RP Webinar with Mike and James 4-21-2020

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Every week, Mike and James answer your questions in depth! Ask in the comments below, but for your best chances of answers, join RP+!
    Renaissance Diet 2.0
    Recovering from Training

Комментарии • 21

  • @WolfCoaching
    @WolfCoaching 4 года назад +35

    TJ Jankowski
    0:45 Does stretching inhibit hypertrophy? Or is there a way to implement it without interfering?
    3:05 If it does impact hypertrophy, is doing flexibility training while maintaining reasonable? For instance, during a specialisation for the bodyparts that are only being maintained?
    3:50 Are the Drs enjoying home training?
    Theano P
    6:03 How to train during a fat loss diet?
    6:46 Could you check out my program to see if it looks good?
    Harrison Caton
    11:15 Any resources on RP+ that cover how to comprehend studies and meta-analyses? Specifically p-values etc.
    Max Jenkins
    14:10 Does reducing rest times increase MRV, or do you just end up getting fewer stimulative sets within your MRV? Would reducing rest times during cutting be a good idea to do more sets and burn more calories?
    17:55 Does reaching your MRV make you look worse and harder to get a pump?
    Elley Paulln
    20:26 What’s the quality of the scientific evidence demonstrating the superiority of plant-based diets for health vs omnivore diets?
    21:46 Are the underlying proposed physiological processes sound in light of current scientific understanding?
    23:05 What are your thoughts on calorie restriction for longevity and the current state of the evidence?
    Mike Rossi
    30:10 What would you recommend that someone at 18-20% BF do, if he has access to a decent variety of equipment and has been massing for 6 mesocycles?
    Hayden Dunn
    31:44 Is a metabolite phase most beneficial when massing?
    Drew Stevens
    33:20 Does using refeeds during a cut shorten the necessary duration of the subsequent maintenance phase?
    39:26 Alternatively, could refeeds serve to lengthen the duration a cut can last?
    40:08 Is it worth the trade-off in time to do refeeds to minimize muscle loss and maximise fat loss during a cut?
    Valentin Quiroga
    43:04 What’s the difference between lactic acid and lactate?
    Jackson Brim
    43:45 What to do when you’re a perfectionist about your own programming, and you don’t trust anyone to program for you? Especially as regards concurrent training.
    46:58 How would you teach someone who has no scientific education about training?
    Lucas Carvalho
    49:47 If you’re around 20% BF as an intermediate, should you do a fat loss phase until you reach 10-15% or intermittently cut and recomp to reach 10-15%?
    52:18 How high is the lateral delts’ MRV really? What about biceps, calves & abs?
    55:30 Does SBD hit MV and/or MEV and/or MAV for biceps/calves/abs/side delts for the average intermediate lifter?
    Eli Holland
    58:40 If training for a sport, when should you be doing your isometric and eccentric training?
    1:03:00 What is the difference between high rep sets for hypertrophy vs sets for cardiovascular training?
    1:08:58 Any differences between isometric holds and high-rep sets for improving local muscular endurance? Should you use isometric holds to improve a tissue’s tolerance to load in a given position?
    1:10:00 What are the biomechanics of the upper body during shoulder extension and shoulder flexion above and below 90 degrees flexion? What about lateral adduction and abduction above and below 90 degrees?
    Erno Toivonen
    1:11:15 Does more training sessions in a week in a week with the same weekly volume burn more calories due to the “after workout heat”?
    1:12:42 How would you do a conservative bulk without knowing maintenance calories?
    1:13:25 When do natural vs enhanced bodybuilders peak?
    1:15:00 I never experienced any weight gain taking creatine. Does this make me a non-responder?
    Mark Conway
    1:16:25 Wearing a heel + standing on a book for quad activation: is this too much, and could it cause knee pain?
    1:16:40 If I wanted to train my arms and delts with more frequency than is suggested in the 5 day MPT, how would you do this?
    1:17:05 Would it be sensible to add in extra sets earlier in the week in the middle of a program?
    1:19:35 Re-sensitization vs doing a second metabolite phase if all you have access to is 9KG dumbbells?
    Payton Downs
    1:22:47 How would you reduce BJJ injury risk?
    Craig Auty
    1:26:30 Why were Ronnie and Dorian so big if they trained very hard whereas RP recommends training shy of failure?
    Hashem’s Training Systems
    1:34:40 Elevation training masks?

