Greetings from Mexico. 🇲🇽 My dad migrated to Los Angeles in the late 80s. While living there, he met people from the middle east, especially Falastini. My baba got so immersed in Arab culture that he grew to love the food, the music and most importantly the people. He loved everything about the middle east he even named me Samir. All his love for everything arab was passed down on me so much so that I have learned to make food favorites like falafel, shawarma, hummus, I absolutely love the music, and the warmth of middle easterners. My baba is now in heaven, and I miss him. In honor of the beautiful Arabic language, my daughter's name is Jamila. Salam to everyone from Mexico. May Allah grant me permission of going to an Arabic speaking country in the future. ❤
Sincerely, smir, may God have mercy on your father, may God grant him peace in his spacious gardens, may God prolong your life with health and wellness, and protect your beautiful daughter, Jamila. Then how can anyone not love the Middle East, which is the homeland of the prophets, the source of heavenly messages, and the cradle of civilizations? Greetings to you, your brother from Saudi Arabia, and I am writing to you from Google Translate 😅
My dad used to put om kulthom on tv almost every single night when i was 12 till 15. i would tell him baba please put a movie i don’t want to hear this. He said “one day you’ll appreciate me playing this for you” now baba is in heaven and im here listening to om kulthoum almost every night. I do appreciate you playing it for me. I love you baba
I'm an Azeri Iranian and since my childhood I just love Arabic culture and music politicians want to ruin Iranians and Arabs relationships and mess up middle east but they can't because we are one and we are brothers❤
@@cheesecake7384 hah! and where's the racism exactly? you didn't know the info that I mentioned?! If you don't know what you're watching then I could explain but don't play racism card on me, it'll never work, darling!
Οι πολιτισμοί της Μέσης Ανατολής και της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου έχουν τόσο μεγάλη αλληλεπίδραση που η μουσική τους αγγίζει όλες τις καρδιές. Άραβες, Τούρκοι, Έλληνες, Αρμένιοι, Πέρσες σα να έχουν μια κοινή αφετηρία. Ειρήνη και αγάπη σε όλους τους λαούς!
من حافظ على الصلاة كان له عهد أن يدخله الله الجنة، ومن أضاع الصلاة فهو معرض لعذاب القبر والنار والعياذ بالله الصلاة نور في الدنيا والآخرة، ومن أضاع الصلاة فقد قال الله ويل له إلى من يريد ترك المعاصي وشكر نعمة الله الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر الصلاوات الخمس مع الجماعة في المسجد من حافظ على الصلاة يستطيع ترك أي معصية بإذن الله، وهو موعود بالرزق في الدنيا والجنة في الآخرة الله الذي خلقنا ورزقنا فكيف لا نصلي له ونشكره، وقد وعد من شكره بالزيادة، وتوعد من كفر بنعمته أن يعذبه
الموسيقى العربية هي المتبقي من ارثنا العظيم الجميل رغم كل الظروف يا عرب لا أحد يضاهي رونقكم الساحر رغم كل المحن و الصعاب سنبقى عرب لأبد الابديين من له ماضي سيعود يوماً
خلق الجمال ليكون عربيا يارب يعود العرب للعصور الذهبيه التي كانو هم سادة العلم والعلماء والفنون بشتى مجالاتها والجامعات الكبرى وسادو الامم وكانت حدودهم من غرب الصين الى الاندلس بينما كانت اوروبا تعيش في العصور المظلمه
هذه ليس بموسيقى عربية بل مزيج بين موسيقى تركية كردية وفارسية. الموسيقى العربية هي لي بتسمعها في الخليج و بالخصوص في السعودية. ايقاع واحد و بسيط. مافيش حضارة في الكرة الارضية ممكن تنسب اي ابداع لها. ابداع دائما هو مزيج شعوب قبائل و ثقافات.
I'm British living in Saudi and I absolutely love it!! There is nothing better than driving on the Highway through the Arabian desert with this music on.
Beautiful music. The orchestra, the voice of the singer, I love it. I'm an 68 year old Dutch woman and listen to music from many cultures all over the world. I love music, old and new, traditional, classic and modern. Music is universal, it is able to connect people. Although I don't understand all of the languages. I listen with my heart and my soul understands it. The beauty of it is that you are never to old, to learn about the richness the world has to offer. Thanks to the internet.
First of all, I would like to salute your beautiful mind and exquisite taste for beautiful music. To give you an idea about this masterpiece: The composer is Baligh Hamdi (Egypt) who is considered a genius when it comes to Arabic music, the original singer is the Diva UmKkulthoum (Egypt) who although died in mid 1970's, is still the all time singer in the Arab world, her work is still enjoyed by millions of Arabs, and will still be enjoyed long after we are gone.
هذا هو الفن والموسيقى والادب والرقى هذه هى الحضاره هذه هو اللحن هذه هى الكلمات هذه هى السعاده ما بين كل نقله نوته الى نوته هذه هى كوكب الشرق هذا هو العبقري بيلغ حمدى تحيا مصر وكل الدول العربيه مصرى
Ah but dont forget there are lots of Christians in the middle east and we share almost the same social cultures and live all along together in a frightening beautiful harmony
I cried .. how beautiful . My grandma used to sing this to me when I was 4 years old.. and we would dance together.. I forgot about this song and that memory.. I am now 42... what a memory.. and a perfect performance.. wow!
Ich bin Österreicherin, verstehe kein Wort aber finde es magisch traumhaft schö ist mir, als hörte ich Musik aus einem früheren Leben! Traumschön...
I am 57 Y, I speak 3 languages, the arabic language mostly the best language explained all the real love feelings. There are more than 600 words different in meaning described your feeling steps and exactly situations toward the lover.
I only speak english, and i have never been able to express myself with language. I play clarinet, and english words are dry, empty, and useless when i try to speak of Love. Clarinet is my only true tongue.
I sometimes find myself looking into other cultures and oh may I say habibi the middle east is rich in beautiful culture, innovative history & music. Love from a South African
I am german ,i heard arabian music via short Wave radio in the 1980s.It gave me goosebumps. My heart is open and i want peace in this wonderful world….
He definitely did a great job and added a lot to the vibe and energy of this beautiful performance. Doesn’t matter even a little that I do not understand the language. ✌️
My dear father ❤went to soudi arabia to work as a d9 caterpillar operator.when he came back to greece he brought cassette tapes with Egyptian music. Since then i love Arabic music very much..
كنت من الحاضرين لهذه الليلة❤️ كانت ليلة ولا ألف ليلة! وياليتها لم تنتهي❤️😔 المايستروو مايكل ابراهيم تعامل مع اللحن وكأنه جزء منه❤️ ورحم الله روح من صنع هذا اللحن الخالد بليغ حمدي.
Can we talk about how passionate the leader of the orchestra is?!! He's so hype and you can tell he loves what he's doing and he's making the orchestra happy, you can see the smiles on their faces :3 This is so refreshing to watch
I am a Kurd and it was a little late for me to learn that the Arabic language was so impressive, but I fell in love with it. Love to all Arabs from Turkey
If you learn the arabic language you will feel like you are in heaven, but before that that you need to go through a hell let of practice. This is my third year of learning this language.
أنا كردية تركية و اتقن اللغة العربية و اكتب أشعارا .. كم كان حظي عظيما .. الفضل يعود اني عشت طفولتي كلها في مناطق الأكراد في سوريا .. على حدود تركيا .. اعظم نعمة امتلكها في حياتي هي اللغة العربية .. أنا في عشق ابدي لهذه اللغة ..
