes me cry.
    How amazing it would be if I can stay in the memory?
    If I could see you once again, somewhere
    in this dimension.
    I'll never ever let you go, let you go.
    From my heart.
    Just to remember all the days that you would always fill with happiness and miracles,
    before I think of you when you're close to me.
    it would be,
    if I could stay in the memory?
    if I could see you once again, somewhere
    in this dimension.
    I'll never ever let you go, let you go.
    From my heart.
    How amazing it would be, if I could only stay I'll never ever ever let,
    I can stay in the memory.

    • @kojurokatakura8433
      @kojurokatakura8433 4 года назад +1

      What's the point ? It's already in the video...

    • @florianvrst5163
      @florianvrst5163 4 года назад

      Do you know where I can find this musique without sakaido and his family voice

    • @hendrix6888
      @hendrix6888 4 года назад

      @@florianvrst5163 I tried to find the original music but sadly I can't. I think it is private or something

  • @bosscraftx8507
    @bosscraftx8507 Год назад +6

    La escena es bastante triste y nunca puedo evitar dejar caer algunas lagrimas al verla.
    Pero viendolo desde otra perspectiva, tiene cierta belleza. Aqui podemos ver como el protagonista finalmente acepta su perdida y decide seguir adelante, despues de haber cargado tantos años con el dolor de haber perdido a los que amaba, finalmente decide regresar

  • @anthonnyarmando1319
    @anthonnyarmando1319 4 года назад +79

    la parte mas triste es cuando Aki dice: USTEDES SE FUERON :,) me rompe el kokoro

    • @jostinsolis500
      @jostinsolis500 3 года назад +1

      Concuerdo contigo

    • @Yotroleo
      @Yotroleo 3 года назад

      2x ustedes si saben, esa scena es realmente triste

  • @rollinginaseaoffishes
    @rollinginaseaoffishes 3 месяца назад +2


  • @aungkzan1751
    @aungkzan1751 4 месяца назад +1

    This scene is so beautifully written. I've never cried this much watching anime. Tsuda Ken really nailed the scene

  • @とと-i4i
    @とと-i4i 3 года назад +16


  • @StudioQuinnOfficial
    @StudioQuinnOfficial 4 года назад +9

    Cried my eyes out

  • @joobebenyc1198
    @joobebenyc1198 3 года назад +11

    Every time I get drunk, I end up on here sobbing af

  • @kinglegend5574
    @kinglegend5574 Месяц назад

    one of the best story in all of the media in general

  • @dragonlover156
    @dragonlover156 Год назад +3

    Its so sad!!!!! I cry every time I hear this song and think of how happy he was.🥲🥲🥲😭😭😭😭

  • @darkwave239
    @darkwave239 Год назад +5

    Pasaron 2 años o capaz hasta 3 y me sigue doliendo tanto como la primera vez

  • @diegocuayla8132
    @diegocuayla8132 3 года назад +4

    I broke down in tears.

  • @alberrtoramirez7276
    @alberrtoramirez7276 4 года назад +76

    ahora que se que dice la cancion creo llore mas que la primera vez que vi la escena :""v

  • @obdalamfa4254
    @obdalamfa4254 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for describing my heart after being left forever

  • @annien.1727
    @annien.1727 Год назад +5

    That poor man! To lose his daughter and wife like that, it's so heartbreaking!😢 😭 He didn't deserve such a cruel, sad fate!😭💔

    • @mistergenin21
      @mistergenin21 6 месяцев назад +1

      And yes, at the present day, he's in prison and serving the government for the rest of his days.

  • @Z3r0St4rZ
    @Z3r0St4rZ 4 года назад +11

    This hit so deep broo T.T

  • @efrainalejandrocortesmonta8293
    @efrainalejandrocortesmonta8293 4 года назад +5

    Esta cancion siempre me da en los feels,mas por la escena en la que estaba y mas por ver como poco a poco lo perdio todo

  • @lolapopmierda204
    @lolapopmierda204 4 года назад +28

    se que los hombre somos fuertes pero coño llore como un macho pelo en el pecho

    • @willy4patas483
      @willy4patas483 4 года назад +3

      Quien no iore con esto es un monstruo o lmenos que sienta el dolor

    • @jmpm-tz1so
      @jmpm-tz1so 3 года назад +1

      Primera ves que llore de verdad con una serie

  • @kojurokatakura8433
    @kojurokatakura8433 4 года назад +31

    Wait how is the song still not officially out ? The anime is already over !

    • @Firmansyah-td7ov
      @Firmansyah-td7ov 4 года назад +7

      Yeah.. we want the extended one

    • @user-ll5fq3tl1j
      @user-ll5fq3tl1j 3 года назад

      Is it already out? can't find it.