    • @PaytonDowns
      @PaytonDowns 4 года назад +2

      Again you're a real one my guy

    • @Hejnasty
      @Hejnasty 4 года назад +2


    • @yushy5816
      @yushy5816 4 года назад +2

      You're a legend, week in and week out

  • @vieri864
    @vieri864 4 года назад

    On your updated hypertrophy guides you say that MEV and MRV increase throughout a training block each mesocycle. So after a training block of 3 mesocycles and then a minicut would the next meso start at base MEV and MRV from the first Mesocycle of training block 1.

  • @jameskearney5677
    @jameskearney5677 4 года назад

    Question: For an individual who cares about the big 3 and occasionally competes 1-2 comps. a year but, wants to be as jacked as possible what would a yearly calendar look like? I was thinking of two Mesos of Hypertrophy (probably a 4+1) and Meso of Metabolite (probably a 3+1) then a low volume phase focused on introducing the lifts/specificity (3+1) a strength block(4+1) and a peak(3or4+1taper). Context- 5'4" male at 160lbs. SQ-413 sleeves, BP-267.5, DL-513. Roughly 10yrs of lifting, Age 26

  • @19HM98
    @19HM98 4 года назад

    Thanks for answering my comment. I did not intend for it to come off as rude or anything! My apologies if that's how it appeared. Appreciate these webinars

  • @Rickenaround
    @Rickenaround 3 года назад

    Getting flashbacks of Statistics-2. Day 1 totally full class. Day 2 half dropped out. By the end only a quarter of us left. And that is just basic Stats!!

  • @caioloureiro360
    @caioloureiro360 4 года назад

    Hey docs, hope you guys are doing well. Recently came out a study on protein distribuition indicating that 3 high protein meals spread over the day would lead to better gains. So i was wondering why protein distribution seems to be more important when trying to gain muscle on an energy surplus when compared to maintaining during a deficit? The energy surplus should increase MPS so this doesn't makes much sense, but evidence on TRF indicates that protein distribution during a diet seems to make no difference even on trained individuals.

  • @SuitedSlime
    @SuitedSlime 4 года назад

    What's the difference between a maintenance phase and a diet break? They seem like the same thing but you seem to have different opinions on them

  • @danielabreumarques8294
    @danielabreumarques8294 4 года назад +1

    Where can i ask questions on RP+, to get it answered in the webinar?

    • @lucast.carvalho1104
      @lucast.carvalho1104 4 года назад +1

      Forum > Miscellaneous > Q&A with Dr. Mike Israetel and Dr. James Hoffmann

  • @AlexKus
    @AlexKus 4 года назад

    I am definitely one of those people that get nausea from Creatine. If I mix it with stuff it isn't too bad, but if it's on its own in water I feel awful.

  • @McMeatBag
    @McMeatBag 4 года назад

    Are you saying that giving your football team rhabdo is wrong?

  • @cdrtej
    @cdrtej 4 года назад

    Fixed, random, mixed, or schmegma?

  • @nickcustodi592
    @nickcustodi592 4 года назад +1

    “Or just use synthol” HAHAHA

  • @belt1749
    @belt1749 4 года назад

    How do you adjust volumes for smaller muscle groups? For instance, delts & biceps basically never get sore, and usually get pretty pumped after 2/3 sets. How do I know when to stop adding sets since they never get sore? Also, how much should the 1st week volumes change from Meso to Meso? Say Meso 1 week 1 chest is at 10 sets. Meso 2 week 1 needs to be 11/12 sets? Or keep at 10 and just progress in weight/reps?

    • @orthellen4193
      @orthellen4193 4 года назад

      When performance declines. If you don't get sore and performance doesn't decline, you can do more. Just make sure it's not junk volume

  • @Hejnasty
    @Hejnasty 4 года назад

    That troll had talent

  • @wvvwwwvvw
    @wvvwwwvvw 4 года назад

    What? And no episode of "James burps during the webinar"? Or "James shits himself"?

  • @zacksig8235
    @zacksig8235 4 года назад

    Dirty dishes and broken forks