انا كمصرى بحترم الشعب السعودى جدا شعب مثقف جدا جدا.. رحم الله الملك عبدالله اهتم بالدراسه والابتعاث للسعوديين فى ارقى المدارس والجامعات عالميا .. النتيجه شعب مثقف وراقى
هذا الحفل اقيم عندنا في صيف الشرقيه. في قاعة اثراء بارامكو السعوديه وكنت حاضر اتمنى ان تتكرر هذه المناسبات مع الطرب الاصيل لقد عشنا اجواء رائعه مع الطرب العربي الاصيل
بالمناسبة انت تعرف حاجة اسمها حضارة مصر القديمة..حضارة الفراعنة..حتى الان جزء من هذه الحضارة حي..في بعض الاطعمة ..وبعض العادات وحتى المفردات واين كانت حضارتكم لما كانت حضارة مصر من ٥٠٠٠ سنة....تعرف اله الة الهارب..لسه بيستخدموها..دي اله مصرية..حتى التصميم لازال كماهو ا you need more hahaha
@@sizzlepizzlefizzle7228 يا اخي .. كن منصفا لنفسك وللتاريخ.. القيثارة)الهارب( هي قيثارة سومرية عراقية وموجودة في متاحف العالم الكبرى ومعروفة على انها اقدم اله وترية في العالم.. اذا كانت مصر ام الدنيا فالعراق ابوها.. وارجو ان تقرا التاريخ جيدا وبامانة.. وبلاش ناخذ حق غيرنا.
I love this Arabic music . It just transcends me to some sort of inner peaceful state of mind. I am from Slovakia and I live in Ireland. I discovered recently after DNA test that I have 1.5% in me from Levante region so I was very surprised to say the least. I was always drawn to the music, cuisine, scents and culture of Arabic people and of course others, but yours fascinates me in a very unique way as it moves me. Thank you wonderful people of this world .
I remember also my father listening to Omo Kolsoum, when i was a child and lived in Iran, at that time, those songs seemed sad to me,,, but now, i understand why my father liked this feeling,,,,,
@@KemetEGEgyptians from space, haha.. Genetic analyzes of Egyptian mummies proved that most of them belong to the Arab E genome coming from Syria 🤣🤣 I know who is stirring up nationalist conflicts in Egypt, some Copts linked to America
Im lebanese and just turned 26 finally getting in tune with my roots since I live in Canada and all this beauty unfolding infront of my eyes is hard to grasp really. such magnificent art
@@turkix3الشعر ليس لكل أحد فهو يحتاج لذائقة فنية عالية جدا وهذه الذائقة لا تولد إلا بعد فهم اللغة العربية بشكل جيد والإنصات أو القراءة كثيرا للشعر الجيد
Ya leyylllllllllll ya malikel mülk zattu subhan imiz bütün duygu larimin dizginleri ne hakimiyet kurmak kudretini Ihsan makamından tecelli edişini yaradisi ni himaye eden ler in en emin olmak makamı dostların en mükemmel i aşk i.msevgili merhamet l il şahsi de tamam....konu sevgilin acısı çocuk lugum annemin din Rabbimiz in kudretini peygamber alibeyt sarmali yaşam i tevhid birliği oluşumu bina etmek gerekiyor dünyada varlıklar bilsin ler
@@maryamkhae6466 فيكم اوهام وشوفه حالي وتكبر بشكل ماهو طبيعي وتحسبون انكم غير الناس وانتم شويه فلاحين مستعربين لعب فيكم الاستعمار لعب ناهيك انك تتكلمي يا قبطية لغه ماهي لغتك الام وفوق جالس تودي بجحه وقله ذوق غوري يا ام الفسيخ والبصل
من حافظ على الصلاة كان له عهد أن يدخله الله الجنة، ومن أضاع الصلاة فهو معرض لعذاب القبر والنار والعياذ بالله انتبه إلى من يريد ترك المعاصي وشكر نعمة الله الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر الله الذي خلقنا ورزقنا فكيف لا نصلي له ونشكره، وقد وعد من شكره بالزيادة، وتوعد من كفر بنعمته أن يعذبه من حافظ على الصلاة يستطيع ترك أي معصية بإذن الله، وهو موعود بالرزق في الدنيا والجنة في الآخرة الصلاوات الخمس مع الجماعة في المسجد
This music and songs are Egyptian. Arab art is different from Egyptian art. If you want to hear Arabic art and music, listen to Saudi or Yemeni songs and you will find a difference between Egyptian art and Arab art.
@@maverickiest What you say is wrong. Egyptian music and art have nothing to do with Arab art. The culture of Egypt, the heritage of Egypt, and the art of Egypt are different from the Arabs. If you want to hear Arabic art and music, listen to Yemeni, Saudi, or Qatari songs and music. Indeed, you will find a big difference between Egyptian and Arab art. O Arabs, stop stealing Egypt’s art and heritage, be proud of your heritage and art, and do not steal Egypt’s art and attribute it to the Arabs.
@@ahmedkamal9881 im not even Arab. i think you have misunderstood, im not talking about culture but language. oum kultum sang her song in arabic, that makes it arabic music. to be specific, Egyptian arabic music.
@@ahmedkamal9881have nothing to do with Arab art? The poem Umm kulthum referenced was written by an Arab in Arabic This song wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Arabs
@@snnnc629 We speak Egyptian Arabic, but it does not belong to the classical Arabic language very much. Just like the country of Mexico speaks Spanish, but Mexicans are not Spanish.
This is actually Byzantine music except for the words. Byzantine music is composed of both Ancient Greek and Persian music. The reason is that when Alexander the Great conquered the Achaemenid Empire, he adopted Persian culture into Greek culture. For example, the Persian "kamancheh" became lyra in Byzantine Empire and Arabs called "rebab" to kamancheh probably after the conquer of the Sassanid Empire of Iran by Arabs. Both from the Byzantine side and the North African side (from the Spanish peninsula) it spread through Europe and in Italy, it reached its last form which is the violin. This kind of Arab music is only made in the Levant region and Egypt because of the Byzantine Empire. Also Turkey of course
This masterpiece is 52 years old..can you imagine this music was in 1969..its something magical out of this world ❤ So proud of our egyptian music and our culture 🇪🇬
my dad tells me stories of how my grandfather used to hug his old radio tightly whenever umm kulthum was playing, and to this day my dad and i listen to and cherish her music. it’s truly wonderful and transcends generations 😌♥️
Ya Masr! 🇪🇬 I'm from Mexico🇲🇽 and I love Umm Khultum, imagine how crazy it is that I can't understand nor speak Arabic and I love Egyptian singers like Umm, Amr Diab and Tamer Hosny 🤭. ¡Viva Egipto! Much love from Al Maxeek 🇲🇽
Consejo a usted una cancion en arabe "YA HABIBI TAALA " que quierre decir "benga querido " interpretada por la diva "lubna al qintar " con el orchestra arabe de michigan. Es un regalo. Me desculpo por las faltas porque hablo un poco de espagnol
Consejo a usted una cancion en arabe "YA HABIBI TAALA " que quierre decir "benga querido " interpretada por la diva "lubna al qintar " con el orchestra arabe de michigan. Es un regalo. Me desculpo por las faltas porque hablo un poco de espagnol
@@jamestzz5886 And you, as much as you are, every free person himself. Let him love Saddam. It is freedom and democracy, as there are even now those who love Hitler.
@@avakordirani2057 I think you have misunderstood. It's a beautiful youtube channel celebrating arabic music on vinyl by someone I know. So I was just mentioning it here. I have lived and worked in the the middle east and appreciate arabic music.
I'm Indonesian... I love Arabic Song, Poetry Arab... I'm gratuated from Arabic and Literature Studies Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta... i'm really really love all about history arab, Arabic Song, Poetry Arab...😍❤
أشاهد هذا المقطع شبه يومياً، من أجمل التحف الموسيقية العربية، شكراً لمصر العروبة على هذا الابداع، و للملكة العربية السعودية على تشجيعها و استضافتها للأوركسترا العربية الوطنية ! ♥️
This music and songs are Egyptian. Arab art is different from Egyptian art. If you want to hear Arabic art and music, listen to Saudi or Yemeni songs and you will find a difference between Egyptian art and Arab art.
