Things to Never say to a disabled person.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 19

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад

    you are very correct about having help from strangers.....

  • @kicajohnjeremiah3155
    @kicajohnjeremiah3155 3 года назад

    Thanks for posting marcal love you the way you are

  • @wheelchairgamer1209
    @wheelchairgamer1209 4 года назад

    I feel ya, I get some of those questions all the time lol

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад +1

    this was a fantastic presentation marcel

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад

    bottom live is you have a positive spin on this stuff...thats very important...not worth getting upset and stressed...good video marcel :)

  • @wulla2
    @wulla2 4 года назад

    Thanks for posting Marcel. I heartedly endorse most of what you say. Indeed I will hold back from describing it as ‘inspirational’ (!) though it’s really smart and well explained. But I think you need to be kinder to people who are curious about how you became disabled. A lot depends on how they ask the question. If it’s asked in a neutral, factual way - maybe not as the first topic of conversation, and without going into lots of detail - I think it’s fine. I’ve known disabled people who actually want to talk briefly about their disability, so it is a topic that can be dealt with and everyone can move on.

    • @onearmwonder9468
      @onearmwonder9468  4 года назад

      wulla2 well as i said before. I don’t actually say all of that to the people I’m talking to in real life. Im really nice about it. But sometimes it does get annoying after 19 years having to deal with all of that 😂

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад +1

    your normal isnt their normal....people just need to understand that

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад

    haha....great idea about the cards

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад

    i agree with you...certain things are best kept inside yourself.....also saying boxers or briefs..........who cares

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад +1

    one way is to play on it with crazy answers ...freek them out....

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад

    back in the dark ages....disabled were hidden away......there is a stigma still attached at our school some of the teachers treated our students as if they had AIDS....probable thought us adults to....important thing is to continue living you life ....and doing your bucketlist stuff to.....get a teeshirt "Im ok are you ok"

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад

    yes disabled people can do anything...just need a short detour to reach their goal.....

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад

    working in special education....students would ask why one of our students was born with no eyes....i would be blunt with the answer

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад +1

    think the shark attack story works well....they will understand better:)

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад are honest....

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад

    just wave back to them

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад +1

    stick with the SHARK ATTACK

  • @dlbrittain1976
    @dlbrittain1976 4 года назад

    yes its very fustrating...just be honest