IDC where we from.. Pete & Bas doubles/triples, BARS on a whole TBH unfold more and more gems the more we listen!! Almost every reaction someone (even from the UK) says they missed that bar or this bar!!! This is a sign of true genius!
Love your reactions - and if that's your own track at the beginning, it's pretty fire too. I don't know your names, as I'm pretty new here, but I think it's hilarious how one of you just looks a bit pissed, like fully exasperated by P& B's nonstop onslaught of bangers. You give them their props begrudgingly because of course you have to...and you love it...but you're SICK OF IT 🤣 But they can't stop, won't stop!
Ren released a song.. but that's Ren ;) In a league of his own :) And yes! I'm from Australia but I understand only about 70% of it. Would sub for translations hehe
I religiously rewatch ALL your Pete & Bas reactions. I mean y'all is my favorite rewatch reactors hands down (Rag Talk, close second). U man will NEVER be "played out" for me!! I'm neurospicy so the "rewatch" is PEAK for me.
Love you guys and your reactions. Just when you think the OGs have hit the peak - they find another level. This was so smooth - and slipping in a reference to Nina Simone - and album was dropped this year - Back to Nina. We need to show up and get the album and give the OGs a number one - they deserve it - they are so polished!
Another great reaction!! I love you guys!! I'm from the U.S. and have gotten familiar with UK slang just from watching so many UK reactors and doing my own research, but I would love it if you guys broke down the slang a bit more (then I could stop watching the other guys, as the two of you are my favs!!). Looking forward to you reacting to P&B's album!!
PLEASE start translating some of these bars. The Gentleman joint they did is just packed with London specific slang and gang talk that us Americans just have no clue about. The slang itself might be stuff people will catch, but the British cultural references like they make in just about every song go way over our heads. Like one of the verses Pete said something about blacking your eye and give you the London Look and I only found out this week, sort of by accident that that is a Rimmel ad reference.
I wonder what mainstream artist is gonna see the light and actually collab with these guys... imagine Pete & Bas x Ghetts etc it would slap differently... 🔥🔥
I was on a Strassenbahn (tram ) with Nine in Braunschweige last month. Truth. And I think that I heard him call you a Twat for making us wait. Hate this but love your work. Jokes🔥🇬🇧
I'm here for a full album reaction, if you do it live can you still drop it here? Also i had one of those action man swimming guys, what an intro 😂 Just me an you tho apparently bro
@@HennythingGoes Listen to Pete in his @nojumper interview (about 21 minutes in). He called out 6 UK rappers in Plugged In w/ Fumez and he states "If you don't send for these people, they're never gonna work with you" 😏 Clever marketing lol
You guys have been true to the OGs so I'll be on board for a live album review.
@@HennythingGoeswaiting for the review - especially on "Slap the stick"
Yes it is that Payper.
From the USA and will definitely be buying on Nov 22nd.
Top Class!
That WAS a Potter BAR, U man know it, lol. We CAN love them and Potter, promise!!!
I missed the Davina bar too. Good catch. Will be here for the album reaction. DO it live then cut the video for clips to post!
It’ll be up as a video regardless 👍
IDC where we from.. Pete & Bas doubles/triples, BARS on a whole TBH unfold more and more gems the more we listen!! Almost every reaction someone (even from the UK) says they missed that bar or this bar!!! This is a sign of true genius!
Well done as usual gents; this album WILL be massive in N. America for sure 👍🏾
Pete and bas world takeover 👌
Love your reactions - and if that's your own track at the beginning, it's pretty fire too.
I don't know your names, as I'm pretty new here, but I think it's hilarious how one of you just looks a bit pissed, like fully exasperated by P& B's nonstop onslaught of bangers.
You give them their props begrudgingly because of course you have to...and you love it...but you're SICK OF IT 🤣
But they can't stop, won't stop!
🔥👌 Conor on the left, Tech on the right
Ren released a song.. but that's Ren ;) In a league of his own :) And yes! I'm from Australia but I understand only about 70% of it. Would sub for translations hehe
I religiously rewatch ALL your Pete & Bas reactions. I mean y'all is my favorite rewatch reactors hands down (Rag Talk, close second). U man will NEVER be "played out" for me!! I'm neurospicy so the "rewatch" is PEAK for me.
We appreciate you massively
Not me, here AGAIN, 😂😂
Florida here and I’m on these guys!