@@ahmedkamal9881the poem umm kulthum is singing about and referencing is an Arabic poem Also umm kulthums dna would be closer to the Arabs than it would the Pharaohs of Egypt So yes it’s An Arabic song
I can't wait to see the National Arab Orchestra in Ann Arbor Michigan this March. Just bought my plane tickets. That's right. I am literally FLYING just to see them. Love from Philadelphia, PA.
As a Turkish woman I've always loved Arab music culture and language. National Arab Orchestra is one of my favourites that I like to listen.thank you for this beautiful sound, song, voice and joy
@Arif sonuna kadar MKA önderim olacak. Ayrica arap müzik kültürünü sevmekten bahsediyorum,arap seviciligi değil. Kaldı ki politika yapmak için yanlış platformdasin. Korkuncsun. Burda bile insanları rahatsız edebiliyorsunuz sen ve senin gibi cahil güruhlar.pess
@@انتبهعلىنفسك-ج5ف actually we are not originally arab, "There are perhaps 135 million Turkic people in the world today, with only about 40 percent of them living in Turkey. They rest are scattered across Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and northern and western China, making them one of the most widely scattered races in the world. All these people descended from a small tribe of horseman that originated in the Altai region The word "Turk," is derived from the Chinese character “Tu-Kiu”, which means "forceful" and "strong." The Chinese believed these Turks descended from wolves and the Great Wall of China may have been built to keep them out. According to legend a gray wolf led the first Turkic tribes from their homeland in Central Asia into Anatolia." We dont have any relationship with the arab nations.
Loving it from Lisbon, Portugal! Arab music strikes a cord inside my heart, cannot be explained! Ancestral connections, for sure, afterall it is said that the portuguese FADO has its roots in arabic music, from the times that part of the Iberian peninsula was under arab domination. (9th century AD).
It does have a bit of fado vibes indeed. Authentic, ancestral and music that’s actually telling a story... btw, Portugal is a beauty. From your Moroccan neighbor...
I love you Portuguese so much I spent the best 2 months in my life in Lisbon as a trainee with AIESEC.Ah Fado it touched my heart so deeply and especiallu Amalia Rodrigues is wonderful and that was in 1999 and I was in Amalia funeral near the parliament.the welcome I saw from portuguese is beyond words can explaşn and as a Tunisian from Andalusian decent I felt deep connection to you and to your culture
I am a Panamanian pianist and piano teacher and I can appreciate and treasure musicas this one. At the end of the day music unites races, cultures and countries.
Greetings from Mexico. 🇲🇽
My dad migrated to Los Angeles in the late 80s. While living there, he met people from the middle east, especially Falastini. My baba got so immersed in Arab culture that he grew to love the food, the music and most importantly the people. He loved everything about the middle east he even named me Samir. All his love for everything arab was passed down on me so much so that I have learned to make food favorites like falafel, shawarma, hummus, I absolutely love the music, and the warmth of middle easterners.
My baba is now in heaven, and I miss him.
In honor of the beautiful Arabic language, my daughter's name is Jamila.
Salam to everyone from Mexico.
May Allah grant me permission of going to an Arabic speaking country in the future. ❤
Sincerely, smir, may God have mercy on your father, may God grant him peace in his spacious gardens, may God prolong your life with health and wellness, and protect your beautiful daughter, Jamila. Then how can anyone not love the Middle East, which is the homeland of the prophets, the source of heavenly messages, and the cradle of civilizations? Greetings to you, your brother from Saudi Arabia, and I am writing to you from Google Translate 😅
God Bless you and your fathers soul. All people in the arab World love Mexico
That’s beautiful my Mexican brother peace around the world
Don't hesitate to visit Tunisia with your little princess Jamila 🇲🇽🇹🇳❤️
My dad used to put om kulthom on tv almost every single night when i was 12 till 15. i would tell him baba please put a movie i don’t want to hear this. He said “one day you’ll appreciate me playing this for you” now baba is in heaven and im here listening to om kulthoum almost every night. I do appreciate you playing it for me. I love you baba
So emotional. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
I love this. May your baba rest in peace inshAllah ❤
May he rest in peace
انا من كازخستان واحب اغاني عربية وخلصة هذه الاغنية تحياتي لكل العرب
تحيه معطره بالياسمين لكي عزيزتي 🌺🥀❤
كيف تلعمتي العربيه
إحترامي لشعب كازخستان.
شكرا جزيلا
i love you 💞😘
I'm an Azeri Iranian and since my childhood I just love Arabic culture and music
politicians want to ruin Iranians and Arabs relationships and mess up middle east but they can't because we are one and we are brothers❤
Exactly ❤ and I am Arab and fond of everything comes from Iran ❤
I started getting more interested in Arab music when Genocide in Gaza started. I love the music. Singers have great voices. God help Palestine
Thank you so much
May God protect you, Amen ❤
Merci vous êtes une belle personne
U will be even more amaized by beautiful Quran recitation
Egyptian music
اغلب التعليقات تأتي من أجانب لاينطقون العربية والحديث هنا عن اللحن الذي اوصل لهم كل هذه المشاعر والأحاسيس الله يرحمك يابليغ رحمه واسعه
طيب لو سمعو السيدة حيحصل ايه
الله على جمال الست
لأنه ما في بالدنيا مثل الموسيقى العربية
بليغ حمدي اعظم ملحن في تاريخ الشرق
تحياتي من العراق
@@ahmedkhudhair7323 العراق العظيم حياك أخي
I'm Brazilian and I love the sound and harmony of Arabic music. I feel light. I appreciate it even without understanding the lyrics
Thanks for all peopls brazillian
Egyptian music
Egyptian music, Arabs has no music.
@@TheNtrLight do you make being a racist ultranationalist your whole personality or do you also garden
hah! and where's the racism exactly?
you didn't know the info that I mentioned?!
If you don't know what you're watching then I could explain but don't play racism card on me, it'll never work, darling!
Οι πολιτισμοί της Μέσης Ανατολής και της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου έχουν τόσο μεγάλη αλληλεπίδραση που η μουσική τους αγγίζει όλες τις καρδιές. Άραβες, Τούρκοι, Έλληνες, Αρμένιοι, Πέρσες σα να έχουν μια κοινή αφετηρία. Ειρήνη και αγάπη σε όλους τους λαούς!
this comment made me drop a little tear. cheers to you man
Sending love from the middle east. Saudi. I like Greece too 🌹Peace
لا خوف على الفن والطرب الأصيل بوجود متل هذا الأداء الراقي.
صدقت 👍🏼
لا خوف على الفن طالما ظلت مصر ولاده .. افتخر انى مصرى
من حافظ على الصلاة كان له عهد أن يدخله الله الجنة، ومن أضاع الصلاة فهو معرض لعذاب القبر والنار والعياذ بالله
الصلاة نور في الدنيا والآخرة، ومن أضاع الصلاة فقد قال الله ويل له
إلى من يريد ترك المعاصي وشكر نعمة الله
الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر
الصلاوات الخمس مع الجماعة في المسجد
من حافظ على الصلاة يستطيع ترك أي معصية بإذن الله، وهو موعود بالرزق في الدنيا والجنة في الآخرة
الله الذي خلقنا ورزقنا فكيف لا نصلي له ونشكره، وقد وعد من شكره بالزيادة، وتوعد من كفر بنعمته أن يعذبه
قصدك لا خوف ع الراقصات والطبالين
هو ضل في فن راقي بمصر يا مصري
كل النازلين ع الساحة الفنية غجر اولاد شوارع
المايسترو ابداااع و احساس عجيب
مصر يا منبع الفن و الجمال❤شكراً على هذه الروائع الفنيه … تحياتي من الكويت🇪🇬🇰🇼
אין כמו אימא 🇮🇱💟🇮🇱בעולם!!!!!!!!!
אין כמו אימא 🇮🇱💟🇮🇱בעולם!!!!!!!!!!!
