reward student

  • Опубликовано: 18 июл 2024
  • Some people think that schools should reward students with the best academic results, while others believe it is more important to reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
    Many people argue that schools should reward students who demonstrate significant improvements, while others believe it is important to reward students who achieve the highest results. In this essay, I will discuss both views and explain why I favor the latter.
    It is understandable why some believe that schools should give prizes to students showing improvements. Perhaps the key reason for this belief is that it would encourage all students to keep trying, as any sign of improvement can bring them rewards. This could benefit the classroom atmosphere, and teachers would find it easier to deliver their lessons. However, this rewarding scheme can cost schools a huge amount of money for rewards because the number of students who make progress is likely to be significantly higher than those who top the class.
    On the other hand, I am strongly convinced that schools should only reward top-performing students. First and foremost, this approach can foster a sense of competition among students to constantly apply themselves to do their best. This can push their limits, helping them reach their full potential. In addition, celebrating students who excel in their studies can be seen as recognition of the efforts they have put in, which may also encourage other students to study harder so that they, too, would be recognized and awarded. This could create a positive, competitive learning environment that benefits both students and teachers.
    In conclusion, while rewarding improvements can motivate students, recognizing top performers fosters healthy competition and academic excellence. Therefore, schools should focus on rewarding those who achieve the highest results to inspire all students to strive for their best.

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