    • @madscientist3800
      @madscientist3800 3 года назад +4

      @@user-ll5fq3tl1j It's not... a lot of people expected it to come out with the blu-ray soundtracks, but it didn't. So it probably never will.

    • @dargaisseremy1577
      @dargaisseremy1577 7 месяцев назад +1

      StaRo track "Testament" was unreleased (baby scene). MIYAVI track "UP" is unreleased. "Eternal Rail" composed by Kenmochi Hidefumi is unreleased as well. And the two tracks by soundbreakers and Hiroshi Suenami tracks "Memories of Love" and "Horizon" are both unreleased too. All the inserts songs were not released except the ones by MIYAVI that were prerecorded. I got in touch with StaRo, he was supposed to maybe drop it as an NFT but it never happened.

  • @arlethdavila1036
    @arlethdavila1036 4 года назад +5

    Esta Cancion me Duele pero me Gusto mucho me Hace recordar a aquella persona tan espacial y que ya no puedo Abrasar ni Hablarle 😭😭

  • @onostrerojasandrealaura7382
    @onostrerojasandrealaura7382 4 года назад +2

    Fabuloso me alegra que lo hayas subtitulado se agradece.

  • @enjoy_radio.003
    @enjoy_radio.003 4 года назад +5


  • @darknightmare8754
    @darknightmare8754 4 года назад +3

    No nmms we aun llorando con esta joya de animación

  • @elmaizal8120
    @elmaizal8120 4 года назад +2

    Sigue subiendo videos crack

  • @luna_uzumaki_6969
    @luna_uzumaki_6969 4 года назад +2

    Ahhh mi corazón :(

  • @peterjr187
    @peterjr187 4 года назад +1

    Esto me parte el corazón 😭

  • @Liebertjohan03
    @Liebertjohan03 Месяц назад

    2021 ti 2024
    It hits the same 💔

  • @delta1840
    @delta1840 3 года назад +13

    26/01/21 aun en busca del OST completo, no hubo éxito :")

  • @stomatahatachi
    @stomatahatachi 3 года назад +2


  • @YoYo-bo1py
    @YoYo-bo1py 2 года назад +2

    Not gonna lie I just lost my mom not to long ago and now this shit hit different

  • @galexbh
    @galexbh 4 года назад +4

    :'c shit llore más que la primera vez.

  • @willy4patas483
    @willy4patas483 4 года назад +12

    Esta canción me hace sentirme sad me dolió el cap pero ahora k se la letra me duele ... No se Co o puede tener 1 dislike ;~;

  • @ajax4801
    @ajax4801 4 месяца назад +1

    How come they never released the song

    @MANUELYL 4 года назад +5

    No duele, quemaaaaa ...!!!

  • @ZeyuYT
    @ZeyuYT 4 года назад +6

    why is the world so cruel? why? god please help

    • @jmpm-tz1so
      @jmpm-tz1so 3 года назад +1

      Have you watched kimi no suizou wo tabetai, or your name. Those two are cruel af

    • @sskhussaini
      @sskhussaini 3 года назад +1

      @@jmpm-tz1so your name ended on a happy note...
      Try Your Lie in April. Plastic Memories. Angel Beats.

    • @jmpm-tz1so
      @jmpm-tz1so 3 года назад

      @@sskhussaini happyish in my opinion, yeah i haved already watched angel beats, ill add plastic memories to the list and a friend told me to watch your lie in april on april, says its some tradition of him. I think ill be watching "la tumba de las luciernagas" today, my bad idn the translation to english and dont remember the name in japanese

    • @sskhussaini
      @sskhussaini 3 года назад +2

      @@jmpm-tz1so oh, Grave of the Fireflies... Oh...
      Some advice. Make sure you're alone, have some tissues and something like icecream to eat.

    • @jmpm-tz1so
      @jmpm-tz1so 3 года назад +1

      @@sskhussaini im defently going to be alone, but no tissues, i trust myself enought to not cry....i hope

  • @captainsillyguy0019
    @captainsillyguy0019 2 года назад +1

    Cant find the original song like there no him speaking in the background where can i find it?