אין כמו אימא 🇮🇱💟🇮🇱בעולם!!!!!!!!!
الموسيقى العربية هي المتبقي من ارثنا العظيم الجميل
رغم كل الظروف يا عرب لا أحد يضاهي رونقكم الساحر
رغم كل المحن و الصعاب سنبقى عرب لأبد الابديين
من له ماضي سيعود يوماً
خلق الجمال ليكون عربيا يارب يعود العرب للعصور الذهبيه التي كانو هم سادة العلم والعلماء والفنون بشتى مجالاتها والجامعات الكبرى وسادو الامم وكانت حدودهم من غرب الصين الى الاندلس بينما كانت اوروبا تعيش في العصور المظلمه
@@مُهرهعربية الاسلام من صنع الحضاره اللتي قادها العرب
يا سلام على الكلام الي بيعطيك امل
@@نواف-س9تلا احد ينكر فضل الدين الإسلامي و دوره في حضارة العرب لكن حضارة العرب كانت من قبل مجيئ الإسلام بقروووون .......
هذه ليس بموسيقى عربية بل مزيج بين موسيقى تركية كردية وفارسية. الموسيقى العربية هي لي بتسمعها في الخليج و بالخصوص في السعودية. ايقاع واحد و بسيط. مافيش حضارة في الكرة الارضية ممكن تنسب اي ابداع لها. ابداع دائما هو مزيج شعوب قبائل و ثقافات.
duygulanmadan dinleyen var mı. sözlerin anlamını bilmesem de duyguların hepsine sahip oldum. teşekkürler kardeşlerim.
I'm Polish living in UK and I just love it!!!!!!!!!more more pls!!!!!!!!
The equivalent of this song in Polish music is Ta ostatnia niedziela...
Thank you bro ❤️
This is a bit of the magic of arabic culture and language 🐎🌷
بس انت كيف فاهم ؟
I'm British living in Saudi and I absolutely love it!! There is nothing better than driving on the Highway through the Arabian desert with this music on.
@@jk67676 really? In need to think of it but thanks for knowing the song though!
I don't know why this makes me feel peaceful. When she started the song, I was almost crying. Now became a huge fan of this channel from South Korea.🙂
Your feeling is called in arabic : Tarab, it's also what we call this old arabic music : Tarab
@@farhatk6054 And when we shake our heads during tarab, we are not saying "no" lolвидео.html
That’s cool man :)
Beautiful music.
The orchestra, the voice of the singer, I love it.
I'm an 68 year old Dutch woman and listen to music from many cultures all over the world.
I love music, old and new, traditional, classic and modern.
Music is universal, it is able to connect people.
Although I don't understand all of the languages.
I listen with my heart and my soul understands it.
The beauty of it is that you are never to old, to learn about the richness the world has to offer.
Thanks to the internet.
Hoping to grow up loving music like you do 💜 the language barrier is so mere compared to the greatness of Music as a whole.
Love from Tunisia.
First of all, I would like to salute your beautiful mind and exquisite taste for beautiful music. To give you an idea about this masterpiece: The composer is Baligh Hamdi (Egypt) who is considered a genius when it comes to Arabic music, the original singer is the Diva UmKkulthoum (Egypt) who although died in mid 1970's, is still the all time singer in the Arab world, her work is still enjoyed by millions of Arabs, and will still be enjoyed long after we are gone.
mooi hè! groeten van simonette
I liked you wonderful comment.
Always the butey and love carried by heard which is the truthful place in our life. 💔😍
I live in Belgium and always love Holland
Greetings from Türkiye. Great song, great performance. I appreciate our Arab brothers for their beautiful culture.
It's Egyptian culture 1st 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬👍
Müslümanım dedirten herkese teşekkür ediyorum
Mrhb,tekrar dinle genç adam,harika parçadan çıkamıyorum..Mevlana diyarından selamlar..
Muslum gurses de bu şarkıyı söyledi Hangi seven sevildi -damla isimli şarkıdır ve aranjesi Arap versiyonundan daha iyi
Tabi arapça daha güzel çünkü asıl arapça bir şarkı...müslüm güzel bir sesi ama mısır şarkıları gibi tabi olmaz@@joyfulacousticmelodies
هذا هو الفن والموسيقى والادب والرقى هذه هى الحضاره هذه هو اللحن هذه هى الكلمات هذه هى السعاده ما بين كل نقله نوته الى نوته هذه هى كوكب الشرق هذا هو العبقري بيلغ حمدى تحيا مصر وكل الدول العربيه مصرى
على كيفك معود 😂
علي كيفنا طبعا .... نحن المنبع ... لكل شيء .... جميل
Actually the world r own the lots to
1-oum colsoum
2-farred atrash
3-abollhaem hafez
And samer tofeg and many more ❤
Im a french woman (cristianist by culture) and i always love this music!
I love too oum-keltoum
Beshtak Laura wesh tu parles English ;/)
Ah but dont forget there are lots of Christians in the middle east and we share almost the same social cultures and live all along together in a frightening beautiful harmony
@@mansourmk6301 yes you're totaly right!
Half Slovak half Hungarian living in Asia listening Arabic beautiful music…priceless.
Me too Half Hungarian half Romanian,living in Belgium and enjoyed Arab music all my life! Its just amazing!
Egyptian music
@@KemetEGالكلمات عربيه والحن عربي ...أبئو اكتبو اغانيكم بالهيغرولوفيه وبعدين اتفلسفو ...😊
Koszonom from one Arab in Morocco 😊
I’m central Asian Muslim in love with Middle East culture ❤ sending love to all Arab sisters ❤
💚🖤🤍❤from Palestine to you
Love you from Morocco 🇲🇦 ❤
I'm cuban and i love Arabic music,maybe bcs half of my ancestors are from Andalucia...just lovely
Lovely 😍
even though we are so far away we share a bond. you have an arabic ear for music :)
Música cubana también es única y sorprendente! Amor de los UAE
You might be there is a lot of people they think themselves latinos but they are arabs from Andalusia
Where is Andalucia, I have never met anyone from there
I cried .. how beautiful .
My grandma used to sing this to me when I was 4 years old.. and we would dance together.. I forgot about this song and that memory.. I am now 42... what a memory.. and a perfect performance.. wow!
Beautiful. ❤️видео.html
Where are you from
My parents are Jordanian..
I was born and raised in Chicago .
I live in Phoenix
God bless you. الله يسلمك
Ich bin Österreicherin, verstehe kein Wort aber finde es magisch traumhaft schö ist mir, als hörte ich Musik aus einem früheren Leben! Traumschön...
Willkommen aus Agypten
@@MrNadim1980 Liebe Grüße aus Österreich!
Liebe Grüße aus Syrien
يا نهار ابيض انا طلعت كوكب تاني وانا قاعد مكاني المفروض ناسا تكرم الموسيقيين ومي بسبب الإنجاز دا
هههه معك الحق
فديت اللهجة المصرية
I am 57 Y, I speak 3 languages, the arabic language mostly the best language explained all the real love feelings. There are more than 600 words different in meaning described your feeling steps and exactly situations toward the lover.
Arab language has the largest vocabulary i think
I only speak english, and i have never been able to express myself with language. I play clarinet, and english words are dry, empty, and useless when i try to speak of Love. Clarinet is my only true tongue.
@@nawelhk5496 of course, Arabic vocabulary is around 12 million roots and words, while English is about 650 thousand and french 160 thousand...
Very true, a beautiful rich language. The deep meaning behind its words can you never translate
It's the most expressive language on the planet, which is why Muslims believe God chose Arabic to be the language of the Quran.
روعة في كل شيء . لا خوف على الطرب العربي الاصيل . تحية من المغرب 🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
I'm from Greece. I study the ancient art of raqsharqi and I love dancing to this masterpiece! I love and respect Egyptian culture ❤
I sometimes find myself looking into other cultures and oh may I say habibi the middle east is rich in beautiful culture, innovative history & music. Love from a South African
I am german ,i heard arabian music via short Wave radio in the 1980s.It gave me goosebumps.