A word from back in the day to describe a phenomenon like them…. TOUGH (bad ass)
Love you guys and your reactions. Just when you think the OGs have hit the peak - they find another level. This was so smooth - and slipping in a reference to Nina Simone - and album was dropped this year - Back to Nina.
We need to show up and get the album and give the OGs a number one - they deserve it - they are so polished!
Pete and Bas are magic.
That whistle was so clean
Another great reaction!! I love you guys!! I'm from the U.S. and have gotten familiar with UK slang just from watching so many UK reactors and doing my own research, but I would love it if you guys broke down the slang a bit more (then I could stop watching the other guys, as the two of you are my favs!!). Looking forward to you reacting to P&B's album!!
We’ll try breakdown the slang more 👍 we appreciate you!
Hatin while we’re waiting
‘There’s nothing average about them’
PLEASE start translating some of these bars. The Gentleman joint they did is just packed with London specific slang and gang talk that us Americans just have no clue about. The slang itself might be stuff people will catch, but the British cultural references like they make in just about every song go way over our heads. Like one of the verses Pete said something about blacking your eye and give you the London Look and I only found out this week, sort of by accident that that is a Rimmel ad reference.
Well try do this more 👍
Album out Friday, seeing them live in Bath on Sunday
Have a great time!
Pete and Bas are definitely coming at other rappers. Ice Cube is dropping his new album on the same day as the boys from South London.
vybz kartel mentioned LETS GO!!! xD
I wonder what mainstream artist is gonna see the light and actually collab with these guys... imagine Pete & Bas x Ghetts etc it would slap differently... 🔥🔥
T-Pain did a remix of T-pain and added a verse
@@alangaydon2540 yeah but a proper feature not just a quick verse...
If they don’t it’ll be a mistake on their part 🤷♂️
INCLUDE Giggs X Chip X Mercston X Tion Wayne X Aitch X WSTRN X P Money (THIS WOULD SLAP)!! I mean a goal CAN dream...
P&B are 🔥🔥🔥
Have you ever checked out, Harry Mack?
Omegle Bars 85 is also 🔥🔥🔥
I was on a Strassenbahn (tram ) with Nine in Braunschweige last month. Truth. And I think that I heard him call you a Twat for making us wait.
Hate this but love your work.
Definitely a shot at potter! He Betta pay!
Really hope you react to the entire album ☺
Album reaction will be out tonight 👍
Great reaction Gents, let’s do the full album, give us notice so I can get some me time lol, thank you 🙏🦉❤️🐊👍
We will do a community post letting everyone know a time when we do any listening parties
I'm hoping for some extended versions on the album (with a bit BAANTER inbetween!)
I guess this is what You wanted 🔥🇬🇧
I'm here for a full album reaction, if you do it live can you still drop it here?
Also i had one of those action man swimming guys, what an intro 😂 Just me an you tho apparently bro
Yeah it’ll go up as a video whether we do it live or not 👌
I've heard one tune, whirlybird. Keep an eye out for it 😂
Putting all young rappers to shame,blessings og,s maybe they will do better
@HennythingGoes bless up urself kings n channel.
Nine & dex- Jesus piece, pecan pie, ignorant shit ( Pete & bas’s grandkids)
They’ve done em
All up on the channel already 👍
@ Locksmith -Signs
Put your headphones on properly for these gentlemen.
It's been done already and it's weak.
The ghost of Richard Whitley just visited me to tell me to tell YOU that countdown s are soo last century
And Vordermann says „you Twats“
You Twat🔥🇬🇧
What do you mean he’s doing Vybz Cartel some please explain
I don't know where they get these flows.
Y'all late for this one. But I'll fucks with yall
Notify my Knob
Rofl! The old toy was action jackson!!
look up action man swimmer, i remember them from the 90s
May have been called different names in different regions but it was action man here 😂
Pete is a stickler for calling out our UK rappers. He's always trying to elicit a response to collaborate.
At this point of their LIVES?I don't think they really care either way😅😅😅
Not sure if it’s to get a collab but he’s defo trying to rattle some cages 😂
@@HennythingGoes Listen to Pete in his @nojumper interview (about 21 minutes in). He called out 6 UK rappers in Plugged In w/ Fumez and he states "If you don't send for these people, they're never gonna work with you" 😏 Clever marketing lol
Am I the only person who thinks who when they send shots they are just using their platform to promote uk music?
I apologise.
You Twats
You Twats
😂😂😂 sometimes let the people know it’s coming and build anticipation 🤷♂️ sorry not sorry
just noticed 'if a man try cross the line' is extending the movie director scheme