  • @lisandrosuarez8275
    @lisandrosuarez8275 4 года назад +2

    Cómo lloré con ese capítulo la p*ta madre

  • @ChaiwithSenpaiHighlights
    @ChaiwithSenpaiHighlights 3 года назад

    why is this not out yet😣😣

  • @JJDOUBLE3.14
    @JJDOUBLE3.14 4 года назад

    nuevo sub

  • @Jomulaegi0225
    @Jomulaegi0225 3 года назад +4

    Too bad that some of tracks that have vocal parts are not in CDs

  • @JesusLopez-cc9jy
    @JesusLopez-cc9jy 4 года назад

    Que wen servicio

  • @andresfelipecruzcubillos2066
    @andresfelipecruzcubillos2066 4 года назад +3

    Men no la encuentro en Spotify T_T

  • @kevinsun3190
    @kevinsun3190 9 месяцев назад

    Who is Liz Saria the Second? This voice sounds like a soul unraveling with acceptance.

  • @nickyyuen9426
    @nickyyuen9426 4 года назад +4


  • @claudiovillarroelcopana5447
    @claudiovillarroelcopana5447 Месяц назад

    Alguien ya encontró la música de fondo sin los diálogos del anime?

  • @olidingin6398
    @olidingin6398 3 года назад +4

    sedih bet :v

  • @cristli7619
    @cristli7619 2 года назад

    1k critical damage in my heart 😭😭

  • @sisyphusishappy9925
    @sisyphusishappy9925 3 года назад +1

    Grabe tong part nato kaiyak

  • @ねこただの-z9b
    @ねこただの-z9b 3 года назад


  • @fxEpT7Si
    @fxEpT7Si 3 года назад

    idk but somehow the beginning of the song kinda reminds me of My Way

  • @redramie6151
    @redramie6151 2 года назад

    Is there only audio of this?

  • @florianvrst5163
    @florianvrst5163 4 года назад +1

    does anyone know where i can find this music without sakaido and his family voices?

  • @leoxARG
    @leoxARG 6 месяцев назад

    1:02 💀

  • @luisrodrigogonzalezbautist7256
    @luisrodrigogonzalezbautist7256 2 года назад

    Alguien sabe cómo ese llama el anime de este vídeo? Además la cacion me gustó

  • @jassim-18
    @jassim-18 3 года назад


  • @peterjr187
    @peterjr187 4 года назад

    Alguien sabe donde encontrar la canción pero sin las voces de fondo? he estado buscando pero no lo he encontrado.

  • @efierro3812
    @efierro3812 4 года назад

    Acaso no existe la version sin los dialogos? Nunca la encontré

    • @misu9207
      @misu9207 4 года назад

      Yo también hice la traducción,pero no quería las voces de fondo así que busqué por 1 semana y nada. No existe una versión sin las voces porque al parecer la canción fue hecha para el anime,no hay manera de separarlos

    • @efierro3812
      @efierro3812 4 года назад +1

      @@misu9207 y al ser tan desconocida supongo que nadie pidió nunca la version sin dialogo, que pena

    • @misu9207
      @misu9207 4 года назад +1

      @@efierro3812 no había pensado en eso. Ojalá si se hace más conocido hagamos una versión sin letra

  • @juguito5395
    @juguito5395 4 года назад +1

    Anime del año

  • @paintstudio4363
    @paintstudio4363 11 месяцев назад

    anjeng nanges gw pas liat scene ini

  • @nagatosamurai8048
    @nagatosamurai8048 4 года назад

    me duele me lastima

  • @brunofigueroa9605
    @brunofigueroa9605 3 года назад

    ¿Irme yo?

  • @UNICORN-px1jp
    @UNICORN-px1jp 3 года назад


  • @menma1048
    @menma1048 2 года назад

    Sht 😭😭

  • @DontFedAdc
    @DontFedAdc 4 года назад +1


  • @c3cc4ruz
    @c3cc4ruz Год назад

    Italiani che godono di sti pezzi?

  • @randomxlovefrost645
    @randomxlovefrost645 2 года назад


  • @brxken880
    @brxken880 4 года назад

    ¿Alguien sabe si hay una versión de la cancion sin la voz del chabon? Es tan bonita pero me cagá totalmente cuando el habla 😔👊🏻

  • @酒0602
    @酒0602 2 года назад +3

    I remember now,
    the days with you,
    were filled with happiness,
    and miracles.
    On a normal day;
    On a special day.
    I loved holding you.
    Where are you now?
    Finding reasons not
    Being with you makes me cry.
    How amazing it would be if I can stay in the memory?
    If I could see you once again, somewhere
    in this dimension.
    I'll never ever let you go, let you go.
    From my heart.
    Just to remember all the days that you would always fill with happiness and miracles,
    before I think of you when you're close to me.
    it would be,
    if I could stay in the memory?
    if I could see you once again, somewhere
    in this dimension.
    I'll never ever let you go, let you go.
    From my heart.
    How amazing it would be, if I could only stay I'll never ever ever let,
    I can stay in the memory.