My heart is open and i want peace in this wonderful world….
It is Egyptian
It's Egyptian music 🇪🇬🖤
من صنع سيارت المرسيدس لبد ان يتذوق هذه المسيقه . الستم احفاظ بيتهوفن
This is not arabic song . This is Turkish song
The enthusiasm of the conductor is on a whole nother level.
He definitely did a great job and added a lot to the vibe and energy of this beautiful performance. Doesn’t matter even a little that I do not understand the language. ✌️
@@gamechanger835 صصصصص
My dear father ❤went to soudi arabia to work as a d9 caterpillar operator.when he came back to greece he brought cassette tapes with Egyptian music. Since then i love Arabic music very much..
كنت من الحاضرين لهذه الليلة❤️ كانت ليلة ولا ألف ليلة! وياليتها لم تنتهي❤️😔 المايستروو مايكل ابراهيم تعامل مع اللحن وكأنه جزء منه❤️
ورحم الله روح من صنع هذا اللحن الخالد بليغ حمدي.
شو غنت مي فاروق غير الف ليلة وليلة و انت عمري و سيرة حب بدون موسيقي ❤
الله يرحم بليغ حمدي
بليغ ياروحي عليه بيلمس قلبي وروحي
فين كان الحفل
@@IsmailSal98 السعودية
Can we talk about how passionate the leader of the orchestra is?!! He's so hype and you can tell he loves what he's doing and he's making the orchestra happy, you can see the smiles on their faces :3 This is so refreshing to watch
Yes 💜
شكراً لك 🙏❤️
Absolutely .
Totally right dear
I am a Kurd and it was a little late for me to learn that the Arabic language was so impressive, but I fell in love with it. Love to all Arabs from Turkey
If you learn the arabic language you will feel like you are in heaven, but before that that you need to go through a hell let of practice. This is my third year of learning this language.
Much love to our Kurdish brothers and sisters.
أنا كردية تركية و اتقن اللغة العربية و اكتب أشعارا .. كم كان حظي عظيما .. الفضل يعود اني عشت طفولتي كلها في مناطق الأكراد في سوريا .. على حدود تركيا ..
اعظم نعمة امتلكها في حياتي هي اللغة العربية .. أنا في عشق ابدي لهذه اللغة ..
Love you back brother
Türkiye’den selamlar yakın zamanda mısır’ı ziyaret ettim Mısırlı dostlarım hepiniz harikasınız müziğiniz bambaşka 🇹🇷 🇪🇬
i can see so many non-arabs in this comment section appreciating the beauty of this song. it’s very heartwarming ❤️
الجمهور السعودى ماشاء الله اضاف للحفل كانه يفني مع مي شعرت كانى فى بلدى مصر وليس فى السعوديه جمهور ذوقه عالى جد ومحب للفن
حبايبنا المصريين كلنا واحد 💜
אפו אמל מהר בשירים אמ קלתום בשיר עם מחמד עבדו אחלה אנסן ודרת אל אים ועוד
انا كمصرى بحترم الشعب السعودى جدا شعب مثقف جدا جدا.. رحم الله الملك عبدالله اهتم بالدراسه والابتعاث للسعوديين فى ارقى المدارس والجامعات عالميا .. النتيجه شعب مثقف وراقى
القاعة والمركز بتخلي اي جمهور مهما كان نوعة او جنسه يتحمس ويتفاعل غصب
صحح الجمهور راااااااقي جدا
هذا الحفل اقيم عندنا في صيف الشرقيه. في قاعة اثراء بارامكو السعوديه
وكنت حاضر اتمنى ان تتكرر هذه المناسبات مع الطرب الاصيل لقد عشنا اجواء رائعه مع الطرب العربي الاصيل
al9ary7 sary7 al9ary7 ماشالله محظوظ والله تمنيت احضره
الطرب المصري الاصيل...❤️🌸
ازاي نعرف ان في حفلات هناك يا أخي
بالمناسبة انت تعرف حاجة اسمها حضارة مصر القديمة..حضارة الفراعنة..حتى الان جزء من هذه الحضارة حي..في بعض الاطعمة ..وبعض العادات وحتى المفردات واين كانت حضارتكم لما كانت حضارة مصر من ٥٠٠٠ سنة....تعرف اله الة الهارب..لسه بيستخدموها..دي اله مصرية..حتى التصميم لازال كماهو ا you need more hahaha
@@sizzlepizzlefizzle7228 يا اخي .. كن منصفا لنفسك وللتاريخ.. القيثارة)الهارب( هي قيثارة سومرية عراقية وموجودة في متاحف العالم الكبرى ومعروفة على انها اقدم اله وترية في العالم.. اذا كانت مصر ام الدنيا فالعراق ابوها.. وارجو ان تقرا التاريخ جيدا وبامانة.. وبلاش ناخذ حق غيرنا.
I love this Arabic music . It just transcends me to some sort of inner peaceful state of mind. I am from Slovakia and I live in Ireland. I discovered recently after DNA test that I have 1.5% in me from Levante region so I was very surprised to say the least. I was always drawn to the music, cuisine, scents and culture of Arabic people and of course others, but yours fascinates me in a very unique way as it moves me. Thank you wonderful people of this world .
When I hear these songs I just remember my childhood cause my father used to listen these musics..... From Zanzibar, Tanzania
What a nostalgic moment it would be flashing your life before your eyes eh
So precious
U look
Fed de fwgged
I a rs
PPP said oippippp
Same here from Morocco.. Great childhood memories
I remember also my father listening to Omo Kolsoum, when i was a child and lived in Iran, at that time, those songs seemed sad to me,,, but now, i understand why my father liked this feeling,,,,,
Even I dont understan arabic this song make me feel amazing. Greeting in all the way from Turkey.I love Arab people
THKS From Tunisia
Teşekkür ederiz kardeşim Araplar sizin seviyorum
Teşekkür ederiz sizi , Bizde türkleri seviyoruz❤️❤️❤️🇹🇷.
Shame on us. Why one wouldn’t know it’s neighbors language let alone the history, culture, and religion we share.
big love to Turkish people
bir Türk olarak tüm Arap halklarına sevgilerimi gönderiyorum.
Bilmukabile kardeşim
thank u abi 💗
Egyptians aren't Arabs
@@KemetEG stupid
@@KemetEGEgyptians from space, haha.. Genetic analyzes of Egyptian mummies proved that most of them belong to the Arab E genome coming from Syria 🤣🤣 I know who is stirring up nationalist conflicts in Egypt, some Copts linked to America
I dont know why, but i connect so much with Arabic culture and music...its as if in another lifetime, I was from there somehow
This is a language that everyone can understand and enjoy , it touches the soul and makes you feel flying in the sky of a full moon night.
مهندس الصوت في هذا الحفل يستحق جائزة أوسكار 😮، صوت خرافي ❤
ارامكو تعتني بالجوده، ولا عزاء لحفلات الرياض وهندسة الصوت السيئة
لان الفن بدون دراسة سيكون هواية
يستحق جائزة نوبل
نعم 😂 plus he has a nice show سوف يطير 🤠 من الفرح
ما علاقة الأوسكار 😂 الأوسكار لتمثيل
I'm from Malaysia 🇲🇾 and I love Arabic. It's the most beautiful language ever. It's the language of Al-Quran and my Prophet Muhammad SAW.
this songs are not from muslims or people of Muhammed. This songs are from ancient persians.
@@olgarbasdag I don't give a damn from whence the song came. I was talking about the beautiful language which are put into this song as it's lyrics.
@@olgarbasdag لا تكذب
@@olgarbasdag do persians speak arabic revised your memory please ????
ما عمري حضرت حفلة بحياتي بس اتمنى إن اول حفله احضرها تكون بنفس هذا المستوى والروعه .
اني هم اتمنى أحضر حفل
فعلاً تستاهل تحضر حفلة راقية زي كذا
اسمع اغنية لسامي يوسف اجمل وارقى اسمها one اذا تحب
كانت في موسم الرياض ..
المشكلة ماسوو دعاية للحفل..
انا دريت بالصدفة وحضرت 🥰
اذا كان هذه امنيتك فأنتي قلب وسيع جدا
Im lebanese and just turned 26 finally getting in tune with my roots since I live in Canada and all this beauty unfolding infront of my eyes is hard to grasp really. such magnificent art
Make sure you listen to fayruz. She is probably the most famous Lebanese artist.видео.htmlsi=fNA_QxHkMNIG0m6z
Try reading poetry it’s ten times better.
@@turkix3الشعر ليس لكل أحد فهو يحتاج لذائقة فنية عالية جدا وهذه الذائقة لا تولد إلا بعد فهم اللغة العربية بشكل جيد والإنصات أو القراءة كثيرا للشعر الجيد
I am happy for you. This genre and culture is absolutely magnificent. So grateful to have it within my life.
هذي الموسيقى لو تسمعة بعد اللف سنة فيه شي يحرك مشاعرك تحية لاهل الذوق 🇾🇪❤🇪🇬
موسيقي مالجنه الله يرحم بليغ
Ya leyylllllllllll ya malikel mülk zattu subhan imiz bütün duygu larimin dizginleri ne hakimiyet kurmak kudretini Ihsan makamından tecelli edişini yaradisi ni himaye eden ler in en emin olmak makamı dostların en mükemmel i aşk i.msevgili merhamet l il şahsi de tamam....konu sevgilin acısı çocuk lugum annemin din Rabbimiz in kudretini peygamber alibeyt sarmali yaşam i tevhid birliği oluşumu bina etmek gerekiyor dünyada varlıklar bilsin ler
@@nagwaelhaw5606 لا يجوز قول ذلك
حقيقي الموسيقي العربية فريدة من نوعها ومفرحه وتأخذك الي مراحل متعدده تحياتي من دوله موزنبيق
عظيم الشرف بيك من الخرطوم العاصمه السودانية
موسيقى مصرية ، ولهجة مصرية، وألحان مصرية ،وكلمات مصرية، وفرقة مصرية والمغنية مصرية .🇪🇬🖤
@@maryamkhae6466 فيكم اوهام وشوفه حالي وتكبر بشكل ماهو طبيعي وتحسبون انكم غير الناس وانتم شويه فلاحين مستعربين لعب فيكم الاستعمار لعب ناهيك انك تتكلمي يا قبطية لغه ماهي لغتك الام وفوق جالس تودي بجحه وقله ذوق غوري يا ام الفسيخ والبصل
😂😂 المشكلة ان العرب كلهم فخورين
ولما يتقمصوا مننا يشتمونا يا رقاصيين.
سرقة وبجاحة @@maryamkhae6466
any one still listen in OCTOBER 2024
me 😅🌹
Me too XD
Me ❤
And God bless you Dollly.thank you.
من حافظ على الصلاة كان له عهد أن يدخله الله الجنة، ومن أضاع الصلاة فهو معرض لعذاب القبر والنار والعياذ بالله
إلى من يريد ترك المعاصي وشكر نعمة الله
الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر
الله الذي خلقنا ورزقنا فكيف لا نصلي له ونشكره، وقد وعد من شكره بالزيادة، وتوعد من كفر بنعمته أن يعذبه
من حافظ على الصلاة يستطيع ترك أي معصية بإذن الله، وهو موعود بالرزق في الدنيا والجنة في الآخرة
الصلاوات الخمس مع الجماعة في المسجد
@@abdulazizabdulhakeem5840 جزاك الله
I'm from Lithuania. I love Arabic music. Wonderful
This music and songs are Egyptian. Arab art is different from Egyptian art. If you want to hear Arabic art and music, listen to Saudi or Yemeni songs and you will find a difference between Egyptian art and Arab art.
@@ahmedkamal9881 she said arabic, not arabian. this song uses arabic so it's arabic music.
@@maverickiest What you say is wrong. Egyptian music and art have nothing to do with Arab art. The culture of Egypt, the heritage of Egypt, and the art of Egypt are different from the Arabs. If you want to hear Arabic art and music, listen to Yemeni, Saudi, or Qatari songs and music. Indeed, you will find a big difference between Egyptian and Arab art. O Arabs, stop stealing Egypt’s art and heritage, be proud of your heritage and art, and do not steal Egypt’s art and attribute it to the Arabs.
@@ahmedkamal9881 im not even Arab. i think you have misunderstood, im not talking about culture but language. oum kultum sang her song in arabic, that makes it arabic music. to be specific, Egyptian arabic music.
@@ahmedkamal9881have nothing to do with Arab art? The poem Umm kulthum referenced was written by an Arab in Arabic
This song wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Arabs
Do Brasil, apaixonada por músicas Arabes, pelo povo e pela cultura (arte)
It's Egyptian music 😭🇪🇬❤
@@maryamkhae6466أكتب كلمات الاغنيه بالفرعوني وغنيها بالفرعوني ولحنها بالفرعوني وما تكتب بالعربي ...وبعدين اتفاسف 😅😊
@@maryamkhae6466عربيه غصب عنك ومصر عربيه
@@ألبرتأينشتاين-ق6ي غصبا عن امىك مصر ملهاش اي علاقه بالعربيه
Bir türk olarak çok seviyorum bu
klasik arap müziklerini. Müzik ve ezgi harika.🇹🇷
That Music is Egyptian not arap.
@@Dalosham are not egyptians arap?
@@snnnc629 ya Egyptians are Egyptians not arab
@@Dalosham hahha read to history.
What laguage to the speak?
We speak Egyptian Arabic, but it does not belong to the classical Arabic language very much. Just like the country of Mexico speaks Spanish, but Mexicans are not Spanish.
Is nobody going to mention the energy of the conductor?
Yes!! 👏👏👏🇦🇷 Argentina
He's put every bit of his heart and soul into it. You gotta love him!
He has a great passion
The energy might be coming from his beautiful red shoes 😊 He is fantastic
O yes!! I thought no one noticed him !! He’s amazing put all his heart and soul into this song n his orchestra.. one of a kind 🌺
im greek and i appreciate Arabic music so much
This is actually Byzantine music except for the words. Byzantine music is composed of both Ancient Greek and Persian music. The reason is that when Alexander the Great conquered the Achaemenid Empire, he adopted Persian culture into Greek culture. For example, the Persian "kamancheh" became lyra in Byzantine Empire and Arabs called "rebab" to kamancheh probably after the conquer of the Sassanid Empire of Iran by Arabs. Both from the Byzantine side and the North African side (from the Spanish peninsula) it spread through Europe and in Italy, it reached its last form which is the violin. This kind of Arab music is only made in the Levant region and Egypt because of the Byzantine Empire. Also Turkey of course
@@qselector thank you for sharing this information
@@diodio0202 Parakalo! Mia hara na mirazo oles tis plirofories me esas. Ehete i pio omorfi hora ston kosmo. Na'ste panda kala!
عبد المجيد برادة يقدم لكم شاعر في قصر الباهية بمراكش ابهرجمع الحضورвидео.html
عبد المجيد برادة يقدم لكم شاعر في قصر الباهية بمراكش ابهرجمع الحضورвидео.html
This masterpiece is 52 years old..can you imagine this music was in 1969..its something magical out of this world ❤
So proud of our egyptian music and our culture 🇪🇬
my dad tells me stories of how my grandfather used to hug his old radio tightly whenever umm kulthum was playing, and to this day my dad and i listen to and cherish her music. it’s truly wonderful and transcends generations 😌♥️
Allah bless Egypt from Algeria
Ya Masr! 🇪🇬 I'm from Mexico🇲🇽 and I love Umm Khultum, imagine how crazy it is that I can't understand nor speak Arabic and I love Egyptian singers like Umm, Amr Diab and Tamer Hosny 🤭. ¡Viva Egipto! Much love from Al Maxeek 🇲🇽
Love from Tunisia 😍🇹🇳💖
@@fadwa89h65 مصر بتحب تونس ♥️♥️
هذا جميل جدا. انا من روسية. اسمع هذه موسيكا. هذا تاريخكم و ثقافة . لا تنسو هذا.
لن ننسى لا تاريخنا ولا ثقافتنا، لا تقلق.
😭من يستطيع نسيان هده التحفة (انا لست مصرية)
تتكلمي العربية
Qué maravilla de orquesta y voz.
Mi respeto y Admiración a la cultura árabe
Saludos desde España
Thanks ❤
Sono del Marocco, la musica è bellissima anche il testo, parla di amore che ultimamente è scomparso nel mondo. Palestina libera ❣️
مصرية مش عربية
@@shehab-j2gif Arabs didn’t exist this song wouldn’t exist either
@@shehab-j2gلغة عربية ولحن عربي ومصر عربية 😂
I'm from iran, and I don't understand arabic but i love arabic language and I fly with Arabic songs and go to another world.
Thank you salam to iranian people
خوش امدى من از عراق هايده هم رو دوست دارم
متشكرم از قلبم
:«l oooooo9 wdee&
@@dallegiines3083 سبيده بخير شما كدوم شهرى
I'm enjoying this amazing orchestra. I'm from Ecuador 🇪🇨, arab music sounds so special to me. It takes me to ancestral times
Thank you bro ❤️
this is a bit of the magic of arabic culture and language 🐎🌷
I'm Mohammed ali from arab land
Consejo a usted una cancion en arabe "YA HABIBI TAALA " que quierre decir "benga querido " interpretada por la diva "lubna al qintar " con el orchestra arabe de michigan. Es un regalo. Me desculpo por las faltas porque hablo un poco de espagnol
@@djaafarlarabi2607 Escucharé su sugerencia, muchas gracias
It’s Egyptian music
@@moons9149 ..Egypt IS arabe country.. ....
I'm Iranian and I'm rendered speechless; hands down!
Love from Iran and Kermanshah ❤🇮🇷
الاكراد ابطال تحياتي🌹
@mansor9951 my pleasure dear friend 🧡
@@mansor9951 thank you dear brother
I m argentinian with syrian roots... I love this music..feels so beautyfull in every way
Are you from yabroud ?😂
RIP diego maradona 😥
Consejo a usted una cancion en arabe "YA HABIBI TAALA " que quierre decir "benga querido " interpretada por la diva "lubna al qintar " con el orchestra arabe de michigan. Es un regalo. Me desculpo por las faltas porque hablo un poco de espagnol
الجميل اني حضرت هذه الحفلة شخصيا والحين اقدر اعيد كل لحظة ...شعور حلو
شو شعورك سولفينه ؟
محظوظه انك حضرتيها
ياحظك ماشاءالله 🤍
يابختك شكثر أنتي محظوظة ماشاءالله عليكي
هذا الحفل بالسعودية ولا وين
An Iranian here. I love Alf Leila wi Leila by different singers. I don't think anyone can reach Umm Kulthum, but still it is a joy to listen to.
Thank you Persian music is classy too. May Allah have mercy on Shajarian soul he was such a gem
@@farishope6540 Interesting you mentioned Shajarian. Did you know Umm Kulthum was his favourite singer?
@@azar1354 I did not know that :)
Dammit garm azizam. Dorood bar roohe eshon.
Dinliyorum ve ağlıyorum.Arap kardeşlerime selam olsun...
الموسيقى العربية الأجمل عالميا بلا منازع ✌🏽🇵🇸☝🏾
you talk shit, free land inhabited by slaves what good is that, if Sadam is your hero there is no good expected from you
@@jamestzz5886 And you, as much as you are, every free person himself. Let him love Saddam. It is freedom and democracy, as there are even now those who love Hitler.
@@yosefyosef1392 You use DEMOCRACY to justify supporting a nasty DICTATOR and you say its ok to love Hitler. that is very sad
اوافقك في الرأي الموسيقي العربيه الافضل عالميا بلا منازع فعلا
love from China, music unite us❤
🇮🇶🤝 🇨🇳
Wow I am never moved by orchestra music but this is so beautiful. Who’s here for 2024?
Am here
Here! This is timeless. Reminds me of my childhood. Dad played this in the background all the time
The great Baligh Hamdi 😍
ياترى مين الذوق ال بيسمعها بشهر 7 2024
هيني هلق بسمعها
أنا لما أشرب خيرا لذيذا
Greetings to all my Arab cousins 🇸🇦
Its egyptian music 🇪🇬 not saudi 🇸🇦
@@KemetEG who said it's Saudi?
Are you tripping?
@@lamar7bn the flag
@@KemetEG that was to indicate my nationality. Ok?
@@lamar7bn Robert from Saudi Arabia ??
I am Kazakh, I live in Paris. I love Arabian songs and music!
Bah c'est parce que vous avez un superbe goût 😇💓
Привет Земляк. Как дела?
Check out Three Camels and a Scooter. You'll love it!
Go to jell.... You are not polite....
@@avakordirani2057 I think you have misunderstood. It's a beautiful youtube channel celebrating arabic music on vinyl by someone I know. So I was just mentioning it here. I have lived and worked in the the middle east and appreciate arabic music.
I’m from Dominican Republic 🇩🇴, I’m belly dancer and I LOVE Arabic music. Also Turkish music.♥️видео.html
Wauw, I'm Turkish. Are you really a belly dancer? That's great. 🙂 Oriental?
The instruments are talking and her voice is like velvet. So effortless! This is what I call a good voice!
مصر هي الفن و الجمال و العشق و التاريخ 🇹🇳💕♥️💕♥️💕
والله سح، مصر و العراق اغنيتهم كثير جميلة.
تحية مصرية ليكى ولكل اهلنا فى تونس الخضراءوان شاء الله ازوركم قريبا فور انتهاء كورونا
@@mostafaramadan6195 ربنا يرحمنا و يزيل الوباء ❣️ اللهم اجعله عاما سعيدا 💞🙏
@@raniaabidi7380 اللهم امين يارب .. نفسي ازور سيدى بوسعيد والقيروان وتونس العاصمة طبعا
@@mostafaramadan6195بشرنا رحت لتونس ولالا
I'm Australian. I've listened many times, you can never get enough. The singer does a fabulous job living up to Oum Kalthoum. Thank you.видео.htmlfeature=shared
Nice to hear that)
Egyptian music
Umm Kulzum fue única y sin comparación. Saludos de Argentina.
Oum Kalthoum, Star of the East, is a legend
Listening from Serbia 🇷🇸🇸🇾🇪🇬
Its Egyptian song 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬
@@mariemsalah863 im from syria so i know its for om kulthoum❤❤
@@3bdulkaderasmar ربنا يصلح حال سوريا بإذن الله ❤️
@@mariemsalah863 آمين .. اطيب ناس انتو ❤🇪🇬видео.html
Dünyanın en büyük miraslarından bu şarkılar inanılmaz ve tarif edilemez bir güzellikte.
Muslum babanin sarksisi değil mi bu
I'm from Romania. I was always fascinated by the egyptian culture and I think this song is a Masterpiece. Thank you for posting this!
Free Palestine 💖🇩🇿🇵🇸
Egyptian music♥️🔥
It is as well
Thanks for being here and supporting our arts mr. Cezar
@@awssulieman4719 It is with pleasure! Many blessings to you and to all ☺️🙏
@@masaba6825 وهي بتغني روسي 🙂
يااااااا حبيبي
أم كلثوم لن يكررها الزمن
تحية للعرب والعرب الذي يفتخر بعربيته
as an iranian i love classic arabian music, long live Egypt for rising such singers like Muhammad abdul wahab and um kolsum
Thanks for ur nice comment ❤️
She is Egyptians, she isn't arab
Egyptian music and Egyptian songs. There is nothing Arabic here
Türkiye’den selamlar saygılar sevgiler .. harikasınız . Muhteşemsiniz
هذا تراثنا يابجم تراث العرب
@@السيدبيلي-ط5ص hmm
@@السيدبيلي-ط5ص واحد يقولك انتم رائعين تقوله يا بجم ، بجد انت انسان مش محترم
From the depths of Middle Eastern culture and art, this emanates. Love and Peace from Iran.
It’s Arabic culture
Middle Eastern is also Turkish Armenian, Persian etc so it's Arabic culture
@@had3079 it's Egyptian and egypt in the middle east
از شما بسيار سپاز كذارم . From Marrakech
Welcome to the brothers, the people of Iran
I'm Indonesian... I love Arabic Song, Poetry Arab... I'm gratuated from Arabic and Literature Studies Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta... i'm really really love all about history arab, Arabic Song, Poetry Arab...😍❤
عبد المجيد برادة يقدم لكم شاعر في قصر الباهية بمراكش ابهرجمع الحضورвидео.html
Egyptian Arabic song
@@MohamedMohamed-lo3xj Wherever
شكراً لك ❤️
i'm Indonesian, listening to arabian music makes me travelling to different world..Amazingg😢
Thank you bro ❤️
this is a bit of the magic of arabic culture and language 🐎🌷
I'm Mohammed ali from arab land
Makes me travelling in the past especially Om kalthoum songs are so old
Ada temen juga akhirnya wkwkwk saya suka dengar instrumennya juga
Indonesia 🇲🇨🇲🇨😊😊😁
Enak yah musiknya..
Any one here in December 2024
I’m here in Dec 2074
😢😢 i cant stop watching ,
Hi , December 2024
أشاهد هذا المقطع شبه يومياً،
من أجمل التحف الموسيقية العربية، شكراً لمصر العروبة على هذا الابداع، و للملكة العربية السعودية على تشجيعها و استضافتها للأوركسترا العربية الوطنية ! ♥️
فعلا من اجمل ما رآت عيني أضيف المايسترووووو رائع وكله روح وحياه
Samia Khaled
بالفعل المايسترو كان فاكهة الحفل، يعطي الحماس للجمهور و الثقة لفرقته الموسيقية و المغنيّة.
هذا كان في السعودية
Anas Anas مركز إثراء بالظهران
@@Ibnmsrk لاياخي اظن في امريكا خش القناة بتلقا زي المقطع يتكلمون فيه عن الفكرة حقت القناة
Yalaaaaaaa! For all my Arab friends from University of Kent! What a hymn! Regards from Greece
This music and songs are Egyptian. Arab art is different from Egyptian art. If you want to hear Arabic art and music, listen to Saudi or Yemeni songs and you will find a difference between Egyptian art and Arab art.
@@ahmedkamal9881 theres no getting over it youre a muzlim arab
@@ahmedkamal9881the poem umm kulthum is singing about and referencing is an Arabic poem
Also umm kulthums dna would be closer to the Arabs than it would the Pharaohs of Egypt
So yes it’s An Arabic song
ولا غلطة، فرقة خطيرة .. مايسترو اسطوري .. مطربة شجيه تصوير رائع.. جمهور راقي
14.58 غلط واضح من المطربة ويلي انقذها عازف الدربكة
I'm from Saudi living in USA and this performance was close to my home and soul. Thank you so much for sharing this, especially during these times.
انا حضرت الحفلة في الظهران كان شعورر جميل
we are proud that we have Egypt 🇪🇬 in our Arab world love you from Iraq 🇮🇶❤️🇪🇬
انشهد ❤️❤️❤️
@@ragad363 🌺❤️🥰
@@sosaq3841 🇲🇦💗
🇩🇿🇩🇿 Much love from Algeria to the two stars of our Arab nation: Egypt and Iraq
المايسترو ينبع حياة اتمنى يظل على جماله هذا ومايذبل
ايوالله اتمنى ذلك أيضا .. لفت نظري!!
اش هو اسم المايسترو
Caesar Michael Ibrahim
لفت نظري فعلا
مشاء الله عليه
Türkiye'den selamlar. Harika bir sanatçı Mia Farouk. National Arab Orchestra'yı çok beğeniyorum.
I can't wait to see the National Arab Orchestra in Ann Arbor Michigan this March. Just bought my plane tickets. That's right. I am literally FLYING just to see them. Love from Philadelphia, PA.
Soo jealous, hope you enjoy :)
Good Luck. I wished I could join you.
Lucky you ! Enjoy 🌞
This concert was in KSA, I literally left off in the mid of my work that day to attend, and it was totally worth it.
@@colonel016 I've definitely made the right choice then! Cheers!
As a Turkish woman I've always loved Arab music culture and language. National Arab Orchestra is one of my favourites that I like to listen.thank you for this beautiful sound, song, voice and joy
@@kdevhdsdv Cok doğru
Bir şey anlamadım ama çok haklısın.😂
@Arif sonuna kadar MKA önderim olacak. Ayrica arap müzik kültürünü sevmekten bahsediyorum,arap seviciligi değil. Kaldı ki politika yapmak için yanlış platformdasin. Korkuncsun. Burda bile insanları rahatsız edebiliyorsunuz sen ve senin gibi cahil güruhlar.pess
لا تنسين انتم اصل لغتكم عربية لكن الاحتلال غير لغتكم تحياتي الك من العراق بغداد
@@انتبهعلىنفسك-ج5ف actually we are not originally arab, "There are perhaps 135 million Turkic people in the world today, with only about 40 percent of them living in Turkey. They rest are scattered across Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and northern and western China, making them one of the most widely scattered races in the world. All these people descended from a small tribe of horseman that originated in the Altai region
The word "Turk," is derived from the Chinese character “Tu-Kiu”, which means "forceful" and "strong." The Chinese believed these Turks descended from wolves and the Great Wall of China may have been built to keep them out. According to legend a gray wolf led the first Turkic tribes from their homeland in Central Asia into Anatolia." We dont have any relationship with the arab nations.
I am from Brazil. I love arabic music.
Egyptian music not Arabic 😊
اغبى تعليق @@أوركيدى-ر5ص
@@أوركيدى-ر5ص لو مسحنا الكلمات العربية يختفي كامل النص ههههههه
Adoro la musica orientale !!! Probabilmente in una vita passata lo son stato Arabo !!!
Say habibi and you'r Arab 😀
Loving it from Lisbon, Portugal! Arab music strikes a cord inside my heart, cannot be explained! Ancestral connections, for sure, afterall it is said that the portuguese FADO has its roots in arabic music, from the times that part of the Iberian peninsula was under arab domination. (9th century AD).
As a Arab I love Portugal and Portuguese always felt a connection with people from Iberian peninsula (as well as Italy)
عبد المجيد برادة يقدم لكم شاعر في قصر الباهية بمراكش ابهرجمع الحضورвидео.html
شكراً لك 🙏❤️
It does have a bit of fado vibes indeed. Authentic, ancestral and music that’s actually telling a story... btw, Portugal is a beauty. From your Moroccan neighbor...
I love you Portuguese so much I spent the best 2 months in my life in Lisbon as a trainee with AIESEC.Ah Fado it touched my heart so deeply and especiallu Amalia Rodrigues is wonderful and that was in 1999 and I was in Amalia funeral near the parliament.the welcome I saw from portuguese is beyond words can explaşn and as a Tunisian from Andalusian decent I felt deep connection to you and to your culture
I am a Panamanian pianist and piano teacher and I can appreciate and treasure musicas this one. At the end of the day music unites races, cultures and countries.
Thank u Felicia